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Topic: 1475ad PbEM - female PC position available
Started by: Jim
Started on: 12/2/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 12/2/2003 at 10:08am, Jim wrote:
1475ad PbEM - female PC position available

After a six month tour in Western Australia with work, I'm kicking my PbEM in the guts to get it started again now that I'm home again.

At present I'm using the RuneQuest3 rules, the players are condottieri currently based in Venice and battling the Turk, but their real foes are closer to home . . .

It is 1475ad, Christendom is disintegrating under the impact of internal and external warfare. Still really from sporadic scourges of plague, every country is wracked by war.

A team of light cavalry, buth humble and noble, are poised on the edge of a new era. Ancient customs are evaporating and new knowledges appearing. Soon, an entire new world will be discovered, perhaps the players will be the dicoverers?

One more PC, a woman of humble birth, is needed to round out our team. Our other players are good RPGers and you can be confident of a fun game!

Message 8853#92133

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On 12/2/2003 at 2:15pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: 1475ad PbEM - female PC position available

Um.. What does this have to do with The Riddle of Steel?

If nothing, I'm afraid you've posted this to the wrong boards. I believe the Connections Boards, located here might be a better place for this sort of posting.

Forge Reference Links:
Board 29

Message 8853#92143

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On 12/2/2003 at 3:06pm, Jim wrote:
RE: 1475ad PbEM - female PC position available

Wolfen wrote: Um.. What does this have to do with The Riddle of Steel?

If nothing, I'm afraid you've posted this to the wrong boards. I believe the Connections Boards, located here might be a better place for this sort of posting.

Firstly, I know you're all nice people and many people are hanging for a game, I thought you wouldn't mind. As the setting, late mediaeval/renaissance, is exactly that used by TRoS it suits people who come here's uinterests.

Secondly, the setting is perfect for TRoS and will probably (but not assuredly) become that system when I get my copies Friday.

Thanks for your concern.

Forge Reference Links:
Board 29

Message 8853#92150

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Jim which Jim participated The Riddle of Steel
...including keyword:

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...from around 12/2/2003