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Topic: Cheap card game option
Started by: btrc
Started on: 12/9/2003
Board: Publishing

On 12/9/2003 at 8:51pm, btrc wrote:
Cheap card game option

Some of you may remember the obscenity-based card game I mentioned in passing at GenCon and had some Forge members involved in the playtest of. Well, "F*ck This!" is now out on RPGnow and Hyperbooks as a download, and also as a print on demand version (still finding best price, but POD version is on its way).

Anyway, while not the most durable thing in the world, I decided to go with laser/inkjet printer business cards. Ten per sheet, printable both sides, 2.5" x 3.5". They do not shuffle perfectly well, but they do hold up pretty good in use (none of the playtest decks have worn out). And if you check around, you can get them in various colors, paper weights and even different textures and finishes (more $), and for about 1 cent per card for the basic variety (10 cents per sheet). The expensive name brand would be the Avery 5377 item (which is the light gray version). Since they come in sheets, you can bind them into a booklet and not have to worry about hand collating them, and the perforations are secure enough that they aren't going to fall apart on you. It's much, much nicer than printing on plain card stock and then having to take a pair of scissors to it.

I don't know if anyone else has brought up using them, but if you're working on a card game, give these things a try.

Greg Porter
BTRC games

Message 8951#93177

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On 12/10/2003 at 1:21am, Dev wrote:
RE: Cheap card game option

Christmas value. Great for the kids.

btw, did the rules end up changing much in this rendition?

Message 8951#93224

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On 12/10/2003 at 1:24am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Cheap card game option

Hi Greg,

How did James Earnest do his cards for the original editions of Give Me The Brain and other early Cheapass games? I play the hell out of them and they stand up pretty well. Now that I think about it, they seem to me to be pretty standard lightweight business card stock ...


Message 8951#93228

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On 12/10/2003 at 1:36am, btrc wrote:
RE: Cheap card game option

I wouldn't be surprised if he used standard card stock and then just had the printer run it through a paper knife. I've done that before. If you want the cards already cut for packaging in a smaller box, it works just fine if you design the cards right. You don't want any design elements that require perfect symmetry, like line borders, otherwise any slight offset in the cutting gives you off-center looking cards.


Message 8951#93231

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On 12/10/2003 at 1:39am, btrc wrote:
RE: Cheap card game option

The rules have been clarified slightly, and the card mix and content optimized, but conceptually, its the same as what you saw earlier. It's 125 cards now, with 30 card expansions planned, and a free holiday expansion available so you can add Santa, Elves and Grandma to the mix...


Message 8951#93232

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On 12/10/2003 at 7:48pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Cheap card game option

btrc wrote: with 30 card expansions planned,
By ethnic group? I can't imagine what you'd put in these to give them a theme. :-)


Message 8951#93349

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On 12/10/2003 at 9:29pm, btrc wrote:
RE: Cheap card game option

The expansions are more on a theme. For instance, "Sex, Drugs & Rock and Roll". And despite the name and concept of the game, I sadly have to stay within certain PC bounds. If I make a game that lets you use "goat-sucking vegetarian" in a sentence, that's all fun and games. But if you could put "f-ing n-word" in a sentence, I'd get my ass roasted.

I deliberately left any and all ethnic possibilities out of the game. We are not yet enlightened enough to accept and make honest fun of our differences without being insulted. We must all be the same. It is the will of Llandru.


Message 8951#93380

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On 12/10/2003 at 10:20pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Cheap card game option

LOL. Nice Trek reference. :-)

Sounds like cool stuff for the expansions.


Message 8951#93398

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