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Topic: Captures- What do I aim for?
Started by: ScottM
Started on: 10/27/2003
Board: Half Meme Press

On 10/27/2003 at 7:11pm, ScottM wrote:
Captures- What do I aim for?

Rules wrote: "When ever a conflict resolution results in a minion’s Weariness increasing to a value greater than Reason, the minion is captured by the Townspeople or Outsiders."

But there's additional text that says that the capture is just a lead in to the next scene. I kind of get that, but I'm not quite sure what I should do with it. I appreciated the previous Rules Question thread, where you clarified that minions are only captured once.

Should I ask what kind of a scene the player wants next, or does the capture set the whole next scene? Since the minion will get away, should I make sure I set the scene on the way to 'prison', particularly if they have no 'greater than' useful to a breakout? Or just set it in the cell anyway? Do they have to use violence/villany to actually escape- and if they don't, is that enough for them to fail? If they don't try to escape, do I have someone else rescue them (the Master sends bail or something similar?)

Example: So, MinionA just passed the threshold (by, say, digging a corpse out of the graveyard or something similar), on the master's orders. The next scene starts with: "Angry villagers caught you with the body in your hands, trudging up the hill toward the castle. They captured you and drug you down to the town's gaol, where you now sit." Then the minion explains how he gets out and resumes mission/ attempts an overture/ etc.? Does the escape occupy his whole 'turn'? Is my example reasonable, or would you aim for something different entirely?

Sorry for the questions... I was rereading the rules (we play Friday), and wondered what I do with this? The group seems eager for this experiment- it's a departure for all of us.


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On 10/27/2003 at 8:54pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Captures- What do I aim for?

Hey Scott,

Capture is just a story element. By "lead in to the next scene" I just mean you should base the conflict in the next scene on the fact of the minion having been captured. Perhaps have a scene where the minion is in the stockade being pelted with rotten vegetables, and one of his Connections is in the crowd. Or maybe the minion is in the gaol, at the mercy of a cruel bishop or deputy that you just invent. Game events proceed from there via roleplaying and resolution mechanics. Maybe it's only one scene. Or maybe the capture situation persists for a whole series of follow-up scenes...attempted overtures, attempted escapes and increased Weariness. The idea is just to color the minion's storyline and relationships with the circumstances of a capture.

Does that help?


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On 10/28/2003 at 5:51pm, ScottM wrote:
RE: Captures- What do I aim for?

Greatly. I was trying to figure out how much I should restrain myself (whether I should insure that any effort would lead to successful escape, or if it would take roleplaying, etc.)


Message 8483#88418

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On 10/28/2003 at 6:09pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Captures- What do I aim for?


Can I ask, did you have Master creation already? Or is that Friday?


Message 8483#88426

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On 10/28/2003 at 10:50pm, ScottM wrote:
RE: Captures- What do I aim for?

Coming up Friday.

Message 8483#88491

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On 11/3/2003 at 7:37pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Captures- What do I aim for?

Hey Scott,

When you have a chance, I'd love to hear about the game. It happened on Halloween, as planned?


Message 8483#89138

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On 11/3/2003 at 9:17pm, ScottM wrote:
RE: Captures- What do I aim for?

No, grr. Wil's work schedule was shifted. He worked swing, when we'd ordinarily game. We were going to reschedule for Sunday, but got committed to a birthday party (for Zack). Tonight we're celebrating Wil's birthday... and sometime during the evening I hope to negotiate a night this week, schedules permitting.

On the other hand, it's hard to complain when it's fun things like birthdays getting in the way. I'll definately write up the session when we make it happen.

Thanks for your interest and answers,

Message 8483#89156

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On 11/6/2003 at 5:24am, ScottM wrote:
Irish Mines

Did Master and Minion creation last night and wrote it up in actual play. MLwM: Irish Mines

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