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Topic: problems with TROS software
Started by: JSB
Started on: 12/9/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 12/9/2003 at 9:40am, JSB wrote:
problems with TROS software

In general, I like them and they are useful. However, I found some problems.

They didn't install correctly. I use a double partition, with winME and win2k. I attempted to install to win2k (which I use for all but computer games) and installation failed, they did install to winME, but then I didn't have office to read all the useful docs.

I also like having the choice of where to install programs.

I was in the middle of combat in the combat sim, and couldn't quit the program. I had to use the task manager to end the process. This was annoying, since it was 2am and I realized that sleep was imminent.

Message 8945#93109

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On 12/9/2003 at 9:49am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: problems with TROS software

The combat sim does have a quit button. It's the big one confusingly labelled "quit".

I can't think of a reason why they didn't install on Win2k, it was certainly tested. I suggest it may be an issue with your system? The only other install issue is that the Character Generator has to install to c: drive (c:\program files\ros, actually). At some point I'll put in an option to select a different install path, but at the moment, yes, it has to go to the default path. Call it lazy programming.

I'm sorry if that's a hassle. On the other hand, if you're dissatisfied, then you're entitled to a full refund on what you paid for them.

And, uh, there are no documents that come with the TROS software that might require office to read them. In fact, there aren't any at all. Just .ini files, and I suggest you don't play with those.


Message 8945#93110

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On 12/9/2003 at 10:50am, Richard_Strey wrote:
RE: problems with TROS software

Brian, I believe he might be referring to the other TROS documents, the PDFs that are on the download page. Although that leaves me at a loss as to why one wouldn't be able to read them after restarting the other OS.

I also find his manners a little bit lacking, considering that you provide the programs for free. I guess sometimes we all post before thinking everything out. Take it easy and keep it coming. ;)

Message 8945#93118

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On 12/9/2003 at 11:33am, JSB wrote:
RE: problems with TROS software

regarding the quit button...
The program was in the middle of asking for dice for this and that and other steps in the combat process. It was ignoring the quit button. This is a common problem with dialog boxes and windows. I don't know how to solve this, I'm not sure the winOS supports any way to click on a button "below" a dialog. Other than putting a quit/abort/kill-me-now button on every thing.

regarding the install error...
It's not reproducing. I ran the character generator to pull up the exact error text, and it initialized and ran the first 2 steps in character creation. I think it was the previously observed "corrupted ini files" error, but I don't recall the specific text. So, never mind. If I have time I might try installing on my other computer, just to see if I can reproduce it.

regarding lazy programming...
I haven't programmed anything other than web stuff in years. Having to catch everything a user might do and stop it from breaking my elegant code is always annoying... ;)

I'm impressed that Brian took the time to include all the equipment. Frankly, I've always been reluctant to type in what people could quickly look up in a book. I'll never cast stones about being lazy. ;)

regarding dissatisfaction...
I managed. The initial post was just to report issues to consider for further development. The only real frustration was with the main/center window in the combat sim, having to scroll up and down to find the beginning of the current combat phase was an extra step. But you did a good job presenting a lot of information. If I have any brilliant insights about possible UI improvements, I'll pass them along.

regarding the "other docs"...
As Richard_Strey noted, I meant the xls files, et al.

regarding my percieved lack of manners...
I reread my initial post, and it was lacking the quality of being chatty, but I don't see this as a lack of manners, just being succinct. Having dabbled in programming, and being a web developer who deals with code and with programmers, I both understand and appreciate the amount of time these applications required to develop. I also think it's nice of Brian to release these for free. I've seen various character generation programs over the years (I even wrote a simple one for Star Frontiers about 2 decades ago) and his is a good one.

Message 8945#93122

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On 12/9/2003 at 9:38pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: problems with TROS software

Don't stress about it, actually I was a bit rude too, I think. Long day yesterday and I wasn't feeling well :-)

Glad you like the SW. There will be updates one day, but not in a rush, since I'm working on TFOB at the moment, and also am trying to get some software done for another Forge project (non TROS).


Message 8945#93184

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On 12/10/2003 at 9:57pm, JSB wrote:
RE: problems with TROS software

Hey Brian,

No stress was involved on this side, hopefully none elsewhere.

Your comment regarding the use of the quit button was a little testy, but no more than that. ;) Not to worry.

I'm sorry you were not feeling well, I hope you are feeling better.

When you have time to work on the software, I'll have some further suggestions, and I'm sure others will to. I've seen that you are reluctant to open up development to others, but you might reconsider it. Depending on your data structures, just having more fingers for typing in data and simple code structures is helpful. As you know on our own, we only have some much time and only 2 hands to get things done.

Message 8945#93390

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On 12/10/2003 at 10:17pm, kenjib wrote:
RE: problems with TROS software

If you want to read xls files without paying the MS tax, I suggest two options in case you don't already know about them:

1. Open Office - free office suite

2. MS Excel Viewer - free view only prog for excel



Message 8945#93397

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On 12/11/2003 at 3:28am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: problems with TROS software

JSB wrote: Your comment regarding the use of the quit button was a little testy, but no more than that. ;) Not to worry.

Heh, you should have seen my reply before I edited it. Twice. I'm a nice guy, really. Ask anyone. Well, except everyone around here (who think I'm an asshole). :-)


Message 8945#93431

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On 12/11/2003 at 7:08pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: problems with TROS software

JSB wrote: regarding the quit button...
The program was in the middle of asking for dice for this and that and other steps in the combat process. It was ignoring the quit button. This is a common problem with dialog boxes and windows. I don't know how to solve this, I'm not sure the winOS supports any way to click on a button "below" a dialog. Other than putting a quit/abort/kill-me-now button on every thing.
Dialogs can be made either modal or non modal. The problem is that if you allow someone to go outside the current dialog, often it means that something they do may screw up the order of processing leading to all sorts of potential errors. So, rarely do you see this.

It is possible, however. My real question is why you didn't just close the dialog. How long could that have taken?


Message 8945#93533

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On 12/18/2003 at 2:18pm, Thanaeon wrote:
RE: problems with TROS software

This made me remember that there was a way to have the combat simulator be effectively frozen. I don't remember exactly what it was anymore, but I think it might have been trying to attack (pushing an attack button) with 0 dice left in your pool. You couldn't abort the attack, you couldn't attack (no 0-dice attacks allowed) and you couldn't close the dialog and thus you couldn't press quit, either.

I'm not 100% sure if that was the situation, but I think it was - it certainly had to do with you having 0 dice in your CP and attempting to do something.

Message 8945#94252

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