The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Weak humour...
Started by: pete_darby
Started on: 11/11/2003
Board: GNS Model Discussion

On 11/11/2003 at 5:12pm, pete_darby wrote:
Weak humour...

...brought to you by the "find and replace function" and his own early (flailing) attempts to understand GNS.

If I recall the exchanges went something like this....

The SIM Sketch

Mr. Bun: Morning.

Waitress: Morning.

Mr. Bun: Well, what you got?

Waitress: Well, there's Step on up and story now; Step on up, story now and creativity; step on up and sim; Step on up, story now and sim ; Step on up, Story Now, creativity and sim; sim, Story Now, creativity and sim; sim, Step on up, sim, sim, Story Now and sim; sim, creativity, sim, sim, sim, Story Now, sim, karma resolution and sim; sim, sim, sim, Step on up and sim; (Traveller grognards start singing in background) sim, sim, sim, sim, sim, sim, director stance, sim, sim, sim and sim.

Traveller grognards: Sim, sim, sim, sim, lovely sim, lovely sim.

Waitress: (cont) or a finely crafted combination of elegant systems highlighting player derived premise over a continually evolving expressly consensual background, with hot naked elf chicks on top and sim.

Mrs. Bun: Have you got anything without sim?

Waitress: Well, there's sim, Step on up, creativity and sim. That's not got much sim in it.

Mrs. Bun: I don't want any sim!

Mr. Bun: Why can't she have Step on up, Story Now, sim and creativity?

Mrs. Bun: That's got sim in it.

Mr. Bun: It hasn't got as much sim in it as sim, Step on up, creativity and sim has it?

Mrs. Bun: (over Traveller grognards starting again) Could you do me Step on up, Story Now, sim and creativity without the sim then?

Waitress: Ech!

Mrs. Bun: What do you mean ech! I don't like sim!

Traveller grognards: Lovely sim, wonderful sim....etc

Waitress: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Bloody traveller grognards. You can't have Step on up, Story Now, sim and creativity without the sim.

Mrs. Bun: I don't like sim!

Mr. Bun: Shh dear, don't cause a fuss. I'll have your sim. I love it. I'm having sim, sim, sim, sim, sim, sim, sim, director stance, sim, sim, sim and sim. (starts Traveller grognards off again)

Traveller grognards: Lovely sim, wonderful sim...etc

Waitress: Shut up! Director stance is off.

Mr. Bun: Well, can I have her sim instead of the director stance?

Waitress: You mean sim, sim, sim, sim, sim, sim, sim, sim, sim, sim, sim, and sim?

Traveller grognards: Lovely sim, wonderful sim...etc...sim, sim, sim! (in harmony)


I am so sorry, I shall seek help.



I know the terminology is screwed, that's partly the point.
And I am Mr Bun: Sim, sim, sim, sim, sim, director stance and sim...

edit: and it's true you know. You can't have your meal without a bit of sim...

Message 8649#90051

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