The Forge Reference Project


Topic: stats for weapons
Started by: Krammer
Started on: 12/4/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 12/4/2003 at 7:35pm, Krammer wrote:
stats for weapons

The stats for these weapons may have been posted somewhere before, but I cant find them.

My first question is on the stats for a Katana. What would they be? A PC in my group has been wanting to use one, but we cant decide on the stats. So, if anyone has some, let me know.
I also want to know about stats for a Whip. how would that work out? We've tried to have whips in our sessions, but haven't had much luck with figuring out how to work them.
So if anybody has stats and maneuvers for those, let me know

Message 8885#92444

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On 12/4/2003 at 7:45pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: stats for weapons

1 or 2 hands, medium
DR ST + 10.5
notes: can cut through steel, brick, and the universe.

Okay, sorry, sorry...

I know what I'm putting into TFOB, but some other folks around here might allready have something unnoficial (I even think that the house rules page has some)


Message 8885#92447

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On 12/4/2003 at 9:53pm, Ingenious wrote:

Well regardless of the official stats of the weapon, it will be very, very, very expensive to buy. And let's say by some fluke it gets destroyed, or even more likely... stolen. The owner of said katana will be likely to go ballistic, and that would be very amusing to see in a session IMO.

As for a whip, what type of whip are we talking about? A cattle-whip, much like an Indiana Jone style? Or something more S&M, like a cat-o-nine tails?
The Indiana Jones-style of whip most likely had a counter-weight at the end to more easily curl around an object like an animal's prehensile tail..
enabling user to latch on to tree's and swing over pits etc etc
A cat of nine tails, being more a weapon of torture, is made of a few thongs of leather with spiked ends to inflict pain.(Used in many many many movies where someone gets whipped in a dungeon, jail, etc)
A bull-whip, is more along the lines of both... had a counterweighted end with spikes for ease of operation and for snapping at the hind quarters of cattle...

Now then, these are just suggestions to give you some insight... nothing concrete..


Message 8885#92477

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On 12/4/2003 at 10:47pm, Ben Lehman wrote:
Re: stats for weapons

Krammer wrote: The stats for these weapons may have been posted somewhere before, but I cant find them.

My first question is on the stats for a Katana. What would they be? A PC in my group has been wanting to use one, but we cant decide on the stats. So, if anyone has some, let me know.
I also want to know about stats for a Whip. how would that work out? We've tried to have whips in our sessions, but haven't had much luck with figuring out how to work them.
So if anybody has stats and maneuvers for those, let me know

BL> CF Scimitar. If you really want to make it look nice, raise the cut damage by +1, make it long and 2-handed. +1 Difficulty for all attacks one-handed.


Message 8885#92487

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On 12/5/2003 at 12:53am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: stats for weapons

One note on your "standard" katana, though, is length. Though it's a "long" sword by Japanese standards, the blades were more along the length of a "medium" weapon by TROS standards, such as an arming sword. Also, are we talking about a pre-1600s battlefield model with a chisel edge for hard targets or a post-1600 model with a crystaline edge for maxium cutting against soft targets?


Message 8885#92507

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On 12/5/2003 at 1:04am, Rico wrote:
Re: Katana's

Ingenious wrote: Well regardless of the official stats of the weapon, it will be very, very, very expensive to buy. And let's say by some fluke it gets destroyed, or even more likely... stolen. The owner of said katana will be likely to go ballistic, and that would be very amusing to see in a session IMO.

The problem with buying stuff is that they either say that they inherited their items or they got it in a scenario that they played with their "younger brother"

P.s. Our group has a lot of problems if you haven't figured that out

Message 8885#92509

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On 12/5/2003 at 1:13am, Ingenious wrote:

Well, regardless of wether or not they got it from inheritance, you can still have it stolen as the GM and then they'll go postal trying to get it back to preserve honor, or if they fail in that they will seek a new sword and you can really gouge them with the price there.

As far as the 'problems' your group is having, I'm sure it's the same sort of stuff I went through with D&D.. and it was very frustrating and aggrevating.

::edited to note that as a GM, you might want to completely rule out any gains that a character has received from a scenario that they played 'with their younger brother'. If your players dislike this, tough. It's what they get for trying to pass that crap off onto your campaign. Now then, if they come up with a LOGICAL reason for that person to have it, say they got something from being in the army as part of the character's past... I can understand that, or if the TROS book says it is a bonus as being part of a specific country, say Stahl.. where my character got a free horse...

Message 8885#92513

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On 12/5/2003 at 1:52am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: stats for weapons

Also, when Logic swings both ways (or any way, for that matter), ask "what would make the story most worth retelling?" That's what you're really trying to get out of your game anyway, I'd wager.


Message 8885#92517

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