The Forge Reference Project


Topic: GURPS Aftermath! Operation Morpheus Game - currently running
Started by: BabbageCliologic
Started on: 11/7/2003
Board: Actual Play

On 11/7/2003 at 12:28am, BabbageCliologic wrote:
GURPS Aftermath! Operation Morpheus Game - currently running


I am currently running a GURPS Aftermath! Operation Morpheus game. I'm using GURPS Lite and Basic as the main system, have reduced combat to the simplest possible and have set the game using Operation Morpheus from the Aftermath! game from FGU.

I talked briefly about the situation that the PCs find themselves in in this thread:

I've got the first five sessions notes ready, so I'll post them in order.


Forge Reference Links:
Topic 8297

Message 8605#89565

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by BabbageCliologic which BabbageCliologic participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

 (leave blank for none)
...from around 11/7/2003

On 11/7/2003 at 12:30am, BabbageCliologic wrote:
Preamble and Session 1

Tuesday Night Sessions - GURPS Aftermath! Operation Morpheus preamble

Here is the first installment of a synopsis of my GURPS Aftermath! Operation Morpheus game running on Tuesday Nights.

Preamble: Setting It Up.

Character Generation:

Each PC was built by the players (see below) using 100 points and GURPS Lite or GURPS Basic (for the most part). Additionally, each player was given the choice of taking all 40 points of disadvantages as follows:

(-10) Sense of Duty (Nation, Family, Friends)
(-30) Enemy (currently unknown).

This choice was for the simplest possible reasons, so that I, as GM, would not have to keep track of any physical, social or mental disadvantages.

Additionally, the advantage Danger Sense was ruled verboten. I just hate trying to keep track of it. Thankfully, no one chose it.

Each PC was to be a late 20th/early 21st century American. I started the game in Seattle, 2003.

The Players and Characters:

* Sean is playing James Stenbeck, an Air Force reserve pilot.

* Chris is playing Bill Farnum, a veterinarian who spent time in the Amazon.

* Eric is playing Bob Dawson, an environmental safety scientist.

* Charles is playing Alexis Pratt, a military programmer.

I will refer to each PC with their player name shortened in (parens):

James Stenbeck (S) = Sean
Bill Farnum (X) = Chris
Bob Dawson (E) = Eric
Alexis Pratt (C) = Charles

Also, important NPCs will be identified in the same order, i.e. Bob (n) is an NPC, not to be confused with Bob (E) played by Eric.

Tuesday Night Sessions - GURPS Aftermath! Operation Morpheus Session 1 (October 7, 2003)

James Stenbeck (S) = Sean
Bill Farnum (X) = Chris
Bob Dawson (E) = Eric
Alexis Pratt (C) = Charles

Session One: Preamble: "Wake-Up, Little Suzie, Wake-Up!" (Late 2003 to February 2104)

Important People: James (S), Bill (X), Bob (E), Alexis (C), Scott (n), various nurses (n), various doctors (n), various officials (n), and Jay Richardson (n).

James (S), Bill (X), Bob (E) and Alexis (C) are living in Seattle, Washington, in mid-to-late 2003. The last thing each of them remember before this all started was Scott (n) bringing a copy of The Stranger to the weekly gaming night and pointing to an ad:

"The University of Washington Department of Behavioral Sciences is seeking participants for a federally funded, international education study. Qualified participants should be a U.S. Citizen, have a valid Drivers License, current U.S. Passport, and no criminal record. Chosen participants will be required for varying length of time commitment, from one (1) month, up to one (1) year. Participants can earn up to $5,000.00 per week at the completion of the study. Contact Sheila at 206-555-1212 extension 316."

Then, as near as they all can recollect, around 28 days ago, they each were awoken in a dark room, dragged out of a strange metal bed and cuffed, and forced out of the room into a very bright corridor.

Over the next several weeks, they experienced a very bad case of freezer-burn, what the doctors call Cryo-Sleep Sickness. The days of pure delirium mixed with excruciating pain included the added benefit of being quizzed about their life and background by nurses to see if they had suffered memory loss, which is a very possible side-effect of long-term cryo-sleep.

Finally, as their heads began to clear, several officials started reading them specific official documents, parts of which they remember:

* ASS Order #215: All members of the following international scientific experimental groups are hereby in defined as detained civil employees . . . .
* UN Security Council Order #913b -Native Entrance Act: All members of the following international scientific experimental groups are hereby refused entrance into their country of origin until the crisis situation is past . . . .
* U.S. Congressional Law: The Patriot Act III: All members of the following . . . .
* Executive Order #4753, signed by President G.W. Bush on December 1, 2003: All members of the following scientific experimental groups are hereby U.S. Government employees and are subject to the rules and laws of this time of emergency . . . .
* ASS Order #583: All members of the following scientific experimental groups are . . . .
* U.S. Congressional Law: Scientific Experimentation order: All members of the following . . . .
* U.S. Congressional Law: Disease Control Act: All members of the following . . . .
* Executive Order #5290, signed by President Colin Powell on December 14, 2003: All members of the following scientific experimental groups are hereby drafted within the combined NATO forces and are subject to the rules and laws of military justice . . . .
* UN Security Council Special Order #942z: All members of the following . . . .
* Executive Order #8231, signed by President David Henry Wilson on December 25, 2003: All members of the following scientific experimental groups are hereby ordered to offer all assistance to any valid government of the combined NATO treaty (particularly where the members are now residing) . . . .

When they were actually thinking clearly, Jay Richardson (n), an earlier awakened cryo-sleeper, told them that the world as they knew it is gone, over 100 years ago. It's now 2104. Back in 2003, they volunteered to test cryogenic capsules.

He said, "You've spent the last 100 years as a corpsicle and you aren't even in the U.S. anymore. You are in Australia. At probably the only surviving University research center. And you are in a lot of trouble. We all are."

Jay (n) tells them that they are in the Anderson Stuart building bunkers on the Sydney University campus in downtown Sydney, Australia. The Uni Survivors mostly control the Anderson Stuart bunker. The Sydney University grounds are protected by an automated defense network (mobile robots, gun emplacements, defense towers, SAM and SAS batteries, minefields & etc) controlled by a central defense computer which violently prevents anyone from exiting or entering the university grounds without the proper authorization. Proper authorization is only granted to those people who have current key cards.

"And we need you to survive, just as much as you need us."

The Uni Survivors currently numbers about 200-300 people, with about another 800-1000 still in cryo-sleep. The survivors have full access to the Anderson Stuart bunker mainframe computer system, power plant (fusion reactor), equipment and weapons left over in the bunker, and even the cryo-sleepers' background information. Cryo-sleepers are thawed, as their skills become necessary.

Jay (n) tells them that the Ruin was caused by a super-germ nicknamed the Scourge of God. It first appeared in the Middle East, and then it spread to Ireland, then the rest of the world. WWIII came shortly thereafter as the surviving governments tried to stop the spread of the super-virus by nuking plague hot spots.

"Well, the world went south and the missiles flew. Those that were left figured that scientists knew how to stop the plague, so they looked up the surviving plague research centers. Sydney University was one. Australia hadn't been touched by nukes, but the plague got here just the same."

To add to the chaos of those final days, Australia faced invasion.

"As near as we can tell, one surviving Russian General decided to get as much of the plague serum as he could and invaded. Before you know it, Russian troops are all over Australia, fighting with plague mobs and RAA units, attacking Universities all over. Trying to find a cure. But they didn't find one when it all came apart. Whether there is one, we don't know."

Unfortunately, no one in the Uni Survivors knows what the world is like now. Is there a central government or just a bunch of small tribes beating each other up with sticks and stones?

"We have no idea what the world is like now, because we've all been sleeping while Rome burned. We don't know the full story. And we need to. We also need to know more about what is going on here and elsewhere. If there are any survivors and whether they are friendly or not. Welcome to Australia, 2104, and Operation Morpheus!"

Session One: "Here I Am, Stuck In The Middle With You" (March 2104)

Cut Scene: The Computer System: In a darkened room, a large mainframe computer is working away. On many monitors around the room are images flashing too fast for the human eye.

Cut Scene: The Mystery Man: Sitting in a dimly lit room with a darkened computer monitor and other electronic devices is a man in a military uniform. The uniform is that of a Major and it looks like it is a variation of the Royal Australian Army uniform. His face is in shadow but he uses a desk lamp to read. Suddenly, the computer beeps and the man turns on the computer monitor.

Cut Scene: The Russians: There are several people in a room, talking in Russian. It looks like something of a council or community meeting. Several members of the meeting are identified by name: Vladimir, Natasha, Nikoli, and Ivor.

Cut Scene: Mount Steele Castle: A medieval dressed noble is standing above a table with a map of downtown Sydney. A servant enters the room and says "My Lord Duke, here are the latest reports." The Duke takes the reports and peruses them. Then he concentrates back on the map of Sydney and points at several locations, including Sydney University.

Cut Scene: The Creatures: On a hillside, a young shepherd boy watches his sheep. Suddenly, the sheep are spooked and the boy barely sees creatures moving past the hill.

Cut Scene: The Loonies: A whole group of people, obviously crazy, with guns and swords and other types of weapons, dancing crazily, acting totally insane, building vicious traps, torturing small animals and captives, & etc.

Cut Scene: St. Andrew's Cathedral: In the darkened recesses of the cathedral, a group of robed figures perform a strange, violent and bloody ritual.

Cut Scene: Scouts Commune: A meeting of the Scout Council convenes. Chairman Joe Anderson calls the meeting to order to discuss defense, food production and trade business. Council members Tim Johnson, Amy Kepferie, Ed Hunt, Matt Fu, James Hardesty, Jodie Buller and Ken Wilcox argue about food production quotas, trade and search projects.

Session One: Part 1: "Close To Me" (March 2104)

Important People: James (S), Bill (X), Bob (E), Alexis (C), Stephanie Shaw MD, Uni Survivors Council Chair and Medical Division Head (n), Nick English Ph.D. Computer Science, Council Member and Information Technology Head (n), Ted Gilly MBA, Council Member and Resources Management Division Head (n), Lt. Mike Garrison, Council Member and SU Militia Commander (n), Capt. Adele Droblas, Royal Australian Army, Council Member and Commander Sydney University Regiment (n), Andrew Greenberg Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Council Member and Science Division Head (n), John Seth, Resources Management Division, Food Collection Lead (n), Fred Johnson, Resources Management Division, Heavy Equipment and Transport Lead (n), Jay Richardson MS Computer Science, Information Technology Division, History and Current Events Lead (n), Matt Borselli Ph.D. Physics, Science Division, Equipment Collection and Supply Lead (n), John Dougherty, Information Technology Division, Background Information Lead (n), the recently thawed Miles Dayton (n), Rich Johnson (n), Amanda Hayes (n), and John Ritter (n), currently unassigned, and various other Uni Survivors (n).

Because James (S), Bill (X), Bob (E), and Alexis (C) have not yet been assigned to their regular work group, they are assigned to work with Jay Richardson (n) to sort through a whole-lotta computer files, emails and hard drives to assemble a more complete history of the Ruin. They are at this job for at least a week before they are called into the Uni Survivors Council on March 21, 2104.

There, they are brought up to speed on the community and some of their questions are answered. They are told that this community is committed to working to rebuild Sydney and the rest of Australia. The Council Chair, Dr. Stephanie Shaw, asks them to form
Troubleshooting Group B (TG A is assigned to Miles Dayton (n), Rich Johnson (n), Amanda Hayes (n), and John Ritter (n)) to explore the rest of the university grounds and gather needed supplies and equipment. The Council gives them some leeway to do what they need to do, with a partial (but not complete) list of necessities, as follows:

1. Information: History of the Ruin, Current Local Information, and Global Information
2. Key Cards: Civilian and Military
3. Control of the University Central Defense Computer (UDC)
4. Control of the University proper: All buildings and building computer systems
5. Foodstuffs and Hydroponics Equipment
6. Weapons, Armor and Ammunition
7. Medicine: especially a Plague Serum if it exists
8. Vehicles and Armor
9. Allies

There are two different kinds of key cards, civilian and military. Civilian Key Cards are color-coded and Military Key Cards are metal coded. All Key Cards follow this convention: <Color or Metal>/<Security Level>. Civilian key cards are colored along the ROYGBIV color coding (Red/7, Orange/6, Yellow/5, Green/4, Blue/3, Indigo/2, and Violet/1). Red/7 is the lowest security grade (7th Level - lab techs, teaching assistants and similar occupations) and Violet/1 is the highest (1st Level - department heads and senior personnel). Military key cards are colored along metal coding (Copper/7, Nickel/6, Sodium/5, Cobalt/4, Iodine/3, Silver/2, and Gold/1). Copper/7 is the lowest grade (7th Level - military rank privates) and Gold/1 is the highest (1st Level - military rank senior staff officers and generals).

The council gives them each a civilian key card (most receive an Orange/6 Key Card and one of them gets a Blue/3 Key Card), and whatever basic weapons (each gets an M16A2 and Glock 17), police armor (each gets standard police riot gear but one gets a suit of military grade armor) and any other equipment that they need.

Group A and Group B are housed on the first floor of Anderson Stuart bunker, each in a separate living area that can be sealed for quarantine, each with a private vehicle lift to the surface Anderson Stuart building.

Session One: Part 2: "Land of Canaan" (March 28, 2104)

Important People: James (S), Bill (X), Bob (E), Alexis (C), Miles Dayton (n), Rich Johnson (n), Amanda Hayes (n), John Ritter (n), Robbie the PolRob (n), Capt. Adele Droblas (n), Matt Borselli Ph.D. Physics (n), Unknown Robot (n).

Group B spends the first week in training with Group A (Miles Dayton (n), Rich Johnson (n), Amanda Hayes (n), and John Ritter (n)) to become familiar with their weapons and armor, and then they are all fully deployed.

The first actual project dropped in Group B's lap is a security vault on the first floor of the Anderson Stuart bunker where an Unknown (possibly military) Robot (n) is guarding a set of three big vaults. The Council doesn't know what is there and, figuring that it may contain important equipment for it to be guarded by the Robot (n), wants the contents intact. Group B is warned that they should avoid explosives because of possible damage to the vault contents.

Group B is shown to the First Level Security Station, where they can observe the Robot (n) over the security cameras in the foyer and the vaults. Observing the Robot (n), they find out that it mainly stays in the vault foyer and regularly, but erratically, patrols the three vaults. They also learn that there are several different types of robots around. Anderson Stuart has control of several dozens of Police Robots (PolRobs) and Security Robots (SecRobs), but, while this Robot (n) is similar to PolRobs and
SecRobs, it is also different and it is wearing military combat armor. Hence, it could be a military grade robot. They are also told that no one has tried to enter the vaults or attempted to talk with the Robot (n).

Bill (X) and Bob (E) talk about various ways of blowing up the Robot (n), which both James (S) and Alexis (C) nix, reminding them both to avoid explosives. Alexis (C) determines, by observing the Robot (n) patrol, that the Robot (n) is probably an AI. Bill (X) decides to build a radio signal jammer in case the Robot (n) is in radio contact with the UDC. He contacts Matt (n) in Supply and gathers the necessary parts to build the device, spending several hours working on it. James (S) enters the vault foyer for the first time and displays their one Blue/3 Civilian Key Card. The Robot (n) tells him that he has three verbal warnings to exit before the Robot (n) will open fire. James (S) leaves the foyer before the third verbal warning.

They figure that with combat or explosives out, electricity may be the answer. They seek a way to shut off the electricity, but, unfortunately, the vaults are on a dedicated line. Alexis (C) checks the electricity usage on the computer and tries to figure when the Robot (n) will power down. It seems the Robot (n) recharges every 12 months and the last time it did was 2 months ago. Another dead-end. Alexis (C) gets Captain Droblas (n) to give her military computer authorization to connect to the UDC. Captain Droblas (n) grants each of the team Sodium/5 Military Key Card access and gets them the appropriate Key Cards. Alexis (C) then tries to get control of the Robot (n) but only succeeds in running several diagnostic programs that do not further their plans.

Meanwhile, Bill (X) has returned from Supply with his jammer built and, in the process, procures a very battered PolRob that the team dubs Robbie (n). Alexis (C) is still booted into the UDC mainframe but is still limited to what she can do. In the hallway, Bob (E) is trying to figure out the power routings.

Group B then decides to try to use military structure to order the Robot (n) to stand down. James (S) dresses in RAA military uniform and enters the vault foyer a second time. The Robot (n) asks for proper authorization and James (S) uses Captain Droblas's (n) Cobalt/4 Military Key Card. The Robot (n) identifies James (S) but notes that the Military Key Card he is displaying belongs to someone else. The Robot (n) refuses to stand down and orders James (S) to exit or it will open fire.

James (S) calls Captain Droblas (n) and tries to get the Captain to go into the room with her Key Card but the Captain is busy and says, "Have you done as much as you can? First, do as much as you can on your part before calling me in. Don't waste my time."

End Session One.

Message 8605#89566

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by BabbageCliologic which BabbageCliologic participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

 (leave blank for none)
...from around 11/7/2003

On 11/7/2003 at 12:31am, BabbageCliologic wrote:
RE: Preamble and Session 1

Tuesday Night Sessions - GURPS Aftermath! Operation Morpheus preamble

Here is the first installment of a synopsis of my GURPS Aftermath! Operation Morpheus game running on Tuesday Nights.

Preamble: Setting It Up.

Character Generation:

Each PC was built by the players (see below) using 100 points and GURPS Lite or GURPS Basic (for the most part). Additionally, each player was given the choice of taking all 40 points of disadvantages as follows:

(-10) Sense of Duty (Nation, Family, Friends)
(-30) Enemy (currently unknown).

This choice was for the simplest possible reasons, so that I, as GM, would not have to keep track of any physical, social or mental disadvantages.

Additionally, the advantage Danger Sense was ruled verboten. I just hate trying to keep track of it. Thankfully, no one chose it.

Each PC was to be a late 20th/early 21st century American. I started the game in Seattle, 2003.

The Players and Characters:

* Sean is playing James Stenbeck, an Air Force reserve pilot.

* Chris is playing Bill Farnum, a veterinarian who spent time in the Amazon.

* Eric is playing Bob Dawson, an environmental safety scientist.

* Charles is playing Alexis Pratt, a military programmer.

I will refer to each PC with their player name shortened in (parens):

James Stenbeck (S) = Sean
Bill Farnum (X) = Chris
Bob Dawson (E) = Eric
Alexis Pratt (C) = Charles

Also, important NPCs will be identified in the same order, i.e. Bob (n) is an NPC, not to be confused with Bob (E) played by Eric.

Tuesday Night Sessions - GURPS Aftermath! Operation Morpheus Session 1 (October 7, 2003)

James Stenbeck (S) = Sean
Bill Farnum (X) = Chris
Bob Dawson (E) = Eric
Alexis Pratt (C) = Charles

Session One: Preamble: "Wake-Up, Little Suzie, Wake-Up!" (Late 2003 to February 2104)

Important People: James (S), Bill (X), Bob (E), Alexis (C), Scott (n), various nurses (n), various doctors (n), various officials (n), and Jay Richardson (n).

James (S), Bill (X), Bob (E) and Alexis (C) are living in Seattle, Washington, in mid-to-late 2003. The last thing each of them remember before this all started was Scott (n) bringing a copy of The Stranger to the weekly gaming night and pointing to an ad:

"The University of Washington Department of Behavioral Sciences is seeking participants for a federally funded, international education study. Qualified participants should be a U.S. Citizen, have a valid Drivers License, current U.S. Passport, and no criminal record. Chosen participants will be required for varying length of time commitment, from one (1) month, up to one (1) year. Participants can earn up to $5,000.00 per week at the completion of the study. Contact Sheila at 206-555-1212 extension 316."

Then, as near as they all can recollect, around 28 days ago, they each were awoken in a dark room, dragged out of a strange metal bed and cuffed, and forced out of the room into a very bright corridor.

Over the next several weeks, they experienced a very bad case of freezer-burn, what the doctors call Cryo-Sleep Sickness. The days of pure delirium mixed with excruciating pain included the added benefit of being quizzed about their life and background by nurses to see if they had suffered memory loss, which is a very possible side-effect of long-term cryo-sleep.

Finally, as their heads began to clear, several officials started reading them specific official documents, parts of which they remember:

* ASS Order #215: All members of the following international scientific experimental groups are hereby in defined as detained civil employees . . . .
* UN Security Council Order #913b -Native Entrance Act: All members of the following international scientific experimental groups are hereby refused entrance into their country of origin until the crisis situation is past . . . .
* U.S. Congressional Law: The Patriot Act III: All members of the following . . . .
* Executive Order #4753, signed by President G.W. Bush on December 1, 2003: All members of the following scientific experimental groups are hereby U.S. Government employees and are subject to the rules and laws of this time of emergency . . . .
* ASS Order #583: All members of the following scientific experimental groups are . . . .
* U.S. Congressional Law: Scientific Experimentation order: All members of the following . . . .
* U.S. Congressional Law: Disease Control Act: All members of the following . . . .
* Executive Order #5290, signed by President Colin Powell on December 14, 2003: All members of the following scientific experimental groups are hereby drafted within the combined NATO forces and are subject to the rules and laws of military justice . . . .
* UN Security Council Special Order #942z: All members of the following . . . .
* Executive Order #8231, signed by President David Henry Wilson on December 25, 2003: All members of the following scientific experimental groups are hereby ordered to offer all assistance to any valid government of the combined NATO treaty (particularly where the members are now residing) . . . .

When they were actually thinking clearly, Jay Richardson (n), an earlier awakened cryo-sleeper, told them that the world as they knew it is gone, over 100 years ago. It's now 2104. Back in 2003, they volunteered to test cryogenic capsules.

He said, "You've spent the last 100 years as a corpsicle and you aren't even in the U.S. anymore. You are in Australia. At probably the only surviving University research center. And you are in a lot of trouble. We all are."

Jay (n) tells them that they are in the Anderson Stuart building bunkers on the Sydney University campus in downtown Sydney, Australia. The Uni Survivors mostly control the Anderson Stuart bunker. The Sydney University grounds are protected by an automated defense network (mobile robots, gun emplacements, defense towers, SAM and SAS batteries, minefields & etc) controlled by a central defense computer which violently prevents anyone from exiting or entering the university grounds without the proper authorization. Proper authorization is only granted to those people who have current key cards.

"And we need you to survive, just as much as you need us."

The Uni Survivors currently numbers about 200-300 people, with about another 800-1000 still in cryo-sleep. The survivors have full access to the Anderson Stuart bunker mainframe computer system, power plant (fusion reactor), equipment and weapons left over in the bunker, and even the cryo-sleepers' background information. Cryo-sleepers are thawed, as their skills become necessary.

Jay (n) tells them that the Ruin was caused by a super-germ nicknamed the Scourge of God. It first appeared in the Middle East, and then it spread to Ireland, then the rest of the world. WWIII came shortly thereafter as the surviving governments tried to stop the spread of the super-virus by nuking plague hot spots.

"Well, the world went south and the missiles flew. Those that were left figured that scientists knew how to stop the plague, so they looked up the surviving plague research centers. Sydney University was one. Australia hadn't been touched by nukes, but the plague got here just the same."

To add to the chaos of those final days, Australia faced invasion.

"As near as we can tell, one surviving Russian General decided to get as much of the plague serum as he could and invaded. Before you know it, Russian troops are all over Australia, fighting with plague mobs and RAA units, attacking Universities all over. Trying to find a cure. But they didn't find one when it all came apart. Whether there is one, we don't know."

Unfortunately, no one in the Uni Survivors knows what the world is like now. Is there a central government or just a bunch of small tribes beating each other up with sticks and stones?

"We have no idea what the world is like now, because we've all been sleeping while Rome burned. We don't know the full story. And we need to. We also need to know more about what is going on here and elsewhere. If there are any survivors and whether they are friendly or not. Welcome to Australia, 2104, and Operation Morpheus!"

Session One: "Here I Am, Stuck In The Middle With You" (March 2104)

Cut Scene: The Computer System: In a darkened room, a large mainframe computer is working away. On many monitors around the room are images flashing too fast for the human eye.

Cut Scene: The Mystery Man: Sitting in a dimly lit room with a darkened computer monitor and other electronic devices is a man in a military uniform. The uniform is that of a Major and it looks like it is a variation of the Royal Australian Army uniform. His face is in shadow but he uses a desk lamp to read. Suddenly, the computer beeps and the man turns on the computer monitor.

Cut Scene: The Russians: There are several people in a room, talking in Russian. It looks like something of a council or community meeting. Several members of the meeting are identified by name: Vladimir, Natasha, Nikoli, and Ivor.

Cut Scene: Mount Steele Castle: A medieval dressed noble is standing above a table with a map of downtown Sydney. A servant enters the room and says "My Lord Duke, here are the latest reports." The Duke takes the reports and peruses them. Then he concentrates back on the map of Sydney and points at several locations, including Sydney University.

Cut Scene: The Creatures: On a hillside, a young shepherd boy watches his sheep. Suddenly, the sheep are spooked and the boy barely sees creatures moving past the hill.

Cut Scene: The Loonies: A whole group of people, obviously crazy, with guns and swords and other types of weapons, dancing crazily, acting totally insane, building vicious traps, torturing small animals and captives, & etc.

Cut Scene: St. Andrew's Cathedral: In the darkened recesses of the cathedral, a group of robed figures perform a strange, violent and bloody ritual.

Cut Scene: Scouts Commune: A meeting of the Scout Council convenes. Chairman Joe Anderson calls the meeting to order to discuss defense, food production and trade business. Council members Tim Johnson, Amy Kepferie, Ed Hunt, Matt Fu, James Hardesty, Jodie Buller and Ken Wilcox argue about food production quotas, trade and search projects.

Session One: Part 1: "Close To Me" (March 2104)

Important People: James (S), Bill (X), Bob (E), Alexis (C), Stephanie Shaw MD, Uni Survivors Council Chair and Medical Division Head (n), Nick English Ph.D. Computer Science, Council Member and Information Technology Head (n), Ted Gilly MBA, Council Member and Resources Management Division Head (n), Lt. Mike Garrison, Council Member and SU Militia Commander (n), Capt. Adele Droblas, Royal Australian Army, Council Member and Commander Sydney University Regiment (n), Andrew Greenberg Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Council Member and Science Division Head (n), John Seth, Resources Management Division, Food Collection Lead (n), Fred Johnson, Resources Management Division, Heavy Equipment and Transport Lead (n), Jay Richardson MS Computer Science, Information Technology Division, History and Current Events Lead (n), Matt Borselli Ph.D. Physics, Science Division, Equipment Collection and Supply Lead (n), John Dougherty, Information Technology Division, Background Information Lead (n), the recently thawed Miles Dayton (n), Rich Johnson (n), Amanda Hayes (n), and John Ritter (n), currently unassigned, and various other Uni Survivors (n).

Because James (S), Bill (X), Bob (E), and Alexis (C) have not yet been assigned to their regular work group, they are assigned to work with Jay Richardson (n) to sort through a whole-lotta computer files, emails and hard drives to assemble a more complete history of the Ruin. They are at this job for at least a week before they are called into the Uni Survivors Council on March 21, 2104.

There, they are brought up to speed on the community and some of their questions are answered. They are told that this community is committed to working to rebuild Sydney and the rest of Australia. The Council Chair, Dr. Stephanie Shaw, asks them to form
Troubleshooting Group B (TG A is assigned to Miles Dayton (n), Rich Johnson (n), Amanda Hayes (n), and John Ritter (n)) to explore the rest of the university grounds and gather needed supplies and equipment. The Council gives them some leeway to do what they need to do, with a partial (but not complete) list of necessities, as follows:

1. Information: History of the Ruin, Current Local Information, and Global Information
2. Key Cards: Civilian and Military
3. Control of the University Central Defense Computer (UDC)
4. Control of the University proper: All buildings and building computer systems
5. Foodstuffs and Hydroponics Equipment
6. Weapons, Armor and Ammunition
7. Medicine: especially a Plague Serum if it exists
8. Vehicles and Armor
9. Allies

There are two different kinds of key cards, civilian and military. Civilian Key Cards are color-coded and Military Key Cards are metal coded. All Key Cards follow this convention: <Color or Metal>/<Security Level>. Civilian key cards are colored along the ROYGBIV color coding (Red/7, Orange/6, Yellow/5, Green/4, Blue/3, Indigo/2, and Violet/1). Red/7 is the lowest security grade (7th Level - lab techs, teaching assistants and similar occupations) and Violet/1 is the highest (1st Level - department heads and senior personnel). Military key cards are colored along metal coding (Copper/7, Nickel/6, Sodium/5, Cobalt/4, Iodine/3, Silver/2, and Gold/1). Copper/7 is the lowest grade (7th Level - military rank privates) and Gold/1 is the highest (1st Level - military rank senior staff officers and generals).

The council gives them each a civilian key card (most receive an Orange/6 Key Card and one of them gets a Blue/3 Key Card), and whatever basic weapons (each gets an M16A2 and Glock 17), police armor (each gets standard police riot gear but one gets a suit of military grade armor) and any other equipment that they need.

Group A and Group B are housed on the first floor of Anderson Stuart bunker, each in a separate living area that can be sealed for quarantine, each with a private vehicle lift to the surface Anderson Stuart building.

Session One: Part 2: "Land of Canaan" (March 28, 2104)

Important People: James (S), Bill (X), Bob (E), Alexis (C), Miles Dayton (n), Rich Johnson (n), Amanda Hayes (n), John Ritter (n), Robbie the PolRob (n), Capt. Adele Droblas (n), Matt Borselli Ph.D. Physics (n), Unknown Robot (n).

Group B spends the first week in training with Group A (Miles Dayton (n), Rich Johnson (n), Amanda Hayes (n), and John Ritter (n)) to become familiar with their weapons and armor, and then they are all fully deployed.

The first actual project dropped in Group B's lap is a security vault on the first floor of the Anderson Stuart bunker where an Unknown (possibly military) Robot (n) is guarding a set of three big vaults. The Council doesn't know what is there and, figuring that it may contain important equipment for it to be guarded by the Robot (n), wants the contents intact. Group B is warned that they should avoid explosives because of possible damage to the vault contents.

Group B is shown to the First Level Security Station, where they can observe the Robot (n) over the security cameras in the foyer and the vaults. Observing the Robot (n), they find out that it mainly stays in the vault foyer and regularly, but erratically, patrols the three vaults. They also learn that there are several different types of robots around. Anderson Stuart has control of several dozens of Police Robots (PolRobs) and Security Robots (SecRobs), but, while this Robot (n) is similar to PolRobs and
SecRobs, it is also different and it is wearing military combat armor. Hence, it could be a military grade robot. They are also told that no one has tried to enter the vaults or attempted to talk with the Robot (n).

Bill (X) and Bob (E) talk about various ways of blowing up the Robot (n), which both James (S) and Alexis (C) nix, reminding them both to avoid explosives. Alexis (C) determines, by observing the Robot (n) patrol, that the Robot (n) is probably an AI. Bill (X) decides to build a radio signal jammer in case the Robot (n) is in radio contact with the UDC. He contacts Matt (n) in Supply and gathers the necessary parts to build the device, spending several hours working on it. James (S) enters the vault foyer for the first time and displays their one Blue/3 Civilian Key Card. The Robot (n) tells him that he has three verbal warnings to exit before the Robot (n) will open fire. James (S) leaves the foyer before the third verbal warning.

They figure that with combat or explosives out, electricity may be the answer. They seek a way to shut off the electricity, but, unfortunately, the vaults are on a dedicated line. Alexis (C) checks the electricity usage on the computer and tries to figure when the Robot (n) will power down. It seems the Robot (n) recharges every 12 months and the last time it did was 2 months ago. Another dead-end. Alexis (C) gets Captain Droblas (n) to give her military computer authorization to connect to the UDC. Captain Droblas (n) grants each of the team Sodium/5 Military Key Card access and gets them the appropriate Key Cards. Alexis (C) then tries to get control of the Robot (n) but only succeeds in running several diagnostic programs that do not further their plans.

Meanwhile, Bill (X) has returned from Supply with his jammer built and, in the process, procures a very battered PolRob that the team dubs Robbie (n). Alexis (C) is still booted into the UDC mainframe but is still limited to what she can do. In the hallway, Bob (E) is trying to figure out the power routings.

Group B then decides to try to use military structure to order the Robot (n) to stand down. James (S) dresses in RAA military uniform and enters the vault foyer a second time. The Robot (n) asks for proper authorization and James (S) uses Captain Droblas's (n) Cobalt/4 Military Key Card. The Robot (n) identifies James (S) but notes that the Military Key Card he is displaying belongs to someone else. The Robot (n) refuses to stand down and orders James (S) to exit or it will open fire.

James (S) calls Captain Droblas (n) and tries to get the Captain to go into the room with her Key Card but the Captain is busy and says, "Have you done as much as you can? First, do as much as you can on your part before calling me in. Don't waste my time."

End Session One.

Message 8605#89567

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by BabbageCliologic which BabbageCliologic participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

 (leave blank for none)
...from around 11/7/2003

On 11/7/2003 at 12:35am, BabbageCliologic wrote:
Session 2

Tuesday Night Sessions - GURPS Aftermath! Operation Morpheus Session 2 (October 14, 2003)

James Stenbeck (S) = Sean
Bill Farnum (X) = Chris
Bob Dawson (E) = Eric
Alexis Pratt (C) = Charles

Session Two: "Lawyers, Guns and Money" (March 28 - 29, 2104)

Cut Scene: Domain Commune: A meeting of the Domain Council convenes. Council member Karma Stephens asks for an opportunity to speak. Chairperson Gale Norman grants Karma the floor. Karma talks to other council members Christian Martin, Robert Weale, Deborah Maynard and Chris Damitio about the necessity of increasing trade with other local communities and investing in new groups to explore the ruins. The council talks about food production and recent hostilities with Duke William of the Duchy of Sydney.

Cut Scene: The Computer System: In a darkened room, a large mainframe computer is working away. On many monitors around the room are images flashing too fast for the human eye.

Cut Scene: The Mystery Man: Still in the same room, the man is watching the computer monitor. The uniform, on second look, appears more of a paramilitary uniform than official RAA. The desk lamp illuminates the title of the book - "Poisons for Professionals."

Cut Scene: Knights of St. John: Grand Master Seth Zuckerman calls his knights and brothers of the Order to a meeting. Several knights, Sir Kevin Nelson and Sir Alex McLean, speak of the defenses of the community. Brother Pat Lichen talks about the food supplies in storage and Brother Ty McBride talks about the hospital and current issues.

Cut Scene: The Creatures: These same creatures are barely seen running through dark woods in the middle of the night.

Session Two: Part 1: "If I Had $1,000,000" (March 28, 2104)

Important People: James (S), Bill (X), Bob (E), Alexis (C), Robbie the PolRob (n), Vault Robot (n).

With two failures to attempt to get the Vault Robot (n) to stand down, James (S) enters the foyer to confront the Robot (n) a third time, this time in RAA military uniform and using his own issued Sodium/5 Military Key Card. The Robot (n) warns James (S) that this is the third time he has entered the vault foyer, each time with a different Key Card, and this is highly suspicious. The Robot (n) orders James (S) to exit the foyer within three warnings or the Robot (n) will open fire.

James (S) tries to exit the foyer but the door will not open. The Robot (n) warns James (S) a second time to exit or it will fire. Obviously concerned, James (S) tries to contact the Group through the security camera in the foyer but the Group is unable to open the door from the outside. The Robot (n) warns James (S) a third time to exit or it will open fire. At that point, from the point of view of those watching at the Security Station, the lights flutter, the computer screens and security screens blink, and darkness falls in the vault foyer as automatic weapons fire and screaming is heard from over the security camera.

Believing that James (S) has been attacked, the other members of the team work quickly to open the vault foyer's door. When they try to contact the rest of the Uni Survivors, they find out that the power plant is on the blink and that there are other problems. Contacting Supply, they request a drill or saw to open the door, but Supply is busy and can't get someone to bring the equipment for a while - the possibility of loosing power is very bad and that is their main concern.
With no view of the foyer through the security camera, Alexis (C) goes to the vault door and tries her key card. The door opens and James (S) steps out. The security camera in the vault then begins to work again, giving a clear view of the vault foyer.

After conferring with the Group, James (S) says that the Robot (n) didn't open fire on him. It ordered him to sit down and James (S) refused and remained by the door. The Robot (n) approached James (S) and tried to do something but he doesn't know what. Then it walked back to its place.

The Group, by consensus, believes that someone is fucking with them.

Alexis (C) decides to try the Robot (n). She gets a RAA uniform and using her own Sodium/5 Military Key Card, she enters the vault and tells the Robot (n) to stand down. The Robot (n) complies and requests whether it needs to keep guarding the vaults. Alexis (C) says that the vaults no longer require the Robot (n) to guard. The Robot (n) steps out into the hallway and powers down to "sleep" mode.

Alexis (C) spends some time looking about the vault foyer, in several filing cabinets are documents for the contents of the vaults, but most of them deal with only one of the vaults which contains safety deposit boxes. Bob (E) enters the vault foyer, passing the Robot (n) by displaying his own Sodium/5 Military Key Card and saying that he is going to check the electrical system in the vault. The Robot (n) says "Carry on" and powers down to "sleep" mode.

Alexis (C) enters the three vaults while Bob (E) searches the main desk in the vault foyer. On the desk is a computer and peripherals and Bob (E) finds an Uzi on a quick release clip under the desk as well as a clip board with the vault access codes in a desk drawer.

Bob (E) examines the security camera in the vault foyer and tries to get the reflective dome off of it. James (S) and Bill (X) are in the security station and suddenly an alarm sounds. Bob's (E) attempt to remove the security camera reflective dome brings the security system on active and a joystick controller pops up on the console in front of James (S). On his monitor, James (S) sees a crosshairs suddenly appear on Bob (E) with a request for automated fire or manual and a countdown to automatic fire. James (S) chooses manual and, using the overhead speaker system, tells Bob (E) to stop. Bob (E) comes back to the Security Station and finds out how close he was to having the automated security laser fire at him at close range.

The Group figures out that each security camera has a laser coaxed to it, allowing the security stations and main bunker computer to observe as well as attack. The Group is surprised that no one told them this and guess that no one actually knew about it. Looking around the hallways as well as several rooms, they discover that each security camera is within sight of another security camera.

James (S), Bill (X) and Bob (E) reenter the vault foyer and meet up with Alexis (C). With the vault security codes as well as the Blue/3 Civilian Key Card, they open the three vaults and check out the contents.

In the first two vaults contain a whole bunch of safety deposit boxes, containing wills, stocks and bonds, insurance policies and some jewelry. The Group doesn't spend much time looking through the stuff.

The last vault contains a treasury of Australian money. About A$50 million or more in Australian currency, including over 50,000 A$200 gold "Koala" coins; over 100,000 A$100 gold coins; over 5 million A$1 silver coins; and over 10 million A$0.50 silver coins. James (S) takes one of the A$200 gold "Koala" coins as a keepsake.

Also in the vault was a big box, which when opened contained two important finds.
First, what appeared to be a Key Card manufacturing machine, with blank cards and civilian color inserts for Civilian Key Cards (but no metal inserts for Military Key Cards). And second, four security envelopes, each with one of Group B's names on it in neat handwriting.

James Stenbeck (S): contained a Silver/2 Military Key Card issued to James Stenbeck (S) and a note "Main Uni Reactor, Physics Building, Start up sequence at strtupseqnce.doc on the Anderson Stuart mainframe computer"

Bill Farnum (X): contained a Silver/2 Military Key Card issued to Bob Dawson (E) and a note "Fisher Library, Cray-HS"

Bob Dawson (E): contained a Cobalt/4 Military Key Card issued to Bill Farnum (X) and a note "Dr. W. J. Smithson, Plague Research, Breakthru?, Biochemistry, 3 PolRobs"

Alexis Pratt (C): contained a Silver/2 Military Key Card issued to Alexis Pratt (C) and a note "Carslaw Building. Security Code: Transmit-Chocolate-Novel-Eight-Five-Niner-Jacket"

The Group, by consensus again, believes that someone is fucking with them, again.

Session Two: Part 2: "Proudest Monkey" (March 28, 2104)

Important People: James (S), Bill (X), Bob (E), Alexis (C), Stephanie Shaw MD (n), Nick English Ph.D. Computer Science (n), Capt. Adele Droblas, Royal Australian Army (n), Andrew Greenberg Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering (n), Jay Richardson MS Computer Science (n), Matt Borselli Ph.D. Physics (n), John Dougherty (n), the Vault Robot (n), Robbie the PolBot (n), and various other Uni Survivors (n).

With these great finds, the Group brings the box down to the Uni Survivors living area. The Vault Robot (n) follows them. There, they find a majority of the council, Dr. Stephanie Shaw (n), Dr. Nick English (n), Capt. Adele Droblas (n) and Dr. Andrew Greenberg (n), in a meeting with other Uni Survivors. Rushing in with the Key Card manufacturing machine and the envelopes, the Group asks for an explanation, figuring that this was a test of some sort, but none of the council members, as well as other Uni Survivors present, can explain the presence of the security envelopes with their names on them (and especially their important contents).

The acquisition of a Key Card manufacturing machine is met with a round applause and very excited examination. Before long, a group of survivors has it set up and creates some Violet/1 Key Cards. Before they get carried away, however, Dr. Shaw (n) stops them and has the machine brought to the necessary group. At the same time, several members of the Engineering and Security groups spend some time examining the Vault Robot (n).

Dr. Shaw (n) congratulates the Group on a fine job and asks them to continue with their work, saying that these leads in these envelopes should be followed up on. The Group return to their quarters, with the Vault Robot (n) following along, to prepare for their first excursion.

The Group find that each of the Silver/2 and Cobalt/4 Military Key Cards operates perfectly and allows them access to Silver/2 and Cobalt/4 restricted areas. Additionally, their information in the UDC is upgraded to include the Silver/2 and Cobalt/4 Military Key Card authorizations. Bob (E) requests a Violet/1 Civilian Key Card from Dr. Shaw (n) and it is delivered bright and new.

Bob (E) asks the Vault Robot (n) what his designation is. The Vault Robot (n) answers NSDQ-1473. The Group dub him Nasdaq the Robot (n).

Session Two: Part 3: "I Didn't Mean To Turn You On" (March 29, 2104)

Important People: James (S), Bill (X), Bob (E), Alexis (C), Robbie the PolRob (n), Nasdaq the Robot (n), Miles Dayton (n), Rich Johnson (n), Amanda Hayes (n), John Ritter (n), and many SecRobs (n).

The Group decides that the first order of business should be to start the Main University Reactor located in the Physics Building. Downloading a hard copy of the start up sequence at strtupseqnce.doc on the Anderson Stuart mainframe computer, the Group collects equipment necessary to succeed on their mission. Figuring that the Physics Building might not have power, they acquire a electrical generator and the necessary fuel. Then, with their equipment loaded into their Land Rover vehicle (including Robbie the PolRob (n) and Nasdaq the Robot (n)), they exit the bunker via the vehicle lift and drive to the Physics Building.

The Physics Building is only a few blocks away from the Anderson Stuart Building. Looking around the campus, the Group notices several building have been either destroyed or have combat damage or are intact but lack electricity. The Physics Building has some combat damage - a few 20mm autocannon rounds, as well as some machine gun rounds, have damaged a section of the building. Additionally, the Physics Building has no electricity.

The Group park their Land Rover at the loading dock of the building and leave Robbie (n) to guard the vehicle. Entering the building, James (S) takes the lead with the rest of the Group following after, including Nasdaq (n).

Doing a quick search of the first floor of the Physics Building, they encounter several SecRobs (n), who challenge the Group with a "Halt Citizen, Present your Authorization." James (S) displays his Silver/2 Military Key Card and the SecRobs say "Carry On" and continue their patrols. Several times the Group encounters SecRobs (n) on patrol and each time are challenged. James (S) displays his Key Card each time and the Group is left alone.

Bob (E) finds a visitor's map of the Physics Building and the Group seeks out the Security Station on the First Floor. There, they find a bunch of SecRobs (n) in a room similar to the First Floor Security Office in the Anderson Stuart Bunker. In addition to the operational SecRobs (n) (which come and go on patrol), there are about five damaged and unoperational SecRobs, and some police equipment, mostly Riot Shields and a limited amount of ammunition.

Believing that the Main Reactor control room is somewhere below the Physics Building, the Group searches several stairwells, and determine that the one nearest to the loading dock leads to the Main Reactor. They travel down the stairs to Sub-basement One and find an un-powered security door that leads to Sub-basement Two and another to Sub-basement One offices and labs. Also in the stairwell are security domes, which the Group figures contain the camera/laser coax. While Bill (X) and Alexis (C) set up the generator to power the Sub-basement Two security door, James (S) and Bob (E) take apart the nearest two security domes. They remove the camera/laser coax without damaging them because they believe that the soon-to-be booted security program may fire on the Group. Once the generator is up and running, Bill (X) pops open the security door Key Card panel and re-routes the power to the generator.

Bill (X) works on powering the security Key Card panel (with Nasdaq (n) kibitzing over his shoulder) and gets it to work. They open the security door with the Violet/1 Civilian Key Card and then shut the power off when the door is fully open.

Entering the Sub-basement Two stairwell, the Group finds that it contains steps down to another two security doors - one to Sub-basement Three (titled "Main Reactor: Authorized Personnel Only") and another to the Sub-basement Two offices and labs.
Again, while Bill (X) and Alexis (C) set up the generator, James (S) and Bob (E) take apart the nearest two security domes. As Bob (E) is moving equipment down the stairs, he hears a strange skittering noise. He tells James (S) about it and they both pause to listen, but don't hear it any further.

Again, Bill (X) (with Nasdaq (n) kibitzing) powers the security Key Card panel and they open the security door, leaving it open again by shutting off the power.

Continuing down the stairs, the Group enters a long hallway (about 200 yards) that ends in yet another un-powered security door. While they are walking down the hall, several of them hear the skittering sound again and James (S) goes back down the hall to the stairs to find out what it is. He doesn't find anything.

Again, the Group sets up the generator and disables the local security domes. Bill (X), getting better at it with Nasdaq (n) still kibitzing, opens the door to the Main Reactor room foyer. Three un-powered security doors lead off the foyer: one to "Security," one to "Main Control Room," and the last to "Physics Building Mainframe Computer."

Opening the "Security" door, the Group finds a small armory as well as six un-powered SecRobs (three of which are plugged into wall sockets - Bob (E) unplugs them). Behind the "Physics Building Mainframe Computer" door, they find the Physics Building's Mainframe. And the "Main Control Room" door opens into the Reactor control room. After discussing their plan, James (S) and Bill (X) return to the First Floor Physics Building Security Station, in case starting up the reactor and mainframe cause any security "problems." Bob (E), Alexis (C) and Nasdaq (n) remain in the Control Room to start the Reactor.

Initial start-up powers the security doors and other systems in the Main Reactor room foyer, as well as the Security office, the Mainframe room and the Main Control Room (and security door power returns to the Security Office).

Bob (E) begins the start-up sequence, following the list from the strtupseqnce.doc file.

End Session Two.

Message 8605#89570

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by BabbageCliologic which BabbageCliologic participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

 (leave blank for none)
...from around 11/7/2003

On 11/7/2003 at 12:38am, BabbageCliologic wrote:
Session 3

Tuesday Night Sessions - GURPS Aftermath! Operation Morpheus Session 3 (October 21, 2003)

James Stenbeck (S) = Sean
Bill Farnum (X) = Chris
Bob Dawson (E) = Eric
Alexis Pratt (C) = Charles

Session Three: "Start Me Up" (March 29 - April 1, 2104)

Cut Scene: The Computer System: In a darkened room, a large mainframe computer is working away. On many monitors around the room are images flashing too fast for the human eye. On one monitor is a view of the University defense perimeter. A group of peasants are being forced by gunpoint into the defense perimeter by a group of knights and men-at-arms wearing the heraldry of the Duchy of Sydney. The knights and men-at-arms stay well away from the defense perimeter. The automated defenses efficiently kill the peasants with minimum expenditure of ammunition. Then the defenses open up for a full 60 seconds with full auto fire - 50 caliber machine gun, 20 mm autocannon, and mortar support - on the group of knights and men-at-arms, cutting them down in a violent hail of lead.

Cut Scene: Mount Steele Castle: Duke William asks for the results of several probes into the downtown area. His generals say that no communiqués have come yet. He turns back to the map of Sydney and studies it.

Cut Scene: The Loonies: Again this group of people are acting totally insane. Around their main base, which looks to be like a large hospital building, probably built in the 1980s, are vicious traps, pungi stick pits and other cunning defenses. In the evening, the unknown creatures attack the lunatics, cutting them down, bypassing their defenses and burning their crops and village in an orgy of blood and death. Though the lunatics fight back, with spears, guns and swords, they are overwhelmed and the results of this slaughter is the complete bloody and violent death of each of these crazy people.

Cut Scene: Domain Commune: Representative from the Scouts Commune meet with members of the Domain Council. Scout council members Tim Johnson, Matt Fu and Ken Wilcox speak of trade and defense cooperation with Domain council members Gale Norman, Robert Weale, and Chris Damitio. The recent hostilities with the Duchy of Sydney are also discussed.

Session Three: Part 1: "S.O.S." (March 29 - 31, 2104)

Important People: James (S), Bill (X), Bob (E), Alexis (C), Miles Dayton (n), Rich Johnson (n), Amanda Hayes (n), John Ritter (n), Andy Smith, Reactor Controller at Anderson Stuart Bunker (n), Steve Miller, IT Lead at Anderson Stuart Bunker (n), Robbie the PolRob (n), Nasdaq the Robot (n), various SecRobs (n), PolRob #1 (n), and PolRob #2 (n).

While James (S) and Bill (X) man the Physics Building Security Station, Bob (E) and Alexis (C), with Nasdaq (n), start the Main University Reactor. This process (the strtupseqnce.doc file contains 12 steps) will take several days. Since the start-up sequence powers the Reactor Control area and part of the Security Station, the phone system is working between these two locations as well as to other powered buildings (like Anderson Stuart).

Bob (E) begins the start-up and James (S) reports in to Anderson Stuart, giving them the skinny on what is going on and also the Groups respective phone numbers. Over the next 48 hours, Bob (E) runs through the first 7 steps on the list and proceeds to step 8.

A few hours after starting step 8, Alexis (C) is on duty while Bob (E) is taking a nap. Alexis (C) fails to notice the warning light on the power console while she is looking through the now-powered up Mainframe Computer. Suddenly, a blaring alarm
starts, waking up Bob (E) and an automated voice says "DANGER! REACTOR SITUATION! APPROXIMATELY 10 MINUTES TO COMPLETE CONTAIMENT FAILURE! DANGER!" A clock on the wall starts counting down from 10 minutes as a nearby wall radiometer starts clicking higher REMs.

Meanwhile in the Security Station, James (S) and Bill (X) hear noises in the hallway. James (S) remembers that the SecRobs (n) haven't been around for about 12 hours and wonders if the noises are them. James (S) gives Miles (n) from Group A a call on the radio, asking if his Group is in the Physics Building. Miles (n) says no but asks if Group B needs backup. James (S) says yes. Miles (n) says they'll be over there pronto.

James (S) and Bill (X) prepare for company. Bill (X) flips over the heavy wooden desk, pushes it to cover the doorway and draws his pistol. James (S) readies his M16 and opens the security door, taking a quick look outside. Down the hall, sounds of an emergency alarm drift up the stairwell from the Reactor Area. Also from down the hall, James (S) and Bill (X) hear electronic voices saying things like "Hello Citizen! Report suspicious behavior to your local police!" and "Hi! I'm your friendly neighborhood Police Robot!" James (S) sees two PolRobs (n) walking down the hall towards the Security Station. Both are fully armed (M16s and Glock 17s) as well as armored in police riot gear. One is also carrying a sword.

PolRob #1 (n) spots James (S) and opens fire, while exclaiming "Be a good neighbor - Report all drug dealers in your neighborhood!" James (S) returns fire and ducks back into the room while PolRob #2 (n) launches a tear gas grenade in front of the security door as it says "Do not play with matches - Report all those who do to your local police and fire districts." Bill (X) buttons up his helmet gas filter while James (S) fires again at the PolRobs.

Meanwhile, down in the Reactor Control Room, Bob (E) is trying to get the situation in hand. Realizing that he has no idea what to do, he calls over to Anderson Stuart Bunker, loudly demanding, over the Emergency Alarm, to talk to someone in the Bunker Reactor group. Alexis (C) rushes to the Mainframe Computer room and tries a few things on the newly started computer to try to assist Bob (E).

As tear gas drifts into the Security Station, James (S) buttons up his helmet gas filter as well and steps back from the doorway, M16 at the ready. PolRob #2 (n) launches a fragmentation grenade just outside the doorway, loudly stating "Do not litter! Be a good Citizen!" The grenade explodes but James (S) and Bill (X) are not injured by the grenade.

Bob (E) finally gets Andy (n) the Anderson Stuart Reactor Tech on the phone. Amidst the Emergency Alarm, as the REM counter is going slowly up and the timer is fast counting down, Andy (n) has Bob (E) tell him what he did. Bob (E) reads off the list from the strtupseqnce.doc file. Bob (E) realizes that no one in Group B had anyone at Anderson Stuart check out the authenticity of the strtupseqnce.doc file and Andy (n) tells him that step 8 and 9 are reversed!

PolRob #1 (n) steps around the doorway into the Security Station saying "Only you can prevent forest fires! Be a good Citizen and don't pollute!" as James (S) opens up with his M16 into PolRob #1's (n) head. PolRob #1 stops functioning, but remains standing. From the hallway, James (S) and Bill (X) hear PolRob #2 state "When in danger, exit burning buildings! Assist your local fire department by moving out of the way of emergency vehicles."

Alexis (C) runs a similar diagnostic program that she ran at Anderson Stuart before she realizes that the diagnostic program is actually a Trojan Horse program that allows someone outside the Physics Building to control the Physics Mainframe! Jumping up from the Reactor Controls, Alexis (C) runs to the Mainframe room. Andy (n) asks Bob (E) if the Mainframe is up, because it is necessary to control the Reactor.
PolRob #2 (n) steps in front of the doorway, says "DARE to keep kids off drugs! Assist your local authorities in times of crisis!" and opens fire with it's M16 at Bill (X). Bill (X) takes several rounds in the chest, but his military grade armor protects him from injury. Bill (X) leaps the table and closes with PolRob #2 (n), causing the robot to drop his M16 in the struggle. PolRob #2 (n) jabs at Bill (X) with his built-in Stun Gun fist!

Andy (n) tells Bob (E) that he needs to enter the small door to the Reactor Control Valves from the Control Room. Bob (E) rushes to the Security Station to get a Radiation Suit. While he's quickly getting dressed, Andy (n) walks him through what he has to do to, telling him that he shouldn't have to go farther than 30 yards to the Control Valves and warning him to get out as fast as possible. Bob (E), with his Geiger Counter and radiation badge and Key Cards ready, steps through the security door into the corridor to the Control Valves.

Bill (X) is fighting in close quarters with PolRob #2 (n) and manages to get ahold of it's wrist, preventing the Stun Gun fist from connecting with him. James (S) drops his M16, quick-draws his pistol and jumps on PolRob #2's (n) back. PolRob #2 (n) states "Comply with all orders from Police personnel! We're here for your safety and protection!" and fires his built-in taser weapon into Bill (X), stunning him.

Alexis (C) rushes into the Mainframe Computer room and tries to stop the diagnostic/Trojan Horse program from completing. When she fails to stop the program, Alexis (C) tries to smash the Mainframe with a chair but is stopped by Nasdaq (n) who informs her not to damage University property. Bob (E) runs down the access tunnel to the Control Valves.

James (S) manages to get PolRob #2's (n) helmet off and shoots it in the head with his pistol. Uneffected, PolRob #2 (n) disentangles it's Stun Gun fist from Bill (X) and stuns James (S) with it, saying "The Police are public servants, serving the public good! Assist them in all their endeavors!" Things are looking mighty grim for our heroes!

Bob (E) reaches the Control Valves and only makes one small mistake from Andy's (n) instructions. Quickly recovering, he corrects his mistake then runs like hell out of that radioactive hellhole! Bob (E) enters the Control Room as the control gauges go from Red to Green, the REM meter drops, the Emergency Alarms stop, and the timer stops counting down. Only scant minutes to spare! Meanwhile, Alexis dives behind the Mainframe to unplug it and stop the Trojan Horse from working.

Miles (n) and Group A tackle PolRob #2 (n), bringing the whole lot of them down to the ground in a heap. Within a few minutes, Bill (X) and James (S) are recovering and Group A has disassembled PolRob #2 (n), amidst electronic cries of "Report anyone who is driving impaired to your local police!" and "Don't steal from others! That's wrong and it's against the law, too!" and "Violence is not the answer! Stay away from fights and any gang activity!"

Andy (n) assures Bob (E) that the Mainframe must be operational to control the Reactor. Bob (E) finds Alexis (C) in the Mainframe room and stops her from disconnecting the Mainframe. Alexis (C) tells Bob (E) about the Trojan Horse and tries to find the Ethernet connections to cut the Mainframe off of the rest of the Uni. Bob (E) returns to the Control Room and Andy (n) walks him through several more procedures to assure the Reactor will operate

Alexis (C) calls Anderson Stuart and talks to Steve Miller (n), the IT lead, warning him about the Trojan Horse program. Anderson Stuart is in a uproar about this and many calls back and forth to Alexis (C) are made.
In the Security Office, James (S), Bill (X), Miles (n), Rich (n), Amanda (n), John (n) rest from their encounter with the PolRobs. A group of SecRobs (n) pass by the Security Office on their normal patrols.

James (S), Bill (X), Alexis (C) and Bob (E) all let each other know what has happened in the last few minutes:

* the attack of the PolRobs ("We need bigger and better guns!" says James (S))
* the Reactor situation ("Someone switched the procedure around!" says Bob (E))
* the Trojan Horse program ("We've got to disconnect the Physics Mainframe from the rest of the University!" says Alexis (C)), and
* getting shot at close range with an M16 ("Ow!" says Bill (X)).

Session Three: Part 2: "Is It Like Today?" (April 1, 2104)

Important People: James (S), Bill (X), Bob (E), Alexis (C), Miles Dayton (n), Rich Johnson (n), Amanda Hayes (n), John Ritter (n), Andy Smith, Reactor Controller at Anderson Stuart Bunker (n), Steve Miller, IT Lead at Anderson Stuart Bunker (n), Robbie the PolRob (n), Nasdaq the Robot (n), various SecRobs (n), and several Uni Council Members.

The Reactor is working perfectly, and is fully operational. Group A and Group B are ordered to return to Anderson Stuart for R&R and additionally are ordered not to mess with the Ethernet connections for the Physics Building - the Council will determine if the Trojan Horse program presents a threat. James (S), however, disconnects the Ethernet connections contrary to these orders while Miles (n) looks on, definitely not disagreeing with James (S).

As they leave the Physics Building with the crazy but no longer operational PolRobs, the lights are on in all the buildings around the University campus. James (S) wonders why they all don’t go around and shut off the lights but the Groups head home.

End Session Three.

Message 8605#89571

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