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Topic: Need Stats for a Lasso - Suggestions
Started by: StahlMeister
Started on: 11/19/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 11/19/2003 at 1:30am, StahlMeister wrote:
Need Stats for a Lasso - Suggestions

Hi Friends!
I need stats for a lasso for my next game session. Does anyone have suggestions?
One of my players wants to play a "Chainmistress" like in D&D. For this I also need stats and some special combat moves. Maybe some moves that can be bought with SA points frome 1-3 between the sessions.

Thank You for helping me!!!

Message 8737#91022

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On 11/19/2003 at 7:24am, Ingenious wrote:
RE: Need Stats for a Lasso - Suggestions

First off let me plagarize DND 2nd edition for a second...
"A lasso is a length of rope with a loop at one end, tied with a knot that enables the loop to be tightened. THe wielder twirls the lasso and throws the loop at the intended target. If it hits, the lasso has encircled the target, enabling the attacker to dismount the victim, make him fall, pin him, strangle him, etc. The wielder must specify exactly what he wants the lasso to accomplish before making his attack roll. A successful hit does not cause damage to the target, but incidental damage can occur from the results of certain actions performed with the lasso, such as making someone fall or strangling a victim. The many tricks which can be performed with a lasso are outlined in the Equipment chapter of the Complete Fighter's handbook. A lasso may be severed by 2 hit points of cutting damage. A victim's strength can break a lasso."
Now, to translate that into TROS... someone else can do it... but I'll attempt it because I'm just that bored.
I'd say that it would be difficult to lasso someone... being that I'm from Texas and have seen many professional cowboys attempt it and fail once in a while. But while it is difficult, the possibilities for use against someone are endless. You could lasso around someone's neck and use that as a garrotte(see garrote/strangle post by Zaziel'sRephaim), lasso around one foot and pull in order to trip them. lasso around the arms to bind, lasso around both legs to stop movement, etc etc.
Range for a lasso will depend of course upon the length of rope.
Strength of pulling depends upon wether the human is pulling, or if the lasso is attached to a horse. Naturally use the strength of the horse if the horse is the one pulling back.
Given all of this information(most of it extraneous)((beleive it or not that's spelt correctly) I would reckon that the ATN is going to vary depending upon if the target is moving, if you are moving, or if both are moving, or stationary... etc.
If this isn't a good enough answer, I'm quite sure that Brian or Jake or someone with THE BOOK would be happy to oblige you with more.
(insert gratuitous german quote here)

Message 8737#91049

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On 11/19/2003 at 9:03am, StahlMeister wrote:
RE: Need Stats for a Lasso - Suggestions

Well thank You Ingy for Your tru texas-like answer!
This information is really ok. Though we germans don't have fantasy I think I will manage to create some stats for it on my own. maybe a friend of mine, a guy from New Mexico (it's a neighbour state of Yours, btw), can do it for me.

(insert impertinent gratuitous texican quote here)

Message 8737#91060

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