The Forge Reference Project


Topic: World Design
Started by: Grimbot
Started on: 10/31/2003
Board: Universalis

On 10/31/2003 at 1:51am, Grimbot wrote:
World Design

I just got my book and I'm really looking forward to starting up my first session. After a few practice sessions I think I'm going to try to get my group to assist in making a brand new campaign setting. I've made my own campaign settings before, but I find that a lot of the work I put in is wasted. Nobody can remember who the gods are or the name of that villain that gouged the druid's eye out last session. Maybe it's all the dope they smoke. I don't know. My hope is that being part of the creative process will give them more of an investment in the world and its history. It's one thing visiting a creepy tomb, it's another thing completely to visit the creepy tomb of the fallen hero you created.

So... what I'm planning on starting with is a Creation Myth. The first few sessions will likely revolve around the god/gods and the creation of the world. And we'll see where we go from there.

The sheer epic scope attainable with this system really excites me, and I'm suprised more people aren't using Universalis for long-term campaigns. Anybody else tried this out? I'll let you know how it goes...

Message 8526#88833

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On 10/31/2003 at 2:48am, Valamir wrote:
RE: World Design

Epic campaigns as you describe were one of the key design goals for the game. One of the other strengths of Universalis happens to be that its a very convenient game to pick up and run when the regular group is short a couple of players and you can get a whole lot of powerful play in a single session. I think that particular strength of the game has been the one most touted and getting the most air time.

But I do seriously believe that the game is well suited to campaign play. My initial driving vision while I was making the game was a cycle of myth creation just as you describe. Each story told set in that same world can reveal another little piece and its perfectly fine if they're only tangentally related to each other and involve a changing cast of characters. Just like the original Conan stories. Largely unconnected tales that over time revealed an entire world and myth base.

I know of some groups that have used the game as a hybrid, setting up the world and myth in Universalis for a game they intend to play in d20. Or pausing a d20 game to play some sessions of Universalis in that same world to give life and motives to the big movers and the shakers of the campaign who are pursueing their own ends. In this way, player characters can get involved in a war that they themselves started during Uni play.

I eagerly look forward to your efforts and would love to post your successes up on the web site.

Message 8526#88835

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On 10/31/2003 at 6:20pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: World Design

I've been slowly working on doing something similar with integrating Nobilis and Universalis. Hopefully, by getting the players to generate the ongoing "metaplot", it will lighten the load on me as HG.

I'd also like to see how Universalis integrates with Legends of Alyria. Hmm....

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

Message 8526#88908

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On 10/31/2003 at 6:26pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: World Design

GreatWolf wrote: I've been slowly working on doing something similar with integrating Nobilis and Universalis. Hopefully, by getting the players to generate the ongoing "metaplot", it will lighten the load on me as HG.

I've been thinking about this a bit since you first mentioned the idea. You'll remember I stuggled a good bit creating character for Nobilis. What we wound up with was an interesting setting(like a cool location described in a sourcebook) and a character who I think would make a completely kick ass NPC but which I had no real interest in playing.

Part of that was probably a huge big WTF with regards to what are you supposed to do in Nobilis. Perhaps setting up an Alyria style story map with a largely in media res situation (using Universalis or not) would be a way to create something I can get my mind around and envision a good character for.

In that I actually see that in print...Nobilis would be improved by an order of magnitude in playability if it incorporated Alyria story mapping techniques into prep.

I'd also like to see how Universalis integrates with Legends of Alyria. Hmm....

I would love to see the story mapping technique of Alyria defined in Universalis mechanical parameters.

Message 8526#88909

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