The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Profiling
Started by: Ron Edwards
Started on: 11/2/2001
Board: Actual Play

On 11/2/2001 at 5:54pm, Ron Edwards wrote:

Hey there,

Shortly after the Forge became revived, a thread started up that was VERY useful to everyone involved at the time. I'd like to start it again, as it really belonged in this forum anyway.

It goes like this.
What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, have you enjoyed the most?

What three role-playing games that you have NOT played would you most like to try?

So for me, at present, it goes like this:

Last played: Little Fears, a homebrew by a group member, and Hero Wars

Most enjoyed: Sorcerer, Hero Wars, The Whispering Vault

Want to try: The Dying Earth, Nobilis, Wyrd

And one final point - if you have no objection, it'd be nice to know people's real first names if you don't use it already. There's absolutely no obligation to do so, but if it's OK with you, just sign your profile with it.


[ This Message was edited by: Ron Edwards on 2001-11-02 13:18 ]

Message 843#7636

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On 11/2/2001 at 6:16pm, jburneko wrote:
RE: Profiling

Okay I'm game.

Last Played: 7th Sea, Deadlands, D&D3E

Most Enjoyed: Chill, 7th Sea, Deadlands

Want To Try: Sorcerer, Castle Falkenstein, Any World of Darkness Game.


Message 843#7643

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On 11/2/2001 at 6:17pm, joshua neff wrote:
RE: Profiling

Okay, well my online name is joshua neff & my real name is Joshua Neff. (Those caps make ALL the difference!)

Last 3 RPGs played: Mage (my own mutated version), InSpectres, The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen

Most enjoyed: Well, I quite like the general premise & setting of Mage, but as many have heard me bitch, I'm really frustrated with White Wolf's system & their metaplotiness. The other games I've most enjoyed: InSpectres & Over the Edge.

Want to try: Story Engine, Sorcerer, & Dying Earth. (And, yes, Adventure!.)

Message 843#7644

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On 11/2/2001 at 6:33pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last three: Universalis (if it counts), Some wacky home rules I came up with that were a combination of D6 using Zenobia's combat system, Rolemaster, and Over the Edge (in case Uni don't count)

Favorites: Assorted homebrews and Universalis. What can I say, I make games I like. My players hate the fact that they have to learn new rules for every game we play, though. My RM campaigns have gone through seven full versions of the rules, one of which looked suspiciously like GURPS. I'm a madman, I admit it. And, hey, you can make anything out of Hero System... :smile:

Want to try: Hero Wars, Primeval (two days from now with Tom), Geek Season as soon as Sean gets back to me with his latest edits!


Message 843#7647

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On 11/2/2001 at 6:37pm, Balbinus wrote:
RE: Profiling


Played: Gurps, Elric, Call of Cthulhu.

Most enjoyed: Call of Cthulhu (by a long way), Gurps (though I don't like it at all nowadays), Feng Shui/OtE tie (though I've only played each once). Getting to 3 here is difficult, there are a lot of tied at third places.

Want to try: Sorceror and Sword, Little Fears, Castle Falkenstein. Again, tricky to pick just 3.

Why am I presently playing Gurps even though I don't like the system anymore? Simple, its not my game and the GM likes Gurps.



Message 843#7649

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On 11/2/2001 at 6:38pm, James Holloway wrote:
RE: Profiling

My real name is just like it says:

Last played: Call of Cthulhu (live and tt), Mage (live), FVLMINATA

Most enjoyed: Call of Cthulhu, Unknown Armies, FVLMINATA

Want to try: too many to list: let's try Sorcerer, Over the Edge, and Wyrd, just as examples.

Message 843#7650

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On 11/2/2001 at 6:49pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Profiling

Aw, crud, how could I not put Cthulhu on my list of favorites. Can I get a do over? Cthulhu!

Yog-Sothoth! Ia! Ia! Ftaghn Cthulhu!

(that doesn't work over the internet does it?)

Message 843#7652

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On 11/2/2001 at 7:53pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Profiling

Wasn't there some discussion of adding these items to the user profiles? It would be cool as hell to press a button and see a chart or something showing games trending upwards or downwards in popularity among Forge regulars.

Here goes:

Last played: The Pool, Theatrix, and InSpectres

Most enjoyed: The last few games I've played

Most want to try at this very moment: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil, Whispering Vault, Swashbuckler


Message 843#7660

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On 11/2/2001 at 8:00pm, Laurel wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last played: Exalted, generic d20, friend's indie game called Adventurer.

Favorite: Werewolf, Over The Edge 2nd Ed, Shadowrun

Want to try: Sorcerer, Little Fears, Wuthering Heights

(PS- There's a lot of Seattle folks on The Forge. I'd really like to participate in a twice monthly group to try indie games, with a revolving GM)

Message 843#7661

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On 11/2/2001 at 8:03pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Profiling

Thanks for getting this started, Ron.

Last three games I played: D&D 3E, Star Wars D20, Warhammer FRP

Three games I've most enjoyed: Call of Cthulhu, AD&D, Marvel Super Heroes

Three games I want to play: Ars Magica, Nobilis, Tribe 8


Matt Snyder

[ This Message was edited by: chimera on 2001-11-02 15:04 ]

Message 843#7663

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On 11/2/2001 at 8:18pm, 333Chronzon wrote:
RE: Profiling

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

PRIMEVAL (playtesting, if that counts :smile: , GURPS (Fantasy), WereWolf: The Apocalpse.

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, have you enjoyed the most?

I have had a good time with alot of games, the only one I could say that I had a *consistently* good time with as far as playing them goes is CoC. TMNT comes in a close second, but that's due mainly to the people I was playing with at the time and the *ideas* of the game vs anthing to do with the Paladium game itself.

The single best Roleplaying expeience of my life was during a Home brew 'fantasy' game created and run by a friend of mine about 7 years ago. It was overall the best run, most intense and enjoyable experience I ever had roleplaying. Well, until we started work on PRIMEVAL :smile:

What three role-playing games that you have NOT played would you most like to try?

Agone, Little Fears, Unknown Armies

I would love to try these out. I have Little Fears, but very little opportunity to run or play anything right now.

Scott Bowen

Message 843#7665

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On 11/2/2001 at 8:51pm, mahoux wrote:
RE: Profiling

Well, considering I have been running with a group that changes its makeup regularly, I would say:

played recently - Indspectres, Broomstix and Deadlands

enjoyed - a really fun D&D, Broomstix and Deadlands

would like to play - basically CoC, a full blown 7th Sea and Plastic people. Plastic people is one I would have to play, not run.

Overall, I enjoy a lot of games but I just never get the chance to finish them all

Message 843#7666

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On 11/2/2001 at 9:01pm, Jeffrey Straszheim wrote:
RE: Profiling

Hey there,

Last Played: The Pool, Sorcerer, Everway
Favorite: The Pool, Prince Valient, Ars Magica
Desired: Hero Wars, Wyrd, Nobilis

Oh, and my RL name is Jeffrey Straszheim

Message 843#7667

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On 11/2/2001 at 9:56pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Profiling

I'd really like to participate in a twice monthly group to try indie games, with a revolving GM.

Holy bonus Batman! A female player/GM who's looking for a group?!?! I thought the species was extinct outside of captivity. How far is it from Seattle to Michigan anyway?

Message 843#7673

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On 11/2/2001 at 11:01pm, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last Played: Story Engine, D&D 3E, Big Eyes Small Mouth

Most Enjoyed: Big Eyes Small Mouth, Mage, Feng Shui(a year and a half campaign!)

Want to play: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil(looks fun), the Pool, personal homebrew

I, too, am a Seattle GM looking to play new games with folks. :smile:

Message 843#7676

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On 11/2/2001 at 11:59pm, Blake Hutchins wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last played: Mage, DnD 3E, The Pool

Most enjoyed: The Pool, Everway, Ars Magica

Most want to play: Sorcerer, Story Engine, Hero Wars

Message 843#7679

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On 11/3/2001 at 4:32pm, Don Lag wrote:
RE: Profiling

Name: Sebastian

Last played

Oscura (Today's the second playtesting session)
Robotech (exactly 1 session a few months ago)
D&D (a rather fun campaign that I stopped playing about 2 or 3 years ago)

Most Enjoyed

Oscura (Years ago when it was just my modified D&D campaign, had tons of fun with it)
Improvs (During my first year of RPG retirement, it would sometimes be interrupted by improvised sessions that I enjoyed very much GMing)
Robotech (Years ago, flying veritechs was cool plus the GM had a pretty nice military intrigue thing going on)

Wanting to Play

Underground RPG (Awesome satire)
Little Fears
Mage or Sorceror (Mage showed me how interesting magic should be in a game, Sorceror seems to do that also -differently- plus it seems to have an interesting system and it seems I won't be pressed to buy 20 other sourcebooks)

[ This Message was edited by: Don Lag on 2001-11-03 11:33 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Don Lag on 2001-11-03 11:34 ]

Message 843#7697

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On 11/3/2001 at 5:17pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Profiling

Hi Don Lag,

Oh no, Sebastian?? Damn. That's one of my example-character names that I use a lot for discussions on the Forge. (Sam plays Sebastian, Bob plays Bartholemew.) I hope you don't mind.

I also wanted to say that I downloaded all of your material about Oscura a couple of months ago (I read Spanish) and I've been looking forward to more!


Message 843#7698

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...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated Actual Play
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On 11/4/2001 at 7:00pm, Don Lag wrote:
RE: Profiling

No problem on using Sebastian, I've already noticed you using it, nice :smile:

Personally I've found I like to use Rudolph.

And thanks for the comment on Oscura, I hope you find the playtesting news interesting. I'll try to post some game and setting updates as soon as I get some studying done!

Message 843#7714

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On 11/5/2001 at 3:12am, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Profiling

"You know me, and I sure know you, everyone of you."

Last 3 games played:
D&D3e, Mike Gentry's Hobo game, Vampire LARP

Most enjoyed 3 games:
You know? I have no idea...unfortunately, it's hard to pick NOT because I have an excess of great game experiences. :sad:

Most looking forward to play:
Whispering Vault, Godlike, The Dying Earth

Message 843#7736

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On 11/5/2001 at 5:44am, John Wick wrote:
RE: Profiling

Didn't I just write 1,500 words on this topic?

Oh well, here we go again.

Last 3 Played
Call of Cthulhu (I try to run a game every Halloween)
Forbidden Kingdoms (with Otherworld's Hyrum Savage)
D&D (again, with Mr. Savage who has a kid named Jack. What a lucky little tyke!)

Most Enjoyed
The 3 game sessions I had the most fun at were:
Boot Hill (a very creepy undead Confederate unit returning for revenge game)
James Bond 007 (I was 004 and my GM was a lucious young thing who really enjoyed death traps)
Primeval (I was the Babylonian Seductress; how cool is that?)

Want to Try
Bloodlust (hasn't been released yet)
Wyrd (I'm gonna get a playtest version soon... right Thrym?)
Sorcerer (I'm only gonna play this with Ron)

There's more, but that's on the top of my list.

Take care,

PS: The Wife just chided in that she really wants to try CHILL. Of course, she also thought 13 GHOSTS was the best thing EEEVVEERR!!! Can't argue that.


Message 843#7743

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On 11/5/2001 at 5:47am, Galfraxas wrote:
RE: Profiling

Name: Tim Boser (Boser + a single umlaut = German word for "The Evil One", Go figure.)

Last 3 Games Played: AFMBE, Toon, Stuperpowers!

3 Most Enjoyed Games: TOO MANY CHOICES!

3 Games I Want To Play Most: Dying Earth, Twilight 2000, the rewrite of Pulp Era

That's My Piece.

Galfraxas, The (Evil One) Gamer From The 43rd Dimension

Message 843#7744

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On 11/5/2001 at 8:51am, Ferry Bazelmans wrote:
RE: Profiling

Name: Ferry

Last three games played:

  • Halls of the Arcanum (WW)
  • Dungeons and Dragons 3rd edition
  • Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition

Not very spectacular, but hey.
Actually, the Halls of the Arcanum (more often referred to as plain Arcanum) is a deep, involving experience for me. The campaign is very complicated, with personal subplots vying for attention while the main plot (if there is such a thing) slowly creeps to fruition. The GM is brilliant...

Three games most enjoyed:

  • Paranoia (two one-shot demos at a con - 9 years ago)
  • Call of Cthulhu (I always seem to be an elephant gun magnet)
  • Dreampark (the sheer monstrosities you can build by mixing genres is amazing)

Three games I would most like to play:

  • Sorcerer
  • Unknown Armies
  • Adventure!


Message 843#7746

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On 11/5/2001 at 1:53pm, unodiablo wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last Played: Primeval (yesterday), Universalis (yesterday), then 2 Page Action Movie RPG, and the Pool and InSpectres.

Most Enjoyed: Gamma World, 'Toon, and Brains: Hardcore Punks against Dead Guys, or maybe Attack of the Humans.

Wanna Play! Sorcerer, Little Fears, and a running campaign of 2PAM. Hopefully starting tomorrow!


Message 843#7751

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On 11/5/2001 at 3:55pm, kwill wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last Played: D&D3E (too much!), Unknown Armies (fizzled), UnderWorld pbem (fizzled)

Most Enjoyed: Deadlands, Delta Green (Call of Cthulhu), Squeam

Want to Play (retail): FVLMINATA, Sorcerer, d20 Call of Cthulhu (I just want to try it out, okay?)

Want to Play (Forge): The Pool, The World, The Flesh & The Devil, SLURPS
(I'm more likely to do these first, see?)

Message 843#7757

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On 11/5/2001 at 4:17pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Profiling

Quit cheating, everybody!! Three, three, and three, OK?


Message 843#7759

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On 11/5/2001 at 4:49pm, unheilig wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last Played: Primeval, Universalis (yesterday with Mike), Call of Cthulhu

Most enjoyed of all time: Primeval, Hol, D&D (more to do with the people, not the game itself)

big thumbs up for Universalis too!

Want to try: More Universalis, Wyrd, Sorceror

Message 843#7764

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On 11/5/2001 at 5:04pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last Three Played
Transformers d6 homebrew
Vampire: The Masquerade
Little Fears

Most Enjoyed
Cyberpunk 2020
The End
Vampire: The Masquerade

Want to Try

And in a legitimately not meaning to pimp addendum, I really want to try Tea Leaves but am still ironing out the system. Once that's done, it'll bump something off the "Want to Try" lit. Hopefully a game I will have played by then.

Message 843#7766

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On 11/5/2001 at 6:15pm, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: Profiling

For the record, my name is Scott.

Last Three Played
The Pool
Appalachia Now!

Most Enjoyed
The Pool
Appalachia Now!

Most Looking Forward To
Hero Wars
revised Kayfabe
The Riddle of Steel (or whatever Jared ends up calling it)

[ This Message was edited by: hardcoremoose on 2001-11-05 13:16 ]

Message 843#7773

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On 11/5/2001 at 9:00pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Profiling

Does running a game count as "playing"?

If not, the last three games I was a player in:
DnD3E (Forgotten Realms), d20 Star Wars, L5R (using d20 rules)

If running the game counts, then the last three games I was in, starting from yesterday:
d20 Star Wars, Vampire, DnD3E (Planescape)

Three games I've most enjoyed: Changeling, Castle Falkenstein, Mage. Tho I think those games all had more to do with the players and the GM than the system or background.

Three games I want to play: Sorcerer, Aberrant, CONTINUUM, Godlike (yeah, it's four, sue me)

And, at the risk of being pejorative, the three worst game I've ever been in: Changeling (different campaign, same GM, go figure), Rifts, AD&D (2nd Edition)

Oh, and I prefer my college nickname, Loki. (I roomed with a gentleman who went by "Thor". Long story.)

[ This Message was edited by: xiombarg on 2001-11-05 16:03 ]

Message 843#7791

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On 11/5/2001 at 11:25pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Profiling


Being in a game in any way, shape, or form is role-playing. "GM vs. player" is irrelevant.

Four!? Bad Loki! Back in the cavern, strap'im down, and get the snake.


Message 843#7820

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On 11/6/2001 at 10:09am, Mytholder wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last Played: Vampire larp, Cthulhu, Feng Shui

Best: L5R, Cthulhu, Nobilis

Want to play: Sorcerer, don't have a definite third choice right now.

Message 843#7858

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On 11/6/2001 at 6:20pm, Epoch wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last games played:

Amber, Amber, Amber (I just went to an Ambercon)

More seriously:

Amber, D&D, The Vietnam Game

Most enjoyed:

Amber, D&D, Changeling

Want to play:

Hmmm. This is hard to say. What I want to play is a good game with a system that works well for the game. It seems to be rare for me, at this point in my life, to see a game and say, "Boy, I want to play that game unmodified."

That said, perhaps Adventure!, Blue Planet, and, eh, I can't think of a third.

Message 843#7886

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On 11/6/2001 at 9:25pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Profiling

Four!? Bad Loki! Back in the cavern, strap'im down, and get the snake.

Hey, it's not my fault it's a toss up between CONTINUUM and Aberrant. If you want to drop to 3, remove CONTINUUM -- I think it takes a very special GM to run that.

Message 843#7899

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On 11/6/2001 at 10:55pm, Pariahic wrote:
RE: Profiling

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

Little Fears, AFMBE, 7th Sea

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, have you enjoyed the most?

Call of Cthulhu, 7th Sea, Shadowrun

What three role-playing games that you have NOT played would you most like to try?

Blue Planet, Sorcerer, Pokethulhu

Oh, and my real name is Gregg Kern

Message 843#7909

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On 11/6/2001 at 11:46pm, erithromycin wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last played: Sunset 'Current Edition' [homebrew card-based system built for a Non-WOD Vampire LARP][1], Sorcerer, 3D&D.

Enjoyed: Sunset, Sorceror, Cyberpunk

Want to play: More Sorcerer, a Highlander homebrew written by a mate of mine, and a CJ Cherryh Merchanter game using CoC run by yet another mate.

My real name is drew.

[1] I'm one of 3 GM/STs, and one of 5 Refs, so I'm not sure this counts. I NPC, and have recurrent characters, so it's all a mess. I ran Sorcerer too, and aim to carry on.

Message 843#7917

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On 11/7/2001 at 12:27am, Ben Morgan wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last 3 Games Played: L5R, CyberGen, Vampire.

3 Games Most Enjoyed: Vampire, Cyberpunk 2020, L5R.

3 Games Most Looking Forward to Playing: Sorcerer (& Sword!), octaNe, Elfs (I'm really on this whole indie-kick right now).

Message 843#7919

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On 11/7/2001 at 3:16am, Yasha wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last played: Star Wars (WEG), Everway, Age of Empire
Most enjoyed: Deadlands, Everway, Pandemonium!
Want to play (so many, including): Tribe 8, Maelstrom Storytelling, Nobilis

Message 843#7922

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On 11/7/2001 at 12:43pm, contracycle wrote:
RE: Profiling

Well, my name is Gareth Martin if its important ot anyone.

Last played: Jovian Chronicles, Conspiracy X, Mage

Favourite: Cconspiracy X, Mage, Gurps cyberpunk setting with homebrew mechanics

Want to try: Nobilis, Sorcerer, LOT5R converted to HeroWars (my current project)

[ This Message was edited by: contracycle on 2001-11-07 07:51 ]

Message 843#7932

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On 11/7/2001 at 12:46pm, contracycle wrote:
RE: Profiling

Most enjoyed of all time: Primeval, Hol, D&D (more to do

You actually *played* HOL? How was it?

Message 843#7933

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On 11/7/2001 at 3:16pm, unheilig wrote:
RE: Profiling

HOL was (and is) suprisingly playable.

I've actually been involved in lengthy campaigns.

the damage system was actually damn clever, probably way more impressive than the designers even intended.

("anguish factors", pure genius!)


Message 843#7939

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On 11/8/2001 at 3:30pm, A.Neill wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last Played: DnD (D20), CoC, WHFRPG

Most Enjoyed: Horde of the Things (I know – not an RPG – but James and Tim organised a mass participation game, and Steve and I just became so immersed as Damascene Emirs – vibe just worked),

Jeremy’s home brew “CoC” (kinda Saphire and Steel meets Quantum Leap)

Judge Dredd

Want to play: Puppetland, Little Fears, Rune

Alan Neill

Message 843#8010

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On 11/8/2001 at 8:22pm, AndyGuest wrote:
RE: Profiling

Seems like a good thread to join in on. Hi, my real name's actually Andy Guest.

Most recently played - Adventure!, Star Wars (D20), Changeling (online)

Most favourite games played - Vampire, WFRP, Toon

Most like to play - Underworld, Planescape/D&D, Tribe 8


Message 843#8037

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On 11/10/2001 at 7:01am, James V. West wrote:
RE: Profiling

Better late than never:

LAST PLAYED: Nameless homemade game, DnD2e, The Pool.

MOST ENJOYED: DnD1e w/house rules/additions, nameless homemade systems, The Pool.

WANT TO PLAY: Elfs, Wyrd, DnD3e Forgotten Realms (sue me).

Damn. I just haven't played enough games these past 10 years.

James V. West

Message 843#8143

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On 11/11/2001 at 4:40am, Dav wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last 3: Little Fears, Soul-Burn, Obsidian

Best 3: Kult (1st ed.), Sorcerer, Obsidian (all for different reasons)

Wanted 3: Sin, Dying Earth (now that Ron got me salivating), Unknown Armies (just cuz)

My real name is Dav (Harnish).


Message 843#8161

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On 11/11/2001 at 4:41am, Dav wrote:
RE: Profiling

Shit shit shit! I forgot, take off that Unknown Armies and replace it with Menschlichkeit. Sorry, I just got that one, and it looks FUN!


Message 843#8162

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On 11/11/2001 at 10:06pm, Tor Erickson wrote:
RE: Profiling

Recent Three:
Dying Earth, Sorcerer, SOAP

Best Three:
Gamma World, AD&D 2nd ed. (though I haven't played either of those two for years and years), Sorcerer

Want to play:
Hero Wars, Everway, The Pool

Message 843#8174

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On 11/13/2001 at 7:01am, Gordon C. Landis wrote:
RE: Profiling

Hmm, a few changes since the "other thread". First, the name - yup, I'm Gordon C. Landis. The reason I often use the middle initial (Campbell, if anyone cares) goes back to my early days working with computer Accounting systems where things named GLxxx (after the General Ledger) were everywhere . . . I'm trying to shift to a simple "Gordon", but you know, old habits.

* Last three games you played?
- D&D 3E
- Orkworld
- InSpectres

(Orkworld and InSpectres were one-shots, but technically, that's the list)

* Favorite three games you've actually played?
- Talislanta
- OD&D homebrew with many elements from Greg Costikiyan's "Swords and Sorcery" SPI boardgame (don't know that I could enjoy it nowadays, though)
- Bar Room Brawl (continuing the 'oddities' trend in my favorites, this was a little thing in White Dwarf designed to be played with D&D. You got a character, a motivation, and the props of the bar . . we must've played 5-6 times, burning down the bar all but once, and having an absolute blast every time. Probably could still enjoy this one - love to see it adapted to DD3E)

(I hope to generate some new favorites soon)

* Three games you've always wanted to play but haven't?
- Tribe 8
- Hero Wars
- Sorceror (probably the "& Sword" flavor)

(I'd explain why this is a different list from the other thread, but that'd let me add an extra game, risking the Wrath of Ron again. Man, last time I used that "Wrath of Ron" line he mentioned ear-crawlies and I'm not sure which was worse - having to admit I knew EXACTLY what he was talking about, or the memory of just how creeped-out I was the first time I saw that scene.)

Message 843#8255

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On 11/13/2001 at 3:00pm, Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
RE: Profiling

Well, I usually hate playing this game, but here goes.

Last three games I've played are:
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
Villians and Vigilantes.

The last two go back two years. Literally. And I don't get to game regularly at all so I haven't even been playing D&D.

I don't know if I got a lot of enjoyment out of three games or if three games really stand out. V&V definately tops the list. DOn't show me Marvel SAGA or Stuperpowers. V&V is the THE comic book super hero game to me and I won't be convinced otherwise.

I used to like the Warhammer World a lot but I've since become disenchanted with it. Mostly because I hate buying pewter.

There are lots of games I'd like to try. Lots of them.

Little Fears

The list goes on but at the top of that list is my own game game, doggonit! Well, maybe I should finish writing it.

Message 843#8263

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On 12/19/2001 at 2:27pm, Ayrizale wrote:
RE: Profiling

My name is Lael, this is my first post, though I've been reading through the forums for most of this week. Very enjoyable reading.

Last three games:
Amber (as a Player)
Exalted (as a GM)
Rolemaster (as a player)

Most enjoyable games:
Vampire (as a player)
Rolemaster (as a player)
Shadowrun (as a player)

Games I'd like to play:
Tribe 8
Skyrealms of Jorune
Legend of the Five Rings

Message 843#9732

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...from around 12/19/2001

On 12/19/2001 at 4:15pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Profiling

I can't believe I missed this thread. As for me:

Last three played: 7th Sea, Dying Earth, Inspectres

Three games I've most enjoyed: Inspectres, D&D3, Sorcerer

Three (or more) games I most want to play: The Whispering Vault, Feng Shui, Sorcerer (& Sword), Orkworld, Dying Earth

Message 843#9739

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...started by Clinton R. Nixon which Clinton R. Nixon participated Actual Play
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...from around 12/19/2001

On 12/19/2001 at 4:54pm, gentrification wrote:
RE: Profiling

My name's Mike Gentry, as you all surely guessed by my handwriting.

Last Three Games Played: Call of Cthulhu (using FUDGE), Paranoia, Unknown Armies (using FUDGE). I run CoC and Paranoia; one of my buds runs UA.

Three Games I've Most Enjoyed: Call of Cthulhu (using FUDGE), Warhammer FRP (using FUDGE), Vampire: the Masquerade. That's in terms of what games I happened to be playing when I had my three best roleplaying experiences, as opposed to what games do I like best generally.

Three Games You Want to Play but Haven't: Difficult to narrow it down to only three, but here goes: Tribe 8 (using . . . something; maybe Hero Wars rules?), Paranoia (using Dying Earth rules), Baron Munchausen.

Michael Gentry

[ This Message was edited by: gentrification on 2001-12-19 11:56 ]

Message 843#9743

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On 12/19/2001 at 9:52pm, Joe Murphy (Broin) wrote:
RE: Profiling

This is so depressing.

Last played:

Theatrix, with a 1940s pulp setting.
White Wolf's Technocracy
A homemade TransFormers game, with few rules.

Most enjoyed:


God, I hate gaming.

Uhm. Right, I've struggled at this for 5 minutes.

A Star Trek game using GURPs that lasted about 8 sessions (7 years ago).

The TransFormers game I mentioned above, which lasted for 5 sessions (2 years ago).

And maybe... jeez, I dunno... A Kult game. Which lasted a year or so. Mebbe (5 years ago).

I should just kill myself.

Most want to play:

Clearly, I want to play more. Thus:

Unknown Armies. Sorceror. Continuum. Etc.



[ This Message was edited by: Joe Murphy (Broin) on 2001-12-19 16:57 ]

Message 843#9768

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On 12/19/2001 at 10:01pm, AndrewDucker wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last Played:

Vampire (different game, several years ago)

Want to play:
D&D 3rd

Message 843#9769

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On 12/20/2001 at 11:40am, Tim Denee wrote:
RE: Profiling

Tim's the name, Sim's the game. Well, not really, I'm more of a narrativist, and then a gamist, but those don't rhyme.

Last three: Aedorea (with The Window), Deadlands, ADnD 2'nd ed
Best three: Aedorea, Deadlands, Bad Ass (a terrible game I wrote, but loadsa fun at the time)
The three I yearn for: Puppetland, InSpectres, Sorcerer. But I'd settle for playing anything at all!


Message 843#9796

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On 12/20/2001 at 5:09pm, Ranko wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last: D&D 3E, Vampire:tM, Changeling.

Fav: Ars Magica, Orkworld, AD&D 2nd ed (due to a small set of sessions I GMed, where I scared the shit out of my players while spinning the story way too many times to remember:) )

Want to: Hero wars, Sorcerer and L5R (as I will Exalted very soon)

And my name is Ranko Marinic (with a small / over the c)


Message 843#9809

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On 12/20/2001 at 10:00pm, mearls wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last played: Star Wars, D&D, Weird Wars

Most enjoyed: D&D, Call of Cthulhu, Feng Shui

Want to try: Dying Earth, Fading Suns, Elric!

Message 843#9833

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On 12/21/2001 at 11:34am, Daredevil wrote:
RE: Profiling


I don't usually much post here, but thinking about these questions was enjoyable so why not post them? :smile:

Last Played: Legend of the Five Rings (played it to death, never touched the new edition), Shadowrun (played it death and then some) and Star Wars (the original - hated the system, but loved my character).

It's actually been a long while since we played something, but I've watched and waited for a good system (while creating one, too).

Most Enjoyed: Legend of the Five Rings (we reached such depths of human drama and immersion into a different culture/mindset that these memories will be with me for a long time), AD&D (1st and 2nd Editions way back in the days, but I really did enjoy it, even if I'm quite sure I couldn't anymore).

Naming a third is rather hard, I've had such fun times in all games. Probably Shadowrun (for sheer volume of played campaigns) or Star Wars (did I say I loved my character?).

Most Want to Play: Hero Wars (tho' Glorantha has never really sparked me, I'm interested in the system and maybe putting it in another setting like Middle-Earth), Sorceror and - duh - sounds stupid, but my home brew system which is still in design phase.

Oh, the name's Joachim Buchert.

Message 843#9855

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...from around 12/21/2001

On 12/28/2001 at 4:03pm, Cynthia Celeste Miller wrote:
RE: Profiling

My real name is Cynthia Celeste Miller, like my sig implies. ;0)

Last Played: Story Engine, Cartoon Action Hour (playtesting) and Champions of the Galaxy

Most Enjoyed: Champions of the Galaxy, Star Wars (WEG version) and Castle Falkenstein

Want To Try: Silver Age Sentinels, Blue Planet and Fallout (the free pen & paper version)

Cynthia Celeste Miller
-Spectrum Game Studios

[ This Message was edited by: Cynthia Celeste Miller on 2001-12-28 11:13 ]

Message 843#10191

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...started by Cynthia Celeste Miller which Cynthia Celeste Miller participated Actual Play
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On 12/31/2001 at 10:11am, Ryan Ary wrote:
RE: Profiling

Tru Name is the Same

Played Last: Delta Green, Vampire (stripped down rules), DnD3e (most recent to least)

Alltime Liked: Delta Green, WoD, Paranoia (sorry but it's so liberating joyfully accepting the inevitability of a character's death before you write down the first stat.)

Want to play: Sorcerer and Sword (just bought it yesterday), GURPS Falkinstein, Cthulu by Gaslight


Message 843#10445

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On 1/2/2002 at 1:56am, Osric wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last three: Own customised MERP/RM (every other week); a real number-cruncher of a homebrew (the other every other week); RQ3 Glorantha (3-4 years ago)

Most enjoyed: Own customised MERP/RM; HarnMaster; Werewolf (MUSHing)

Want to try (probably not for my current group): HeroWars; Sorcerer & Sword; GURPS


-- Nev.
(My mum calls me Neville)

Message 843#10543

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On 4/9/2002 at 10:42am, Lofwyr wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last 3:
L5R - A few years a go.
SRun - Until I decided that while 2 GMs sounded good... (If you ever feel like trying it out for the first time, my advice is to make sure you can stand the other would be GM in the real world first. Then make sure you have even somesort of amicable understanding on how to run the show. Like the level of realism.)
D&D3E - A recent addition, but being the Matron Mother has its perks.

Best 3:
L5R - the best summer I have ever spent (indoors).
Role Master - The innocence of youth. And the weeks and months just adventuring away with nothing to hold you back. (knowlegde -> pain)
White Wolf Megamix - In a world of the GM's making. "Better than ever, and almost goth free!"

Future 3:
Flux, Sorceror, Changeling (without the WildWackyWWWorld)


Message 843#17318

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On 4/9/2002 at 6:48pm, Ace wrote:
RE: Profiling

Ron Edwards wrote: Hey there,

Shortly after the Forge became revived, a thread started up that was VERY useful to everyone involved at the time. I'd like to start it again, as it really belonged in this forum anyway.

It goes like this.
What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, have you enjoyed the most?

What three role-playing games that you have NOT played would you most like to try?

OK last three games. D&D, GURPS, Star Wars D20

Most Enjoyed: GURPS, Rolemaster

Most want to play: Sorcerer, Witchcraft, Unknown Armies


Message 843#17393

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On 4/19/2002 at 6:05am, Russell Hoyle wrote:
RE: Profiling

Last Three:
Ars Magica

Best Three:
Call of Cthulhu

Three Most Wanted:
Dying Earth
Jared Sorensen's stuff: Eight, Idoru, octaNe (sorry, couldnt pick just ONE)


Message 843#18386

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On 4/19/2002 at 8:31am, Erik wrote:
RE: Profiling

Hi, this looks like an appropriate place to debut at the Forge.

Most recent
D&D 3e, Over the Edge, CoC

Most enjoyed
Over the Edge, Ars Magica, TORG

Want to play
InSpectres, Unknown Armies, Everway

Erik Hansson

Message 843#18394

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