The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Looking for opportunties for expansion
Started by: Michael Hopcroft
Started on: 10/30/2003
Board: Publishing

On 10/30/2003 at 7:24am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
Looking for opportunties for expansion

I'm looking to expand Seraphim guard's product line even beyond games. Sounds silly, doesn't it? But one of the people I'm working with has just offered to write me a novel. I don;t know if he understands how it takes to write a good novel, but I wanted to see if anyone knew where I could look up resources for the electronic sale of fiction.

I also have a coupel of "amerimanga" projects in the works and am looking for more. I had a publisher in line, but I haven;t heard from them in a while and progress has been slow enough that their patience will not be infinite.

Where should Igo to sell this sort of product? Would RPGNow accept fiction or comics, and would they sell there? Even if they sold for very low prices? Or would I be better off offering them to other e-tailers who specilize in the e-book trade?

Message 8514#88713

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