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Topic: The Other Side Of Weyrth
Started by: Krammer
Started on: 12/5/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 12/5/2003 at 5:51am, Krammer wrote:
The Other Side Of Weyrth

Some time ago (about 9 months), some friends and I decided to design another part of weyrth, just for fun. I was wondering if anybody else has attempted anything similar.

Message 8893#92535

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On 12/5/2003 at 6:01am, Ingenious wrote:
Other side

I personally haven't designed much of anything for TROS, but I'm anxious to see the replies to this one, as I feel a bit limited by what Wyerth currently is. The map just looks like a giant island, with smaller islands.(An archipellago...?) The possible existance of lands and continents beyond these current limits intrigues me, as it surely did for the early explorers to the New World. Wonder if that played into the making of Wyerth lol. *shrug* The 'New World' idea is awesome though.

::edited to note that my PLANE out-performs your racecar. :-)

Message 8893#92537

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On 12/5/2003 at 6:27am, Caz wrote:
RE: The Other Side Of Weyrth

I've messed a bit with another small continent or 2 reminiscent of north and south america. I've actually been thinking about an invasion of the south americaesque nation from mainlund. What with all the ritual cannibalism, demon gods and sacrifices, it could be pretty interesting there in a fantasy world where you can throw magic etc. in on top of it.
This reminds me, I've been using TROS in the GURPS fantasy setting as well. It has more high fantasy elements thrown in, but it's very firmly grouned in the real world, in that aspect maybe even morso than weyrth. Anybody else tried it? I always get the 2 confused anyway....weyrth, yrth.....

Message 8893#92540

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On 12/5/2003 at 7:11am, Ingenious wrote:
The size of Wyerth

Mainlund appears to be 2500 miles wide and 4000 miles deep.
That's gigantic. For a world to support that amount of land, would require a fairly large planet, and with fairly large planets, is the existance of more land. I assume Jake didn't half-assedly create Wyerth with only one continent like old school Earth's panacea.(spelling? or even the correct term??) Anyways, if Jake DID intend to expand on Wyerth's continents... they'd be in supplements... I assume


Message 8893#92542

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On 12/5/2003 at 7:37am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: The Other Side Of Weyrth

There is no current plan to expand Weyrth, and never has been. I handed that puppy over to you guys right off. If not for Brian I'd be designing all new worlds now or throwing all of them out for pure history! Good thing he's keeping me in line.

There is an exception to that. One day I'd love to see a "Holy Wars" supplement detailing all of the, well, holy wars going on in Weyrth. There's a lot of them.


Message 8893#92546

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On 12/5/2003 at 8:03am, Ingenious wrote:

See? Mention Jake's name enough and *poof* he's there! hahah j/k.
Yes it would be interesting to see a crusades style of thing going on between however many different religions there are. There's a funny quote from Monty Python about the Spanish Inquisition here somewheres.....
Aside from just a holy war, have a genocide happen.(one religion initiating it, another being the victim) and tie that into the story so that it falls into place like World War I did. Ala poor archduke ferdinand.... lol


Message 8893#92550

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On 12/5/2003 at 10:30am, contracycle wrote:
Re: The size of Wyerth

Ingenious wrote: old school Earth's panacea.(spelling? or even the correct term??)


I can't recall if its explicitly in the text, but is there reason to think its a planet at all? Just wondering.

Message 8893#92563

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On 12/5/2003 at 11:16am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: The Other Side Of Weyrth

Once a year or so, this topic comes up and we all start talking about an invasion from an Aztec/Incan-esk empire from "across the sea" and what effect it would have on the main continent of Weyrth.

Fun stuff. One of these days it'll be a part of a campaign I run. Ten points for anyone who spots the entry in OBAM that was (loosely) inspired by this idea.


Message 8893#92567

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On 12/5/2003 at 6:49pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: The Other Side Of Weyrth



Message 8893#92600

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On 12/5/2003 at 7:56pm, Caz wrote:
RE: The Other Side Of Weyrth

Here are some notes on the southern subcontinent of the americas type place I've been using....
The Ixthac empire controls the majority of the southern subcontinent, ruling several tribes and city states.
Their religion focuses on the worship of several bloodthirsty dieties, and they also worship (and live in fear of) the indiginous trollspawn, which are more numerous than those on the rest of weyrth. They sacrifice regularly not only to their dieties, but to the trollspawn, as offerings to placate them.
They also engage in ritual cannibalism, following the example of the trollspawn they worship.
Sorcery is only illegal if you are not a priest or medicine man. Several of the high priests weild magics.
The empire rules the land with a stone fist, and is hated by many of its subjects.
They lack the wheel, and have only minimal metal working technology, and have no riing or pack animals, but they have advanced mathematics and stone building skills.
The capital city, Ixthilerac, is as large as any city in mainlund, with towering pyramids and idols, and the imperial palace.
I've been messing with the idea of feathered serpent trollspawn, with brightly coloured scale "feathers", perhaps distant relatives of the serpent trollspawn in southern mariah.

Message 8893#92611

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On 12/5/2003 at 7:56pm, Krammer wrote:
RE: The Other Side Of Weyrth

I would have to agree with the idea that Weyrth is an exceptionally large planet, with numerous other continents. Although my roleplaying group has already designed some other continents, I have been thinking of making even more. (I don't know why, but I never cease to enjoy creating continents and worlds. I think it is becoming a condition.) Even though the other part of weyrth that my group created was even bigger than what is in the book, who's to say that Weyrth can't have more land. Weyrth could be really big.

Message 8893#92612

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On 12/5/2003 at 9:46pm, Ingenious wrote:

More so than another continent here, another continent there... what about island chains? Volcanic islands like Hawaii(Which actually consists of hundreds of islands)... etc etc.
It would be interesting to throw the savage human element into mainlund more so than what it currently is with magical stuff. I'm talking cannibals, headhunters, aboriginees(Brian might have seen a few of those lol)...


Message 8893#92632

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On 12/5/2003 at 10:39pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: The Other Side Of Weyrth

Uh, you probably have too. "Aborigine" just means "native person". Thus American Indians are Aboriginees too...

On the other hand, you were probably using the word in it's bastardised form which refers specifically to Australian Aborigines. In which case, I would refer you to the location thingie under my name which indicates I'm not from Australia... :-)

Pedantic Brian.

Message 8893#92646

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On 12/6/2003 at 7:04am, Krammer wrote:
RE: The Other Side Of Weyrth

When my group made our version of another side of Weyrth, we did it in a way that I regret. I drew a rough sketch of the new lands, and we all took a different part to make.
It could have worked out okay, if it weren't for the fact that none of us worked together. Hence, none of our areas really interact with eachother.
Some of the places turned out okay, though.
We had one place that was dominated by trollspawn and the like, not a friendly place. THere wasn't too much depth to the culture there, since it was mostly trollspawn.
another place was inhabited by two entirely new races, which were constantly warring with eachother. they had an interesting culture, but the one who designed it didn't explain very much to us.
One area was never finished. when we would ask the one making it how it was coming along, he would tap his head and say "its all in here." for some reason i doubted it really was......
Another area was pretty good, because it had a lot of mixed cultures. one part of it was even inhabited by the decendants of some Stahlnish sailors that were thrown off course. I wish I could remember what the rest of it was all about, but oh well...
My part of it, which I remember the most about, (obviously) Had a somewhat wide variety of culture. the north west was a lot like europe, and as it got further east it became a somewhat mongolian culture. the south was similar to the african continent, with an entire nation of minotaur (I designed this pre-OBAM, so i was unawares to how the minotaur were in weyrth.) In one part of it, the siehe and the fey were actually quite common, and humans were almost a minority.
Of course, none of the areas interacted well, and hence our project turned out a little worse than i had hoped it would be. I plan to get my group to attempt it again, only this time we work together.

Message 8893#92698

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On 12/6/2003 at 10:21pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: The Other Side Of Weyrth

Well, when you do, make sure you stick it on the web somewhere and let us know. I, for one, am always interested to read stuff like that.


Message 8893#92765

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On 12/7/2003 at 8:40pm, Krammer wrote:
RE: The Other Side Of Weyrth

Well, I actually started working on it last night. (Progress is slow, of course, I haven't even completed making a map (which is, for me, the first step))
I plan to get it on the web when I am done, but it will take some time, because I am extremely unexperienced in making webpages.

Message 8893#92867

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