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Topic: Darnedest thing from my LGS
Started by: Jack Spencer Jr
Started on: 12/5/2003
Board: Publishing

On 12/5/2003 at 9:41pm, Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
Darnedest thing from my LGS

I got the flyer from my LGS (, if you're really that curious) and I didn't chuck the collection of D&D anmd Warhammer ads, Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh schedules and such because there's something interesting in it this time. A brief article called Understanding Role-Playing Games by Frank Snyder that is sort of a brief primer for those unfamiliar with RPGs. Rather than focus on the content of the article, which is not on their web site and I don't have time or permission to retype it here, I'd like to focus on the idea of games stores mailing such things out to the general public.


Message 8899#92631

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On 12/6/2003 at 4:23pm, Kester Pelagius wrote:
Re: Darnedest thing from my LGS

Jack Spencer Jr wrote: Thoughts?

Obviously it works. Grabbed your attention and moved you to post a link for the LGS. Definitely good for them.

But how good was the article?

Message 8899#92729

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On 12/6/2003 at 4:49pm, Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
RE: Re: Darnedest thing from my LGS

Kester Pelagius wrote: Obviously it works.

Did it? I'm not the intended audience for the article since I already have an interest and understanding in RPGs. The target audience is squarely on non-gamers, starting right off with refuting misconceptions like witchcraft and bedroom games in the first paragraph.

As for how good the article is, I will give it props for covering many points in a small space. I'll see about getting permission and time to copy so you all can look at it.

Message 8899#92731

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On 12/6/2003 at 7:18pm, madelf wrote:
RE: Darnedest thing from my LGS

If they start inserting flyers in the Sunday papers beside Price Chopper and Walmart, maybe it'll do something.
Mailing it to people already on the game store's mailing list sounds kind of counter-productive to me.

Message 8899#92738

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On 12/6/2003 at 9:53pm, Kester Pelagius wrote:
RE: Re: Darnedest thing from my LGS


Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
Kester Pelagius wrote: Obviously it works.

Did it? I'm not the intended audience for the article since I already have an interest and understanding in RPGs. The target audience is squarely on non-gamers, starting right off with refuting misconceptions like witchcraft and bedroom games in the first paragraph.

Perhaps the LGS that sent the flyer thought those on their mailing list might pass the flier on to friends?

But you're right, if it's that kind of introductory article it does seem, on the surfae, to be rather counter productive.

Jack Spencer Jr wrote: As for how good the article is, I will give it props for covering many points in a small space. I'll see about getting permission and time to copy so you all can look at it.

And that, to me, would answer the "Did it?". Any interest generated in something that gets feedback, and perhaps potential PR, can't be all that bad for a buisness. Can it?

Kind Regards,

Kester Pelagius

Message 8899#92760

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On 12/6/2003 at 10:17pm, Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
RE: Re: Darnedest thing from my LGS

Kester Pelagius wrote: Any interest generated in something that gets feedback, and perhaps potential PR, can't be all that bad for a buisness. Can it?

I don't know. It did make me pause and consider, not to mention start this thread. But then, I still haven't bought anything. I even went out there a couple weeks ago with the express purpose of buying *something* and I walked out without buying anything. This may say more about my current buying habbits than anything else.

Somehow, I doubt very much that there is too much notice of the article outside of this thread and I doubt it'll generate any more business. But these are just my guesses. Possibly they are mailing their flyers to people outside of their mailing lists addressed to occupant. In that case, it might work. But such mailings usually come with a coupon to entice people to come in. This mailing doesn't have any such enticements.

Message 8899#92763

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On 12/7/2003 at 2:24pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Darnedest thing from my LGS


No one on this thread has yet considered the possibility that the people who most need a good "what is role-playing" essay are the self-identified role-players themselves.

Depending on the essay's contents, perhaps it's extremely well-placed in its current form. Without being able to read it, I don't have any particular further to add.


Message 8899#92849

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On 12/9/2003 at 11:34pm, Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
RE: Darnedest thing from my LGS

----- Original Message -----
From: Alteredsts
To: Jack Spencer Jr
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: permission needed

Permission granted.


----- Original Message -----
From: Jack Spencer Jr
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 11:55 AM
Subject: permission needed

I had received your most recent mailer which includes the article The Understanding of Role-playing Games by Frank Snyder. I frequent a RPG theory discussion site ( and I'd like your kind permission to show this piece to the other members so we may discuss this article.

Jack Spencer Jr

Guess who got permission and time finally. I am reprinting the email where I was granted permission here in case there's any problem. Now here's the article proper:

The Understanding of Role-Plaing Games
Frank Snyder

Most people when they hear mention of role-playing games (RPGs), think of mind control, witchcraft, or bedroom games. That is not what they are about.

Role-playng games are, in effect just that: games. They are what the players make of them, and which should be fun. RPGs inspire the imagination. Have you ever wanted to be a secret angent trying to recover stolen documents from a hidden lab in the Swiss Alps? Or slay an evil sorcerer and win the heart of the fairest princess? Perhaps you want to fly wing -to-wing with a team of specially trained pilots? Well, that's what you can do with role-playing games and never leave your home.

In an RPG, there is usually an average of five people involved. Four individuals to portray characters, often called "PCs" (Player Characters), and one to run the game functions outside of the PCs, as the GM (Game Master). There are multiple title for either the PCs or GM, but these are the most common terms used in gaming. The PCs are then given a scenario with various goals to accomplish, the trick being the GM controls the characters the PCs encounter, called Non-Player Characters (NPCs). Through a bit of teamwork, interaction with the NPCs, and various forms of problem solving, the PCs should be able to meet the challenges set before them. This is made more challenging through the use of whatever rule-system the players are using.

In most cases the players use a set of multi-sided dice. The dice produce various results based on information found in the rulebooks, and the circumstances on which the dice are being rolled. These dice represent the "random x-factor" that affect us all, and depending on the results of the roll, could be good, bad, or have no consequences at all on the outcome of the game.

Many people claim that there are no benefeits where role-playing games are concerned. I know that this is untrue. Not since Vin Diesel (from the movie "xXx") admitted to playing Dungeons & Dragons for more than twenty years on a late night live broadcast TV show. If there is one there are more.

The games improve the individual, opening their minds to better accept life by giving them a sense of purpose. The RPGs provide and [sic] inspiration for learning. Studies of cultural arts, foreign languages, sciences, literature, mathematics and history all play important roles in the game. What's more, they inspire the players to create and recreate innumerable stories, each with its own unique flow of events, cast of characters and outcome of the two combined.

Altered States Game & Hobby carries an excellent selection of such games. So if you want to try going on an adventure, with bare minimum of cost and barely negligible risk to your safety, stop in and try one out. Check our website ( or monthly events calendars for demos of these games. Our staff is ready to help you expand your imagination.

Message 8899#93203

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On 12/10/2003 at 7:45pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Darnedest thing from my LGS

The apollogetic tone is grating to me.

"No, no, all the bad things you've heard aren't true, it's really OK."

The text needs a shot of self-confidence. And some plain better writing:

In most cases the players use a set of multi-sided dice.

As opposed to single-sided dice? As opposed to what normal people think are dice which have six-sides?

Worst of all it doesn't make play sound interesting in the least. I get to "be" a secret agent? How does that work?

This is only intelligible to experienced players, who, as pointed out, don't need this.


Message 8899#93347

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