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Topic: GNS and Social Contract (split)
Started by: The GM
Started on: 10/24/2003
Board: GNS Model Discussion

On 10/24/2003 at 6:20am, The GM wrote:
GNS and Social Contract (split)

Just wanted to add some points of clarification. As Mike says (and a lot of other people for that matter,) social issues and ground rules for acceptable social behavior is important stuff for having a good game. This is a non controversial point. So, in that, I agree with what has been formally termed around here as The Social Contract™, or as the first half of TSC.
From there it gets sticky in my mind, because now that we’ve agreed that we’re going to act nicely to each other, say please and thank you, and all of that ‘stuff’, we have to agree on what kind of game to play, and the logistics of said game.
After having read a pile of GNS articles over the past few months, I find myself comparing the advice given with my own experience w/ my troupe. According to GNS, some of the greatest gaming experiences I’ve had should not have been.
Let’s break it down to specifics:
In one particularly great game, we had three very strongly ‘aligned’ (for lack of a better term) personalities. One, a gamist, the other, a simulationist, and the last (me) a narrativist. I ran the game, and based on an informal vote, we picked WWtA, using the genero setting straight from the books. Other than questions such as ‘What tribe are you going to be? What city are we basing the campaign out of? And other general character creation questions, we did not discuss what ‘type’ of game was going to be run. Just so happened that the three of us were great pals who had very firm social interactions outside of gaming.
Now, I knew that my gamist player really liked the idea of winning, whether that be saving the day from the bad guy through a series of events, or achieving minor goals, or whatever. By ‘winning’ scenarios, this player feels rewarded and entertained.
My simulationist player, by contrast is a by the book sort of fellow. He likes published metaplot, he likes linear, straight forward play. He likes to know where the campaign is going at all times. This is fun to him.
I, in contrast to them both, have an ‘anything goes’ attitude. The story is where it’s at for me, and if the story will be made better by taking unconventional actions, that’s not only ok w/ me, I prefer it.
Obviously, because we had never heard of GNS, we did not apply any of its principles. According to what I have read in these forums, that campaign should have been a trainwreck. There were no surveys, no data collected, no discussion of what was going to happen other than ‘Hey, we’re playing Werewolf tonight!’
If you add in Robin’s Laws designations to the mix, we were further diversified as a group. The only thing we had in common was friendship, and a desire to play.
Using GNS designations, the campaign swung wildly from one spectrum to the other, frequently mid-session as I, being the storyteller, purposefully provided aspects of each category to satisfy each player, myself included.
Now, the argument here is that someone had to give up game time for something they liked in order for someone else to get something they liked. THIS IS TRUE!
The other argument is that if I had said ahead of time, ‘This is a narrativist campaign, and I only want players who will play *this* game *this* way according to *these* rules’ that the campaign would have been even more fun. This is patently false.
Why? And here’s where GNS starts to disintegrate for me.
By saying that someone had to give up aspects of what kind of game was their particular favorite, everyone assumes that this will automatically cause friction. In fact, I’ve read account after account that this sort of friction drives groups apart. It’s this friction, caused from not feeling satisfied/entertained/ rewarded/ whatever by *not* getting to play a certain way, or in an expected way that causes problems (according to the GNS theorists that I’ve read here.) Furthermore, players act out against a game that is not in their GNS preference, causing strife in the Social Contract. In other words, the game goes bloohey.

This was not my experience. The game went great, phenomenally so, in fact. According to GNS, it should not have. (Yes, I know that GNS says that no elements are mutually exclusive in a game, and that they can blend.) However, and here’s the caveat, GNS specifically states that one element must be primary, and must be the agreed upon preference of the players prior to play in order for no friction to occur. Correct me on this if I am wrong here, btw.
Now, I look at that restriction and think if I had tried to impose that sort of Social Contract on my players, that we would have missed out on a great game. I also think of how micro managing my players and the game itself that way would have dimmed the enthusiasm for that game. Hell, I can see it happen now when I try to discuss GNS stuff with my players (with one exception.)
Why did the game work? I return to my original point, which is that the social trumped everything else. My players respected my preferences, and I respected theirs. This is what I visualize of when I think of the first part of The Social Contract. The players gave me the latitude to run wild sometimes, and I gave them the various things they wanted. We all got what we wanted in the end and did not feel cheated in any way because we focused more heavily on what drew us together to begin with, rather than focusing on our individual differences.
So how do you put a formula on that? Good damn question, and I’m still not sure of the value of attempting to. Perhaps the simple answer is that flexibility is the key ingredient in making a game successful. Add in a dash of mutual respect, and willingness to let minor issues ride, and something golden can happen. Granted, each player has to be open to that possibility.
I am open to constructive comments about this line of thought.
Warm Regards,

Message 8452#87933

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On 10/24/2003 at 1:31pm, Adam Dray wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Lisa, I get the impression that you think your group hasn't formed a social contract because you haven't agreed on a single style of play. In fact, you've agreed via implicit contract to have a game that varies style of play to accommodate the needs of all players. This is not only fine, it's peachy!

I don't recall anything in GNS theory saying that you have to play a single style to have fun. I think it is a tautology that a group comprised of players with different styles can't all have the play style the want at the same time. Yes, players will have to give up spotlight time or play a style they do not prefer to let the others have fun. With many groups, this is not a problem.

Indeed, in my own group, the role-playing-heavy players were happy to forgo that kind of personal interaction to let the role-playing-light players to have their fun pushing the buttons on their character sheets to cast spells and kill monsters, even if it did little to advance a story. It was the latter group that failed to be flexible, however, and this is what caused a group rift.

I don't think having diverse groups necessarily drives groups apart, but it does make it more challenging to keep them together. You're obviously doing a great job of juggling spotlight time to satisfy the varied styles among your players. Great! But even you have to give up doing exactly what you want to do part of the time, if you prefer the fast and loose "whatever makes a good story" style of play, you're stuck catering to other styles and you have to cater to other styles two-thirds of the time.

Maybe that's fine. I certainly enjoy running a very gamist-sim game for one group and a very narrativist game for the other group. I like both styles in different ways. I don't enjoy arguing though, and I don't like seeing half my group sitting there bored, so it's a good thing we split the group.

Message 8452#87947

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On 10/24/2003 at 1:38pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

The above two posts were split from Play contract "checklist"?, as I think it's a distinct topic.

Carry on!


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Message 8452#87949

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On 10/24/2003 at 2:42pm, Tim Alexander wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Howdy Lisa,

You've got all kinds of interesting stuff to say, and it sounds like your group has figured out a fantastic way of working together despite what GNS might term differing priorities. Before anything else, I think it's important to note that Ron makes a pretty explicit statement that if your group is already working and your having fun, then GNS isn't for you. Admittedly I think it has value as a platform for discussion about games whether you're functional or not, but it's application is of most worth in games and within groups that need help. The easiest response though, is that GNS isn't for you.

Now that said, I'm sort of curious on some of the statements you make at the end of your post. Namely:

I also think of how micro managing my players and the game itself that way would have dimmed the enthusiasm for that game. Hell, I can see it happen now when I try to discuss GNS stuff with my players (with one exception.)

Can you go into a little more detail on this? In my experience being able to have a common lexicon to discuss from, as well as a clearer picture of mine and my player's priorities have lead to much less in the way of micro managing. I'm wondering if maybe I'm not getting what you mean by that term.


Message 8452#87953

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On 10/24/2003 at 3:02pm, The GM wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

>>Howdy Lisa,

Heya, Tim.

>>Now that said, I'm sort of curious on some of the statements you make at the end of your post. Namely:

I also think of how micro managing my players and the game itself that way would have dimmed the enthusiasm for that game. Hell, I can see it happen now when I try to discuss GNS stuff with my players (with one exception.)

Can you go into a little more detail on this? In my experience being able to have a common lexicon to discuss from, as well as a clearer picture of mine and my player's priorities have lead to much less in the way of micro managing. I'm wondering if maybe I'm not getting what you mean by that term.<<

Perfect example just happened thirty seconds ago. How's that for timely. ;) One of my players and I are getting ready to walk out the door to go shopping. He told me that he'd checked out the other GNS thread, and this one, and his view was, "Why are you even talking about it? It's boring, let's just play."
To which I say, "Why is it boring to you to talk/read about?"
To which he says, "If we know what each other likes, why do we have to catagorize, or even try to catagorize who does what? Who cares."

Good point.

The easy answer is that I don't care about GNS.
The hard is answer is that I care very much about it because this topic is important to another player of mine, and in an effort to make his experience more enjoyable, I have choosen to open constructive dialogue about this topic in attempt to maybe learn something that will make his leisure time more fun. It all comes back to the art of compromise, something that in the other thread was glossed over, and in some cases discouraged. I want my GNS player to have a good, that's wrong, I want him to have a *great* time. So here am I, hashing this stuff out when everyone else in the group could care less.
I'm not saying that to be inflamatory. Nor am I saying that our way is the right way, or the one true way. I merely question how useful GNS really is in a practical setting. It seems to have conflicting messages to me, and this casts it in a negative light in my view.
Blah, I'm going shopping!

Message 8452#87957

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On 10/24/2003 at 3:26pm, Tim Alexander wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Hey Again,

The GM wrote: He told me that he'd checked out the other GNS thread, and this one, and his view was, "Why are you even talking about it? It's boring, let's just play."
To which I say, "Why is it boring to you to talk/read about?"
To which he says, "If we know what each other likes, why do we have to catagorize, or even try to catagorize who does what? Who cares."

Good point.

It's a great point, some people don't. It's totally valid too, and in your case it sounds like things have been going along quite well. Except for this next bit of a hitch, which seems to have some additional stuff built into it.

The easy answer is that I don't care about GNS.
The hard is answer is that I care very much about it because this topic is important to another player of mine, and in an effort to make his experience more enjoyable, I have choosen to open constructive dialogue about this topic in attempt to maybe learn something that will make his leisure time more fun.

It's pretty obvious to me by how much effort you seem willing to go to as to why your game has been so successful. Is your GNS guy new to the group? New to GNS? What's his stated preference? How many other players are there?

It all comes back to the art of compromise, something that in the other thread was glossed over, and in some cases discouraged. I want my GNS player to have a good, that's wrong, I want him to have a *great* time. So here am I, hashing this stuff out when everyone else in the group could care less.

Well, there are certainly folks on here who would rather cut loose than compromise. There are plenty of others who would vote for compromise and discussion. There's an adage of compromise being the way to ensure both sides are unsatisfied with the result, that I can't recall exactly at the moment. I think that's a bit unfair, but I also think there are times when compromise leads to those feelings. At the end of the day I think that most folks can agree that compromise sucks if you have to give up so much that a game's no longer fun, but that it doesn't have to be that way. Hopefully we'll be able to help you get the info you need to make that call.

I'm not saying that to be inflamatory. Nor am I saying that our way is the right way, or the one true way. I merely question how useful GNS really is in a practical setting. It seems to have conflicting messages to me, and this casts it in a negative light in my view.

Well, I don't think it's really debatable that GNS has some use in a practical setting. It's certainly been useful in mine. That said, it's certainly possible that you'll come to the conclusion that GNS isn't useful in your setting. I'm curious though on what you see as the conflicting messages? I think a lot of times things are read into it that aren't really there and that tends to create these sort of conflicts.


Message 8452#87958

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On 10/24/2003 at 5:04pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

It's pretty obvious to me by how much effort you seem willing to go to as to why your game has been so successful. Is your GNS guy new to the group? New to GNS? What's his stated preference? How many other players are there?

The "GNS guy" is yours truly, Tim. Lisa is a long time friend, as are her husband and fellow gamers.

Interestingly, I'm relatively new to the group in terms of gaming. Lisa's husband, Flash, and I have gamed together for years and years. We did so with another group of fellow classmates that stuck together after high school and college up until last year. For various reasons, that group disintegrated. This, then, opened more opportunity for me to play with Flash & Lisa's own group (mostly classmates of a different college still chumming later on). This has evolved into regularly weekly play since about August of 2002, give or take.

So, yes, comparatively I'm new to the group (I did not participate in the Werewolf chronicle referenced above), but I'm not exactly new in actuality, and certainly not new to the group socially. Gaming-wise, we've been participating in a Riddle of Steel campaign that's progressed for over a year now. I've also run various stop-start games and playtests with the group, and Lisa has run a handful of the same.

I am, I think it's safe to say, not new to GNS, and I have a pretty solid handle on the theory and it's related issues.

My stated preference? I guess I've been very interested in Narrativism for a while, but I very much appreciate all modes. Admittedly, I probably get over-enthused about narrativism, but especially lately I've been appreciating other forms of play -- call it rediscovery, if you will.

So, while my GNS preferences are many, I do have two key hang-ups:

One: Our group has, I think, the problem that Ron hinted at in another context: "Let's all airy-fairily agree on everything while predicating nothing." That is, we acknowledge vocally, overtly that a game we're going to play will explore this avenue (For example, narrativism, or we discuss things like Directorial stances without calling them by that name).

Here's the interesting bit. Play begins, but actual play does not often occur as it was stated vocally by group assent. Is the actual play broken? For the "old" social group, I think there's little amiss. For relatively new guy me, I'm bummed that the agreement of how the this game would be played is not fulfilled.

Second point: I'm usually very disinterested in participating in illusionist play. Our RoS campaign had some growing pains in this regard, and we've since crafted a wonderful dynamic that very satisfactorily (that is, satisfactorially to me) avoids illusionism.

Oh yes, your last question: The number of players actually fluctuates just a bit. There are generally about five "core" members, another pretty regular member, and the occasional guest player (pretty rare, actually).

Message 8452#87969

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On 10/24/2003 at 5:42pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

This all seems so moot. GNS does not say anywhere that any game in which there are players who have different opinions on how to play that it won't work. Lisa, you've got to get past that point. GNS specifically, and repeatedly says that if you're not having a problem then the theory does not apply. It very much acceeds that GNS problems will not arise in every group where there are conflicts.

So, your anecdotes aren't relevant. I, OTOH, can provide anecdotes of the opposite happening. Which are proof positive that GNS issues can be a problem. Note, "can be", not "must be".

All GNS says is that there are some groups where the problems are great enough that they have to be addressed. And you know what? Nowhere does it say that the only way to address GNS problems is to adjust the style of play. It completely leaves open the option that players can work these things out on the social level sometimes. So nobody is saying that your solution doesn't work. Marco, a frequent poster here advocates exactly the same thing that you do. And nobody disagrees with him that he has a valid solution.

IOW, there's no argument here. Nothing that you've said contradicts what GNS says.

What you'd have to prove to say that GNS is wrong is that adjusting play style is not a method that will ever help, when this sort of problem exists. That everybody's problems can all be solved on the social level. But I posit to you that your anecdotes simply don't represent the sort of situation where GNS would be the right analysis to apply. For you to say that my annecdotes are inadequate to prove the opposite would be to say that I lack the social skill to be able to fix theings as you do. In addition to being insulting, I'd say that, even if true, it misses the fact that then GNS would be the logical recourse.

So, I'm wondering where the conflict is. It seems to me that it's all in your expectation that GNS is something that it's not. Namely the only cure for every problem. GNS is one cure amongst many for a very specific problem that only certain groups have.

So, is everything copacetic now? Or do you still see something that contradicts your experience.


Message 8452#87976

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On 10/24/2003 at 5:47pm, Tim Alexander wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Hey Matt,

I must admit I feel a bit odd doing GNS commentary about someone who's been around here far longer than I have. I've gotten myself in this far though, so I figure I may as well keep going. Ron and others are pretty good about jumping in when someone's misstating their points. On that note, when you said:

Play begins, but actual play does not often occur as it was stated vocally by group assent. Is the actual play broken? For the "old" social group, I think there's little amiss. For relatively new guy me, I'm bummed that the agreement of how the this game would be played is not fulfilled.

When you say this, are you referring to what Ron's taken to calling the ephemera, i.e. stance, system, etc. of the game? So, people talk about a lot of director's stance and that doesn't happen? Or are you talking about a more explicit GNS statement? I.e. Let's focus on Step On Up, or Story Now. I wonder if there's some disconnect between what you take from what they're saying and what they actually mean. That for example you're reading a GNS preference where they're expressing ephemera?

Second point: I'm usually very disinterested in participating in illusionist play. Our RoS campaign had some growing pains in this regard, and we've since crafted a wonderful dynamic that very satisfactorily (that is, satisfactorially to me) avoids illusionism.

Is this to mean that in general you feel like the group leans towards illusionist play? The fact that you bring it up implies to me that you still see issues on this front somewhat. Am I reading that right? Also, do you feel like there are others that are currently frustrated with how play is going, or are you on your own about it?


Message 8452#87977

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On 10/24/2003 at 6:36pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

I wonder if there's some disconnect between what you take from what they're saying and what they actually mean. That for example you're reading a GNS preference where they're expressing ephemera?

I'm not sure what you mean by ephemera here, Tim. Can you point me to an explanation by Ron, or explain it yourself?

Is this to mean that in general you feel like the group leans towards illusionist play? The fact that you bring it up implies to me that you still see issues on this front somewhat. Am I reading that right? Also, do you feel like there are others that are currently frustrated with how play is going, or are you on your own about it?

Not quite. Yes, illusionism is an issue. It's strange, because it's as though the group slips into illusionist play for a scene or even a whole session because they don't really consciously, vocally define (and therefore come to terms with) what that means. That is, our group has started two new games in recent weeks (rotating among games), along with ongoing RoS play. Inspired by our RoS play (which incidentally is quite enjoyable on the whole, the group keeps referring to "player driven" play. Basically, this term has become the group lexicon for the counter to illusionism.

But the issue is in getting players to not only say they understand what "player driven" play is, but also to show that they understand it in play -- whether as GM or player. That is, getting everyone to recognize that their choices in play can dramatically affect what's going on in play has been a stuggle, I think. I think the group sometimes waits for cues from the GM, if for no other reason than because that's what's familiar and traditional. In kind, the GMs (myself included!) have done an insufficient job injecting conflicts and compelling scenes.

Message 8452#87981

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On 10/24/2003 at 7:02pm, Tim Alexander wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

I'm not sure what you mean by ephemera here, Tim. Can you point me to an explanation by Ron, or explain it yourself?

I swore I saw him post something using that word, but I can't for the life of me find it now. In any event, what I meant (and correct me if this is not how you use it Ron) by ephemera are all the things that go into the 'how' of playing, but not the 'why.' So, stances, rolling dice, game rules, all of these would be ephemera. My question was mostly trying to figure out if the other players were talking about these sorts of things. By way of example (italics are unspoken):

Narrativist: I really want us to use a lot of director stance. I love director stance as a tool for Story Now.
Gamist: Ok, that's cool, I like that idea What an interesting arena to produce Step on Up!

It's actually why I think GNS is useful, even if just as a common dictionary of terms. There's a lot of chances to sort of miss the mark when talking around the theory because you get all these loaded words that mean different things to different folks.

But the issue is in getting players to not only say they understand what "player driven" play is, but also to show that they understand it in play -- whether as GM or player. That is, getting everyone to recognize that their choices in play can dramatically affect what's going on in play has been a stuggle, I think. I think the group sometimes waits for cues from the GM, if for no other reason than because that's what's familiar and traditional. In kind, the GMs (myself included!) have done an insufficient job injecting conflicts and compelling scenes.

I'm actually working with this right now with my group actually. I think when you have a group of folks that are used to playing a certain way it's hard to change that. Even when the group is willing, or even when it's already worked, it's sometimes difficult to replicate. I'm still working on ways to break those boundaries, both for myself and them. To your credit, our Dust Devils game has gone a long way towards helping that.

On the bright side, it sounds like the group is pretty amenable to what you're hoping for, it's just not always meshing. I'm finding that games structured heavily towards a certain play style can help break these barriers. Have you tried DD with them? Or MLwM? Or Trollbabe? All of those force people to reconsider how a GM player relationship works, which seems like where a lot of the default illusionism comes from.


Message 8452#87983

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On 10/24/2003 at 7:24pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Eeeech! The "ephemera" thing is clouding the issue of Lisa and Matt's game. Tim, you're butcherin' it just a little.

Guys, let me get to that topic in my own time. It's not really an issue for this thread.


Message 8452#87988

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On 10/24/2003 at 7:32pm, Tim Alexander wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Ugh. Well, then there ya go Matt. Ignore my explanation of ephemera. I'm still curious how you answer the point of the question minus the term though.


Message 8452#87989

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On 10/24/2003 at 7:46pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Fair 'nuff, Tim. I'll attempt to answer the question. . . .

I think you're asking about Stance and Techniques, but I could be misreading.

I don't think that what's happening is that I say "Let's do Narrativism, all in favor? Aye. Motion passes" while they hear, "All for Director stance? Aye? Motion passes."

Rather, I think what's happening is we say "Let's have player driven play? Aye. Motion passes." Then, I'm seeing "Cool, Narrativism here we come." Meanwhile others maybe seeing "Ok, so there's not plotline," and maybe not much else. Simply put, they aren't "seeing" stances or techniques, because they aren't thinking of game play in such atomic bits. It's just "play." So, it's hard to change the discrete bits consciously.

Message 8452#87993

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On 10/24/2003 at 8:12pm, Tim Alexander wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Matt Snyder wrote: Rather, I think what's happening is we say "Let's have player driven play? Aye. Motion passes." Then, I'm seeing "Cool, Narrativism here we come." Meanwhile others maybe seeing "Ok, so there's not plotline," and maybe not much else. Simply put, they aren't "seeing" stances or techniques, because they aren't thinking of game play in such atomic bits. It's just "play." So, it's hard to change the discrete bits consciously.

In the game where this is pretty much working for you with this group (i.e. RoS) do you feel like the other folks are playing narrativist? How about you Lisa? Given what you understand about GNS, do you think everyone is playing towards Narrativist in that game?

I'm sort of getting the feeling that the group is just evolving and it's taking a little while for everyone to settle into the new way of play. Maybe there's more resistance to it than I'm seeing, but most of it seems just like some rough intial going.

What am I still missing?



Message 8452#87999

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On 10/24/2003 at 8:25pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Good question. Is our RoS play narrativist? I think one of the challenges in answering that lies in that RoS is probably one of the few workable hybrid games. I suspect we "go simulationist" almost as often as we "go narrativist." If the premise of that game is "What will you kill for?" or "What is worth killing for?", I can point to key events in the game that indicate where the game 'goes narrativist.' (BTW, it is much easier for me to say, that yes, _I_ was making narrativist choices at that point, however, far less easy for me to speak for others. Yes, probably they were.) However, I think I can reasonably point to other events where people are dreaming the dream, seeing what it's like to live in a near-renaissance city, etc.

What you're still missing, I suspect, is who's GM-ing what and when. Our RoS GM is Tony (aka Asaraludu here on the Forge). Lisa and I are both players in RoS. Whereas, one of us is GM in other games, invariably. So, we have three GMs, as many games (indeed more as we've changed games), and triple the dynamic to work through.

Message 8452#88002

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On 10/24/2003 at 8:56pm, Tim Alexander wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Matt Snyder wrote: Good question. Is our RoS play narrativist? I think one of the challenges in answering that lies in that RoS is probably one of the few workable hybrid games. I suspect we "go simulationist" almost as often as we "go narrativist."

Oooh, yeah. I have yet to actually play RoS, but I can definately see how it could handle both modes. Since it sounds like people aren't exactly looking to learn theory, you may be best off just testing the waters with some focused games to see if you can draw it out that way.

What you're still missing, I suspect, is who's GM-ing what and when. Our RoS GM is Tony (aka Asaraludu here on the Forge). Lisa and I are both players in RoS. Whereas, one of us is GM in other games, invariably. So, we have three GMs, as many games (indeed more as we've changed games), and triple the dynamic to work through.

Yeah, that sounds tougher, but I don't think you guys are really all that far from each other, or at least there's a lot of indications that things can work. I sort of wish I wasn't the lone voice here; that you could get some additional input from folks.


Message 8452#88007

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On 10/25/2003 at 12:42am, M. J. Young wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Tim just wrote: I sort of wish I wasn't the lone voice here; that you could get some additional input from folks.
Be careful for what you wish; anyway, I was catching up on the thread and planning to say something already, it just happens that I came in at this point.

Lisa, what Mike said--maybe a bit more clearly, I hope.

Some years back when Ron first introduced the basics of GNS at Gaming Outpost, I was adamantly opposed to one point that has been completely dropped from the theory since then: the notion that each player has one primary mode in which he usually plays, and which he tries to force on any game or situation.

A lot of the arguments back then were not very informative, because I think all of us were at least at times confusing techniques with goals. We didn't really have a good way to get to goals (and probably still don't), so we substituted techniques--a narrativist likes this technique because it enhances his ability to address premise, while a gamist likes that technique because it enhances his ability to face the challenge. The problem is that while techniques can support particular goals, they can be engineered to support any goal in the right context. Someone just recently made that mistake again, thinking that rules lite meant narrativist and rules heavy meant gamist--you can build very complex narrativist rules systems and very simple gamist ones (and the same for simulationism, both ways). Yet the core point I made then still stands: I move between GNS modes during play, sometimes enjoying the competition, sometimes the premise, sometimes the dream. My games tend to do that as well.

That said, I'm something of a bulldog in defense of GNS. I understand it; I see how it works. It really is found in everyone's games; it's just usually unrecognized. Further, as long you're not having GNS conflicts, you don't need necessarily to recognize it.

There are four ways in which GNS modes mix in play that I've seen.

The first is drift. This essentially means that no one is paying attention, but the players push the game in one direction or another. If everyone in the game is on the same page, the game usually drifts to one corner and stays there; if people have different desires, the game will drift toward one and then be pulled back toward another. Drift can work well for a long time, as long as no one pushes too hard toward their corner--your courtesy issue. For example, in Multiverser playtesting, there was one player who decided to kill everything and everyone who was not a player character. This made it rather difficult for anyone else in the game to build relationships or interact with the non-player characters, to explore setting, to create story--the one guy was blowing everything away as fast as it came on the set. Now, if you had someone who was so very gamist that everything was a target he had to challenge, your other players would be very unhappy with that--unless, of course, they too saw this as a challenge. (It seems to me that it devolves into a first person shooter, which some would say is not an RPG, but I know groups who have a lot of fun just killing everything.) As long as everyone is comfortable letting the game be about this for a while, and about that for a while, and about the other thing for a while, and the game keeps drifting back to what each really wants at some point, drift works. Arguably it doesn't work as well for any one individual as having a game that never drifts away from his preference, but since there are issues of socializing at play here as well (that is, we wanted to get together with our friends and play a game to pass the time while we socialize) this aspect of drift is the cost of playing together. I suspect this is what you're doing.

Transition is formalized drift. In this case, the system (using the Lumpley Principle definition of system) is designed so that everyone knows we're moving from the simulationist part to the gamist part to the narrativist part, and everyone tags along. (Vincent Baker defined system as that set of rules which are actually applied within the social contract to determine the content of the imaginary space; it is distinct from the rules in the book, because it is the specific application of how to play that the group uses.) Transition has advantages over drift in that either there is no tug of war over how play is going to proceed at the moment, or that tug of war is formalized in the system so that it can be easily resolved. It has the disadvantage that to really use it, everyone has to consciously understand that the modes of play are going to change in particular ways at particular times, and not just go with the flow.

Convergence means that the play situation is set up such that gamist, narrativist, and simulationist play will all look the same. The best example of convergence is the film Armageddon. The world is going to be destroyed. You people are the only ones who can stop it. Will you do it? The gamist will do it because this is the great challenge. The simulationist will do it because there's no logic to a character refusing to try to save the world when it might be his only chance to survive. The narrativist will do it because he's moving into the great story of risking your own life for the benefit of others. When the player says yes, his character will get on that space ship and go out there, that tells us nothing about his GNS preferences, because it is unlikely that anyone would say no. (Even if he does say no, it could be from any GNS preference--he doesn't believe he can meet the challenge, or he doesn't think his character would risk his life on such a hopeless errand, or he wants to address the premise of what happens if he doesn't go, if the world is destroyed for his inaction.) Convergence is very difficult to maintain. I've suggested that you could run something like members of a platoon in Viet Nam, and have pretty good convergence most of the time, but the more leeway individual characters have to get outside the story, the easier it is for decisions to conflict with other goals.

Isolation is the last technique; it's the one we use in Multiverser. Players play together at the same table, but their characters don't have to be involved with each other at all. Eschewing the party concept big time, we in essence say you can work together if you want, or you can all go your own way and do whatever you want, and it's all the same as far as the game is concerned. (It's very player driven at times, but not always so.) Because the player characters don't have to stick together, players can each push toward their own goals and the game will drift to accommodate them.

I'd say either you're using drift to accommodate everyone, or your group isn't actually as diverse as you think it is. (It is possible that everyone really is simulationist, with different ideas about what the best thing to explore would be, and in that exploration you provide different aspects that can be addressed.)

Matt has expressed some concern about illusionist play versus player-driven play, and a desire to do something more narrativist. I think the issue of illusionism is probably more significant than GNS, if that's the problem; an illusionist referee will to some degree override everyone's goals (I've played with one, I know). That doesn't mean that illusionist techniques aren't useful--I use them at times and encourage them in measured amounts. But if this is the problem, it may need to be addressed.

An illusionist GM starts with a storyline and decides this is what's going to happen. The players then start interacting with the storyline, but nothing they can do will alter it. That's not necessarily a bad thing. I've got one scenario in which players have to find and disarm a bomb planted by terrorists. To avoid the possibility that they would find the bomb in the first ten minutes, nothing in the game is on the map. The referee fills in the map as the game progresses. Instead, the players encounter each event on the sheet in the order they're listed, and decide what to do about them. There is no way that the players can get to the end in advance--they have to go through the events in sequence to find the bomb. It plays like a movie script storyboard, and if the players are not aware that this technique is being used they don't feel like they've lost control. However, it has to be used judiciously--tell a player that this choice doesn't matter, and he doesn't care about this choice. It's perfectly fine for the players to wander into the events in the slated order, as long as 1) some of their decisions still matter (like how they handle each event) and 2) they don't know which ones don't.

It's also perfectly legitimate to play in participationist or trailblazing style, both of which resemble illusionism, if the playgroup wants to do that.

However, if a player feels as if the decisions of his character will not alter anything about the story that matters to him, he will rapidly become disenchanted.

There's the famous gag about the referee trying to hook the players into a scenario by giving them a map. Some old crone tries to sell them a map, but they don't buy it. Someone in the inn offers to trade it to them for something, but they're not interested. They meet a hermit on the road who tries to give it to them. Again and again the referee tries to force players to take the map, because the referee has planned out what the players are going to do. Matt, I presume, doesn't want that. He wants the players to create what they do, and the referee to respond to that to hold it together and help make it interesting. That creates a conflict of game style--the referee wants to decide what, in general, the players are going to do, and Matt thinks the players should decide that, taking it in a direction different from that which the referee intends.

The other thing that's happening, though, is when Matt gets people to agree that the referee isn't going to decide in advance what they're supposed to do, the other players fall apart, and think that means there's nothing to do--no plot, because the referee didn't prepare one for us.

Actually, it really sounds to me like your group has been using trailblazing for a long time, and very successfully; and Matt doesn't want to follow the trail. Trailblazing means that the referee plans what the story is going to do (level of detail may vary), and the players commit themselves to finding the clues that point to the right path and following it. It's a quite functional way to play; it is not conducive to narrativism, because it really doesn't let the players address premise and decide where the story goes. (Narrativism is not telling a coherent story; it's addressing a moral, ethical, or personal issue to raise questions and possibly suggest answers.)

I've rambled long enough, and my youngest is asking for food, so I've got to go.

I hope some of this is helpful.

--M. J. Young

Message 8452#88033

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...from around 10/25/2003

On 10/25/2003 at 7:14am, The GM wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Hey MJ,
Just a couple of things here as it’s late and I’m a bit tired. I plan on responding to a whole host of other points that people have brought up later, perhaps early next week. There’s some good stuff going on here, and some stuff that leaves me wanting to bang my head against the monitor and scream, no! no! no!. As my weekend is more booked than seems humanly possible, I’ll not be able to get to everything that I want to address for a bit.
However, you said something that instantly caught my eye, and so I wanted to take a moment to get to it.

>>Arguably it doesn't work as well for any one individual as having a game that never drifts away from his preference, but since there are issues of socializing at play here as well (that is, we wanted to get together with our friends and play a game to pass the time while we socialize) this aspect of drift is the cost of playing together. I suspect this is what you're doing.<<

You place a negative connotation on this type of play, as though it’s a bad thing. You call it the ‘cost’, implying that somehow there’s risk involved for said players.(i.e. you pay for this style of play by giving up what you want so someone else can have what they want, thus coming out on the short end of the entertainment stick.) We call it the benefit of playing together. It’s rewarding for a number of reasons, primarily social, however, there’s the side beni of getting to play in different styles and grow as a player and GM alike. What’s not to like about that? Obviously, Matt’s not grooving on it (the whole reason I’m trying to figure this stuff out to begin with.) The rest of the group is okie dokie with it, as am I. I think Matt has agreed to this point, (step up and disagree here, Matt, if you need to.) The rest of the group is fine with what you term ‘cost’ and what I term ‘benefit’.

>>However, if a player feels as if the decisions of his character will not alter anything about the story that matters to him, he will rapidly become disenchanted.<<

Agreed, absolutely. This is why I feel it’s important to go with the flow depending on who (as in which player) I am focusing on at any given moment.
For instance, if I, as a GM, am dealing with Matt, I know I have to give him options that allow him to go out and create something that means something to him/his character. By contrast, another player of mine, Wendy, wants to respond to my cues, and in fact, requires those cues to ‘know what to do.’ Matt’s style of play is *not* better than Wendy’s, it’s simply different. Since we’ve all agreed that we want to play together, I have to give them both what they not only want, but need in order to have a good time. IOW, back to the compromise issue.
Maybe here’s the problem. Matt watches me give Wen ‘illusionist’ play, and automatically assumes that this is not the sort of game that he wants to play, when in reality, I’m ready and willing to shift gears to give him the narrative that he wants in the same game, same session. Don’t scoff, I’ve done it, it works. ;D
An addendum to this is that as soon as Matt decides that a particular game didn’t meet his expectations, he’s in favor of moving onto something else, thinking that changing games will solve his conundrum. Prior to Matt joining our group, we played long campaigns, the shortest one was 3 years in length. Now we bounce around all the time (w/ the exception of the RoS game). It’s like he doesn’t take the time to ‘warm’ to any given game. If it doesn’t work out in the first 3 sessions, he’s done. Not only is this hard for me as a GM, because I’m constantly trying to re-tool to fit his preferences, but it’s hard for the other players, and for me as a player, because we come up w/ these great ideas for games and characters, and then Matt bails, forcing us to start all over again.
I Am Not Pointing Fingers! Nor am I being accusatory or nasty. This is just the way it is. I like Matt, he’s my pal, and I want to accommodate him as much as I can, just as I would for any other player/friend so that he can have a good time. It just seems as though he doesn’t allow the time for the opportunity to come around where a campaign gels and is satisfying. He takes an immediate like/dislike and that’s it.
He gets frustrated, we get frustrated. This is not cool, especially when you look at the rest of the group and how well we play and I think, ‘man, why is it not working for this guy? Is it because he’s micro managing gaming, and thus making it too complex and when we fail to meet that complexity, he shuts off? Is it that he thinks that I’m trying to impose other player’s style of play on him, and then he shuts off?
Now, don’t think that Matt and I don’t discuss this stuff, we do. When a game doesn’t work for him, which it’s been a high percentage that haven’t, I ask the why, and make a concerted effort not to repeat what he doesn’t like. Unfortunately, it seems like new dislikes keep popping up like weeds.
BTW, Matt is not a disagreeable sort guy. All of this looks kinda negative, I don’t mean it that way at all. I’m just trying to get to the bottom of this so he can have fun too.

>>(Narrativism is not telling a coherent story; it's addressing a moral, ethical, or personal issue to raise questions and possibly suggest answers.)<<

I do this all the time, as I like this sort of thing a great deal. My other players are not adverse to this either. Why isn’t it working for Matt? Again, good question. This is the solution I seek. I’m reading everything that he has to say, I talk to him and I nod my head in full agreement of what he wants to see in a game and I say to myself “YES! This is cool!” Then I try to dish it up, and for various reasons, the execution isn’t quite to his taste. Is it because I blend so many modes of play in the same game/system/setting? Maybe.

Gawd, I wrote more than I meant to. I’m off to bed. So much for short comments. ;)

Warm Regards,

Message 8452#88051

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...from around 10/25/2003

On 10/25/2003 at 9:11am, jdagna wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Like MJ, I'm joining this thread a little late, and I hope what I have to say hasn't already been said. It looks like it hasn't.

The GM said:

Now, I knew that my gamist player really liked the idea of winning, whether that be saving the day from the bad guy through a series of events, or achieving minor goals, or whatever. By ‘winning’ scenarios, this player feels rewarded and entertained.
My simulationist player, by contrast is a by the book sort of fellow. He likes published metaplot, he likes linear, straight forward play. He likes to know where the campaign is going at all times. This is fun to him.
I, in contrast to them both, have an ‘anything goes’ attitude. The story is where it’s at for me, and if the story will be made better by taking unconventional actions, that’s not only ok w/ me, I prefer it.
Obviously, because we had never heard of GNS, we did not apply any of its principles. According to what I have read in these forums, that campaign should have been a trainwreck.

... snip ...

Using GNS designations, the campaign swung wildly from one spectrum to the other, frequently mid-session as I, being the storyteller, purposefully provided aspects of each category to satisfy each player, myself included.

In particular, what I noticed is that you said "because we had never heard of GNS, we did not apply any of its principles."

I think this is wrong. You didn't know of GNS, but you did apply its principles. You had come to your own understanding of what each player wanted and you made sure that each person got a portion of what they wanted during play. So GNS is just a new way of naming things for you, but the concepts aren't new. Or, to put it in a physics way, you didn't know Newton's equation F=ma, but you discovered on your own that a=F/m. Same concept, different way of expressing it.

I think most good GMs come to some sort of similar understanding. In fact, I think this is the reason the GNS article says that it isn't meant for happy groups - happy groups have almost by definition understood GNS already, if by their own name.

Also, GNS goals are only exclusive at the atomic level. That is, you can only do one thing at a time. However, you can easily switch between GNS modes, and many modes of play coincide in their expression in given situation. MJ covered this very well, so I won't repeat it. Most players have a preferred mode, but enjoy all of them to some extent.

For example, you label one of your players Gamist because you'd seen him thrive on challenges. To maximize his enjoyment of the game, you tossed him those challenges now and then. I think you can agree that if you stopped giving him challenges, his satisfaction with the game would probably drop, though he might still have a good time.

The reality is that most (or at least many) role-players aren't as lucky as your group. Many of us played for a long period of time with this vague dissatisfaction we couldn't quite label or fix. Some GMs, lacking an intuitive understanding like yours might say "What a munchkin! He keeps ruining the story."

THIS is where the value of GNS lies. The "munchkin" and the GM have different understandings of "story." GNS gives them words and concepts to use in describing their differences of opinion in a constructive manner. Naturally, if you already have a way of communicating and/or understanding your differences, then you don't need GNS to help (though I think it adds a level of depth to anyone's experiences).

Message 8452#88054

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On 10/25/2003 at 11:12pm, Marco wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Hi folks,

I have a couple of points that I don't think are *too* tangential.

1. GNS is not just for groups that are having a problem. I see that from time to time and it's very problematic for the theory. There are quotes in the GNS essay that say it's for anyone who wants *any* kind of improvement in their gaming--of any sort (microscopic or otherwise). So the idea that "it's not important if you're not having problems" is (and there was a thread that went into this explicitly) not so.

2. There *are* people here (long time, vociferous posters) who have (IME) gone strongly on the record saying that indeed GNS preferences had bloodly well better line up (maybe that's their strong preference for tight mode focus speaking, or intolerance of other modes, I don't know). So, I think that a reader of this board could get a distinct feeling that, yes, GNS theory "in the wild" (in actual usage) should involve people who line up on the same axis (and this, IME, is entirely not true).

Both these statements (despite not getting much support here) do and have gotten support on other threads I've participated in.

I still think there's some work to be done in introductory documents for people because there are some strong preferences that aren't cannonical.


Message 8452#88099

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...from around 10/25/2003

On 10/27/2003 at 5:32am, M. J. Young wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Lisa The GM (first quoting me) wrote:

>>Arguably it doesn't work as well for any one individual as having a game that never drifts away from his preference, but since there are issues of socializing at play here as well (that is, we wanted to get together with our friends and play a game to pass the time while we socialize) this aspect of drift is the cost of playing together. I suspect this is what you're doing.<<

You place a negative connotation on this type of play, as though it?s a bad thing. You call it the ?cost?, implying that somehow there?s risk involved for said players.(i.e. you pay for this style of play by giving up what you want so someone else can have what they want, thus coming out on the short end of the entertainment stick.)

Obviously that negative connotation was inferred from my use of the word "cost"; I don't see cost as a negative, exactly.

I play a lot of games. Some games I really enjoy quite a bit, and some I enjoy enough, and some I can enjoy if I'm in the mood--and I'll admit that there are some games that really annoy me. I hate Canasta (I'll confess--it's because I always lose). Yet I recognize that in order to socialize with the people with whom I play games, sometimes I'm going to have to play Canasta, and Scrabble, and other games that are not high on my list, and sometimes they're going to have to play the games that I particularly enjoy. The cost of relating to other people is that we have to compromise, because no two people are in complete agreement on everything. That cost is certainly worth it (or people wouldn't pay it), but it's still a cost. I'd rather stay home and play role playing games than go to the zoo or on a picnic, but sometimes people want to get outside and do something else, so I give up staying home to be with them.

Looked at another way, there's a cost to giving up what you would prefer for what you would accept, but there is another cost for not doing so, so if cost is a negative then everything has that negative attached. I agree that there are also benefits, and I have learned to enjoy Scrabble and figure out how to play better (but not Canasta). I'd still rather play Trivial Pursuit or Ubi or Pinochle, but I can't always get my way over everyone else (even if I am the dad). I'd always rather play miniature golf than go bowling, but bowling is good, too, and sometimes that's what people want to do.

As to Matt's problems--well, let's get back
to what you, again quoting me, wrote: >>However, if a player feels as if the decisions of his character will not alter anything about the story that matters to him, he will rapidly become disenchanted.<<

Agreed, absolutely. This is why I feel it?s important to go with the flow depending on who (as in which player) I am focusing on at any given moment.
For instance, if I, as a GM, am dealing with Matt, I know I have to give him options that allow him to go out and create something that means something to him/his character. By contrast, another player of mine, Wendy, wants to respond to my cues, and in fact, requires those cues to ?know what to do.? Matt?s style of play is *not* better than Wendy?s, it?s simply different. Since we?ve all agreed that we want to play together, I have to give them both what they not only want, but need in order to have a good time. IOW, back to the compromise issue.
Maybe here?s the problem. Matt watches me give Wen ?illusionist? play, and automatically assumes that this is not the sort of game that he wants to play, when in reality, I?m ready and willing to shift gears to give him the narrative that he wants in the same game, same session. Don?t scoff, I?ve done it, it works. ;D

There's a lot here; I hope I can catch it all easily.

First, I think that the play style you're describing in regard to Wendy is not illusionism. What you're doing is what we call trailblazing. Let me clarify that.
You wrote: By contrast, another player of mine, Wendy, wants to respond to my cues, and in fact, requires those cues to ?know what to do.?
That's the key. You aren't telling Wendy what her character does, or tying her up in your story specifically; you're laying out the breadcrumbs in a way she can grasp, so that she can find your story.

Let me quickly clarify:

• Illusionism: The referee is running the story, and nothing the players do will derail the referee's story, but they don't know it. They believe that their choices have meaning, but the story is going to play out exactly as the referee has planned--they will be where they are supposed to be at the right time every time, and whatever they choose to do, the same things will happen. Illusionism is marked by things like the referee knows where the final battle will take place, and knows that in this encounter that is going to happen this villain will escape to be encountered again later. The players are unaware of this. When the players realize that their choices have no meaning, you either shift to participationism or see the game fall apart.• Participationism: This is functionally the same as illusionism, but that the players are in on the secret. They know that nothing they do matters to the story, but they're having fun adding color to it and watching as the referee unfolds what happens to them. It's a bit like kids sitting on Grandad's knee as he tells a story:

"Once there was a prince."

"And his name was Bobby, right grampa?"

"That's right, Bobby, his name was Bobby."

They get to add details, to decide whether they kill the dragon with the sword or the bow or the spell, perhaps, but they know that the death of the dragon is predetermined if that's what the referee has planned. Everyone pretends that their actions have consequences, but everyone knows that they don't--the referee's story is going to be told, and their characters are going to be the heroes, and that's the way the game is played.• Trailblazing: This was first introduced in connection with a discussion of competetion module play. In this case, the referee does have the entire story mapped out in advance, and he places the characters at the starting point--but then he does nothing to keep them on track but lay out the clues for them, so they can try to work out which way they should go next, what they should do, how they can discover and reveal the referee's story. They in essence sit down to play a game with the understanding that the referee has a story for them to follow, and that if they can successfully follow the clues they'll reach the end and reap the rewards. They are committed up front to trying to do whatever it is the referee has planned, and so looking for the clues so that they can do that.

Now, what you describe in connection with your relationship with Wendy sounds like trailblazing. You're dropping the clues in front of her so that she will know what it is she is supposed to do to produce the story you have planned.

Now, back to Matt and Wendy.

In order for you to provide Wendy with the clues that tell her what she is supposed to do, you must already have in your mind some idea of which way you're expecting the game to go. You've created your adventure plan, and you're moving that direction, expecting that the players will appreciate your preparation and begin to explore what you've prepared. The problem is that for Matt, that's exactly what's wrong with the game--that you've prepared something, and already have an idea of what should happen. What Matt is looking for is play in which you provide the starting point, but no one, not even you, has any idea what is going to happen from there.

Let me recommend you take a look in the Alyria forum at some reports of a play session I was running with that game. You should find it under Young Playtest Group First Storymap. What you'll see is something of hardcore narrativist play. We began the game with a batch of characters who had places in a world or a story, some with relationships to others, some with reasons to oppose or support others. Other than that, all we really had was a place and a moment at which the story would begin. The players then began to create the story.

I still don't know how that story ends; the players haven't gotten that far yet. Not only that, I don't even know where they will go next, or what will happen next, or how they will proceed from here, or what the possible endings are--all I know as referee is that each character has been pursuing its interest and objectives, that they've collided with each other, and that we've got a great story going already.

Would Wendy be completely lost in such a game? Maybe, maybe not. At the moment, Wendy is committed to trailblazing--she knows you've got an adventure to run, and she's going to find that adventure and follow that path. In such a game it might take her a while to realize that you don't have an adventure planned, and so she has to create one.

That's where the rub is. As long as you're still able to drop the clues to Wendy that tell her what she should do, you still have some idea of where the game/story should be going. You're not doing what Matt wants until you don't know what to tell Wendy, because somehow Matt and Wendy have to tell you where the story is going and what it is about. As Ron analogizes it, you're the bass player--set the mood, keep the beat, establish the progression, and then sit back and see what the other musicians do with it. You're trying to be the conductor, telling each of them what song you're playing, giving Wendy the sheet music, telling Matt when his improvisational solo comes--that's not the same thing.

It's no wonder, if this is correct, that Matt gives up on games in three sessions. How long does it really take for him to know that the referee already knows where the referee wants the game to go, and expects the players to go there? The first time you clue Wendy that this is what she "should" do, you flash a neon sign to Matt that you've got an adventure planned. That's exactly what he doesn't want. He doesn't want the referee to have anything planned. He wants the players to create what happens, and the referee to hold it together and watch it unfold.

Will changing games solve his connundrum? It might do so if you change to a game in which the referee can't plan the adventure. Legends of Alyria, Sorcerer, and Universalis all strike me as games in which that is the case. (Caveat: I have played Alyria, but it's hard to get as it's not yet published; I have discussed Sorcerer and now finally own a copy, but I have not yet had the opportunity to read it in detail or play it; I have discussed Universalis but have not seen more of it than the cover.)

I need to clarify this. Not having anything planned is not exactly the same thing as having made a lot of different planned things possible. It is very easy for a referee to confuse the two. Take Multiverser's NagaWorld. I drop a new player's character on the grassy plain. He can go to the glass city, or the industrial complex, or Umak Tek, or the mobile home, or the southern hills--but although he has free choice to go to any or none of those places, everything really is planned, because I know what kinds of things happen in each of those places; I don't have no adventures planned, but a dozen from which my player may choose. Having no adventure planned really means creating a starting point which contains the seeds of interpersonal conflict, great challenge, moral uncertainty, or some story foundation, and letting it go from there. Think of it this way. If you needed to run a game in which everything took place between five player characters and five non-player characters who were all ordinary English gentlepeople at a tea party, could you do it? In that situation, the only thing that really matters is how the characters react to each other--something over which you have very little control. Thus to do it you must create the characters themselves such that their interaction will become dynamic and produce the necessary conflicts that will create story.

It may very well be that you have a very serious GNS conflict, between Matt who wants to be able to play in a player-driven player-created narrativist story and the rest of the group who are quite comfortable with the gamist/simulationist trailblazing that you've been doing for years.

I hate to say it, but it may be that you're going to have to say to Matt that he doesn't fit into your group, because no one there wants to do that sort of narrativist play.

I hope this doesn't seem too much like pontificating. There are some things that look pretty clear from what you've described (one of which is that no one in the group has any clue what narrativist play would really be like, and efforts to "accommodate it" are completely wrongheaded), but I'm not there, so I'm doing analysis through your eyes and Matt's, which could be misleading me at some point. So I hope this helps.

--M. J. Young

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Message 8452#88204

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...from around 10/27/2003

On 10/27/2003 at 4:07pm, The GM wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Nice stuff, MJ. Thanks for your response. 
Still, what you’re saying doesn’t quite fit.
A great example happened this weekend. The ‘old school’ group sat down to play Shadowrun. Matt was not there. The weekend up to that point had been rather hectic, and I had no pre-designated idea of what to do for plotline or anything else for that matter. This particular campaign is about two years old, so characters are fairly seasoned. I started the session with these words: “So guys, you’re in Seattle. What do you do?”
From there, it was out of my hands as the players crafted their own adventure. It was funny, because at the end of the session, I was getting some pats on the back for ‘creating’ an adventure that was full of all kinds of plot twists and unexpected turns. In reality, I did none of it. (And told my players so.) The players did. They were making up everything on the fly, including npcs, vast reaching conspiracies, and other general goodness. Everyone was glued to their seat as each ‘theory’ about what was going on became more interesting than the last. All I had to do was sit there and do some basic referee work.
I had to laugh, because by definition, that game was pure narrativism, the very thing that Matt wants.
So, is this still trailblazing?
Also, why did it work out that way?
I think the reason that the game went that way is because the players have ‘warmed’ to their characters enough that they feel comfortable to take the reins and really run with the game. I’ve seen this happen in our RoS campaign in which Matt and I are both players as well.
Now, I’ll be the first to admit that it takes a bit for this warming to occur. (Not 2 years, but not 2 sessions either.) Matt calls this growing pains. Maybe it is, although I see it as everyone syncing up and getting on the same page. So, when Matt says after a session or two, ‘this isn’t working for me,’ and we change games in an effort to compromise, it essentially starts that warming cycle over again, only each time it negatively reinforces that the next game will only last a few sessions as well, and so why bother trying to put a lot of thought into it. So in a very real sense, we wait for him to settle on a game before we get excited about it because we’re afraid that he’ll want to move onto something else, and all of the time spent on thinking great ideas up for game X this week will have been wasted when we’re starting game Y next week.
Giving Matt the boot is not an acceptable solution. I believe that we can make it work. So how do we shorten that warming period so that Matt gets satisfaction?
Warm Regards,

Message 8452#88233

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...from around 10/27/2003

On 10/27/2003 at 4:54pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

First, regarding the example of play from this weekend

Without more information, it's impossible to say whether this was narrativism, even though I know the group pretty well. Based on my experiences with the group, my gut tells me it was not narrativism, as the Forge defines it.

Did the session take as its fundamental premise a moral question (or, possibly, questions) which the players then prioritized as the key factor in their making decisions and ultimately in answering, or working towards an answer, the moral question at hand? If so, what was the moral question or questions? How did the players answer the question(s)?

If this was not happening, it was not narrativism.

The players used their long-existing characters. So, what within their extensive histories allowed them to "go out and do stuff?" Were they tying up loose ends from previous sessions? Were they doing stuff they've "wanted to do for a while?" Or, did they pretty much venture out into wholly new territory? Based on my limited experience and knowledge of the group, I'd be surprised if it was the latter. It seems to me more likely that they had plenty of "go do stuff" ammunition from many, many previous sessions. Is this correct?

Eitehr way, what did you as GM do to respond to their actions? How were their actions complicated?

How many pre-existing NPCs entered into the game session?

How many wholly new NPCs entered the game session? What was the actual nature of their "creation"?

Did the players partake in any jobs, aka Shadowruns? Did they receive any in-game rewards for doing so (nuyen, gear, etc.)? What about metagame rewards, like karma? For what specific events/accomplishments/etc. were they rewarded?

How many times during the session did the players roll the dice / "use" the system?

How much of the session involved combat dice rolls? How long did those combat scenes, if any, take in real time?

What were the key conflicts of the session? How did they pan out?

Second, regarding changing sessions, etc.

The issue from my perspective is not that I seek only Narrativist play, and cannot be happy with any other form of play. Rather, the issue is that in seveal instances, the group agrees upon a mode of play (usually using no or little Forge terminology), but then proceeds in actual play to not carry out that agreement, often reverting back into a "groove," a play style and set of techniques the group is largely used to.

To be sure, I do want to see some of these things happen in play -- narrativist games, more frequent directorial stances, non-illusionist play, etc. But I am not limiting myself only to wanting these things in play. However, I think the group is playing largely within the same mode (or rather, individuals are playing within their own modes/comfort zones), not fully grasping what all this stuff is and is about. They just want to play. They agree to play some new game, and then "rubber band" back into the usual tropes and techniques, because that is what they know and want. Can't say I blame them much!

I argue that they (that is, we!) "get it" with Riddle of Steel because it's encoded into how the game is played. They have Spiritual Attributes that help them, even require them to resolve specific issues, and often specific moral quandaries. (In other words, the system matters.) Other games, like Shadowrun (which I have played only once with the group) and Mutants & Masterminds (which I have played several times), have no such reinforcements besides "an agreement to agree" on how the game is played. In fact, my experience has been that those agreements are not being fully met consistently. Yes, some successes have occurred, but not sufficiently for me, I guess.

To put it another way: I believe, argue, and attempt to show in play that system does matter, and significantly. I think the group, for the most part, does not agree that system does matter, having much tradition and experiences to "disprove" that statement. I actually see the current situation as clear proof that system does matter, rather than the other way around. I think that point, simply stated, is the crucial point. (Of course, in actuality, that's a very complicated, many faceted point.)

Message 8452#88241

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...started by Matt Snyder which Matt Snyder participated GNS Model Discussion
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...from around 10/27/2003

On 10/27/2003 at 5:30pm, The GM wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Hey! There you are. ;)

>>Did the session take as its fundamental premise a moral question (or, possibly, questions) which the players then prioritized as the key factor in their making decisions and ultimately in answering, or working towards an answer, the moral question at hand? If so, what was the moral question or questions? How did the players answer the question(s)? <<

The background of the campaign is that the characters are reincarnated and have met in a different life to right some wrongs they didn't get around to the first time. So, Asaraludu vocalized this at the start by saying, 'if we had a second chance to change things, how would we do it? Plus, what needs fixed?'
This was the premise of the adventure.

>>The players used their long-existing characters. So, what within their extensive histories allowed them to "go out and do stuff?"<<

Obviously, stuff like setting stayed the same. The group had come off of a rather generic run, and so this was a new point for something to happen.

>>Were they tying up loose ends from previous sessions?<<

Nope, it was fresh.

>>Were they doing stuff they've "wanted to do for a while?" Or, did they pretty much venture out into wholly new territory? Based on my limited experience and knowledge of the group, I'd be surprised if it was the latter. It seems to me more likely that they had plenty of "go do stuff" ammunition from many, many previous sessions. Is this correct? <<

There was a bit of this at first. 'IE, I call and grease my contacts because I've been out of town for awhile,'
However, this didn't last very long, because I had no real plan and that's when the new stuff got injected. IOW, the players rose to the occasion. Their desire to play was so strong that it didn't matter if I was ready or not.

>>Eitehr way, what did you as GM do to respond to their actions? How were their actions complicated? <<

I honestly didn't have to do much, other than provide npc dialogue where needed. They provided a lot of their own conflict. IE, Wen thought this was the best route, Flash thought this was, and Ton a different. It was pretty neat character interaction.
From my end, I just took their assumptions about what was 'scary/dangerous' and affirmed them. "Yeah, it would be devastating if XYZ happened."

>>How many pre-existing NPCs entered into the game session? <<

One, at the begining, none after that.

>>How many wholly new NPCs entered the game session? What was the actual nature of their "creation"? <<

Good question. If you're talking about a major one, just one. If you include minor, there were several.

>>Did the players partake in any jobs, aka Shadowruns? Did they receive any in-game rewards for doing so (nuyen, gear, etc.)? What about metagame rewards, like karma?<<

No, no and none.

>> For what specific events/accomplishments/etc. were they rewarded? <<

They were rewarded by having a good time together and creating a really cool story. IOW, the reward wasn't karma, it was in the act of creation itself. I didn't even think to give karma when it was done, nor did they ask.

>>How many times during the session did the players roll the dice / "use" the system? <<


>>How much of the session involved combat dice rolls? How long did those combat scenes, if any, take in real time?<<

I let them describe to me what happened rather than dice rolling. Because the guys are very well versed in what is possible in the physics of the SR world, they only took actions that they deemed 'realistic.' I, of course, was more than happy to let them describe to me what happened rather than rolling scads of dice for hours on end.

>>What were the key conflicts of the session? How did they pan out? <<

The key conflict is that there's a evil prescence in the city that seeks to destroy and taint. The object was to find out more about how far reaching this taint was. The players decided that this taint was very far reaching, in fact, much more so than I would have had I 'planned' the adventure. This particular adventure is still ongoing.

Message 8452#88245

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...from around 10/27/2003

On 10/27/2003 at 5:37pm, The GM wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Oh, missed one:

>>What was the actual nature of their "creation"? <<

The players were talking about whether or not the 'threat' was so huge as to enter into world governments, and if so, which leaders might be involved. The players decided that one of the 'big players' of what the players have termed 'the game' (IOW, the conspiracy) was a guy they called 'The master of the tower.' The master, they surmise, is a great magician who has an innate talent with technology, and thus he can become the ghost in the machine, essentially being able to spy on any and everyone. They also surpmised that the master was tainted by evil, or a servant of evil forces.
It was a pretty cool idea, I thought.

Message 8452#88246

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...from around 10/27/2003

On 10/27/2003 at 6:00pm, The GM wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Matt says:
>>To put it another way: I believe, argue, and attempt to show in play that system does matter, and significantly. I think the group, for the most part, does not agree that system does matter, having much tradition and experiences to "disprove" that statement. I actually see the current situation as clear proof that system does matter, rather than the other way around. I think that point, simply stated, is the crucial point. (Of course, in actuality, that's a very complicated, many faceted point.)<<

I would say, and have said, that system matters in that it needs to do what you want it to, to recreate physics or what have you. As you know, when I think system gets in the way, I'm more than happy to drop it. (and then I say, system doesn't matter! ;D ) Do I think a game has to have SAs to make for player driven play? Nope. I do think you have to have a clear idea of character motivation though. So, you could make the argument that SAs and mechanics of that nature are the crutch players use to constantly be reminded of what those motivations are.
Looking back on it, you are right, play doesn't always happen the way we say it's going to.
Now, the question is, how to keep from reverting to old styles of play when trying something new. I would venture to guess that this is a question of making sure we're each on the same page. I mean really on the same page, not just with words about how a game is going to go, but maybe some real examples prior to play.
I'm certain that our group has played at some point, most styles/ modes, so I can't see that the understanding of such examples would go unnoticed.

Message 8452#88252

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...from around 10/27/2003

On 10/27/2003 at 6:07pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

The GM wrote: Hey! There you are. ;)

Yep, been away most of the weekend. Catching up now.

The background of the campaign is that the characters are reincarnated and have met in a different life to right some wrongs they didn't get around to the first time. So, Asaraludu vocalized this at the start by saying, 'if we had a second chance to change things, how would we do it? Plus, what needs fixed?'
This was the premise of the adventure.

This premise, if stated exactly as the group understands it, already presupposes an answer. That is, it assumes that, yes, indeed, each character would change things if given the chance, rather than question whether or not he would change it and why. It also assumes things "need fixed."

If so, there aren't any group-recognized themes or moral questions to answer. Rather, there is a group-recognized theme by which all answer the same: "Yes, I will reform my life; here's how." This seems to me to be a pretty simulationist premise. Other folks might have better insight than I do, however! (Whaddya say, folks?)

From my end, I just took their assumptions about what was 'scary/dangerous' and affirmed them. "Yeah, it would be devastating if XYZ happened."

What do you mean by this? Can you provide a specific example of interaction to explain?

>>Did the players partake in any jobs, aka Shadowruns? Did they receive any in-game rewards for doing so (nuyen, gear, etc.)? What about metagame rewards, like karma?<<

No, no and none.

>> For what specific events/accomplishments/etc. were they rewarded? <<

They were rewarded by having a good time together and creating a really cool story. IOW, the reward wasn't karma, it was in the act of creation itself. I didn't even think to give karma when it was done, nor did they ask.

To be blunt, why is it sufficient to only award "enjoyment"? Aren't all games supposed to be enjoyable? If you're not offering mechanical rewards, why are you using a system at all (in fact, it seems like you're not, given no dice-based conflicts, etc.)

Did any of the players say, "Jeez, that was a great session," (I'm sure they did) and then follow with, "Don't bother giving me any karma/money/etc., This was enough." (I doubt they did). That is, are you 100% certain that the players didn't actually want to receive something for their efforts, or are you assuming that since you had fun and they seemed to have fun, that no rewards are necessary? How do you know this is sufficient for them?

>>How many times during the session did the players roll the dice / "use" the system? <<


>>How much of the session involved combat dice rolls? How long did those combat scenes, if any, take in real time?<<

I let them describe to me what happened rather than dice rolling. Because the guys are very well versed in what is possible in the physics of the SR world, they only took actions that they deemed 'realistic.' I, of course, was more than happy to let them describe to me what happened rather than rolling scads of dice for hours on end.

You are, then, in effect, playing freeform Shadowrun? That is, using the setting, schucking the rules? At what point do you utilize the system? When are dice rolled?

Plainly, I'm pretty disinclined to play in this style. If that's what the group's used to, or if the system is there to keep game monkeys pleased, it's not the game for me. If, for example, you run a bunch of dice rolls in a quick combat to keep Flash interested in that aspect, that isn't sufficient for my interests in the game Shadowrun. (i.e., this ain't how I envision SR, and it isn't what the game was made to do, despite its neato setting)

Furthermore, if you are indeed effectively running a freeform storytelling game, using the Shadowrun setting, by what means do players become empowered to tell the story? How do they resist you as GM? Can they? If there is no system, even a simple system to say, "No, GM, I don't want that to happen that way," how the non-GM players really get to contribute to the story at crucial junctures?

In other words, why are you playing Shadowrun in the first place? Is the only answer, "The players like the setting?" It seems drastically different from the game Shadowrun as published. Could you use another system (like, say, the Pool) that is very simple (aka rules "lite") to accomplish the same type of play with similar, or even better, results? Would the players not like this because "it's not Shadowrun" with all the neato gear and wares and setting elements?

The key conflict is that there's a evil prescence in the city that seeks to destroy and taint. The object was to find out more about how far reaching this taint was. The players decided that this taint was very far reaching, in fact, much more so than I would have had I 'planned' the adventure. This particular adventure is still ongoing.

Whoa, this is major. What is the nature of them having "decided that this taint was very far reaching?" Can you expound on that a bit? How did this happen? How did they see evil taint where you didn't plan? Did you plan evil taint at all, at any point?

More generally, when did the evil presence first "occur"? Was it identified in this session for the first time, or has this presence been around for a while in the campaign? Who created the idea of having an uber-evil presence out there? Was it you? Or, did one of the players say something equivalent to, "You know, I bet there's an evil conspiracy behind all these sessons" or "Lisa, I'd like to pursue some evil-presence conspiracy in the city. So, I'm going to do that now, please react to my plans."

You as GM may have prepared a significant element of the game, before the game plays out, which would not be especially player-driven (nor does it necessarily prove that you're NOT doing "illusionism"). For example, do you, as GM, already know, even loosely, the nature of this evil presence? Did you sit down one day and think it up, perhaps even write it down? Is it a character? A monster? A group?

If you can honestly answer any of those questions in the affirmative or with details, then it's possible you're dancing with illusionism or trailblazing. You're laying clues that there's something evil "out there." Eventually, they'll track those down. That may take a while. Either way, though, it's evidence that this game is emphatically not soley "created by the players."

Message 8452#88255

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...started by Matt Snyder which Matt Snyder participated GNS Model Discussion
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...from around 10/27/2003

On 10/27/2003 at 6:42pm, The GM wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Matt says:

>>If so, there aren't any group-recognized themes or moral questions to answer. Rather, there is a group-recognized theme by which all answer the same: "Yes, I will reform my life; here's how." This seems to me to be a pretty simulationist premise. Other folks might have better insight than I do, however! (Whaddya say, folks?) <<

Whatever the case may be, this wasn’t something that I came up with. This was a player driven choice. (For lack of a better term.)

>>To be blunt, why is it sufficient to only award "enjoyment"? Aren't all games supposed to be enjoyable? If you're not offering mechanical rewards, why are you using a system at all (in fact, it seems like you're not, given no dice-based conflicts, etc.) <<<

It had nothing to do w/ not awarding karma, I just didn’t think to, and they didn’t remind me. You’re right about not using system sometimes. Sometimes I don’t, and the guys go w/ that because they respect that I prefer rules lite games. Sometimes, when playing SR, I go through the whole ugly ordeal of a vehicle crash test, just like the book says, because Ton gets a kick out of it. Just so happened, that we mutually (if non verbally) decided to ditch the system for the session. The system seemed unimportant for the type of game we wanted that particular day.

>>You are, then, in effect, playing freeform Shadowrun? That is, using the setting, schucking the rules? At what point do you utilize the system? When are dice rolled? <<

Probably next session, or maybe not. I intuit a lot of stuff when it comes to when to use the rules, when to focus only on story, etc.. I don’t have a formula or theory for this, Just my guts and the feedback from players.

>>Plainly, I'm pretty disinclined to play in this style. If that's what the group's used to, or if the system is there to keep game monkeys pleased, it's not the game for me. If, for example, you run a bunch of dice rolls in a quick combat to keep Flash interested in that aspect, that isn't sufficient for my interests in the game Shadowrun. (i.e., this ain't how I envision SR, and it isn't what the game was made to do, despite its neato setting) <<

I understand what you’re saying. This is why we made SR a side line game, apart from Tuesday night’s regular session. We want you to have fun on game night, so no point in making you play a game that’s not fun for you. This is what I’m trying to hammer down here, Matt. I care not about theory and so on. What I care about is your enjoyment, and specifically how to achieve that. Furthermore, I’m wanting to know how to blend your preferences in w/ everyone else’s. I’m interested in where the rubber meets the road. That’s all. Hey, if I ran an illusionary, gamist, simulativist, isolationist, whateverist game, and you and the guys liked it, score! Now, I’m being a little dramatic here, but honestly, so many terms get thrown around here and I’m hearing conflicting views of where to take this situation. Not that I don’t like differing viewpoints, or healthy debate. I do. I just don’t want to get so caught up on theory that we’re missing the real issues.

>>In other words, why are you playing Shadowrun in the first place? Is the only answer, "The players like the setting?" It seems drastically different from the game Shadowrun as published. Could you use another system (like, say, the Pool) that is very simple (aka rules "lite") to accomplish the same type of play with similar, or even better, results? Would the players not like this because "it's not Shadowrun" with all the neato gear and wares and setting elements? <<

This is a debate that has raged many a time at casa de Fleishman. So rather than change the system, we compromise, and just go with the flow.
I’m not going to point by point the rest of this SR game commentary right now, mostly because I’m not certain that anyone will really get any value from seeing a point by point critique of a game that we all had fun playing to begin w/. If it wasn’t narrativism, it was pretty damn close to the definition I see on these very forums.

Thanks for the commentary, everyone. 

Warm Regards,

Message 8452#88260

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...from around 10/27/2003

On 10/27/2003 at 8:03pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)


Lots of talk about nothing, I think. What does it matter what mode you're playing in? Narrativist, Sim, whatever, what does it matter? You're having fun, so the discussion doesn't make a difference. Oh, it might be of some academic interest, but it won't help your play to figure it out. Because that's not what GNS is about.

It's only important if there's a conflict in player interests. Which I fail to see here.

Above, responding to MJ, you say:

Matt watches me give Wen ‘illusionist’ play, and automatically assumes that this is not the sort of game that he wants to play, when in reality, I’m ready and willing to shift gears to give him the narrative that he wants in the same game, same session. Don’t scoff, I’ve done it, it works. ;D
If that works, its because Matt doesn't mind playing with other players who are playing in other modes. Which, I posit, is common, and non-interesting for purposes of this discussion.

Problems only occur when players don't like the play of he other players.

That is, it's not enough to ensure that the Gamist player gets to play Gamist, to make them happy. Some also want the other players to play the same way that he's playing. I use the Gamist example because it's easy to imagine the response from that sort of player when they encounter players not playing the same way. That is, if he's not comfortable with other players, playing in other modes, it may be that those percieved offenses will prompt him to say that those players are "cheating".

What this really means, is that the players in question are engaging in two different sorts of entertainment. For the one player, it's a competition that requires a level playing field. For the other player, it's something else. So, if the Gamist player isn't on-board with the other player getting to play a different game, then he'll be annoyed. This is just an example of one potential source of friction between players as a result of mode.

So, to give you a hypothetical, what if you were in my game, and you felt that the other players were cheating? What would you have me do? What social level adjustment would you have me make that would satisfy you?

Saying to Matt that you don't care about theory, but about how he feels is simiular to saying, "I know that you're hungry, but I only care about how you feel." GNS exists, whether you like it or not; players do have preferences. Like starvation, which can only be addressed by food, a GNS problem can only be addressed by applying an appropriate solution. The one difference in the analogy is that you can ask Matt to change his preference (something you can't do with hunger). Again, this is all about having an agreed to vision for play. But, then that's what GNS is all about -getting on the same sheet of music as to what play is about.

Marco, though it would seem that you'd like for GNS to be about more than it is, in order to discredit it, how can you ignore the fact that Ron has said a jillion times that it's only about problematic play related to the modes, and how to solve those problems? If you're going to say that GNS theory says that all problems are solved by it, then please cite where it says so. Yes, people get that idea all the time, and some even say that incorrectly, but it's not for a lack of people who understand it trying to convince them otherwise.

To make another bad analogy, it's like people who self-medicate. We try to be the label that tells people when to use the drug. But some people just don't read the fine print, and take the drug for the wrong ailment. But does that mean that we have to take the drug off the shelves? Is the theory to blame for these problems with it's use, or the people who missapply it? Could we write a better label? Well, what am I trying to do in this thread other than correct misperceptions?

There is a question as to how prevalent these problems are, and some would say that GNS problems are pandemic. Which is not the same as saying that they are all problems. And in any case we've acceeded isn't something that can't be acurately determined without unavailable data.

As to your second point, yes, GNS preferences have to "line up" after a fashion. That doesn't mean that they have to be the same, that's just one possible solution (and the simplest solution for a design trying to get it's players on the same page). That does mean that if you have a group like Matt and Lisa's, where the players don't seem to mind dirfferent modes, that they've "lined up" in terms of all agreeing to play in this multi-modal way. Creative Agenda doesn't have to mean "we're only playing Narrativist", or even "we're only playing Hybrid GS", it can mean "We're all playing the way we want, whenever we want"*. It can mean anything, as long as all the players agree to what it means. I would posit that agreement to have players playing different from you is uncommon, but that's a tendency I can't prove.

GNS is about players who don't agree about what the Creative Agenda is (specifically in GNS terms). If the players agree, then there's a coherent Creative Agenda. If the players don't agree, then there's incoherence. It's a simple as that.


Message 8452#88284

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...started by Mike Holmes which Mike Holmes participated GNS Model Discussion
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...from around 10/27/2003

On 10/27/2003 at 8:43pm, Marco wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Matt Wrote:

Furthermore, if you are indeed effectively running a freeform storytelling game, using the Shadowrun setting, by what means do players become empowered to tell the story? How do they resist you as GM? Can they? If there is no system, even a simple system to say, "No, GM, I don't want that to happen that way," how the non-GM players really get to contribute to the story at crucial junctures?

I had a conversation this weekend with someone whose take on Narrativism (and, yes, he's read the essays and several threads here) is that it's all about being in power-struggle with the GM in a normal game.

I had told him it was more about the desire to co-author scenarios and the primacy of premise during play.

He said that if "address of premise" could be subconscious (I told him it could) then it (in his opinon) amounted to a way of resolving power-struggle in the rules and wouldn't be necessary for people who weren't so inclined (this is my terminology, mostly and I'm paraphrasing).

He even said: "If you're not inclined to always argue with the GM and the GM is isn't going to railroad your characters, why do it? It can't be for a better story since collaberation at a high level leads (in his opinion) to worse stories--especially (his opinion) with more than 2 people."

I had a lengthy discussion with him--but this comment is, for his view, right on the mark.


Message 8452#88289

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On 10/27/2003 at 9:12pm, Marco wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Mike Holmes wrote: Marco, though it would seem that you'd like for GNS to be about more than it is, in order to discredit it, how can you ignore the fact that Ron has said a jillion times that it's only about problematic play related to the modes, and how to solve those problems? If you're going to say that GNS theory says that all problems are solved by it, then please cite where it says so. Yes, people get that idea all the time, and some even say that incorrectly, but it's not for a lack of people who understand it trying to convince them otherwise.

To make another bad analogy, it's like people who self-medicate. We try to be the label that tells people when to use the drug. But some people just don't read the fine print, and take the drug for the wrong ailment. But does that mean that we have to take the drug off the shelves? Is the theory to blame for these problems with it's use, or the people who missapply it? Could we write a better label? Well, what am I trying to do in this thread other than correct misperceptions?

There is a question as to how prevalent these problems are, and some would say that GNS problems are pandemic. Which is not the same as saying that they are all problems. And in any case we've acceeded isn't something that can't be acurately determined without unavailable data.

As to your second point, yes, GNS preferences have to "line up" after a fashion. That doesn't mean that they have to be the same, that's just one possible solution (and the simplest solution for a design trying to get it's players on the same page). That does mean that if you have a group like Matt and Lisa's, where the players don't seem to mind dirfferent modes, that they've "lined up" in terms of all agreeing to play in this multi-modal way. Creative Agenda doesn't have to mean "we're only playing Narrativist", or even "we're only playing Hybrid GS", it can mean "We're all playing the way we want, whenever we want"*. It can mean anything, as long as all the players agree to what it means. I would posit that agreement to have players playing different from you is uncommon, but that's a tendency I can't prove.

GNS is about players who don't agree about what the Creative Agenda is (specifically in GNS terms). If the players agree, then there's a coherent Creative Agenda. If the players don't agree, then there's incoherence. It's a simple as that.



Gordon Landis had a whole thread about that. Ron posted on it. IIRC the strong conclusion was: It's for anyone who wants something more from their gaming. I cannot imagine how this is seen as discrediting it.

Here is the thread:

Here's the quote


Gordon's right. I think the ideas are useful even, or perhaps especially, for people who do have fun with role-playing but perhaps would like more.


I'd like to take the suggestion that what I'm out to do to discreit GNS by doing this to PM's. I think the standard disclaimers do it more damage.

GNS has a great deal to say about taxonomies of gaming, game design, and techniques for examining play even where it may not be dysfunctional. It's quite acceptable to bring GNS to the table even when everything *is* functional. I'm kinda surprised at you.

That said, I do *not* agree with much of the way GNS is presently couched and often communicated.

As for folks lining up: I didn't say they had to all be the same mode. Other people were real freaking loud about that (I'll search when I have the time). If I was misunderstanding them when they were really saying "Marco, in order for people to 'get along' they must first 'get along' " then maybe it was all the swearing or something.

But I'd suggest you argue with *them*--I agree completely with your second point. But, you know, I can see how a person coming here could get the other idea.


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Topic 7396

Message 8452#88295

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...from around 10/27/2003

On 10/28/2003 at 1:30am, The GM wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Thanks all for the great commentary. I'll be exiting this thread and not tracking it anymore.
Take care!
Warm Regards,

Message 8452#88329

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On 10/28/2003 at 3:11am, M. J. Young wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Lisa, in regard to your described recent Shadowrun game, I have two observations:

• You clearly were not trailblazing at that game, but were much more in the mode of bass playing.• It does not sound like your usual mode of play, particularly in regard to the previous descriptions of the techniques you use with Wendy.

I'm not sure that it was narrativist, but that may be because your group is constantly looking for the action adventure game, not the moral issues game, and so left to their own devices that's what they created.

I suppose that this is too late, since you're apparently leaving us; but I do hope you and Matt manage to work out the problems.

Has anyone considered letting Matt run a game?

--M. J. Young

Message 8452#88342

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On 10/28/2003 at 3:23am, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

M.J. and others --

To clarify once more. I DO run a game. Our group has primarily three potential GMs. Over the last year, here's how our play has progressed:

Last year, starting in September or so, we played Riddle of Steel for several months (of nearly weekly play). The GM was Tony (aka Asaraludu).

Tony then took a break from Riddle of Steel in the winter. We played my own game, Avatar-13, a cyberpunk homebrew I created. I ran the game for several sessions.

Following that, we then played Mutants & Masterminds. Lisa and I "took turns" running the game with varying levels of success. Ultimately, the sessions fizzled. (Tony also ran a "sub-campaign" of M&M, but I participated in only 1 of those sessions, as a player.)

During this time, Tony began running Riddle of Steel again, which we played for a few weeks.

Then, about a month or six weeks ago, we playtested Nine Worlds, which I ran. We continued to play RoS. We then decided to set up a formal rotation of three games, three GMs, each taking a turn every third week. Tony would run RoS, I would run Nine Worlds, and Lisa would run a modern horror, vampire hunters game (using the Avatar-13 rules set).

Throughout this process, we deliberated on which games to play. This is especially true following our Mutants & Masterminds play.

We play on weeknights, though we have played a rare session on during the weekend.

Finally, and importantly, all throughout this time the "rest" of the group participated in MANY sessions (as often as weekly), typically of Shadowrun run by Lisa. They play on the weekends, when I'm often not available.

So, in short, yes, I "get" to run games. Tony runs most often, because of our successul RoS campaign. More power to him!

Message 8452#88344

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On 10/28/2003 at 7:00pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Marco wrote: Gordon Landis had a whole thread about that. Ron posted on it. IIRC the strong conclusion was: It's for anyone who wants something more from their gaming. I cannot imagine how this is seen as discrediting it.

I stand corrected. Sorta.

I'd like to ammend my statement, actually. It's very complex. "Problem" is a very nebulous term for instance. I think that every game has room for improvement. No game is perfect. And GNS can't get you all the way to perfect, but it can help improve any game in theory. The question of how much it can help is dependent on how much of a "problem", how much of a disconnect that players have in terms of these issues. With very little disconnect, the returns from GNS are small in comparison with the potential problems of applying the analysis.

So, I don't think that Gordon means that GNS is the only solution to all problems. That's what I object to. It's a specific tool to tune up a specific part of your game. If that part isn't problematic, sure, you can still play with that tool, but it might not address other problems that you might have. As an obvious example, it can't fix Social problems (other than to help identify when something is a Social Problem, or at least not a GNS problem).

My presumption was that you were trying to set up the old false situation where it seems that GNS is the only solution to all GNS problems.

it's for anyone who wants *any* kind of improvement in their gaming--of any sort (microscopic or otherwise).
This seems to me to say that it's a solution to any problem. "Any Improvement" seems to imply to me that it can be used for any problem. Which is patently false, and makes GNS easy to attack ("If GNS can solve everything, then howcome it won't make my players like me?"). If you didn't intend to set up that false impression, then I apologize.

In that case we agree. I think that "problem" is subjective. I'd revise my statement to say something more like the above, that it's for people who are looking to improve their game.

The point here is that Lisa doesn't seem to see a need to improve her game. So, that being the case, she certainly doesn't need to consider GNS. Basically, you can ignore GNS if it's already not problematic in any way.

If I was misunderstanding them when they were really saying "Marco, in order for people to 'get along' they must first 'get along' " then maybe it was all the swearing or something.
I don't remember the swearing, but if you mean "see the game in the same GNS light", as "get along" then I think this is exactly what Creative Agenda is all about.

But I'd suggest you argue with *them*--I agree completely with your second point. But, you know, I can see how a person coming here could get the other idea.

I think that the following is where we may have potentially stumbled before. I've indicated above the idea of having multiple players with different outlooks being OK assuming that they understand and accept the other players sorts of play. That might be a first for me, actually. But it's a simple extension of things I've said a lot. My definitions of coherence and incoherence are about players getting annoyed by the play of others. Which happens because they're not all on the same sheet of music. The solution for which is to get on the same sheet, whatever that means. This is exactly the definition that Ron gives for Creative Agenda, never saying that all players have to be playing in the same modes.

Design is a different topic, however.


Message 8452#88440

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On 10/28/2003 at 7:58pm, Marco wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)


Roger. If I ever say that "GNS is the solution to every problem" you may give me a virtual smack. I'm way on the other side of the fence. And I don't think anyone is saying that GNS is the solution to every problem.

I don't even think "knowing the theory" is necessiarily the "solution" to *any* GNS problem. That is, I don't think "the theory" addresses the resolution of GNS-based conflicts (and I don't know that anyone else does either. The closest I've seen--and it was in PM's--and contained profanity--was that "knowing the theory" is 'necessary' to allow more concrete solutions to arise.)

Dunno. Maybe it's a YMMV thing.

But consider this:

Saying to Matt that you don't care about theory, but about how he feels is simiular to saying, "I know that you're hungry, but I only care about how you feel." GNS exists, whether you like it or not; players do have preferences. Like starvation, which can only be addressed by food, a GNS problem can only be addressed by applying an appropriate solution. The one difference in the analogy is that you can ask Matt to change his preference (something you can't do with hunger). Again, this is all about having an agreed to vision for play. But, then that's what GNS is all about -getting on the same sheet of music as to what play is about.

Is a pretty strong suggestion that GNS is, in fact, required for her and Matt to iron out their game.


Message 8452#88451

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...from around 10/28/2003

On 10/28/2003 at 8:29pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Marco wrote: Is a pretty strong suggestion that GNS is, in fact, required for her and Matt to iron out their game.
Well, I'm playing both sides here. That is, taking Lisa at face value that there's nothing wrong with her game, then I say that GNS doesn't disagree with her. It might not be important. Which she was saying went against the theory.

But all that said, if Matt is claiming that there's a GNS problem (and I'm not saying that he is saying there is), then I'd be inclined to think that there's a GNS problem. That is, assuming that he's saying there is a problem, it means that he's not content to play in a game where this mix is going on. And all Lisa is doing is pleading for him to change his mind.

See, this is where it gets sticky. Does Matt have a right to play in a game that's more like what he wants to see? Or should he just "be social" and accept what's going on. This is classic interpersonal politics, and goes back to the social level again. That is, we're all trying to get what we want every day, and the question is whether we can get it from others or not.

Now, it seems on the face of it to be greedy to want others to play in your mode. But that assumes that those others are adverse. If they're just playing the way they do out of habit, maybe they'd enjoy a change of scenery, and playing in a single mode. Who can say? I'm not on the scene, and don't know all the players (played with Matt and Flash, however!:-) ). So I can't really say if it would work. Maybe Lisa knows that it's doomed to failure, and she's playing the only game that will work for the group.

But sans an attempt to try it, that means that Matt has to just swallow whatever preference he may be feeling. The suitability of which, only Matt can comment on.


Message 8452#88457

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...from around 10/28/2003

On 10/29/2003 at 12:13am, Gordon C. Landis wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Hi everyone,

Lisa seems to be done with this thread, so I'd guess it's time to let it close - but as far as the side issue of when to apply GNS goes: it looks to me like Mike and Marco eventually got to the right place. No, no one (I hope!) would ever say GNS is the only solution to all problems. My other thread was just to be clear that it's not ONLY in a massively dysfunctional game that GNS can be helpfully applied.


Message 8452#88505

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On 10/29/2003 at 6:04pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

Obviously I'm of the belief of a wider abilty to use GNS, I'm the guy who advocates it's use in design. So, I'm going to agree with Marco to be more careful in my phraseology in the future. I could have been more clear.

In any case, sorry for dragging the thread out longer than it needed to go.


Message 8452#88608

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On 10/29/2003 at 7:10pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: GNS and Social Contract (split)

All closed!


Message 8452#88630

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