The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Order of customizing terms in one sheets for Sorcerer?
Started by: sirogit
Started on: 11/4/2003
Board: Adept Press

On 11/4/2003 at 5:55pm, sirogit wrote:
Order of customizing terms in one sheets for Sorcerer?

Based off of what Mike Holmes said in Charactaer Conversaion, I was wondering what are the suggested method for writing a one-sheet in sorcerer was in terms of order of term defination?

I would peg the term definations as:


From my assuptions, I'd say the best way to go is:

1. Setting
This precedes humanity so that humanity will be relevant in the culture that the world is set in.

2. Humanity
This precedes demons so that demons can be made to be challenging to it.

3. Demons
This precdes Sorcery because what is done in sorcery is dependant on dealing with demons.

4.Sorcery and Sorcerers
Last would be what are the actual practices of sorcery, and what is the role/situation of the Sorcerer.

Though, I assume if you're using a relationship map, it is just a general conflict at first, and than adapted when you define the Setting, the demons, and sorcery. I figure you wouldn't have to adjust your relationship map to Humanity because Humanity should be in vibe with the relationship map as you create it, seemingly much easier than to change the relationships to make Humanity's definition more central, though I could be wrong about that.

How does everyone else usually go about defining the terms?

Message 8581#89279

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On 11/4/2003 at 6:08pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Order of customizing terms in one sheets for Sorcerer?

Hi there,

Theoretically, your proposed order makes perfect sense ...

... but in application, the starting point could be any of them. My starting point for the Azk'Arn game was pure image: a part-bug warrior guy who has to choose between nest loyalty and personal sacrifice. The setting and other details grew from there.

Also, character creation can begin in and among any of these steps, therefore contributing greatly to the steps that come after it.

As far as relationship maps are concerned, I consider them to come later than any of the steps you listed. Initial prep for the relationship map can come before characters are created, but the final map should not be finished until just prior to the first session of actual play.


Message 8581#89285

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