The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [indie-netgamin] Pag's Dragon Game
Started by: Paganini
Started on: 12/2/2003
Board: Actual Play

On 12/2/2003 at 5:15am, Paganini wrote:
[indie-netgamin] Pag's Dragon Game

I need a name for this game. Yup, yup, I do. Because I think it's gonna be worth keeping. Has "Draconum" been taken?

Anyway, we made characters, and one scene for each character to resolve kickers. Someone will post the narration log later. Here are the characters:

Jovan (Lxndr)


Jovan comes from the Kalissa Strand, far to the south, where the sands stretch in all directions and the sun always beats down - he can't stand being cold, or wet (from weather), so it's too bad that most of the world has one or the other.

He is married to another Slayer, from the far north - they like to joke that their marriage only survives because so much of their time is spent apart, chasing their own goals. Even though too much time together sets them at each others throats, Jovan passionately loves Aurora, and would give his life for her in a heartbeat.

In fact, if it weren't for Aurora, Jovan would hever have become a Slayer. She'd been raised to be one - Jovan was merely a blacksmith's apprentice, a childhood playmate who'd never gotten over a crush, and never expected it to be returned. He didn't care.

When Jovan saw the star fall from the heavens, he secretly smelted it, and made her a sword. It was meant to be a gift for her. But then the dragon Thanagar came to the town, and razed it. He was meant to be her first kill, but Thanagar discovered her purpose, and decided to strike first.

Aurora fought valiantly, but in the end, fell against Thanagar's organized assault. Jovan watched from his hiding spot in the smithy, and when he saw Aurora go down, his vision went red. Without thinking, Jovan took up the sword he'd forged, and charged at the ancient dragon. By the time it was over, the dragon had fallen, and Jovan was swimming in blood. He had become a Slayer. And he'd won Aurora's love.

Unfortunately for his relationship with his wife, however, Jovan has fallen hopelessly in love with a dragon, Kiarah. Worse, this dragon returns his affections. Originally, he quested to slay her, but Kiarah seduced him, and to her horror found that she returned his affections.

Now, she follows him as he travels from place to place, slaying other dragons, always coming to him in human form. They have brief, violent affairs that always end in duels, recriminations, and one side or the other fleeing before choosing to kill the other. Jovan has so far kept this a secret from Aurora, but that can't last forever.


Kiss't, the Ice Dragon, lives in the frozen north. A jealous and petty dragon, Kiss't smashed Kiarah's eggs before they could hatch. Jovan learned about it just recently, when Kiarah came to him, openly sobbing - and though he tells himself he's going to slay Kiss't to rid the world of another scourge, he's really doing it for her.


Kiss't has just shown up in my camp, and has told me that he knows about my trysts with Kiarah. And if Jovan doesn't let him live, Kiss't will make sure Aurora knows that the eggs he smashed were fathered by Jovan.


Body 2
Mind 3
Spirit 3


My Slaying Sword (4) x
Loves Aurora (3) x
Loves Kiarah (3)
<OPEN> (2)
<OPEN> (2)
<OPEN> (2)
Hates the cold (1)
Hates wet weather (1)
Enjoys the desert (1)
Blacksmithing (1)
Well-traveled (1)


1 Anger
2 Fear
3 Greed
4 Lust
5 Pride
6 Greed


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6 [_]
7 [_]
8 [_]
9 [_]


Delagus (MachMoth)


Delagus is a rogue fencer, and lover of the arts. But, mostly he loves Delagus. Unable to physically forge a sword, He painted the Silver Stroke using magical paint, pooring his heart and soul into it. Then, he lifted it from the canvas, and it materialized into being. (The paint was made of pigment ground from a silver dragon scale.)


Fargon the Green lives in the river just down stream of the swamp. He claims ownership of the local forest, and all of it's bounty. Delagus remembers being warned about Fargon as a child, and seeks to collect the flowers that grow within the forest. Now, he can.


Delagus rides the coach into town. Upon reaching his destination, the driver turns and says "That'll be 4 pieces of silver please." Delagus reaches down for his pouch to find nothing more than a busted string. A wide grin crosses is face.


Body: 3
Mind: 2
Spirit: 3


Flirt (4)
Love for Fencing (3)
Self-Centered/egotistical (3) x
Sword: The Silver Stroke (rapier) (2)
Artist (2)
Singing (2)
Loves the Snow (1)


1 Anger
2 Fear
3 Greed
4 Lust
5 Pride
6 Pride


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2 [_]
3 [_]
4 [_]
5 [_]
6 [_]
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Message 8851#92122

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Paganini which Paganini participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 12/2/2003

On 12/2/2003 at 10:00pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
Re: [indie-netgamin] Pag's Dragon Game

Paganini wrote: Has "Draconum" been taken?
No, thank goodness.


Message 8851#92201

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Mike Holmes which Mike Holmes participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

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...from around 12/2/2003

On 12/3/2003 at 1:04am, Lxndr wrote:
RE: [indie-netgamin] Pag's Dragon Game

Here is the narration log. OOC will be posted next.

[21:25:58] <Paganini> *
[21:25:59] <Paganini> *
[21:25:59] <Paganini> *
[21:26:07] <Paganini> Dragon Playtest - Session 1
[21:26:08] <Paganini> *
[21:26:08] <Paganini> *
[21:26:09] <Paganini> *
[21:27:43] <Paganini> Jovan - Scene 1
[21:28:32] * machmoth is now known as Delagus
[21:28:50] * Lxndr is now known as Jovan
[21:28:51] <Paganini> Jovan's camp is cold. And wet. Jovan hates it. But he's only a few days away from Kiss't's ice cave layer (he hopes), so maybe strugling with flint and steel in the middle of a blizzard will eventually be worth it.
[21:29:17] * Dana_mun has joined #indie_nar
[21:29:27] <Paganini> Repost ofr Dana: Jovan's camp is cold. And wet. Jovan hates it. But he's only a few days away from Kiss't's ice cave layer (he hopes), so maybe strugling with flint and steel in the middle of a blizzard will eventually be worth it.
[21:30:34] <Paganini> The problem is that the blizzard seems to be a cyclone of dragon wind. Kiss't himself settles his massive, shimmering bulk on the edge of Jovan's camp. He fixes one eye on Jovan, an icy blue glare.
[21:31:12] <Jovan> "Not one for patience, are you?" Jovan quips as he begins to reach for his blade.
[21:31:47] <Paganini> "So, human," he hisses. "It takes a colder frost to stop a Slayer's blade, it seems."
[21:31:55] <Paganini> His whit fangs seem to be grinning at Jovan.
[21:32:02] <Paganini> "They were your eggs, Slayer."
[21:32:20] <Paganini> "The female, she might want to know."
[21:32:26] <Paganini> "Should I tell her?"
[21:32:50] <Paganini> "Or maybe you'd like to just be on your way. Leave me to my cold thoughts and cold feasts."
[21:33:55] <Jovan> Jovan grits his teeth. "That's impossible." He swallows hard, struggling to keep a poker face. "A dragon and human producing offspring? Nothing but a story to scare children."
[21:34:47] <Paganini> The dragon swings his crusty head around to gaze at Jovan with his other eye - a brilliant green.
[21:35:53] <Paganini> "It's true I have no great experience with the human realm. By your reckoning, you don't seem so childlike."
[21:36:08] <Paganini> (Insert *but* before *by*)
[21:36:50] <Paganini> The dragon shifts his wings, sending snow flying.
[21:36:55] <Paganini> "Well, I will be off. Think about my offer."
[21:41:45] <Paganini> As Kiss't unfurls his wings, Jovan leaps to the attack, whiping out his sword.
[21:42:22] <Paganini> He thrusts at Kiss't's eye, but the dragon's mighty tail swings out of the snow and sends him flying.
[21:43:11] <Paganini> Kiss't launches himself into the air, dragon laughter echoing from the peaks.
[21:43:35] <Paganini> "I saw her in your eyes, Slayer. The human. I have nothing to fear..."
[21:43:53] <Paganini> . Cut to Delagus
[21:45:59] <Paganini> Delagus fiddles with the strings to his cut purse, grinning like a fool.
[21:46:26] <Paganini> "Well?" damands the driver. She's not unpleasant looking, and not overly old, either. She holds out callused palm for her fare.
[21:46:51] <Paganini> "I haven't got all day. Slayer or no, you pay to ride, same as anyone."
[21:46:57] <Delagus> "Yeah, about that..." he trails off
[21:47:22] <Paganini> The woman looks annoyed.
[21:47:26] <Paganini> "Stock!" she shouts.
[21:47:36] <Delagus> "Hold it right there miss!"
[21:47:49] <Delagus> "Do you even know who you are talking too?"
[21:48:12] <Paganini> A beefy guy emerges from the carriage house, holding a pitch-fork.
[21:48:19] <Delagus> "Why, I am the Great Delagus! Master Slayer, and Artist!"
[21:48:22] <Paganini> "Got a problem, Elspeth?" he calls.
[21:48:42] <Paganini> "Yes!" she calls back. "A great buffoon who thinks he can ride the king's highway for free!"
[21:53:34] <Paganini> Stock moves closer.
[21:53:42] <Paganini> "Hey, I know him! He's that Slayer! Delagus!"
[21:54:12] <Delagus> "Well, its about time someone did."
[21:54:13] <Paganini> Elspeth watches in disgust as Stock grabs Delagus by the arm and pulls him towards the pub.
[21:54:42] <Delagus> "So, let me tell you about the dragon I slayed up north..."
[21:55:31] <Delagus> "...with teeth the size on men..."
[21:55:51] <Paganini> She calls after: "You wait, Slayer too-fancy for boots! The inkeeper will be asking for gold *before* you sleep! And Stock, you lummox, I hope you have plenty of coin. You'll be making Master Rallha a rich brewer!"
[21:56:22] <Delagus> "Well, there is the matter of that."
[21:57:00] <Delagus> "I suppose my travels carry me forward. If you've never seen a dragon horde, you've never seen riches."
[21:57:21] <Paganini> Stock balances on a bar stool and orders beer.
[21:57:56] <Paganini> "Oh, aye, master, I've seen dragon gold for sure. It were when Fargon was off in the woods hunting."
[21:58:09] <Paganini> "I found his lair I did. But I'm no slayer."
[21:58:14] <Paganini> Stock lays a finger aside of his nose.
[21:58:15] <Delagus> "Oh, so you've seen of the dark Fargon?"
[21:58:34] <Paganini> "Now, if I were to lead you to his lair, after the deed was done we could share the glory and the plunder, eh?"
[21:59:09] <Delagus> "Why I would be honored to have such companionship on such a jorney."
[21:59:17] <Delagus> "Are you sure your up to it?"
[21:59:19] <Paganini> Stock rubs his hands together.
[22:00:06] <Paganini> "Of course. Old Master Rallha's always braging on the hatchling hunt he led 50 years ago. Well, you stick with me, Slayer, and we'll trump him good!"
[22:00:12] <Delagus> "I seek to free the forest. Wealth is of only little meaning to me." He gives a dark glare back out to the street.

Message 8851#92223

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Lxndr which Lxndr participated Actual Play
...including keyword:

 (leave blank for none)
...from around 12/3/2003

On 12/3/2003 at 1:05am, Lxndr wrote:
RE: [indie-netgamin] Pag's Dragon Game

OOC Log. Nar is above.

Session Start: Mon Dec 01 20:09:14 2003
Session Ident: #indie_ooc
[20:09:14] * Now talking in #indie_ooc
[20:09:15] * ChanServ sets mode: +sr
[20:09:15] * ChanServ changes topic to 'Indie Net-gaming OOC Discussion Room (Paganini)'
[20:09:15] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Lxndr
[20:09:44] * machmoth has joined #indie_ooc
[20:17:46] * Paganini has joined #indie_ooc
[20:17:47] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Paganini
[20:17:53] <Lxndr> so... unlimited passions?
[20:17:59] <Paganini> Sort of.
[20:18:03] <Paganini> You get one level 4 passion
[20:18:07] <Paganini> two level 3 passions
[20:18:09] <Lxndr> right, unlimited level 1s
[20:18:12] <Paganini> three level 2 passions
[20:18:17] <Paganini> And as many level 1s as you want
[20:18:49] <Paganini> As far as the non-mechanical parts of chargen go, I plan on using a Pool-ish story mechanic.
[20:18:53] <Paganini> Write your character's Saga.
[20:19:10] <Paganini> Start with the character's name, what he looks like, where he's from.
[20:19:23] <Paganini> Then write about what he cares about.
[20:19:33] <Lxndr> what he looks like?
[20:19:33] <Paganini> People, places, ideas, things.
[20:19:38] <machmoth> Nothing extravigent, he may just croke 30 minutes in.
[20:19:46] <Lxndr> remember, you're talking to the king of non-visual thought
[20:19:47] <machmoth> :P
[20:20:01] <Paganini> Lx, "He looks grim."
[20:20:01] <Paganini> ;)
[20:20:07] <Lxndr> He grimmed.
[20:20:10] <Paganini> Doesn't have to be a big deal.
[20:20:17] <Paganini> This game has heavy DiP potential.
[20:20:31] <Paganini> So, anyway, make sure that you explain *why* your character feels the way he does.
[20:20:35] <machmoth> What setting are we talking tonight?
[20:20:38] <Paganini> Don't just say that he has a wife.
[20:20:40] <Lxndr> Dragons
[20:20:45] <machmoth> 'k
[20:20:46] <Paganini> Yeah, dragons.
[20:20:52] <Paganini> Say that he hates her.
[20:20:58] <Paganini> Or that he'd die for her.
[20:21:00] <Paganini> Or whatever.
[20:21:07] <Lxndr> "Fucking wife. Why did I ever marry you?"
[20:21:24] <Paganini> (Actually, given the nature of Slayers, it's probably pretty unlikely that any of them would be married, although most girls would likely love to marry a slayer."
[20:21:25] <Paganini> )
[20:21:29] <machmoth> "Stupid child support. Do you know what 50% of a dragon's hord is?"
[20:21:35] <Paganini> Hehe
[20:21:57] <Paganini> Then you have to decide which of the 5 failings is your character's weakness.
[20:22:21] <Paganini> No need to make it a big deal, but illustrate from the cahracter's past... short example, or something... that gives this precedent.
[20:22:36] <Paganini> The weakness failing is the one you double up on the failing roll chart.
[20:23:01] <Paganini> Now, for the setting specific stuff.
[20:23:23] <Paganini> The Slayer's sword is where he gets the power to kill dragons... normal weapons can't pierce dragon armor, dragons are imune to fire, and stuff.
[20:23:29] <Paganini> Dragons are pretty dang hard to kill, in otherwords.
[20:23:56] <Paganini> You can drown hatchelings, so clutches are usually hidden up in the mountains, and such, but sometimes villagers and normal warriors will go on a hatcheling raid.
[20:23:57] <Lxndr> Can dragons assume human form?
[20:24:06] <Paganini> If big momma finds them, they die, so a real slayer is always nice to have along.
[20:24:24] <Paganini> Lx, I haven't decided, yet. Dragons as shape shifters is an old theme, so I'd like to work it in somehow.
[20:24:30] <Paganini> I'll leave it up to you guys since this is a playtest.
[20:24:37] <Lxndr> Yay!
[20:25:13] <Paganini> Anyway, one of your Passions needs to be your Sword.
[20:25:19] <Lxndr> at any level?
[20:25:23] <Paganini> Yup.
[20:25:38] <machmoth> Or sword related?
[20:25:38] <Paganini> If it's at level 1, you're a new slayer. Only just killed your first dragon.
[20:26:05] <Paganini> Moth, no, your actual sword.
[20:26:20] <Paganini> Because, your sword *always* counts when fighting a dragon, even if you're using another passion.
[20:26:27] <machmoth> Cuz, I'm thinking I wan't fencing as a passion (ever met a fencer)
[20:26:28] <Paganini> It's the only time you can actually use two passions on one roll.
[20:26:40] <Lxndr> I need a good fantasy-sounding female name.
[20:26:54] <machmoth> Oh, so I can use fencing and sword, okay.
[20:27:05] <machmoth> On dragons only, of course
[20:27:19] <Lxndr> anyone? good fantasy-sounding female name?
[20:27:44] <machmoth> Kiarah
[20:27:47] <Lxndr> yay! thanks
[20:27:59] <Paganini> Well, you can get dice from your Sword for normal fighting too. But the only time you can use more than one Passion in a roll is if you're fighting a dragon, and one of the PAssions is your Sword.
[20:28:05] <Paganini> Now, the reason the Sword works:
[20:28:35] <machmoth> I take it dragons are a 9 dice scale.
[20:28:41] <Paganini> Every slayer forges his own Sword, and has a link to it. They always know where their Swords are, even at great distances. Only the slayer who forged the Sword (or his heir) can awake its powers
[20:28:53] <Paganini> Yeah. Maybe 13
[20:29:12] <machmoth> eep
[20:29:15] <Paganini> I haven't decided whether to run Dragons as NPCs or not. I'm leaning towards NPC. Which means they'll have their own passions, Aspects, and whatnot.
[20:29:45] <Paganini> Which, with a maxed-out passion and some high aspects, you're looking at 9 dice that succeed on 5 or less.
[20:29:51] <Paganini> So, you need all the help you can get. :)
[20:29:56] <Lxndr> eek
[20:30:15] <Lxndr> Okay, I've filled most of my higher passions. I need some level 1s to fill this out.
[20:31:11] <Lxndr> got two level 1s.
[20:31:20] <machmoth> your ahead of me
[20:31:36] <Lxndr> here's what I got so far, both saga and passions:
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> Jovan comes from the Kalissa Strand, far to the south, where the sands stretch in all directions and the sun always beats down - he can't stand being cold, or wet (from weather), so it's too bad that most of the world has one or the other.
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> He is married to another Slayer, from the far north - they like to joke that their marriage only survives because so much of their time is spent apart, chasing their own goals. Even though too much time together sets them at each others throats, Jovan passionately loves Aurora, and would give his life for her in a heartbeat.
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> Possibly perilous to that future relationship, however, Jovan has fallen hopelessly in love with a dragon, Kiarah. Worse, this dragon returns his affections. Originally, he quested to slay her, but Kiarah seduced him, and to her horror found that she returned his affections.
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> Now, she follows him as he travels from place to place, slaying other dragons, always coming to him in human form. They have brief, violent affairs that always end in duels, recriminations, and one side or the other fleeing before choosing to kill the other. Jovan has so far kept this a secret from Aurora, but that can't last forever.
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> Body 2
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> Mind 4
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> Spirit 2
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> ---PASSIONS IV----
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> 1. My Slaying Sword
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> ---PASSIONS III---
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> 1. Loves Aurora.
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> 2. Loves Kiarah.
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> ---PASSIONS II----
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> 1. <OPEN>
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> 2. <OPEN>
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> 3. <OPEN>
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> ----PASSIONS I----
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> 1. Hates the cold.
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> 2. Hates wet weather.
[20:31:39] <Lxndr> 3. Enjoys the desert.
[20:33:29] * Paganini has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Pag)))
[20:33:35] <machmoth> NOOOOOOO
[20:33:45] <Lxndr> my saga sucks that much?
[20:34:18] * Paganini has joined #indie_ooc
[20:34:18] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Paganini
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> Jovan comes from the Kalissa Strand, far to the south, where the sands stretch in all directions and the sun always beats down - he can't stand being cold, or wet (from weather), so it's too bad that most of the world has one or the other.
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> He is married to another Slayer, from the far north - they like to joke that their marriage only survives because so much of their time is spent apart, chasing their own goals. Even though too much time together sets them at each others throats, Jovan passionately loves Aurora, and would give his life for her in a heartbeat.
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> Possibly perilous to that future relationship, however, Jovan has fallen hopelessly in love with a dragon, Kiarah. Worse, this dragon returns his affections. Originally, he quested to slay her, but Kiarah seduced him, and to her horror found that she returned his affections.
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> Now, she follows him as he travels from place to place, slaying other dragons, always coming to him in human form. They have brief, violent affairs that always end in duels, recriminations, and one side or the other fleeing before choosing to kill the other. Jovan has so far kept this a secret from Aurora, but that can't last forever.
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> Body 2
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> Mind 4
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> Spirit 2
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> ---PASSIONS IV----
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> 1. My Slaying Sword
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> ---PASSIONS III---
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> 1. Loves Aurora.
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> 2. Loves Kiarah.
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> ---PASSIONS II----
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> 1. <OPEN>
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> 2. <OPEN>
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> 3. <OPEN>
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> ----PASSIONS I----
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> 1. Hates the cold.
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> 2. Hates wet weather.
[20:34:24] <Lxndr> 3. Enjoys the desert.
[20:35:20] <Paganini> Wow
[20:35:30] <Lxndr> not good?
[20:35:34] <Paganini> It's awesome.
[20:35:40] * Paganini is boggled
[20:35:49] <Lxndr> I just sorta whipped it out
[20:35:51] <Paganini> I love "Passions III"
[20:35:53] <Paganini> Loves Aurora
[20:35:55] <Paganini> Loves Kiarah
[20:35:57] <Paganini> Wow
[20:36:10] <Lxndr> I wanted to give them equal billing. Anything less wouldn't have fit the story.
[20:36:12] * Paganini feels all lowly
[20:36:20] <Paganini> I dunno if I can do this game justice as a GM.
[20:36:22] <Paganini> Man.
[20:36:27] <Paganini> OK, anyway, back to business.
[20:36:47] <Paganini> I was just about to say, before I was disconnected, I'll probably want some kind of teamwork rules, so that slayers can team up against particularly dangerous dragons.
[20:36:50] <Lxndr> it's just a quickie little backstory
[20:37:06] <Paganini> Now, I want you to add some stuff though.
[20:37:10] <Paganini> For one thing, tell more about your sword.
[20:37:22] <Paganini> Doesn't have to be a whole lot, but something special that makes it work.
[20:37:36] <Lxndr> okay. hold on
[20:37:37] <Paganini> Like, it was quenched in dragon blood, or it's forged out metal made of dragon scales, or something like that.
[20:37:42] <Paganini> It's got to have inherent magicness.
[20:37:57] <Paganini> Mainly, this is the reason that the whole rest of the world doesn't go around carrying these swords.
[20:38:02] <Lxndr> is being a Slayer inborn, or can you sort of spontaneously become one?
[20:38:09] <Paganini> You can decide to be one.
[20:38:14] <Paganini> Making your sword is like your vision quest.
[20:38:25] <machmoth> Kind of ready
[20:38:29] <Paganini> When your sword's done, you kill your first dragon, and then you're a Slayer.
[20:38:32] * Lxndr nods.
[20:38:35] <machmoth> Delagus Taro
[20:38:44] <machmoth> Aspect: B3, M2, S3
[20:38:49] <machmoth> Passions:
[20:38:53] <machmoth> 4: Flirt
[20:39:01] <machmoth> 3: Love for Fencing
[20:39:13] <machmoth> 3: Self-Centered/egotistical
[20:39:29] <machmoth> 2: Sword: The Silver Stroke (rapier)
[20:39:36] <machmoth> 2: Artist
[20:39:40] <machmoth> 2: Singing
[20:39:46] <machmoth> 1: Loves the Snow
[20:39:59] <machmoth> Just a sec for story
[20:40:55] * Paganini is hung between having the "first dragon" be a captured hatcheling where the Slayer kills it in a sort of ritual, and having the thing be a sort of "rite of passage" where the slayer has to actually go out and track down the dragon and whack it. The first way presumes a fair amount of organization among slayers, the second doesn't.
[20:41:38] <machmoth> Delagus is a rogue fencer, and lover of the arts. But, mostly he loves Delagus. Unable to physically forge a sword, He painted the Silver Stroke using magical paint, pooring his heart and soul into it. Then, he lifted it from the canvas, and it materialized into being.
[20:42:02] <machmoth> Can't think of much else right now.
[20:42:05] <Paganini> Nifty.
[20:42:08] <Paganini> I like the paint idea.
[20:42:14] <Paganini> If you tie it to dragons more, I'm sold.
[20:42:28] <Paganini> Llike, the paint was pigment ground from a dragon's silver scale.
[20:42:29] <machmoth> The paint is made from dragon blood. There.
[20:42:35] <Paganini> DRagon blood. That works. :)
[20:42:54] <machmoth> I like the scales better. Scales it is.
[20:42:59] <Paganini> Cool.
[20:43:27] <Paganini> I think your Passions work, too, although the wording could be better in some cases. The one I'm not sure about is "Artist."
[20:43:38] <machmoth> Painter
[20:43:40] <Paganini> Is art something he cares about a lot?
[20:43:48] <Paganini> The actual act of painting?
[20:43:51] <machmoth> yes
[20:43:53] <Paganini> OK
[20:43:55] <Paganini> Cool.
[20:44:08] <Paganini> This looks good.
[20:44:09] <Lxndr> how bout this:
[20:44:10] <Lxndr> Jovan comes from the Kalissa Strand, far to the south, where the sands

[20:44:10] <Lxndr> stretch in all directions and the sun always beats down - he can't stand being

[20:44:10] <Lxndr> cold, or wet (from weather), so it's too bad that most of the world has one or

[20:44:10] <Lxndr> the other.
[20:44:10] <Lxndr> He is married to another Slayer, from the far north - they like to

[20:44:10] <Lxndr> joke that their marriage only survives because so much of their time is spent

[20:44:10] <Lxndr> apart, chasing their own goals. Even though too much time together sets them

[20:44:10] <Lxndr> at each others throats, Jovan passionately loves Aurora, and would give his

[20:44:10] <Lxndr> life for her in a heartbeat.
[20:44:10] <Lxndr> In fact, if it weren't for Aurora, Jovan would hever have become a Slayer. She'd been raised to be one - Jovan was merely a blacksmith's apprentice, a childhood playmate who'd never gotten over a crush, and never expected it to be returned. He didn't care.
[20:44:10] <Lxndr> When Jovan saw the star fall from the heavens, he secretly smelted it, and made her a sword. It was meant to be a gift for her. But then the dragon Thanagar came to the town, and razed it. He was meant to be her first kill, but Thanagar discovered her purpose, and decided to strike first.
[20:44:10] <Lxndr> Aurora fought valiantly, but in the end, fell against Thanagar's organized assault. Jovan watched from his hiding spot in the smithy, and when he saw Aurora go down, his vision went red. Without thinking, Jovan took up the sword he'd forged, and charged at the ancient dragon. By the time it was over, the dragon had fallen, and Jovan was swimming in blood. He had become a Slayer. And he'd won Aurora's love.
[20:44:10] <Lxndr> Unfortunately for his relationship with his wife, however, Jovan has fallen hopelessly in love with a dragon, Kiarah. Worse, this dragon returns his affections. Originally, he quested to slay her, but Kiarah seduced him, and to her horror found that she returned his affections.
[20:44:10] <Lxndr> Now, she follows him as he travels from place to place, slaying other

[20:44:10] <Lxndr> dragons, always coming to him in human form. They have brief, violent affairs

[20:44:10] <Lxndr> that always end in duels, recriminations, and one side or the other fleeing

[20:44:10] <Lxndr> before choosing to kill the other. Jovan has so far kept this a secret from

[20:44:10] <Lxndr> Aurora, but that can't last forever.
[20:44:52] <Lxndr> is that a good "something special that makes it work"?
[20:45:10] <Paganini> Yeah, rocks.
[20:45:25] <Paganini> In fact, meteoric iron is one of the things I have listed in my notes as "dragon-slaying material."
[20:45:26] <Paganini> :)
[20:45:31] <Lxndr> yay!
[20:45:59] <Paganini> Now, you need to create the dragons you're currently hunting.
[20:46:08] <Lxndr> I added "Blacksmithing" to my level 1 passions.
[20:46:22] <machmoth> 8| WOW
[20:46:43] * Lxndr blushes.
[20:46:46] <Lxndr> It's not THAT good.
[20:46:46] <Paganini> Where they're supposed to be, how you found about about them, what the dragon looks like, what it's personality is like, and so on.
[20:46:50] <Paganini> Lx, it's pretty good.
[20:46:55] <Paganini> I'm gonna post it in Actual Play.
[20:46:55] <Paganini> :)
[20:46:58] <Paganini> Eventually, anyway.
[20:47:08] <Paganini> Blacksmithing is cool.
[20:47:17] <Lxndr> and "Well-Travelled." Jovan's been around.
[20:47:24] <Paganini> And give a reason why you're after the Dragon.
[20:47:31] <Paganini> Beyond just, you're a slayer, that's what you do.
[20:47:44] <Paganini> Like, the villagers asked for your help, or the guild (if there is a guild) sent you, or whatever.
[20:47:49] <Paganini> Something that connects you to the hunt.
[20:48:07] <machmoth> Chicks. And paints.
[20:48:10] <machmoth> heh
[20:48:16] <Paganini> Hehe
[20:48:54] <machmoth> I don't know. This isn't my idea of a truely attached character. I'll probably put something more formal together in my own time.
[20:50:11] <Lxndr> Kiss't, the Ice Dragon, lives in the frozen north. A jealous and petty dragon, Kiss't smashed Kiarah's eggs before they could hatch. Jovan learned about it just recently, when Kiarah came to him, openly sobbing - and though he tells himself he's going to slay Kiss't to rid the world of another scourge, he's really doing it for her.
[20:50:30] <Paganini> So, these eggs...
[20:50:37] <Paganini> Are they Jovan's?
[20:50:41] <machmoth> heh
[20:50:44] <Lxndr> heh
[20:50:48] <Lxndr> she didn't tell him one way or the other
[20:50:54] <Paganini> Lx, dang, this is too cool.
[20:51:00] <Paganini> You're injecting all kinds of crap I didn't even think of.
[20:51:04] <Paganini> Dragon politics!
[20:51:09] <Paganini> Dragon / Human crossbreeding.
[20:51:12] * Paganini shakes head
[20:51:13] <machmoth> Lx is good at that.
[20:51:16] <Paganini> I will need extra setting work
[20:51:29] <Lxndr> hey, I need to set up setting in order to have a good character
[20:51:36] <Paganini> Absolutely.
[20:51:43] <Paganini> Who wants to be king of nothing?
[20:51:44] <Paganini> :")
[20:51:58] <machmoth> I'm more a DiP type of player. I don't really know the character until its time.
[20:52:02] <Paganini> Now all I need is a kicker for the first scene.
[20:52:06] <Paganini> Moth, that's cool too.
[20:52:38] <Paganini> It's kind of strange though. Lx actually has more open Passions than you do, when I included open Passions for DiP style play. :)
[20:53:02] <Lxndr> yeah. level 1 is the only level that can't be open.
[20:53:08] <machmoth> They're passions, but they don't mean as much to me until I get going.
[20:53:53] <machmoth> Any passions that don't turn out to fit well make for good failing fodder :P
[20:53:58] <Paganini> True!
[20:54:02] * Paganini thinks
[20:54:07] <Paganini> I hadn't thought of that before.
[20:54:08] <Lxndr> I'm sure new elements of Jovan will show up as the game goes on. That's why the level 2s are open.
[20:54:29] <Paganini> So, anyway, I still need a dragon from Moth, and kickers from both.
[20:54:35] <Paganini> Oh, and what are your characters' weak Failings?
[20:54:36] <machmoth> Oh, different dragons
[20:54:42] <machmoth> Pride
[20:55:11] <Lxndr> I'm surprised you didn't go with all 7 deadly sins
[20:55:32] <Paganini> Well, Sloth seemed a bit out of place.
[20:55:34] <Lxndr> true
[20:55:38] <Paganini> Plus, I would have had to use a different die size.
[20:55:41] <Lxndr> also true
[20:55:43] <Paganini> I wanted to stick with d6
[20:55:53] <Lxndr> Should've made a d8-based game.
[20:55:54] * Lxndr grins.
[20:55:57] <Paganini> Hehe
[20:56:09] <Paganini> I could still go d10 in a pinch.
[20:56:12] <Lxndr> 8!
[20:56:14] <Paganini> Probabilities in this are simple.
[20:56:17] <Lxndr> 8!!!
[20:56:19] <Paganini> Everything's based on 50%
[20:56:22] <Paganini> But I like d6
[20:56:27] <Lxndr> poor octohedrons
[20:56:36] <Lxndr> even the d4 has a dice-pool game just for it. but not the eight-sider.
[20:56:51] <Lxndr> anyway... picking a failing for this guy is hard
[20:57:03] <Paganini> And everyone's got lots of d6, and that's important because with 9 dice (and more, sometimes) per side, you're looking at 20+ dice in a big conflict.
[20:57:10] <Paganini> So I wanted to avoid Donjon syndrome.
[20:57:12] <Lxndr> I own 3 d6s
[20:57:16] <Paganini> Must... get... more... d20s!
[20:57:23] * Paganini looks at Lx
[20:57:36] * Lxndr looks innocent.
[20:57:36] <Paganini> I have 36 d6 in a distribution package on my shelf.
[20:57:46] <Paganini> I have like 20 normal black & white d6
[20:57:49] <Paganini> and a bunch of gaming d6
[20:57:50] <Lxndr> I own a lot of six siders.
[20:57:51] <machmoth> I have 48, just within arms reach.
[20:58:03] <Lxndr> I also own poker dice.
[20:58:05] <Paganini> 3 is a lot?
[20:58:09] <Lxndr> no, 3 was a joke
[20:58:14] <Paganini> Oh.
[20:58:25] <Paganini> Someone whack me, please.
[20:58:28] * Lxndr whacks Paganini
[20:58:33] <Paganini> Thanks.
[20:58:34] <Paganini> :)
[20:58:44] <Lxndr> I only own 3 d4s, on the other hand, so I created the d6 alternative for MLwM
[20:58:54] <Paganini> Anyway, way back above, you said picking a failing for your guy was hard.
[20:58:57] <Lxndr> yeah
[20:59:00] <Paganini> Lust seems apropos...
[20:59:10] <Lxndr> no, it's emphatically NOT lust. he loves just these two.
[20:59:17] <Paganini> Also Fear, he's got a lot of things to worry about.
[20:59:22] <Paganini> More than your average Mouse style slayer.
[20:59:23] <Paganini> :)
[20:59:29] <Lxndr> fear, greed, or anger all sort of fit
[20:59:57] <machmoth> Fargon the Green lives in the river just down stream of the swamp. He claims ownership of the local forest, and all of it's bounty. Delagus remembers being warned about Fargon as a child, and seeks to collect the flowers that grow within the forest. Now, he can.
[21:00:29] <machmoth> Stole Fargon from an old D&D campaign I ran once.
[21:00:55] <Lxndr> I'm gonna go for Greed
[21:01:04] <machmoth> He wasn't very strong, but he was a sly one, and rarely had to actually fight.
[21:01:21] <Paganini> Moth can you post your Saga again?
[21:01:50] <machmoth> Fargon the Green lives in the river just down stream of the swamp. He claims ownership of the local forest, and all of it's bounty. Delagus remembers being warned about Fargon as a child, and seeks to collect the flowers that grow within the forest. Now, he can.
[21:01:56] <machmoth> oh
[21:02:00] <Lxndr> now, a kicker
[21:02:00] <Lxndr> hrm
[21:02:15] <machmoth> Delagus is a rogue fencer, and lover of the arts. But, mostly he loves Delagus. Unable to physically forge a sword, He painted the Silver Stroke using magical paint, pooring his heart and soul into it. Then, he lifted it from the canvas, and it materialized into being.
[21:03:06] <Lxndr> kicker is also hard
[21:04:41] <Paganini> Here is a character sheet:
[21:04:44] <Paganini> Delagus
[21:04:44] <Paganini> Saga
[21:04:44] <Paganini> Delagus is a rogue fencer, and lover of the arts. But, mostly he loves Delagus. Unable to physically forge a sword, He painted the Silver Stroke using magical paint, pooring his heart and soul into it. Then, he lifted it from the canvas, and it materialized into being. (The paint was made of pigment ground from a silver dragon scale.)
[21:04:44] <Paganini> Dragon
[21:04:44] <Paganini> Fargon the Green lives in the river just down stream of the swamp. He claims ownership of the local forest, and all of it's bounty. Delagus remembers being warned about Fargon as a child, and seeks to collect the flowers that grow within the forest. Now, he can.
[21:04:48] <Paganini> Aspects
[21:04:50] <Paganini> Body: 3
[21:04:52] <Paganini> Mind: 2
[21:04:54] <Paganini> Spirit: 3
[21:04:57] <Paganini> Passions
[21:04:58] <Paganini> Flirt (4)
[21:05:01] <Paganini> Love for Fencing (3)
[21:05:03] <Paganini> Self-Centered/egotistical (3)
[21:05:05] <Paganini> Sword: The Silver Stroke (rapier) (2)
[21:05:06] <Paganini> Artist (2)
[21:05:08] <Paganini> Singing (2)
[21:05:11] <Paganini> Loves the Snow (1)
[21:05:12] <Paganini> Failings
[21:05:14] <Paganini> 1 Anger
[21:05:17] <Paganini> 2 Fear
[21:05:19] <Paganini> 3 Greed
[21:05:21] <Paganini> 4 Lust
[21:05:22] <Paganini> 5 Pride
[21:05:24] <Paganini> 6 Pride
[21:05:27] <Paganini> Power
[21:05:28] <Paganini> 1 [_]
[21:05:30] <Paganini> 2 [_]
[21:05:33] <Paganini> 3 [_]
[21:05:34] <Paganini> 4 [_]
[21:05:37] <Paganini> 5 [_]
[21:05:39] <Paganini> 6 [_]
[21:05:41] <Paganini> 7 [_]
[21:05:43] <Paganini> 8 [_]
[21:05:44] <Paganini> 9 [_]
[21:05:50] <Paganini> Lx, if you don't mind, could you do your character up in a smilar manner and send it to me in a text file? There's an aweful lot of it for cut & paste.
[21:06:05] <Lxndr> Ooooh, I know. Kiss't has just shown up in my camp, and has told me that he knows about my trysts with Kiarah. And if Jovan doesn't let him live, Kiss't will make sure Aurora knows that the eggs he smashed were fathered by Jovan.
[21:07:37] <Lxndr> I'm now wondering when Fargon will manage to fight a dragon, and pull on "flirt" for an extra four dice.
[21:07:58] <machmoth> Kiarah :)
[21:07:59] <Lxndr> nate, what do you think of my kicker?
[21:08:09] <Lxndr> not my kiarah!
[21:08:16] <Lxndr> I love her!
[21:08:19] <Lxndr> but... I love aurora!
[21:08:48] <machmoth> I'd say Delagus should probably be planning to strike out on his adventure into the forest, but most likely isn't.
[21:09:22] <Paganini> Looks great Lx
[21:09:25] <machmoth> Easily distracted, he goes where the wind takes him (or shiney objects)
[21:09:35] <machmoth> :P
[21:10:04] <Lxndr> Heh. Kicker: "A shiny object appeared in his field of vision, and he chased after it..."
[21:10:17] <Lxndr> sounds like a C&C kicker
[21:10:29] <machmoth> It doesn't help that the shiney object is attached to a D Cup
[21:11:06] <Paganini> There is a rock here.
[21:11:11] <Lxndr> I like my kicker 'cause of the double-pronged impact. First "oh no, Kiss't will tell Aurora." Second, "what? MY young?!"
[21:11:13] <Paganini> You feel hungry.
[21:11:15] <Paganini> You eat the warrior
[21:11:19] <Paganini> Hey, where did all the water go?
[21:13:23] <machmoth> Okay, to start things off, Delagus is just getting to town, full of anticipation of the planned hunt for Fargon.
[21:14:56] * Paganini prepares a 'Ron'
[21:15:06] <machmoth> eep
[21:15:12] <Paganini> A kicker is not "Delagus is getting to the town."
[21:15:15] <Lxndr> true
[21:15:24] <Paganini> A kicker is, "In town, Dlagus punches the elder in the nose."
[21:15:40] <Paganini> ;)
[21:15:44] <Lxndr> "Delagus arrives at town, only to find it burning. A survivor croaks out that it was Fergus." Er, Fargon.
[21:15:56] <Paganini> Fergus the Frog?
[21:16:06] <machmoth> I'm assuming I'm in the same town as you.
[21:16:36] <Lxndr> I'm not in a town. I'm marching north to the ice wyrm, and my opening scene will be Kiss't approaching me in camp.
[21:16:46] <machmoth> I'm trying to figure out the direction we're taking when this starts. It doesn't work real well if the first part of the game is "No, lets fight my dragon."
[21:16:54] <Paganini> So, to be more helpful, and less Ron-ish, your kicker needs to be something that demands immediate attention.
[21:17:19] <Paganini> One of Ron's examples is, you juts got to the hotel after your flight came in.
[21:17:26] <machmoth> That's fine. I was just following the "lets get the party together" path.
[21:17:38] <Paganini> You open up your lugage, but it's not yourse. It musta got switched, cos this lugage has about a million bucks in small unmarked bills.
[21:18:07] <Paganini> So, it's situation. Something that kickstarts the first scene that your character can't just ignore.
[21:19:04] <machmoth> thinking
[21:19:28] <Paganini> So, just to be clear, your guys don't have to be together.
[21:19:35] <Paganini> They don't have to ever meet at all, in fact.
[21:19:56] <machmoth> I understand that, but it does make for patchy gameplay.
[21:20:47] <Paganini> The fact that your characters are in the same setting, and that they are a big deal in that setting, will pretty much ensure that their threads are at least related. And, during play, there are usually lots of opportunities to actually tie plot threads together.
[21:20:55] <Paganini> So, don't agonize over it too much. :)
[21:21:52] <machmoth> Okay, so Delagus rides the coach into town. Upon reaching his destination, the driver turns and says "That'll be 4 pieces of silver please." Delagus reaches down for his pouch to find nothing more than a busted string. A wide grin crosses is face.
[21:21:56] <machmoth> Something like that.
[21:22:05] <machmoth> ?
[21:22:11] <Paganini> Yeah, that works.
[21:22:24] <Paganini> Especially if the driver is a big tough guy with a truncheon, or a dagger or something.
[21:22:34] <Lxndr> an experimental hand-cannon
[21:22:39] <Paganini> LOL
[21:22:55] <machmoth> Well, that's up to the GM, now isn't it?
[21:23:11] <machmoth> If I don't specify, its my problem.
[21:23:23] <Paganini> So, Delagus might find himself in the position of choosing between whacking the coachman with his dragonslaying sword, or running away and looking like a fool, or actually working off his debt, or something. :)
[21:23:51] <machmoth> Or smooth talking. Though, I didn't say the driver was female... drats.
[21:24:25] <Paganini> And we seem to be good to go. :)
[21:24:43] <Lxndr> wow, it's late too. but I want to play.
[21:24:43] <Paganini> So, it's 10:30 here.
[21:24:50] <Paganini> You guys want to play a few scenes?
[21:24:54] <Paganini> I can probably stay for about another hour.
[21:25:08] <machmoth> Just to get that hang of it. I'll have something better to work with next session.
[21:25:20] <Lxndr> I at least want to play through my kicker.
[21:25:24] <Paganini> OK
[21:25:26] <machmoth> My brain is not on all cylinders tonight.
[21:25:27] <Paganini> Excellent.
[21:25:41] <Paganini> Moth, join #indie_nar
[21:25:46] <machmoth> aya
[21:25:57] <Lxndr> besides, if we put a lot of play off til next monday, you can talk Bob into making a character in the meanwhile
[21:26:25] <Paganini> Yeah, you bet.
[21:26:26] <Paganini> :)
[21:26:30] <Paganini> OK, who wants to go first?
[21:26:43] <Lxndr> I'll go first.
[21:26:55] <Paganini> (I need a good name for the GM in this game. If someone suggests Dragon Master, I will kill him.)
[21:27:04] <Lxndr> Maestro
[21:27:15] <machmoth> Dragon Tamer
[21:27:19] <machmoth> :)
[21:28:32] * machmoth is now known as Delagus
[21:28:50] * Lxndr is now known as Jovan
[21:29:06] * Dana_mun has joined #indie_ooc
[21:29:16] <Paganini> Hey Dana. Just in time for the first scene! :)
[21:30:08] <Dana_mun> I suppose i;ll watch for now, see how it works
[21:33:17] <Paganini> Some mechanical notes not found in text:
[21:33:22] <Paganini> Anyone can call for a conflict, at any time.
[21:33:30] <Paganini> Players can only call for conflicts involving their PCs.
[21:33:45] <Paganini> The person who calls for the conflict details the stakes and the goals of the participants.
[21:33:50] <Paganini> So there is some director stance involved.
[21:37:06] <Jovan> I want to poke his eye out with my sword before he flies off.
[21:37:13] <Paganini> OK
[21:37:25] <Jovan> Jovan's intent is to kill him. As a player, I just want to half-blind and anger him.
[21:37:34] <Paganini> That sounds heroic to me.
[21:37:40] <Paganini> So I will roll 4 dice.
[21:37:48] <Delagus> huh?
[21:37:53] <Paganini> Will you be using a Passion, or Failing?
[21:37:59] <Jovan> passion
[21:38:10] <Delagus> 3 + passion + sword (in this case)
[21:38:16] <Paganini> Slaying sword, I assume. What passion?
[21:38:31] <Paganini> Kiarha, or Aurora?
[21:38:31] <Paganini> :)
[21:38:33] <Paganini> Or a new one?
[21:38:35] <Jovan> Heh. Either works.
[21:38:45] <Jovan> Aurora right now, though.
[21:38:49] <Paganini> OK
[21:39:02] <Paganini> So you get 10 dice
[21:39:08] <Jovan> yay!
[21:39:12] <Paganini> #roll 4[1d6]
[21:39:12] -RPGServ:#indie_ooc- <Roll for Paganini [4[1d6]]: 2 2 5 1 >
[21:39:17] <Jovan> #roll 10[1d6]
[21:39:18] -RPGServ:#indie_ooc- <Roll for Jovan [10[1d6]]: 3 3 6 1 5 3 4 6 5 5 >
[21:39:29] <Jovan> I forget what I'm counting.
[21:39:36] <Paganini> I forgot to say.
[21:39:37] <Paganini> Body
[21:39:39] <Paganini> It would be.
[21:39:45] <Jovan> "or less"?
[21:39:53] <Paganini> Yep
[21:39:58] <Jovan> damn. 1 success.
[21:40:11] <Delagus> 2 for the GM
[21:40:21] <Delagus> net total
[21:40:23] <Paganini> And I have 3!
[21:40:29] <Jovan> aaarrggghhh
[21:40:29] <Paganini> Yep.
[21:40:32] <Paganini> Hehe.
[21:40:41] <Paganini> So, Jovan takes a 3 point power loss.
[21:40:46] <Paganini> And Kiss't is unscathed.
[21:40:57] <Paganini> He obviously fails quite miserably.
[21:40:59] <Paganini> I will go narrate.
[21:41:00] <Jovan> obviously
[21:42:01] <Jovan> poor jovan
[21:42:12] <Delagus> a 3 isn't too bad
[21:42:28] <Jovan> you never get power back, ever ever ever. right?
[21:42:37] <Delagus> between sessions, IIRC
[21:42:41] <Dana_mun> your gunna need that lihc, boi
[21:42:45] <Paganini> Between sessions.
[21:42:48] <Paganini> Never ever is too dangerous.
[21:42:49] <Jovan> whew
[21:43:56] <Paganini> Cool?
[21:43:59] <Jovan> cool
[21:44:24] <Delagus> definitely a pissed slayer now
[21:44:30] <Jovan> oh hell yes
[21:44:37] <Paganini> While I'm doing Delagus, math dude, even with a target of 2, it's pretty hard to beat 10 dice with 4 dice, innit?
[21:45:15] <Paganini> I mean, I wanted low Aspects to be a GM technique.
[21:45:19] <Paganini> But that was a little extreme.
[21:45:20] <Paganini> Anyway
[21:45:21] <Delagus> maybe 10 was a better choice than 8. Something to keep in mind.
[21:45:27] <Jovan> Yes, that was a statistical anomoly. Seriously.
[21:45:34] <Paganini> Ok.
[21:45:34] <Paganini> :)
[21:45:59] <Jovan> Though in retrospect to his story, I'm not sure if 2/4/2 is the best spread for his stats. If anything, his mind should be low. But I'll leave 'em for now, and we'll talk about it after the game.
[21:47:00] <Paganini> Sure.
[21:47:22] <Delagus> I'm going to save the flirt card. Time to play myself up.
[21:48:29] <Delagus> call conflict
[21:48:35] <Jovan> ego?
[21:48:40] <Delagus> Spirit with ego
[21:48:47] <Paganini> Ego... whooo
[21:49:04] <Paganini> I call the Aspect, but I would have called spirit in any case, so all is good.
[21:49:20] <Delagus> 6 dice
[21:49:21] <Paganini> So, I'm guessing you want to awe them into letting you have a free ride?
[21:49:23] <Delagus> ?
[21:49:37] <Paganini> What are the consequences if you fail?
[21:49:43] <Jovan> THE STOCKS!
[21:49:43] <Paganini> I.e., what's the opposition want?
[21:49:46] <Paganini> Hehe.
[21:50:05] <Delagus> I would suppose so.
[21:50:10] <Paganini> OK
[21:50:17] * Paganini rolls 3 dice for Mundane
[21:50:20] <Paganini> #roll 3[1d6]
[21:50:20] -RPGServ:#indie_ooc- <Roll for Paganini [3[1d6]]: 4 4 2 >
[21:50:25] <Paganini> One success for the GM
[21:50:31] <Delagus> #roll 6[1d6]
[21:50:31] -RPGServ:#indie_ooc- <Roll for Delagus [6[1d6]]: 3 6 6 5 1 2 >
[21:50:38] <Paganini> 3 successes for the player.
[21:50:39] <Delagus> 3 for me
[21:50:40] <Paganini> So, 2 total
[21:50:58] <Delagus> Complete & Success?
[21:51:07] <Delagus> Let you nar
[21:51:10] <Paganini> OK
[21:51:17] <Paganini> I can take power from you, though, if you do that.
[21:51:21] <Paganini> Only one point, though.
[21:51:28] <Delagus> really
[21:51:29] <Delagus> ?
[21:51:43] <Delagus> How so?
[21:51:47] <Paganini> Yup, on every roll.
[21:51:50] <Paganini> Unless you buy safety for you.
[21:52:07] <Paganini> (/me contemplates uping the base dice to 5, once for each outcome)
[21:52:25] <Delagus> Well, then I'd have to go Safty & Success
[21:52:26] <Jovan> I think it's neat, you could damage the opponent, keep yourself safe from harm, and still lose.
[21:52:36] <Paganini> Me too. :)
[21:52:45] <Delagus> It'd be marginal, but that's not too bad
[21:53:01] <Paganini> I especially like that Power loss never has to be explained. You don't get endless tedious narrative responsibility like you do in D&D where you have to try and come up with some rationalization for every roll.
[21:53:10] <Paganini> OK
[21:53:15] <Jovan> heh
[21:53:17] <Delagus> Just the last one
[21:53:22] <Paganini> So, you manage to awe Stock, but not Elspeth
[21:55:51] <Delagus> And, he pretty much goes on like that.
[21:56:17] <Paganini> Hehe
[22:00:26] <Paganini> LOL
[22:00:44] <Paganini> Keep playing?
[22:00:51] <Jovan> No. Tired.
[22:00:55] <Paganini> OK
[22:00:58] <Paganini> Me too, actually.
[22:01:02] <Delagus> It's midnight here.
[22:01:03] <Jovan> Keep playing the game, yes. But not tonight, no. :)

Message 8851#92224

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On 12/5/2003 at 9:33am, contracycle wrote:
RE: Re: [indie-netgamin] Pag's Dragon Game

Paganini wrote: I need a name for this game. Yup, yup, I do. Because I think it's gonna be worth keeping. Has "Draconum" been taken?

Dracomachia? Should mean something like "the slaughter of dragons".

Message 8851#92557

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On 12/5/2003 at 3:31pm, Paganini wrote:
RE: Re: [indie-netgamin] Pag's Dragon Game

Ooh, hey, that's not bad Gareth. /me adds it to the text file

Message 8851#92581

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