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Topic: RPG-Designer's WorkShop - Looking for a Few Good Designers.
Started by: RobMuadib
Started on: 11/14/2003
Board: Connections

On 11/14/2003 at 9:36am, RobMuadib wrote:
RPG-Designer's WorkShop - Looking for a Few Good Designers.

Hi All

This post is in part inspired by this post in site discussion. I am trying
to start a small writer's workshop type group for people actively designing
a game to get regular feedback from members of the workshop. So I am
looking for a few designers that would be interested in garnering more
than haphazard or casual feedback on their work, with a quid pro qou
caveat. To that end I have started a yahoo group called
RPG-DesignersWorkShop. the blurb from there.

RPG-Designers Workshop is not just another RPG list. This list is
meant for designers who are actively developing a tabletop roleplaing
game suitable for "publication" to come together to form a workshop,
much like traditional writing workshop. The goal is to bring together small
groups of designers who will offer up material they are working on to be
reviewed and commented on by the other members of the group on a bi-
weekly basis. By making this commitment, each member of the group can
gain the quality feedback they need to complete their games. This group
is not for random noodling about mechanics, polling and discussion of RPG
design in general, or braindumps. There are plenty of other groups for
that. IF you join, you should be committed to creating a complete RPG,
and ready, willing, and able to read and comment on the work of other's
in the group.

So I am looking for three to four other people who would be interested in
joining the group for the first run. To be honest, I, like most people am
selfish and am wanting, desperate even for some specific discussion
regarding certain design details (cough*traid design architecture* cough),
and am prepared to offer up some solid quid pro qou to get it. I envision
people submitting material to be reviewed, along with questions/concerns
they have for it once every two weeks or so, with feedback offered on
next two weeks along with new material being posted. Or perhaps a
weekly schedule if people think that is better.

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On 11/17/2003 at 5:54am, RobMuadib wrote:
RPG-Designers WorkShop Update

For those interested, there are still 3 spots open currently in group1 (Though a second group can be created if enough people join). Here is some updated blurbage.

RPG-Designers Workshop is not just another RPG list. Instead it is meant as a meeting ground for designers who are actively developing a tabletop roleplaying game suitable for "publication" to come together to form a workshop, much like traditional writing workshop.

The members of this workshop will meet once every two weeks. At these bi-weekly meetings, the workshop moderator leads the group in discussion of the material offered for review by each member. Also at this meeting, group members deposit the new material they wish to be reviewed into the files area of the group. This material is to be read over and commented upon by each member of the group. Who deposits their annotated copy in the pick-up folder for that group member. With the annotated copies being due at the following bi-weekly meeting, during which the material will be discussed via a moderated roundtable. The bi-weekly meetings will take place on IRC, and are led by a moderator, who calls for discussion of each members reviewed material in turn.

By commiting themselves to reviewing and commenting on the work provided by the group members on the bi-weekly basis, each member of the group can in turn gain the quality feedback and consideration of their ideas they need to complete their games in a timely manner. In addition, members gain the support and camaraderie of the similarly motivated group members as they work on their game projects.

Group members who fail to live up to their obligations will be dropped from the group, with only one warning. Members should follow the doctrine of quid pro qou, giving the work of the other members the consideration and attention you want your work to be given. Second each member should consider the work they are given and the particular concerns raised by the author in offering comments. Address the author's work, not the reasons for the work, nor the author of the work.

Thus, the RPG-DesignersWorkShop seeks to provide a focused arena for self-motivated group members to engage in fruitful collaboration and commiseration. An association where each member gives and gains in equal part among like-minded colleagues.

Rob Muadib - RPGDesignersWorkShop Owner & Moderator

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On 11/23/2003 at 5:04pm, apeiron wrote:
RE: RPG-Designer's WorkShop - Looking for a Few Good Designers.

@ This sounds a lot like The Crucible idea i have posted in this area and in the site discussion area. i'll take a look at what you are doing with your group.

Message 8687#91555

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