The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Bartender!
Started by: Ron Edwards
Started on: 11/5/2003
Board: Adept Press

On 11/5/2003 at 9:01pm, Ron Edwards wrote:

Hi there,

I want an official mixed drink for Sorcerer, and I want it to be a new and original thing.

Yes, I know: we already have the Fallen Angel, the Green Demon*, the Green Devil, the Blue Devil, the Devil's Cocktail, the Devil's Tail, the Diablo, and more.

But I want a new one: the Sorcerer. What would it be?

Parameters: it can be a shooter, a classic-style mixed drink, a "martini" (as currently construed by bar culture), or a cordial/liqueur mix. Any sort of juice, spice, soda, garnish, or other mixing element may be included. It may be a frozen drink or a hot drink, or neither.

It can't be a single-booze neat drink, e.g.., "ounce and a half of scotch"; it has to be a mix of some kind.

It can't be one of those stun-the-sorority-chick drinks. Example: "Miami Ice," 1/2 oz each of vodka, gin, rum, and peach schapps, dash of cranberry juice, fill (3-4 oz) with lemon-lime soda. Feh. Submit one of those and I'll do something awful to you.

It can't be a currently-known drink either. If that were the case, I'd just call a Cactus Rose or Dingo "the Sorcerer" and be done.

It's gotta have punch. If the hardest thing in there is half an ounce of dry vermouth or white wine, then that ain't worth it. And if your recipe includes grenadine, then the drink better be so damn good that I'll be able stand that gunk in it.

Include full and clear instructions for making and serving it: stirred or shaken, layered, what sort of ice (shaved, cracked, etc), what sort of glassware, chilling instructions, etc.

Oh yeah - if you want to make a drink that corresponds to some aspect or mechanic of the game, rather than its title, that's cool too. What would "the Binding" be, for instance?

All submissions will be field-tested, I assure you.

Is there a prize? I dunno. I guess so. ... H'm ... I know! Whoever wins will get an original and complete one-sheet writeup for a Sorcerer game based on a wholly new concept, by me.

All submissions are to be received here in this thread.


* Look out for the Green Demon; it's a killer.

Message 8590#89421

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On 11/5/2003 at 9:56pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Bartender!

Here's my submission. Field-test at your own risk: I've not had it.

2 parts pastis (a black licorice liquor - Granier Pastis recommended)
1 part vodka
1 part club soda
dash of high-quality salt

Mix the pastis and vodka in a chilled tumbler and keep exceedingly cold. Directly before serving, mix the club soda, and throw a small dash of salt on top. The drink should change color from a clear, slightly yellowish tone to a milky one - the anise in the pastis causes this reaction in water.

This drink represents the black allure of sorcery, the black licorice sweet like the promises of devils. The reaction of the golden drink to water is as mystic as the clouding of one's soul when one loses their demonic virginity.

The reality, found after summoning a few of these, is terrible, even when seen through a glass darkly.

Message 8590#89424

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On 11/5/2003 at 11:05pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Bartender!

Well, working off a recipie for a shot my friends and I called the Kwisatz Haderach in college, I can come up with something. I base the appropriateness off the fact that drinking it was designed to be an ordeal. Much like sorcery.

1 Part Jagermeister
1 Part Tequila
1 Part Extra Sharp Ginger Brandy

Garnish the edge of the shot glass with tobasco.

Only a true Sorcerer would have the will to take this shot and not make a face. The inventor is not responsible for any demons summoned in the process of consuming this concoction.


Message 8590#89432

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On 11/5/2003 at 11:54pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Bartender!

"The Binding"

(shot glass)

One part Black Heart rum (151 proof)
One part Pepper Schnapps
One part (extra hot) tobasco sauce
Drizzle finely chopped jalapeno peppers (with seeds) on top.

Yes, I've had this (I invented it). Downing it is rather like I imagine the binding of a demon to be...

... bloody hard to do without screaming in anguish and misery.


Message 8590#89435

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On 11/6/2003 at 3:54am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Bartender!


An impressive array of entries, so far.

I'll even have to visit the local shoppe to pick up a component or two before testing. Testing is scheduled for this weekend.

Salt and licorice, by the way, go exceptionally well together. In the Scandinavian countries, salted licorice is a common candy, and I love the industrial-strength versions. Most people from the States make a face when they try it, but I really like it.

I've tried it in mixed drinks too - alter the Frisky Witch (half-and-half vodka and black sambuca) by serving it in a chilled cocktail glass with a salted rim (like you do for a Margarita), and it's awesome. So I have high hopes for Clinton's entry.

As for the other two, well, I was kind of hoping that the drink would be something people would enjoy, rather than a college-age male contest to see who could stomach the nastiest thing ... but all right, all right, I'm not going to quibble. They'll be tested too. But the judging will be based on what I like, not what hurts the most.

Oh yeah, Mike and Brian, provide a few more details - do you just pour the liquors straight into the shot glass, or do you stir with ice first, or what?

So let's have a few more entries, folks! Who knows, maybe a whole menu might come out of this.


Message 8590#89445

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On 11/6/2003 at 6:21am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Bartender!

Ron Edwards wrote: As for the other two, well, I was kind of hoping that the drink would be something people would enjoy, rather than a college-age male contest to see who could stomach the nastiest thing ... but all right, all right, I'm not going to quibble. They'll be tested too. But the judging will be based on what I like, not what hurts the most.

You misjudge me totally, Ron.

Different strokes for different folks, and all that of course, but I *love* hot and spicy, My drink is far from a "contest", rather it's something I actually enjoy. Maybe I shouldn't have said that it makes one scream when its drunk, that was a spot of facetiousness really (although, admittedly, if you're not into hot stuff...).

I encourage you to try the drink and base it on its merits, but if you don't like spicy foods then you wont enjoy it. By the way, it should be put in the glass in the order given, or put the tobasco first which will tend to dilute it slightly rather than leaving it on top (this will de-hot it a little). No ice etc.

Still, if you want something a spot smoother, here's a very nice drink we stumbled across once while playing bar lotto (roll 3d20, each number is the number of the bottle counting from the left, so you end up with three random measures in a shot glass... you can get some very nice but also some very nasty combinations. This is one of the nice ones)

One measure of creme de menthe
One measure of bailies
One measure of creme de grand marnier (this can be hard to come by, if you can't find it, try substituting half a measure of grand marnier and half a measure of milk),

Ideally, mix 4-5 batches together at the same time, shake with ice, and then pour into shotglasses. Goes down very smoothly.


Message 8590#89463

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On 11/6/2003 at 1:35pm, ethan_greer wrote:
RE: Bartender!

Pour some sambuca into a tumbler.
Put some ice in.
Fill whatever space remains with diet cherry 7-Up.
If you have them, toss in a maraschino cherry or two.

Message 8590#89479

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On 11/6/2003 at 1:37pm, Christopher Weeks wrote:
RE: Bartender!

Is it cheating to give you more than one?

The Sorcerer:

rocks glass
cracked ice
1 oz. Southern Comfort
1 oz. seltzer
1 oz. absinthe (I use Versinthe)

Assemble in the order listed with a minimum of sloshing and mixing,
but don't go overboard, pouring down a spoon or anything.


rocks glass
1 oz. light rum
1 oz. Cointreau
1 oz. apple cider
1 tsp. white crème de cacao
1 tsp. green chartreuse
dash orange bitters (Angostura in a pinch)

In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine all of the ingredients.
Shake well. Strain into a rocks glass alomst filed with crushed ice.


pilsner or collins glass
6 oz. 7-Up
4 oz. cranberry liqueur (Vesta Virgin from Hungary)
1 big scoop of Breyers French Vanilla (not Natural Vanilla) ice cream

eat with a long spoon and drink the remainder

Banishment: (this takes some doing)

add to a tightly sealable jar:

1 Tbs coarsly ground (or smashed) black pepper corns
10 fresh mint leaves
1 whole clove of garlic
1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
4 oz. cheap vodka

seal and stand, inverting daily for two weeks
pour off the liquid, discard the crud, filter the liquid through a coffee filter
stir in 6 oz of dark rum and 1/2 cup sugar syrup

Depending on the strength, mix with frozen fruit juice concentrate. You
want it to be a strong, funky, musky concoction, but not undrinkable.

As a disclaimer, I haven't tried the last one. I've been playing with herbal liqueurs on and off for the past couple years and haven't hit on any that worked really well. What I listed is along the lines of my current set of experiments and I expect it to be drinkable but funky. The others are all yummy.


(edited for formatting)

Message 8590#89480

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On 11/6/2003 at 2:44pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: Bartender!

As with Clinton's: at your own risk, drink has not been tested.
1 part Spiced Rum
1 part Jagermeister
1 shot of tabasco
A pinch of cinnamon sugar

Put the Rum and Jager in a tumbler and shake well. Pour into a large glass and add the shot (ie: a squirt) of tabasco. Stir. Add seltzer to tone it down if necessary. Sprinkle on a pinch of cinnamon sugar to bring out the flavor.

Hrm, it's missing something...I'm thinking it'll be strong and spicy, but needing a darker flavor for balance. And the cinnamon-sugar may be too much, but the sugar more than the cinnamon.

I have no clue what this'll taste like...but they're my two favorite drinks, and I like the Mexican spiciness. Plus, I recently found that spicy BBQ sauce and cinnamon sugar taste great on a pizza, so why not try it in a drink?

No name, since I don't know what it tastes like. Crap, now I want to taste-test it...damn my empty wallet.

Message 8590#89483

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On 11/6/2003 at 4:23pm, Tod Olson wrote:
Re: Bartender!

Ron Edwards wrote:
I want an official mixed drink for Sorcerer, and I want it to be a new and original thing.

Here's a drink of my own, in need of a name:

2 oz. rye
1/2 oz. - 1 oz. Cointreau

Serve at room temperature, or chilled over ice and strained.

Pick the glass according to your mood: an unchilled, half-sized 2-1 ratio works well in a cordial glass.


Message 8590#89503

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On 11/6/2003 at 6:17pm, jburneko wrote:
RE: Bartender!

I have never had this. Indeed I just thought it up now.

1) Place a sugar cube in the bottom of a champaigne flute.
2) Fill 3/4 of the flute with champaigne.
3) Slowly pour (Don't STIR!) in 1.5 oz of Absinth.
4) (Not being up on my liquor densities I don't even know if this is possible) Float 0.5 oz of Creme de Cacao on top.

Let stand at least one minute before drinking.

There you go, The Sorcerer.


Message 8590#89511

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On 11/6/2003 at 8:28pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Bartender!


It's going to be a very interesting weekend.

Keep them coming - multiple entries and multiple aspects of the game are welcome.


Message 8590#89525

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On 11/6/2003 at 10:00pm, Rod Anderson wrote:
RE: Bartender!

The Inconspicuous Demon

rocks glass
ice cubes
2 fingers of Scotch whiskey
fill to 3/4 of glass with store brand cream soda

Message 8590#89538

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On 11/6/2003 at 10:02pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Bartender!

Ron Edwards wrote: As for the other two, well, I was kind of hoping that the drink would be something people would enjoy, rather than a college-age male contest to see who could stomach the nastiest thing ... but all right, all right, I'm not going to quibble. They'll be tested too. But the judging will be based on what I like, not what hurts the most.
Well, then mine's almost certainly out.

Wait, add one part Ouzo! That'll make it taste just dandy!

Oh yeah, Mike and Brian, provide a few more details - do you just pour the liquors straight into the shot glass, or do you stir with ice first, or what?
Stir with ice? What's that, some Chicago thing? Pour in shot glass, pour shot down throat, do not pass go.

So let's have a few more entries, folks! Who knows, maybe a whole menu might come out of this.
Hmm. Lesse. Somthing that tastes good?

0.5 oz. Amaretto
2.0 oz. Bourbon
0.5 oz. Everclear (or other mixing alcohol)
1.0 oz. Milk

Directions: In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine the boubon, amaretto, everclear and milk. Place shaker on top of head carefully, and shake well by vibrating your body up and down while chanting "Yog-Sothoth" repeatedly like Dean Stockwell in the movie version of The Dunwich Horror (including putting your hands at the sides of your head in the "Crowley Photo" position). Pour into an old-fashioned glass, garnish with cocktail onions skewered on tiny sword.

Message 8590#89540

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On 11/6/2003 at 11:00pm, Walt Freitag wrote:
RE: Bartender!

(based on my recent experiences with the multi-faceted real-life sorcery of dieting)


Mix in large stemmed glass:
4 oz. dairy egg nog
1 oz. vodka, chilled
1 oz. amaretto
Stir with dark chocolate coated swizzle stick. Leave stick in glass.

Add, without stirring:
1/2 tsp. almond extract

Top with:
dollop of whipped cream
a dash of shaved chocolate

In separate tumbler, pour:
8 oz. lukewarm tap water

Place stemmed glass in front of you. Stare at it.

Drink the water.

- Walt

Message 8590#89556

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On 11/7/2003 at 2:13pm, erithromycin wrote:
RE: Bartender!

Arguably this one is a drinking game, rather than an actual drink, but it's the product of a number of 'Iron Bartender' conversations:

Person A picks a component, and gets a shot of it. Person B drinks the drink. Person B picks another component, and gets a shot of it, and the first ingredient. Person A drinks the drink.

Repeat until the drink is undrinkable, or successes have caused someone to roll over. Obviously, there is an advantage in making the drink drinkable. However, restrictions on ingredients (no repetition, for example) can make things very difficult.

Or, you know, there's something ridiculously brazen and arrogant and fiendishly complicated, like a triple Goldshclager topped with flaming Sambuca and a straw. A straw which must not melt!


Message 8590#89617

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On 11/7/2003 at 6:12pm, jburneko wrote:
RE: Bartender!

The Passer Demon

Put 2 oz Vodka, 8 oz Milk and 2 oz Chambord into a shaker. Shake until frothy.

Now, that sure does LOOK like a milkshake. :)


Message 8590#89673

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On 11/7/2003 at 6:20pm, jburneko wrote:
RE: Bartender!

The Inconspicuous Demon

1 oz White Rum,
1 oz White Tequilla,
1 oz Vodka.
Top off with Club Soda.


Message 8590#89677

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On 11/8/2003 at 9:53am, Mulciber wrote:
RE: Bartender!

The Sorcerer:

6 oz. Buffalo Rock Ginger Ale*
1 shot (1.25 oz) Jagermeister

Apply Jagermeister to shot glass. Drop in Ginger Ale (preferably itself surrounded by stein). Drink as per boilermaker, if you can. If not, take shot and chase with ale.

*If you're substituting for this, and you almost certainly are outside of the Southeast, you want a ginger ale that is distinctly gingery and has a pronounced bite to it. _Canada Dry_ will not do.


The idea here is that drinking Jagermeister period can either lead to alienation as expressed by silent alchoholism behind closed doors, or engaged conviviality affirming humanity as only a brush with the Other can. This is because Jagermeister is a favored drink of the Other. Just ask Them. The ginger ale is the frisson that the interaction of the bloated ego of the Sorcerer and the requirements of Necessity create when scraped together rapidly.

Message 8590#89776

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On 11/8/2003 at 2:25pm, Dev wrote:
RE: Bartender!

Mulciber wrote: If you're substituting for this, and you almost certainly are outside of the Southeast, you want a ginger ale that is distinctly gingery and has a pronounced bite to it. _Canada Dry_ will not do.

Ginger beer, you mean?

Message 8590#89786

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On 11/8/2003 at 6:43pm, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Bartender!

In the michigan/ midwest usa area something like Vernors would probably be good...although its not quite as zippy as a really strong ginger beer.

(hmm...I've even made a beer that was a ginger beer...with grated ginger in the boil...wonder how to add that?)

Message 8590#89800

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On 11/8/2003 at 10:30pm, Mulciber wrote:
RE: Bartender!

I don't know that ginger beer is the taste and texture combination I'm suggesting here, Dev. If ginger beer is carbonated, gingery, strongly peppery, and doesn't conflict with the cinnamon from the Jagermeister, I say go for it.

As to Vernor's, Bob, I really like it. Almost as much as Buffalo Rock. It's not quite as sharp, though.

Message 8590#89814

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On 11/9/2003 at 2:32am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Bartender!


We are currently in the middle of the taste-testing process: "we" being me, Julie, and Tod (two of the culprits involved in the invention of Azk'Arn).

By "the middle," I mean that we are halfway through the list so far. At this point, Julie favors "The Sorcerer" from Christopher Weeks. A couple of entries have been skipped due to the scarcity of (say) diet cherry-flavored 7-Up, but nothing will be skipped in the long run (hic).

None of us are suitable for polite company at this moment. Tod says, "Fuck off!" apparently to the universe at large. He has always sung a verse or two, but Ron is no better, countering with a bit from "Oklahoma" and "South Park."

I rather liked Brian's "kindler gentler" submission, although it's controversial among the three of us.

So! Testing will continue, but as of now, pizza and Hop Devil beer have arrived and the process is stalled for an hour or two.


Message 8590#89826

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On 11/9/2003 at 6:40am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Bartender!

Whoooooo - ewwww!

The tasting is largely completed! Or rather, we are completed. Nearly every entry (ingredients permitting) has been composed and consumed. Much dialogue has ensued. None of us are fit to judge anything as of this writing.

But the final comments shall be delivered when we have, blearily, arisen and sipped coffee and admitted that, yes, we will live to see another day.


Message 8590#89837

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On 11/9/2003 at 8:39am, ethan_greer wrote:
RE: Bartender!

Maybe a little late to suggest it, but Stewart's has a pretty decent ginger beer that can be found at major grocery chains (Giant Eagle round these parts, for example).

What, you couldn't get to a grocery store to pick up some cherry 7-Up? Slackers. :)

Message 8590#89840

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On 11/9/2003 at 11:55pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Bartender!


The results of the Sorcerer Cocktail contest! Looking over our soaked and stained notes, we see the following.

1. The main point: thus far, "the Sorcerer" remains elusive.

Clinton's submission demonstrates a strong bite, and the salt goes very well with the pastis. Objections include, "Why have the vodka," from Tod the Russian judge (who rejected the idea that "more alcohol" was a sufficient reply), and "Not original enough," because pastis + soda is apparently a standard. Ron liked it. Everyone agreed it's at least a B, if not better.

Mike's Jager/Tequila/Ginger Brandy concoction was oddly tasteless, especially since it didn't taste good. Big gong noise.

Brian's 3d20 product was tolerably drinkable (Ron being the non-Russian judge who thinks "everyone can win!") but 1 full part of creme de menthe is emphatically too much. Halve it or remove it, at the least.

Ethan's drink wasn't tested, as diet cherry 7-up is not immediately available. However, Ethan, you will be pleased to know that for a later drink, we acquired Sioux City ginger beer of the highest and sharpest quality. In the future, everyone please confine their feelings, convictions, and items of concern regarding ginger beer and/or ale to discussion boards at another website. Any other website.

Christopher Weeks gets the "best mixer person" award for sure. His "Sorcerer" was Julie's fave for the night and she doesn't even like Southern Comfort. A fleeting concern was expressed that the Pernod (which we used to replace the absinthe, not wanting brain damage) takes over.

Raven's Spiced Rum + Jager + etc drink was without doubt the foulest combination consumed during the evening. Julie's comment: "I thought it was his wife that was pregnant." Tod's: "I curl my lip at it." Ron's: "It could be worse," optimistically speaking. We did laugh about it the most, especially upon finding that Raven's suggestion that seltzer would tone it down was woefully mistaken, as the bubbles instead sent the tabasco airborne into the sinuses just before one sips the drink. Not recommended under any circumstances.

We did not try Jesse's "Sorcerer" because we didn't feel like killing a whole bottle of champagne. But I will try it one of these days.

Mike's second attempt, specified as "something that tastes good," shows that non-drinkers may not be the drink inventors of choice ... it was, as judged, "This is a joke, right?", "Ick poo," and "Just nasty." The only consolation for Mike is that Raven's was worse.

Drew's suggested drink was ignored.

Mulciber's ginger beer + Jager boilermaker didn't fly. The ginger beer was simply too powerful for the Jager, which distinctive as it may be, does not have the solidity of, say, rum or bourbon.

2. The Binding was easier to judge. We did not try Brian's version although we are open-minded and curious. Pepper schnapps could not be located in time. Honorable mention for intriguement, however.

Christopher's "Sorcerer" led to an impromptu invention by Julie of 1 oz Pernod, 2 oz Campari, topped with seltzer and a substantial, squeezed lime wedge, which was mighty tasty, and wins the title "The Binding."

3. Now for some of the demonic terms.

Christopher Weeks' "Need" was nice and smooth, "sweet yet bitter" without just being contradictory. Tod went all Russian again by likening it to High C, but others thought that a bit unfair. It beats Walt's "Need" even though we did need the water about then pretty badly.

Christopher's "The Desire," with all the sugar and sticky stuff, was a very good dessert-type drink, most suitable for Thanksgiving celebration. Perhaps it might do better with champagne or club soda rather than 7-Up.

We didn't try his "Banishment" as (a) we didn't want to wait two weeks, and (b) "drinkable yet funky" did not inspire a sense of trust and commitment on our parts.

Tod's rye + Cointreau instantly wins the title, "The Demon." Highly recommended for consumption in a bar with leather on the walls, mirrors with little studs surrounding them, cigar smoke, very comfy chairs, and a polite bartender in a white tuxedo.

Rod Anderson's "Inconspicuous Demon" was surprisingly good, as scotch goes very well with cream soda, much in the same sense as a Moscow Mule or a Dark & Stormy are perfect combos of hard liquors and their respective sodas. It beats Jesse's entry of the same name, which although it admirably fulfilled its intended resemblance to water, was essentially diluted tequila, but not in a good way. Ron liked it better than the others, but not very much.

On the other hand, Jesse's "Passing Demon" was quite drinkable, resembling and to some extent tasting like a raspberry egg cream right out of the 1950s. It wins the appellation, especially after it got some seltzer squirted in there.

4. Ron came to the table with some ideas as well.

"Bug Lover," the official Azk'Arn drink, is 1.5 oz tequila, 1 oz black sambuca, with a good squirt of lime juice, shaken with ice and then strained into a chilled cocktail glass (rimmed with lime and salt), garnished with the lime. It's a really, really good drink, as anticipated.

We didn't try his "Gimme Some Soul," which would be 0.5 oz tequila, 1.5 oz chocolate liqueur, filled with hot coffee (mixed with some cinnamon first) and topped with whipped cream.

We also discovered a couple of good mixers that could be the base for some more drinks.
a) 3:1 Southern Comfort to limoncello
b) 2:1 brandy to limoncello

This contest will be repeated but not all that often. At GenCon next year, however, the Sorcerer Cocktail Menu will be available in full battle-tested array, and will be served at an Adept Press event, clearly after-hours.


Message 8590#89871

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On 11/10/2003 at 12:02am, greyorm wrote:
RE: Bartender!

YES! I got "nastiest drink of the evening"! Not quite what I was going for, but hey, it's an award at least. And I did warn you it wasn't tested.

Hrm, now I think I'm going to hit the liquor store next weekend (being that I now have money, and the kids will be at their grandma's) and see what I can mix up through actual taste-testing.

Message 8590#89872

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On 11/10/2003 at 12:06am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Bartender!

Raven gets a parade around the block, being carried on the shoulders of the people in front.


Message 8590#89873

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On 11/10/2003 at 12:22am, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Bartender!

So does that make Raven's the Zero Humanity drink?

Message 8590#89874

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On 11/10/2003 at 5:02am, Mulciber wrote:
RE: Bartender!

Pity my entry didn't fly. Have to 1) play Sorcerer and 2) try the drink in question some time; perhaps something can be made of it.

So, who's going to write the Sorcerer supplement _Evil Spirits_? Humanity is sobriety, Summoning is via the Demon's favorite drink, Binding through a mickey, and Needs must all be 80 proof or better (or something). Punishment is (rather obviously, I fear) by way of those frat initiation drinks Ron was asking us not to submit. All sorcerous drinks would clearly have to be mixed and consumed in situ.

Repeated play would clearly run up a Hell of a bar tab.


Message 8590#89882

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On 11/10/2003 at 2:57pm, ethan_greer wrote:
RE: Bartender!

Sorcerer, the drinking game. I am amused.

Message 8590#89902

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On 11/10/2003 at 3:23pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: Bartender!

Bob McNamee wrote: So does that make Raven's the Zero Humanity drink?

I was thinking more like The Failed Binding.

Message 8590#89905

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On 11/10/2003 at 3:48pm, jrs wrote:
RE: Bartender!

What about The Punishment, or The Rebellious Demon?

I don't know whether it was the unexpected effect of adding seltzer or that we had already gone through several drinks that had us all giggling over it.


Message 8590#89909

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On 11/10/2003 at 3:48pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Bartender!

Bindings never fail. If you roll bad, you just regret them later.


Message 8590#89910

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On 11/10/2003 at 4:55pm, Calithena wrote:
RE: Bartender!

"...which we used to replace the absinthe, not wanting brain damage..."

This is a pretty hilarious line in the context of the kind of drinking binge we're talking about here...

Message 8590#89920

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On 11/10/2003 at 5:18pm, jrs wrote:
RE: Bartender!

I wouldn't exactly call the test-tasting event a drinking binge; that would have been very unfair to the 2nd page entries.

We made one version of each drink (some were reduced in volume to half portions), and we circulated the glass among the three of us. If I remember correctly, all drinks were completely consumed except two (Raven's and Jesse's "Inconspicuous Demon"). And the event was extended over six hours or so.

We did get pretty loopy, and I wouldn't have trusted any of us behind the wheel. But, no one got seriously drunk, no one passed out, and there were no hangovers.


Message 8590#89924

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On 11/10/2003 at 5:20pm, Walt Freitag wrote:
RE: Bartender!

Christopher Weeks' "Need"... beats Walt's "Need" even though we did need the water about then pretty badly.

I realized the flaw almost immediately after posting it. You have to be bored and hypoglycemic, not three sheets to the wind and hyperglycemic, to appreciate it as it was intended.

Under the stated testing protocol, the whole thing should in fact have been reversed; i.e. stare longingly at the water and drink the fat-sugar-alcohol bomb.

(On the other hand, I feel good about perhaps saving the lives of a few brain cells whose owners might someday use them to think up more really cool stuff.)

- W :-)

Message 8590#89926

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On 11/10/2003 at 5:25pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Bartender!


At GenCon next year, however, the Sorcerer Cocktail Menu will be available in full battle-tested array, and will be served at an Adept Press event, clearly after-hours.

Thinking about this, you may want to consider some non-alcoholic options. A Token, perhaps?


Message 8590#89927

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On 11/10/2003 at 6:29pm, Christopher Weeks wrote:
RE: Bartender!

Ron Edwards wrote: Christopher Weeks gets the "best mixer person" award for sure. His "Sorcerer" was Julie's fave for the night and she doesn't even like Southern Comfort. A fleeting concern was expressed that the Pernod (which we used to replace the absinthe, not wanting brain damage) takes over.

Hey, brain damage is underrated. But I'm glad you enjoyed. (How can you not like Southern Comfort...that's like hating ice cream. ;-)

Christopher's "The Desire," with all the sugar and sticky stuff, was a very good dessert-type drink, most suitable for Thanksgiving celebration. Perhaps it might do better with champagne or club soda rather than 7-Up.

A nice sweeter California sparkling wine might be nice...I'm swinging by the liquour store tonight in preps for trying it out with the family. But a full-on yeasty Champagne sounds yucky as hell with the mixers. I think that that much club soda would be bad too, but may 1/2 club and 1/2 7-up or something.

At GenCon next year, however, the Sorcerer Cocktail Menu will be available in full battle-tested array, and will be served at an Adept Press event, clearly after-hours...(out of order)...We didn't try his "Banishment" as (a) we didn't want to wait two weeks, and (b) "drinkable yet funky" did not inspire a sense of trust and commitment on our parts.

Maybe a more general Forge gathering in which the various games/companies sponsor their theme drink would be cool...sort of an intra-Forge "step on up" drink-off. Or maybe it would be dangerous. Anyway, if said event is as public as your announcement suggests, maybe I'll bring some "drinkable yet funky" for testing.


Message 8590#89939

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On 11/10/2003 at 7:34pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: Bartender!

Paul Czege wrote: Bindings never fail. If you roll bad, you just regret them later.

This is true, but calling it "the Failed Binding Roll" just didn't have the same ring, and drunk people might think it was bakery.

However, it would be rather interesting to have a Sorcerer drinking game where you can shout out, "Administer the Punishment!" and have the drinker shudder in fear. (Thanks for the title, Julie!)

Message 8590#89946

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On 11/18/2003 at 6:58pm, Clay wrote:
RE: Bartender!

I find it amusing that Raven's drink is so universally reviled. Although my drinks aren't usually that strong, I do drink a variant pretty frequently. I prefer to use a cayenne pepper to a jalapeno, and drop the 151 to mezcal. That's mostly because I don't tend to stock 151, and I really like mezcal.

I'll also submit that it's good for clearing out a cold and relieving sinus congestion. Don't expect your wife/girlfriend/anonymous partner to love you though if you try to kiss them after drinking this. Your lips and fingers will be very hot.

Message 8590#90945

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On 11/18/2003 at 8:11pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: Bartender!

Kissing someone who's just had ANY alcoholic drink is generally a bad idea. Blech.

Message 8590#90966

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On 11/18/2003 at 10:27pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Bartender!


How did you guys get drunk too? That's what this thread sounds like.

I'll finish it up, with this last post. Not last call.

1. Raven's drink does not get a name. It was rejected, not "chosen as awful" or anything like that. Not on the menu.

2. I do plan on an informal GenCon event of some kind based on the drink menu.

3. I also expect to run another drink contest/review/whatever this is, probably a few months from now. Not only will I try to get in the entries I missed this time, but I'd like more. I'll probably have some more people involved in the tasting as well, for all kinds of reasons.

That means you actually have a chance to try some of the concoctions yourself, before proposing them.


Message 8590#90991

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