The Forge Reference Project


Topic: POD printing and distribution
Started by: Gold Rush Games
Started on: 11/28/2003
Board: Publishing

On 11/28/2003 at 11:35pm, Gold Rush Games wrote:
POD printing and distribution

We're rolling out our new Eureka! program, with two separate services available to small press and indie publishers. We offer POD printing and distribution.

Whether you print your books elsewhere or through our POD printing service, we can help get your project into the distribution channel and available to retailers.

Come on by the web site and have a look. There's even an on-line tour to help explain the program to newcomers.

Message 8826#91914

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...from around 11/28/2003

On 12/13/2003 at 10:33am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
RE: POD printing and distribution

As one of the Eureka! program's new customers, I must say that it has been very easy to work with mark so far. or rather it would be if I didn;t have this annoying habit of continually coming up with questions that fill his inbox and then being unable to find h\the answers two weeks later.... I've got to find a way to stop that.

In the meanwhile, I am wondering about some of the best ways to supplement the promotion mark will be doign in the distribution channel so that I can help generate wholesale and retail sales in addition to what he can do. I know he'll do a good job of selling my books -- I just want to supplement his efforts without getting in their way.

The first book of Seraphim guard's to go out through eruka! will probably (once the editor gets his internet back) be HeartQuest Rvised Edition, to be folloed up with Mecha Aces, The Ghist Tmer Miyaki Sourcebook, Arena Gods and Spell-Slingers & Sword-Saints. The setup costs are low enough that i can actually puruse an agressive publishing and marketing schedule now, something I couldn;t do two months ago.

Message 8826#93733

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...from around 12/13/2003

On 12/14/2003 at 4:41am, Gold Rush Games wrote:
RE: POD printing and distribution

Thanks, Mike. I try to make it easy. The POD fulfillment aspect has been working out quite well for us, and I think it can work as well for others. I'm still working on building the marketing machine. I hope our clients are happy with what we've been doing so far (weekly faxes to distributors, updates via e-mail, etc.).

Message 8826#93789

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...started by Gold Rush Games which Gold Rush Games participated Publishing
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...from around 12/14/2003