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Topic: IRC channel dedicated to tros?
Started by: chade0
Started on: 11/28/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 11/28/2003 at 3:49pm, chade0 wrote:
IRC channel dedicated to tros?

Has someone created a TRoS IRC channel in some irc network? =)

Just wanted to ask... :)

Message 8824#91886

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On 11/28/2003 at 6:12pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?

I would really, really like to get one together and have a round table chat or something. That would be too much fun. Volunteers to set it up?


Message 8824#91889

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On 11/28/2003 at 7:39pm, chade0 wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?

which irc network? any ideas?

Quakenet could be one to consider.. since tros is a game too and Qnet works pretty well.

Anyone? ideas?

Message 8824#91893

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On 11/28/2003 at 9:47pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?


It's the server that indie net-gaming uses, so it shouldn't be at all hard to set up something for TRoS.

Message 8824#91904

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On 11/29/2003 at 9:34am, chade0 wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?

That sounds good. What's the server's ip?

Message 8824#91937

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On 11/29/2003 at 10:07am, chade0 wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros? seems to work fine

Message 8824#91938

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On 11/29/2003 at 11:50am, feanor wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?

and channel seems to be #tros

so everyone join up : #tros @ linuxguy.magicstar.irc

If someone needs help to use irc just ask.

Message 8824#91941

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On 11/29/2003 at 4:47pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?

Okay, how about a walkthrough from start to finish for the irc impaired?


Message 8824#91949

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On 11/29/2003 at 5:46pm, chade0 wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?

What is irc?
This question is pretty well answered in here:


And as an IRC client, I recommend mIRC (see the link above).
After installing mIRC, just connect to linuxguy.magicstar.irc and join channel #TRoS.


Message 8824#91951

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On 11/29/2003 at 7:10pm, Thanaeon wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?

chade0 wrote: What is irc?
This question is pretty well answered in here:


And as an IRC client, I recommend mIRC (see the link above).
After installing mIRC, just connect to linuxguy.magicstar.irc and join channel #TRoS.


The server referred to is, not .irc.

Message 8824#91953

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On 11/29/2003 at 9:02pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?

Oops! That was my bad. I was trying to remember the server address from memory.

Message 8824#91957

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On 12/2/2003 at 6:15am, Ingenious wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?

Now then, if we could possibly discuss my thoughts about an online TROS game.. It would be difficult to set-up, just the schedules and time-zones that we're all in, aside from possibly using webcamera's to display our dice-rolls maybe? Or just have the GM do them? *shrug* It doesn't even have to be in the TROS irc room, it could be done in a private yahoo chat so that it's more webcamera friendly, and passworded so it IS exclusive and there's no booters, etc.(if that option seems good)Another option is Microsoft netmeeting(used that only a few times, but never with more than one person)And yet another option is ICQ*shudder*.

Thoughts and suggestions? Or should I just throw this idea in the trash with the few others I've had?


Message 8824#92125

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On 12/2/2003 at 6:30am, Draigh wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?

As far as an online TROS game is concerned, Wolfen, Rattlehead, and myself have often dueled on OpenRPG. I forgot where I downloaded it though, it's a great program.

Message 8824#92126

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On 12/2/2003 at 8:18am, Thanaeon wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?

I've noticed that since it's been founded, the IRC channel has had many visitors, but most of them have left within minutes. At the urging of Chade, I figured I'd explain a few points of IRC "etiquette".

Owing to many reasons, among them different time zones, people doing other stuff besides monitoring the channel, etc. etc, I recommend not to be disappointed if you drop into the channel and find out there's no discussion going on. If you're on a non-pay-pay-minute connection, I think the wisest course of action is to just stay on the channel, and perhaps type a greeting or something, then just check occasionally whether someone has answered. After all, if it doesn't cost you anything, why not? Once someone has, you can type something back and with luck, a discussion can begin if the other person is still around. Currently, apparently, all the regular people of the channel are from Finland, so the time zones can be a bit of a hassle, especially when it's not weekend, but the best way to remedy that is to stay on the channel with other people who aren't Finnish.

I hope this helps, and we'll see more active users on the channel in the future.

Message 8824#92130

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On 12/2/2003 at 8:37am, Ingenious wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?

Aside from me occasionally popping in and out of the IRC channel, it has not to deal with etiquette.. it more-over has to deal with time, the fact that I have dial-up... and ONE phone line. So it is a bit of an inconvenience to everyone in this house for me to stay online and wait for people to respond in a chatroom, especially when someone else wants to use the phone ASAP to order something, call work, etc etc.
However, I usually do all of my online stuff after everyone goes to sleep and since I go to night school, my mind is most active then. On the other hand, I still can not stay in a chatroom for long to wait if I am downloading stuff, talking on various instant message programs, browsing the net, and checking my email. Bandwidth seems to be a problem.
But yea the timezone thing isn't a problem. You can easily figure out if it's day or night anywhere around the globe by visiting and clicking on a timezone.(Shaded area on the globe is night, obviously)So as I type this message it looks to be the tail end of the day in Finland.


Message 8824#92131

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On 12/2/2003 at 2:11pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?


IRC has a die-rolling utility, so webcameras are not needed.

But, if I had my druthers (a slang term I picked up somewhere, basically meaning preference.. Gold star to whoever can figure out the origin of the word) I'd run it on OpenRPG. OpenRPG has several neat features that IRC does not that make table-top gaming so much easier.

One thing that IRC has that would be nice for OpenRPG is multiple channels, so that you can have an OOC channel and an IC channel. However, prior to joining Indie-Netgaming, all of my online gaming was done in one room, so while this can certainly be slightly chaotic, it CAN be done, and easily enough.

For anyone interested in checking out OpenRPG, it can be downloaded at, oddly enough,

As for my popping in and out, I'll have to chalk it up to time constraints as well. I work nights and go to class during the day, so my time is severely limited. That is going to change soon, so if someone is up for trying to run a TRoS game online, I'd definitely be game to play, as well as helping you set up whatever is necessary to get the game going.

Message 8824#92141

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On 12/2/2003 at 2:14pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?

(It comes from "would rather" -> "'d rather" -> "druther", and has been around for at least a century. Good word.)

Message 8824#92142

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On 12/2/2003 at 8:26pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?

Damnit Alex, you beat me to it :-)


Message 8824#92184

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On 12/2/2003 at 8:42pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?

If I had my druthers, people would use it more often. It's really not an obscure piece of slang, though, so I'm not sure why Lance thought he needed to explain it.

Anyway, my reason for popping in and out of the #tros forum yesterday afternoon (which I did) was that I just wanted to see if there were any people in there, but did NOT have the time or inclination to stay and chat.

Message 8824#92189

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On 12/2/2003 at 9:00pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?

Considering that many users of this forum do not speak English as their first language...

Methinks it becomes much more obscure when you take that into account.

Message 8824#92192

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On 12/3/2003 at 4:16am, Ingenious wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?

IMO The language barrier is actually not as obscure as you might assume, given the fact that there are thousands of pages of online translation tools. And these work especially well considering the language is being typed and not spoken.


Message 8824#92237

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On 12/3/2003 at 2:08pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: IRC channel dedicated to tros?

Show me an online translation tool that will properly translate "druthers" and I'll be duly impressed. Most of those that I've come across are only barely passable at translating basic sentence syntax, and include only the most common slang.

Anyhow.. This isn't the point of this thread, and I apologize for sidetracking it.

Message 8824#92265

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