The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Pandemonium Books in Boston
Started by: abzu
Started on: 10/28/2003
Board: Publishing

On 10/28/2003 at 6:27pm, abzu wrote:
Pandemonium Books in Boston

check out what I found at Pandemonium Books in Boston!

The owner, Tyler, is very friendly and open to indies. We spent a good hour talking about BW, GAMA, running the stores and sales in general. Pandemonium has been around for over ten years and is just a cool book/game store in general.

And such things give one hope, no?


(i tried to post the image in the thread, but it didn't work. click and see!)

Message 8498#88431

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...from around 10/28/2003

On 10/28/2003 at 6:31pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Pandemonium Books in Boston


Pandemonium Books is a class-A place. The proprietors looked me up at GAMA 2002 and we've been pals ever since; they have a great actual-play culture going on, and they know how to convey enthusiasm to customers. Sorcerer moves out of there like gangbusters, at last report.

... and (shhh) a staff member has been known to chime in here at the Forge once in a while.

So everyone go shop there and tell'em why.


Message 8498#88432

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On 10/28/2003 at 6:39pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Pandemonium Books in Boston

Yes! I'm not going to name names, but I was informed that the BW books have outsold the Buffy core rules at Pandemonium. Zoinks!

From what I hear, Boston's got a good gaming community. I never knew it while I lived there! Must have been all those smart-ass college kids playin in their dorm rooms. My and my lowly highschool friends...

I'm planning on heading out to Vericon to show them the light.


Message 8498#88436

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On 10/28/2003 at 11:33pm, HinterWelt wrote:
RE: Pandemonium Books in Boston

Hey! That picture has Shades of Earth in the lower left corner!!! That is us!!! HinterWelt Enterprises!!! Woohooo! I will have to get in contact with these guys and see if they need any posters or support material.

Woohoo, indeed! This is one of those things I really get a charge out of.


Message 8498#88498

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On 10/29/2003 at 12:11am, abzu wrote:
RE: Pandemonium Books in Boston

even better!

sorry i missed you guys, didn't see you lurking back there in the corner.


Message 8498#88503

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On 10/29/2003 at 12:19am, madelf wrote:
RE: Pandemonium Books in Boston

You know what I like best about that picture?

That's not just an independant games rack hidden in a corner. The indies are right there on the same shelf with D&D, Vampire, and Lord of the Rings products. That is cool.

Message 8498#88508

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On 10/29/2003 at 4:53am, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Pandemonium Books in Boston

Hey you have a higher-res version of that photo? What's the little book next to OctaNe?


Message 8498#88536

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On 10/29/2003 at 5:25am, abzu wrote:
RE: Pandemonium Books in Boston

i'm surprised you don't remember it, paul!

It's DnD's Scourge of Worlds DVD. It was playing looped (incessant repitition!) next to the Forge booth at this past GenCon. Don't you remember?! The Fighter, the Magic-User, the Halfling thief all vs the Evil Wizard?

Message 8498#88539

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On 10/29/2003 at 6:46am, HinterWelt wrote:
RE: Pandemonium Books in Boston

Not to highjack the thread but I thought it might be interesting to talk about stores a bit. I wrote this one up on Village Games opening this weekend in Anoka. I will do nome better recon this weekend and see if he is carrying any of the games mentioned in this thread. He picked us up after we explained a little about our games, strategy and what we are doing next. The link is here:

I will let you know what I find out,

Message 8498#88544

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On 10/30/2003 at 9:23pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Pandemonium Books in Boston

i'm surprised you don't remember it, paul!

It's DnD's Scourge of Worlds DVD.

Ah, no kidding. I'm not sure I ever actually saw the packaging. Mostly I was just thinking that was a nice My Life with Master-sized spot on the shelf...


Message 8498#88811

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On 10/31/2003 at 3:50am, abzu wrote:
RE: Pandemonium Books in Boston

agreed. a perfect fit!

i recommend calling the store and asking for Tyler. Tell him your story, he will probably agree to take two copies.


Message 8498#88844

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On 11/15/2003 at 3:12pm, Cynthia Celeste Miller wrote:
RE: Pandemonium Books in Boston

madelf wrote: You know what I like best about that picture?

That's not just an independant games rack hidden in a corner. The indies are right there on the same shelf with D&D, Vampire, and Lord of the Rings products. That is cool.

Dammit, you said it before I could. :)

It's really cool seeing the indie games right next to the "big leaguers". Refreshing indeed.

Message 8498#90578

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On 1/9/2004 at 4:24pm, taepoong wrote:
RE: Pandemonium Books in Boston

BW seems so small compared to those large, color-art hard covers! But I am glad it's turning out to be the littlest giant! :o)

Message 8498#96511

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