The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Wiki Actual Play
Started by: Bob McNamee
Started on: 11/27/2003
Board: Universalis

On 11/27/2003 at 3:11am, Bob McNamee wrote:
Wiki Actual Play

Just a note to folks who might be interested in the Universalis Arena Wiki-based game.

We've moved into 'World building' phase, creating a few components prior to scene play.

From the looks of things, standard Scene play should be starting in a few days.

New players are always welcome.

So far the Tenets have a game set in an alternate, fairly modern, earth. Certain world Tenets (low Iron level/low magic possible)have led to an earth quite different from our world.
Other than a Tenet related to investigative journalism, exactly what conflicts and stories will develop is quite open. Therefore we are seeing Tenet hints of friction in odd places, like between New Zealand/Australia, and the Azteks/European Panama.

Come on by!

Message 8936#91795

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On 11/27/2003 at 8:28pm, hix wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

Therefore we are seeing Tenet hints of friction in odd places, like between New Zealand/Australia, and the Azteks/European Panama

The game's definitely developing potential for some long-term plot lines and international tensions.

Some new players may be hesitant about committing to that. One use for the “Investigative Journalism” tenet is to provide a framework for creating a Sub-plot.

New players can create some free locations, then send a journalist off with a single purpose: exploring 'your' part of the world. That means you can tell a story with a shorter duration and closure; and at the same time create new sections of the world to be expanded later.

Looking forward to kick-off,

Message 8936#91843

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On 11/28/2003 at 3:02am, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

True Steve!

For me, one of the appeals of the game this time was the general idea/decision that much of this game will be exploring and building this world, as opposed to driving a main plot to a strong story end.

That makes it especially suited to adding characters in progress, since there's going to be a whole lot of grey areas setting-wise with the changes from our base earth. Those setting changes will drive an even larger range of situations.

So its all good for more players!

And for me!

Message 8936#91860

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On 12/6/2003 at 8:14pm, Christopher Weeks wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

I believe that I've just opened the first scene of the game (inefficiently dumping 12/25 Coins to do so). I've also created a master scene timeline and added a scene-tracking convention to the location and character index pages.

Hop on over to to add to the action or see how things shape up.


Message 8936#92743

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On 12/8/2003 at 6:29pm, Christopher Weeks wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

Hopefully our players, and Mike in particular, will notice this over here.

What are we doing with scene dating? When I started that first scene, I dated it the day that it was in real life because it seemed like as good a date as any. Mike started a scene just a bit ago and dated it two days later (today's date). Mike, did you intend for SurreptitiousMeeting to take place two in-game days later?


Message 8936#92989

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On 12/8/2003 at 8:30pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

Christopher Weeks wrote: What are we doing with scene dating? When I started that first scene, I dated it the day that it was in real life because it seemed like as good a date as any. Mike started a scene just a bit ago and dated it two days later (today's date). Mike, did you intend for SurreptitiousMeeting to take place two in-game days later?
Whops, no I didn't. I thought that was the real date. Still trying to wrap my head aroung the time tracking thing. I'll edit that next time I post, or somebody else can do it if they get to it before I do. I meant for it to be concurrent with the other scene.


Message 8936#93010

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On 12/8/2003 at 8:44pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

Since this has moved to actual play stuff rather than set-up and troubleshooting stuff I split it off from the older thread.

Please keep updateing this one. A few running actual play blurbs might help attract interest to the wiki.

Message 8936#93012

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On 12/11/2003 at 12:44pm, Christopher Weeks wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

By Forge convention, is it appropriate to post actual play stuff here and also in Actual Play?

We've hit our first closed scene! In which three players find that:

Ghanan Momeztli, a detective for the Aztec Bureau of Crime, arrives at the scene of a grizzly murder on the altar of Choatlitico. Huemac, the high priest, greets Ghanan and discusses the ritual implications and is generally cooperative. The local Mayagna cops cordon the crime scene and keep out press and onlooker alike.

Drop on by to read the detailed account and check out any of the other three scenes that are open as I write this.


Message 8936#93482

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On 12/11/2003 at 6:54pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

The Forge policy is that whatever the moderators of the Game Forums think is kosher is kosher. Which means that either place is OK here. I'm actually pretty ambivalent on the subject.

Neat update.


Message 8936#93531

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On 12/11/2003 at 7:08pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

I guess from a kosher perspective, one should keep posts in Actual Play to actual issues of play. Either highlighting a problem, or demonstrating a solution, or providing an example of something.

Simple summaries of events and promo pieces would be out of place in Actual Play...but are fine and encouraged here.

So I'd suggest, keeping the periodic updates here. And then on occassions where there is really something that seems particularly sublime throw it up on Actual Play.

Another good topic for Actual Play would be after this game goes on for a while sharing the various "tricks of the trade" you've learned about how to make an online campaign function. The kinds of considerations you took for the medium. The strengths and weakness of Wiki as a gaming tool, etc.

Message 8936#93534

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On 12/12/2003 at 7:24pm, Christopher Weeks wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

In another scene, we just had a very low-end Complication with a 3-die vs. 2-die pool. We tied, one party got an edge die and ended up losing 1-0, but rolling a 9 on the edge die. So the winner (me, incidentally) received one Coin while the 'loser' received eleven! Interesting and weird.


Message 8936#93676

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On 12/12/2003 at 7:33pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

Heh...rare...but intentional.

The Edge die is a mechanic that I think is too complicated, and is on the list of potential rules to be axed. But I do so love the occassional result that you just described.

Hope you made that 1 Coin count...

Message 8936#93678

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On 12/30/2003 at 10:36pm, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

Heh, things are going well over in the Universalis Arena game.
We still would like to get even more players involved.

Its running pretty nice so far, with about 4 scenes running concurrently most of the time.

We've also been getting very good input from multiple players... so the story load is distributed!

We had some question over the use of an optional rule
for multiple target Complications...

I'm going to post over in Actual Play about it. Plus hopefully attract some more interest.

[Edit: That thread is here...]

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Topic 95269

Message 8936#95267

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On 12/31/2003 at 1:52am, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

Another Pointless update...

Bob is currently penniless...

at least until a Complication resolves and/or I close my scene... or other scenes close! Or new complications involve those I control!

Yea! But I love making stuff for others to play with!

Message 8936#95290

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On 1/2/2004 at 10:57pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

Oop, sorry, been off for the holidays. I'll have to get back to it soon! :-)


Message 8936#95548

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On 1/5/2004 at 11:03pm, ScottM wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

Bob, you've got 3 coins to your name; the sighting adventure complication dice have been rolled. If we had won...

Thanks for the fun stuff we get to use!

Message 8936#95823

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On 1/6/2004 at 1:39am, Christopher Weeks wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

And I just closed Sunstroke so you got five more...Cha-ching!

I really like how I'm envisioning the end of that scene. I hope everyone is seeing the same thing.


Message 8936#95848

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...started by Christopher Weeks which Christopher Weeks participated Universalis
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On 1/8/2004 at 12:04pm, kwill wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

just wanted to chime in that the wiki game looks great, and hopefully I'll
be able to join in by february/march

my varsity club started a wiki at <a href="">their
site (now mostly devoted to blogs) and started a freeform
LARP-written-by-wiki (that is, as far as I can make out, writing character
sheets and background by wiki, not trying to LARP in the wiki medium) --
which I think would have greatly benefitted from some structure, such as uni
could provide

see me travel to cape town and spread the game ;)

I haven't been able to explore the entire wiki - mostly the prep, discussion
and scenes rather than individual components - my only comments so far would
be "cool setting!" and, imo, too much Negotiation and not enough Bidding in
rules-related Challenges

especially in a non-f2f setting I think think the money-where-your-mouth-is
implement-and-find-out characteristics of the game are where uni shines

frex, when encountering a grey area in the rules, couldn't you just pay a
Coin to amend/clarify and expect a Challenge if someone disagrees?

Message 8936#96302

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On 1/8/2004 at 2:07pm, Christopher Weeks wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

kwill wrote: frex, when encountering a grey area in the rules, couldn't you just pay a Coin to amend/clarify and expect a Challenge if someone disagrees?

It would be great to have you aboard David! I'm not sure why you think that too much negotiation has taken place. I like the fact that you can go to either part of the Challenge mechanics to get things done. And actually, more than just being great to have another player, your presense would be great because it would add another style of play to how we're doing stuff.

When Steve Rose joined the game, our propensity for complication went through the roof and I'm getting to learn all kinds of creative ways to manipulate things. I hope for more of those kinds of experiences if/as more people join in.


Message 8936#96313

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On 1/9/2004 at 12:24am, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

Its going great!

and I'm no longer poor!

Message 8936#96420

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...started by Bob McNamee which Bob McNamee participated Universalis
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On 1/9/2004 at 6:44am, kwill wrote:
I'm not a warmonger or anything :)

> I'm not sure why you think that too much negotiation has taken place.

not saying it's a bad thing - in this format, though, I thought a pay-and-move-on attitude would prevail (of course, my impression of "too much" may be only because I'm an after-the-fact observer)

Message 8936#96458

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On 1/9/2004 at 8:43pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
Re: I'm not a warmonger or anything :)

kwill wrote: > I'm not sure why you think that too much negotiation has taken place.

not saying it's a bad thing - in this format, though, I thought a pay-and-move-on attitude would prevail (of course, my impression of "too much" may be only because I'm an after-the-fact observer)

I think that's probably true. I mean when it's happening, the back and forth can be very quick in some ways.


Message 8936#96571

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On 1/10/2004 at 12:45pm, Christopher Weeks wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

Speaking of people whom it would be great to have aboard...Mike?


Message 8936#96686

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On 1/12/2004 at 7:59pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

Dude, I'm a busy guy. My FATE PBEM is now bugging me to get posts to them, for instance, too. One of the reasons that I agreed to join the Wiki is because the format doesn't require anyone to play. I'm flatterred that you want me to participate more, but the thing has to be able to resist any one player's prolonged absence. In that respect I think it's doing admirably.

That said, I actually tried to post the other day but just couldn't find a suitable entry point. I may soon, however. :-)


Message 8936#96924

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On 1/14/2004 at 3:03am, Bob McNamee wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

No problem Mike...

Great thing about the game. Jump in, jump out...add new people doesn't stop the game.

Look forward to seeing more from you when your schedule gets lighter.

Message 8936#97209

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On 1/14/2004 at 8:05pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

Bob McNamee wrote:
Look forward to seeing more from you when your schedule gets lighter.
That never happens. Look forward to seeing me when I choose to ignore some other project to play the Wiki. :-)


Message 8936#97319

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On 1/24/2004 at 1:49pm, Christopher Weeks wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

I'd like to point to The Universalis Arena again.

The stories are progressing and a new kind of scene has just opened -- a zepplin battle! The Black Grouse, a proper British airship has come under attack by The Necocyautl, a known pirate of the air. Magic and technology! Human sacrifice and billionairs! What's missing?


Message 8936#98764

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On 2/3/2004 at 4:53am, hix wrote:
RE: Wiki Actual Play

I've started a new scene, 'Distraction', in Panama City. Unfortunately, TUA has not been letting me save some of my trait changes and expenditures. Just to let you know, I'll try again later tonight.

BTW: It's been fantastic to the negotiations going on while I've been away, with 'Missing Friend', 'Grouse Attacked' and the like. Great to see co-operative complications and actual discussion about where the scene should be going.


Message 8936#100239

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