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Topic: No Press RPG Anthology (II)
Started by: xiombarg
Started on: 10/31/2003
Board: Publishing

On 10/31/2003 at 9:43pm, xiombarg wrote:
No Press RPG Anthology (II)

Is this project still live? I hope so, because I just sent in a submission...

Message 8562#88946

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On 10/31/2003 at 9:58pm, gobi wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

So did I :)

Message 8562#88949

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On 11/3/2003 at 8:17pm, abzu wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)


Just got the first two submissions for the NPA this weekend.

Alright, we are rolling now. These seem pretty straightforward so I'll send them along to Rich Forest for editing shortly. The author's will then get a commented rtf back in which they can make changes and then resubmit to me.

rawk and roll

Message 8562#89145

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On 11/3/2003 at 8:47pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

The above posts were split from No Press RPG Anthology.


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Message 8562#89149

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On 11/4/2003 at 10:40pm, Matt wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

Hi Luke,

Just to let you know, I've decided to submit the revised version of The Agency for the Nopress anthology. I just need to tweak wording somewhat...


Message 8562#89344

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On 11/6/2003 at 1:23am, Jeph wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

Well, the Burner of Dice has forcefully dragged me into this project, and it turns out that I'll be submitting Pagoda at the end of the month after it's undergone a bit of playtesting. Yay me!


Message 8562#89440

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On 11/6/2003 at 1:25am, Lxndr wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

I'm tempted to submit Snowball, but I'm not sure if it's different enough to stand on its own, rather than "a variant of The Pool."


Message 8562#89441

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On 11/6/2003 at 4:32am, abzu wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

That's three games so far, and a very strong showing to start!

Pretender, Pagoda and WTF? are all in the cue for editing. (Though Pagoda is going to get some playtesting before it gets officially submitted).

The sooner you get your games to me, the faster we can get this project out and into the hands of eager gamers everywhere.

I've also got the initial concepts for the layout down, and I'm excited. I love white space!

And I don't mean to be a spoilsport, but please post only comments, questions and announcements of actual submissions. While I love to hear the nifty titles of all your games, posting a "perhaps i'll submit..." doesn't really serve any purpose.

Come on! Just submit the damn thing and stop talking about it!

three down...

Message 8562#89449

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On 11/6/2003 at 12:08pm, gobi wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

I'm terrible with play examples so the one included in WTF? concerning jam sessions may not be any help. Have El Editor feel free to tear it apart. :)

Message 8562#89473

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On 11/6/2003 at 12:30pm, Rich Forest wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

Don't worry, Daniel. I'll feel free to tear everything apart ;-)

Thanks for submitting, by the way. I've said this before, but I'll say it again: This project is cool.


Message 8562#89475

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On 11/7/2003 at 3:59pm, Matt wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

My submission should now be winging its way to Luke.


Message 8562#89642

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On 11/20/2003 at 4:54pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

Snowball has wung (winged?) its way to Luke, now that I finally have Mr. West's blessing for my Pool-inspired account.

Abzu's last update said there were three games - Pretender, Pagoda and WTF?. Matt The Lastnameless One has submitted something, and I have, making it at least five.

Has anyone else submitted anything, Luke? What might we be able to expect when this baby is finally sent to the printer? I know in the original thread, our own Mr. Holmes said he had a submission prepared to send - did that get to you?

Just FYI, Snowballs "style" pretty much isn't one, feel free to tweak with the layout and style to your heart's content. If you need an RTF submission I can provide one. Thanks for doing this, Luke - there's a lot of little games that I'd be happy to see finally getting a physical, printed home, and I'm glad that at least some of them soon will.

Message 8562#91258

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On 11/20/2003 at 5:12pm, gobi wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

If it's okay to have more than one submission from a single designer, I'd be willing to submit Freak High.

Message 8562#91261

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On 11/21/2003 at 3:32am, xiombarg wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

Heck, if that's okay, I'd be tempted to thow Faster, Better, Cheaper in as well.

Message 8562#91335

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On 12/2/2003 at 5:48pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

Have either of you sent in your 2nd contributions?

Message 8562#92162

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On 12/2/2003 at 6:09pm, abzu wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

Hi guys,
Sorry I didn't see your questions! Been preoccupied with all that Actual Play

As some of you know, NPA is full steam ahead!

I have about 8 submissions, and the editing process is underway.

I won't be able to accept two submissions per author for this one, save'em for the next one.

Speaking of editing, we are trying to do two rounds per piece with the editor, this is a lot of work for the enthusiastic Mr Forest. Do I have any other volunteers who can do .rtf annotations and comments?

And just to tantalize, I have submissions from:
Kirt Dankmeyer
Matt Machell
Daniel Solis
Ben Lehman
Alexander Cherry
Mike S Miller

I am in negotiations with Jeph and Colin for additional pieces.

Keep 'em coming!

Message 8562#92165

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On 12/2/2003 at 6:19pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

Lxndr wrote: Have either of you sent in your 2nd contributions?

I wanted some word if it was wanted/needed first...

Message 8562#92166

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On 12/2/2003 at 6:32pm, quozl wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

abzu wrote: Speaking of editing, we are trying to do two rounds per piece with the editor, this is a lot of work for the enthusiastic Mr Forest. Do I have any other volunteers who can do .rtf annotations and comments?

I can insert comments in rtf files with Word and volunteer to serve as junior editor.

Message 8562#92167

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On 12/2/2003 at 6:34pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

Bah. Mike Holmes hasn't set in the game he mentioned in the other NPA thread?

Luke, roughly how many pages is NPA looking to be right now?

Message 8562#92168

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On 12/2/2003 at 6:38pm, gobi wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

I wasn't sure if it was okay to send in more than one contribution. :) After the end-of-semester craziness dies down, I'll revise Freak High and send it over.

Message 8562#92171

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On 12/2/2003 at 6:38pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

abzu wrote: Kirt Dankmeyer

Pedantic correction: That's Kirt Dankmyer. Only one "E". Yes, both of my names are spelled funny.

Message 8562#92172

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On 12/2/2003 at 6:41pm, abzu wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

Lxndr wrote:

Luke, roughly how many pages is NPA looking to be right now?

a lot, but not too many.

I wasn't sure if it was okay to send in more than one contribution. :) After the end-of-semester craziness dies down, I'll revise Freak High and send it over.

Please please please revise Freak High, but I'm going to save it for NPA 2.

Pedantic correction: That's Kirt Dankmyer. Only one "E". Yes, both of my names are spelled funny.

So long as it's spelled like you want it in your piece, we'll be fine. Cut and paste, baby!


Message 8562#92173

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On 12/2/2003 at 9:54pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

Lxndr wrote: Bah. Mike Holmes hasn't set in the game he mentioned in the other NPA thread?
I will. It's Cell Gamma. And you know as well as I do that it needs some editing on my part yet. Heck, you even pointed out an ommission. In fact, if you wanted to edit the copy that you have, and send it back, that would help expedite things... :-)


Message 8562#92200

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On 12/4/2003 at 9:04pm, Jeph wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

abzu wrote: I am in negotiations with Jeph and Colin for additional pieces.

I'm workin on it, holdjer horses. :^D

Seriously, I should have it to you by the 7th (even though I thought it'd be done by the end of November), 10th at the latest. It just happened that a horde of cousins and a couple-mid terms crept up on me...


Message 8562#92464

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On 12/5/2003 at 8:53pm, gobi wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

abzu wrote: Please please please revise Freak High, but I'm going to save it for NPA 2.

Okay okay!

It's good that it'll be for NPA 2. Gives me plenty of breathing room to work on it in my increasingly scarce spare time. :P

Message 8562#92624

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On 12/12/2003 at 1:55am, Jeph wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

I just sent Pagoda in for editing a minute ago. :^)

Jeph wrote:
Seriously, I should have it to you by the ... 10th at the latest.

Quiet, you.

Message 8562#93587

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On 12/19/2003 at 10:05pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

Okay, I see a run down of names... But what games are we looking forward to here? Luke? Anyone?

I know I'm missing some, but I believe we're talking (in no particular order):

* Pretender
* Pagoda
* WTF?
* Over the Bar
* Cell Gamma
* Snowball

I'm really starting to get excited about this thing. ;-D

Message 8562#94471

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On 12/19/2003 at 10:24pm, Matt wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

My contribution was The Agency, revised, expanded and full of grooviness.


Message 8562#94474

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On 12/20/2003 at 1:53pm, gobi wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

I still have to work on the editted rtf of WTF. Now that there's a bit of a break for the holidays, I'll have time to do that.

Message 8562#94504

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On 12/29/2003 at 9:39pm, Jeph wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

So, any more news on the NPA? Any new contributions or earth-shattering discoveries or the like?

Is Colin's contribution going to be d02?

If so, will it be open source?

Am I thinking of the wrong Colin?

Enquiring minds want to know!

Message 8562#95144

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On 12/30/2003 at 5:36am, abzu wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

Patience, patience. We're still in the editing process, but things are moving along.

Have no fear, you're in good company in the NPA.


Message 8562#95197

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On 12/30/2003 at 6:41am, LordSmerf wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

I'm sure you have some sort of deadline for this thing... Do you know what it is yet?


Message 8562#95203

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On 12/30/2003 at 2:49pm, Rich Forest wrote:
RE: No Press RPG Anthology (II)

I think the deadline is "as soon as we can get it ready!"

But the really concrete deadline is, I think, "in time for Origins." Right now, I have The Agency in editing, and were it not for the holidays, I'd have it back to Matt by now. I know some other folks are helping out with the editing of some of the contributions as well. I should have a good bit of time to work on (hopefully) a number of entries in mid-January.

It takes time to put together a book: but I think the quality of the final product will reflect the time put into it.


Message 8562#95218

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