The Forge Reference Project


Topic: To those who support indie games...
Started by: pigames
Started on: 12/3/2003
Board: Publishing

On 12/3/2003 at 3:57am, pigames wrote:
To those who support indie games...

I just wanted to thank everyone who not only supported Active Exploits' first incarnation and its settings, but also all other indie RPGs. If it weren't for all those open to new indie games, AE would not have made it to second edition.

Special thanks also go to the other indie publishers who jumped on board with their setting books: BTRC, Lucid Entertainment, Seraphim Guard, Deep7, and the latest supporter, Gold Rush Games. And, let's not forget James at RPGNow.

Don't give up on your ideas, no matter how different or supposedly non-marketable.


Brett Bernstein

Message 8863#92235

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