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Topic: Recap Part II or (I hope my memory is good)
Started by: ZazielsRephaim
Started on: 12/5/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 12/5/2003 at 9:22am, ZazielsRephaim wrote:
Recap Part II or (I hope my memory is good)

Where did I leave off, (and this time I will try to include more details on uses of SA's and such)?

So they took the detailed shipping info to the pirate Marco, who promissed to split the booty well, and then sailed off to raid the shipping. In the meantime Myron is wooing Mirelda who seems distracted half the time, and the Priest gets secret notes telling him to find Duran Fehin. LET THE RESEARCH BEGIN! Oh the time spent digging through old city documents. Myron even wagered good money on betting he'd find key information first, bringing a Passion concerning betting on his abilities. The day's work culminated in learning the dead woman in the crate was Mirelda Piccotti, the older sister to Alejandro Piccotti, and she died by hanging herself. (yes she has a different last name from the hot blond that Myron's chasing around) Perhaps there was something to the rumors the party heard about a rash of suicides. They researched death certificates and documented the recent suicides. All women, all hung themselves. Including Anthony's old girlfriend, and the wife of Alejandro Piccotti(the day before they raided the warehouse). Everything pointed to Alejandro... and Anthony was PISSED at him!!! The priest followed what the note told him, and looked for documents on Duran Fehin and found nothing except a property holding in the slums near the docks.

Anthony however in a rage, raced to the Piccotti manor, and SA's fireing (involving destroying alejandro, preventing people from getting in the way of his plan, and one other i think) allowed him to sneak right into the house, knock the butler flat on his butt, interrogate the maid for information, and confront Alejandro in his office. The following arguement was a flury of emotional spatter at each other. In the end it appeared Alejandro was just as devastated as he, by the deaths, and had nothing to do with it. So Anthony ran off in a state of depression.

Myron, Stan, and Nicholas however, felt that with the sun setting, they might as well investigate Duran's warehouse. Inside they came across two thugs. The thugs attacked, but the blows were parried. Myron threw a knife into one's hand causing him to drop his club. Nicholas attempted to do a similar maneuver to the other, but accidentally cut the man's arm off at the elbow. As the first tried to run, Stan placed the flail decisively into the man's face. As Nicholas applied firstaid/surgery.... the others attempted to interrogate the only survivor. All they got was "We just guard the place for Duran.... the wench pays us well"

Nicholas, needing to "help the needy" as his passion states, bandaged up the man and rushed him to the nearest place where proper surgery could be done. Leaving Stan and Myron alone. Searching the building they found a room where blood seeped out from under the door. Warily they opened it to find the body of a woman hanging from the cieling. The rope hadn't broken her neck and died slowly as she scratched her neck raw till she bleed to death. Perhaps it's a good thing Anthony didn't see this.

After stepping into a room where a large man with a poleaxe sat, the two adventurers were wary. The man seemed peaceful, but not wanting company. Asking "what are you doing here?", Myron answered "looking for Duran." Enter Thrak's SA (Drive-Protect Duran) among a couple other SA's sporradically. The first blow was to Stan's groin. A LUCKY block with the shield allowed it to absorb 8 points of the damage, but left 11 points to hit Stan. Luckly armor and TO = 11 in that case. whew... thank god he brought his heavy armor along! Myron got a minor cut on Thrak's neck. Thrak attacked Stan, Stan evaded, myron attacked 'n missed. Eventually Stan was able to maneuver to grab and use his halberd as Myron gambled with his life to keep the big bad man busy. One solid blow from the halberd landed a level 3 wound to the man's shoulder. Followed by a second level 2 wound in the same spot, then a clean blow to the man's head. Thrak fell. Stan has no shield. Myron is thanking the Lord he's still alive.

Then through the door, they come into a giant open room, a warehouse. The building full of ancient artifacts, and tablets writen on with language totaly mysterious to the two adventurers. They proceed slowly, noticing a faint static feel to the air around some of the crates of artifacts. (a veritable museum of ancient power, totaly unknown and mysterious to the comon man and these two men) They entered the second area of the warehouse and heard a soft singing. Stan readied his bow, and nocked an arrow, hiding off in the shadows. Myron went towards the soft singing and found a beautiful blond woman (Myrelda) sitting before a cradel, singing a lulaby in some strange soothing language. Her hair was pulled back for the first time, revealing her scarred and burned ears. They looked as if someone had cut them viciously, then burned them to stop the bleeding. As Myron approached, she did not respond. He peeked into the cradle, to see it was empty and she was singing to no one. She still did not respond, until he touched her shoulder. She looked at him and started saying "Why have you come? I'm not ready! You're going to bring them here, they'll take my baby away!" she went on like this for a while. Until Myron tried to get her to respond by calling her Duran. It worked, she responded, and was pissed. Saying much the same, but yelling at him, and telling him that he's bringing them to "Take my babies away" Then when he tried to subdue her, to be able to get her out of there and question her later..... BAM.... a force just picked him up and threw him across the room into the wall.. breaking his arm. With this amazing and unprecidented powerful act of agression, Stan let loose his readied arrow. (I totaly didnt plan for them to set up a "sniper" like that) and the arrow planted deep into the woman's skull.

As they started searching... The air around you becomes thick with static. Your vision seems to distort as the open area before you begins to distort. A dull thud of air hits you as space rips open for a split second. The flash of light reveals six men dressed in black cloaks, slender, with long hair. One points at all of you, speaking under his breath. The air seems to solidify around you, holding you in place. Unable to move, you can only watch as one of the men bends over the dead woman’s body. He checks her for a pulse, then closes her eyes and crosses her arms. Two men disperse, searching the room and one goes back to the room you came from. The man that spoke before, raises his hands towards you. ”You did well, go home and forget this.” The air around you becomes electrified with static. Suddenly, the world disappears in a flash of white light.

A dull thud of air rushing back too you catches you off guard. The light is gone, and you find yourself standing on the street, across from Duran’s warehouse. Suddenly you hear a series of repeated low explosions coming from inside the building. The vibration disrupts the sand on the road, as a dull thud of the air in the building ripping apart sends a wave of force across you all. A second later, the building is engulfed in flame.

The flames quickly die out, and it is easy to see most of the front of the building is destroyed, but the large warehouse door on the east side has been blown clean off it’s hinges.

After a search of what was left... all the artifacts, Duran's body, the men.. are all gone. All that remained among the rubble was 2 burned maps of Weyrth, one with colored dots, and the other with lines ... And a diary.. in some ancient language.

That's where we ended. I'll go into the character concept of Duran Fehin later. A character I really enjoyed developing who didnt get a chance to truly shine. But she might be an interesting one to look into.


Message 8894#92555

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