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Topic: Making a Convention-ready "mix-cd" of rpgs...
Started by: Dev
Started on: 11/20/2003
Board: Publishing

On 11/20/2003 at 4:53pm, Dev wrote:
Making a Convention-ready "mix-cd" of rpgs...

I remember's Smith's "ConBust" (a small con) had a freebie CD with some free RPGs and demos on it. I'm looking into having a similar CD for VeriCon (see thread).

Does anyone know how cost to expect for burning several CDs, and how to go about finding places that do this sort of thing? Anyone with experience in this area?

Also, PM me if you'd want your product/demo featured on the CD. (Just copying over my RPG directory would be an unscientific way of going about it, at least.)

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On 11/20/2003 at 10:41pm, LordSmerf wrote:
RE: Making a Convention-ready "mix-cd" of rpgs...

My Google-itsu nets this. Assuming that you are going to print at least 50 CDs costs will probably run you around $3.50/disc (since you pay shipping). This seems to be a reasonable price from my experience doing duplication. So, yeah...


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On 11/20/2003 at 10:45pm, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: Making a Convention-ready "mix-cd" of rpgs...

Given that VeriCon is a college con, and given that most students probably have CD-Burners...

You could enlist some volunteer labor and do this VERY cheaply (the cost of blank CDs). Of course, if you're breaking 200 copies you might not want to.


P.S. Welcome to use OtB, if you care to. Not much of a game...

Message 8752#91312

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On 11/20/2003 at 11:31pm, gobi wrote:
RE: Making a Convention-ready "mix-cd" of rpgs...

I'm perhaps fortunate in that I have special late-night access to a computer lab stacked with moderately speedy macintosh G4s. If I had them all burning CDs with around 100 megs each, I could finish a 200 disc job in a few hours. If you check out your own resources, by that I mean friends and friends of friends, you may have access to such technical necessities as well.

The more costly end of things is if you want to make CD labels, jewel case covers, and whether you want either in color. Ink ain't cheap and going through a 200-disc job, not even taking into account the possible technical difficulties along the way, would probably take a couple days, over a hundred dollars in four-color ink cartridges, and fistfuls of tylenol to deal with the logistical headaches involved with the whole endeavor.

Were I to try something like this, I'd buy a cheap 100 or 200 disc tub of CD-Rs and a box of the cheapest CD "cases" I could find. My guess would be the absolute cheapest CD holder thingies would be those CD envelopes with plastic windows on the front. Aside from that, I'd just write "Dev's RPG Mix" on the front and be done with it.

If feeling particularly ambitious, but still not willing to spend a lot of cash, I'd also print out single-sided square "labels" to slip into the CD envelopes. But, again, even strictly black ink ain't cheap even if you can fit two labels onto a single sheet of 8.5x11 paper.

Message 8752#91321

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