The Forge Reference Project


Topic: bigger/smaller targets
Started by: chade0
Started on: 12/6/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 12/6/2003 at 1:18pm, chade0 wrote:
bigger/smaller targets

What modifiers do you people use in missile combat when trying to hit smaller/bigger targets?
F.ex. How difficult is it to hit an apple with a throwing knife?


Message 8909#92716

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On 12/6/2003 at 1:32pm, StahlMeister wrote:
RE: bigger/smaller targets

For this I use a -1 to -3 CP penalty depending on the size of the object. Additionally I use a new skill "targeting" to give the possibility to define exactly the hit-zone, e.g. nose or hand. But this is still a difficult task.
I also created a starting skill-pack "Bowman", which one of my players is very glad to have (a centaur lady).
Hope I could help you a bit.


Message 8909#92717

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On 12/7/2003 at 12:09am, Ingenious wrote:
Aiming and the like.

I beleive there is a gift out there called ACCURACY-minor/major. That tends to help alot in these situations. Also, let us more importantly consider the RANGE the target is at versus the size of said target.
I just got back from a 2 hour paintball session... and my accuracy was crap due to bad paint to barrel match.... so you could say that I had an accuracy FLAW in TROS terms, a major one lol. Taking into consideration that from 20 feet away, my shots were shanking, slicing, corkscrewing, all in a 10 foot wide code from where the shot took place.

I hope you see my point with that.


Message 8909#92782

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