The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Music for Little Fears
Started by: Jan_Schattling
Started on: 11/13/2003
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 11/13/2003 at 9:16am, Jan_Schattling wrote:
Music for Little Fears

I got my german copy of the Rules last month on a big convention and so i was one of 500 People who got a soecial edition wich included a Demo CD with absolutely cool music especially made for Kleine Ängste.

It will be out February next Year.

I would like to know if there ist also one for the original version of the Game. And if it is so. Where i can buy it.

I ve read the Syary Music Threat but someting like that was not metioned there.


Message 8673#90329

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On 11/13/2003 at 2:43pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Music for Little Fears

I heard a sample track from the CD and I think it's amazing.

No, there's no American soundtrack to Little Fears though, when people ask, I recommend POE's Haunted as that was the CD playing pretty much non-stop when I was working on Little Fears.

Message 8673#90360

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...from around 11/13/2003

On 11/13/2003 at 7:25pm, Jan_Schattling wrote:
RE: Music for Little Fears

ok. thanks for the quick reply.
I will search for your recommendation. I will check it out.


Message 8673#90401

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...started by Jan_Schattling which Jan_Schattling participated Key 20 Publishing
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...from around 11/13/2003