The Forge Reference Project


Topic: OT: Anyone know what has happened to RPGNOW?
Started by: hermes
Started on: 11/30/2003
Board: Publishing

On 11/30/2003 at 7:53pm, hermes wrote:
OT: Anyone know what has happened to RPGNOW?

I know this is somewhat off-topic, but since it is an avenue for many indie-rpg writers to publish and since this is the specific Forge forum where I usually post, I thought I might post my query here. I have been unable to access the RPGNOW website and my latest attempts seem to take me to a web hosting company page. I am assuming that this is just a temporary glitch and that RPGNOW will be back up and running shortly, but if not this would be cause for concern. There were a handful of PDF games that I was planning to order this weekend. . . alas!


Message 8837#91994

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...started by hermes which hermes participated Publishing
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...from around 11/30/2003

On 12/1/2003 at 5:19am, Gold Rush Games wrote:
RE: OT: Anyone know what has happened to RPGNOW?

Just FYI, here's a message from the front page of the site.

"Sorry for the downtime, but our computers were turned off due to a hacker who abused our outbound UDP. Anyway, we've now got to restore from backups to a new hard drive. Things will be a bit slow so forgive us. NOTE: The secure checkout with credit card is currently DOWN. Please wait till Monday to buy anything."

And just when our new Distribution and POD Printing service products went live on the site! Rats!

Hopefully everything will be fixed and the secure checkout back up to speed by tomorrow.

Message 8837#92017

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On 12/1/2003 at 5:44am, hermes wrote:
Re: OT: Anyone know what has happened to RPGNOW?

Thanks for the update. I actually discovered their message just a little while ago but did not want to respond to my own post (people tend to frown upon me when I talk to myself let alone type to myself. . . lol). I had a feeling that it was a minor glitch of some sort but I am glad that things seem to be back up and running again. Scary to think that someone would want to hack an innocent little rpg site. Gasp!


Message 8837#92018

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...started by hermes which hermes participated Publishing
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...from around 12/1/2003