The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Combat Concept
Started by: Rico
Started on: 12/7/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 12/7/2003 at 1:02am, Rico wrote:
Combat Concept

I have a petty little question with combat that wouldn't really affect the gameplay but It would answer a lot of questions.
When a character uses all their dice it's like using everything they have got right? But what if one has ten dice and one has twenty total. Do they both look the same like diving for the final strike and one is just more powerful. Or when the 20 combat pool guy uses 10 dice twice in one round and the 10 combat pool guy uses it once, do they look like they are using the same amount of effort in the first part of the round but the 20 combat pool guy can just do it twice, Or does it look like the 20 guy is using only half his total effort.

P.S. I think I might have repeated myself so don't get confused too much.

Message 8918#92789

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On 12/7/2003 at 2:39am, Jasper the Mimbo wrote:
RE: Combat Concept

the combat pools have nothing to do with effort (without SA's that is) They have to do with skill. The guy with 20 dice is not swinging harder, he's swinging better. He's timing his strikes, guaging distance and reacting fast enough to put the pointy bits where they'll be the most uncomfortable (Upward swing, zone XI) In all likelyhood he's probably exerting himself less than the guy with the pool of 10. He knows how to move better, to put his weight and leverage behind whatever he's doing.

Message 8918#92797

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On 12/7/2003 at 6:29am, Salamander wrote:
RE: Combat Concept

wolfsong wrote: the combat pools have nothing to do with effort (without SA's that is) They have to do with skill. The guy with 20 dice is not swinging harder, he's swinging better. He's timing his strikes, guaging distance and reacting fast enough to put the pointy bits where they'll be the most uncomfortable (Upward swing, zone XI) In all likelyhood he's probably exerting himself less than the guy with the pool of 10. He knows how to move better, to put his weight and leverage behind whatever he's doing.

What he said.


The fellow with the 20CP is also going to have a lot more experience at this sort of thing and will handle himself better. His effort in the blows will be the same, but his stress will be much less.

Message 8918#92815

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On 12/7/2003 at 9:16pm, Rico wrote:
RE: Combat Concept

yea, that makes much more sense than effort, it lookes like i'm going to have to change a few things around in my head.......(three hours later)...all done, much better.

Message 8918#92873

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...from around 12/7/2003