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Topic: Anaxial's Roster
Started by: Calithena
Started on: 11/23/2003
Board: HeroQuest

On 11/23/2003 at 3:17pm, Calithena wrote:
Anaxial's Roster

Are they planning a new version for HeroQuest, or has that already been done, or are they just going to stick with the old version even though there have been some rules changes?

Message 8774#91550

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On 11/23/2003 at 3:33pm, Peter Nordstrand wrote:
RE: Anaxial's Roster


I doubt that Issaries will publish a second edition any time soon.

See for conversion notes for Anaxial's Roster and other Hero Wars supplements.


Message 8774#91551

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On 11/24/2003 at 1:58am, Der_Renegat wrote:
RE: Anaxial's Roster

Actually you wont even need a second edition.
This topic was heavily discussed on the HQ yahoo group.
AR is not about numbers and game values, because HQ doesnt work like that, its kind of hard to understand when you come from that simulationist background we are all used to.
AR gives you:
-ideas for stories
-creatures of the world glorantha
-suggestions for abilities and tactics a creature might have
If you dont understand that, it seems that AR is flawed. The numbers are very often quite questionable. You have to assign creatures a rating, that fits your story.
You might want a lion just to be annoying or a real challenge for your heroes-it depends on the context, because HQ is about narrating an exciting story, not to simulate reality.
Hope that helps...i needed quite a while to get that in my head.
all the best

Message 8774#91583

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On 11/24/2003 at 3:56am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Anaxial's Roster


Christian nails it in one shot.

Anaxial's Roster is about what sort of adversity a creature might pose, and why, but is not especially oriented toward how much adversity it poses beyond a basic guess.


Message 8774#91588

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On 11/24/2003 at 8:24am, Peter Nordstrand wrote:
RE: Anaxial's Roster

Hear! Hear!

Message 8774#91597

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On 11/24/2003 at 11:27am, pete_darby wrote:
RE: Anaxial's Roster

Also, I like Robin Laws defence of some of the odder numbers: ability ratings don't reflect physical characteristics directly, but the ability of a creature to use that characteristic. A horse may have a larger Big ability than a cow that is physically larger, but it uses it's size more actively and usefully than the cow.

Just a thought. The numbers are still screwy, though.

Message 8774#91600

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On 11/26/2003 at 8:49am, Mark Galeotti wrote:
RE: Anaxial's Roster

Hi Calithena,

Lots of good replies as to why the numbers in AR don't matter all that much, but just to deal factually with your query: there are no plans for a revised AR, and to be blunt there won't be until AR sells out!

All the best


Message 8774#91725

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On 11/26/2003 at 12:16pm, pete_darby wrote:
RE: Anaxial's Roster

I can see Greg plotting in a yurt in Mexico even now... "Yes, we will sell them a book with slightly screwy numbers that don't matter that much, then, my pretties, then we will refuse to revise the numers until all of the books have been bought! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Or not.

How about AR2 then...? It's not like II has got much of a release schedule at the moment... only, what, four books in active pre-production, a similar amount in the serious planning & writing stages, and a roadmap for a couple of dozen more...

Message 8774#91727

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