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Topic: big bug demon
Started by: 6inTruder
Started on: 12/11/2003
Board: Adept Press

On 12/11/2003 at 12:50am, 6inTruder wrote:
big bug demon

So yeah, I want to write up a demon that looks like a giant (... maybe 20 meters long?) centapede. What kind of demon is it though?

It doesn't fit the definition of parasite, object, possessor or inconspicuous. And passing almost works, but it says that they can pass in normal society; which this demon cannot.

Message 8965#93418

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On 12/11/2003 at 3:06am, Benjamin wrote:
RE: big bug demon

The confession part of this is that I've never played Sorcerer; but I always thought that the demon types were pretty vague guidelines. I usually use "passer" for anything that is corporeal and noticeable.

I wouldn't balk at calling it an Immanent (from Sorcerer & Sword). But I might call it a passing demon and give it Big (to emphasize the size).

-Ben B

Message 8965#93429

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On 12/11/2003 at 4:07am, greyorm wrote:
RE: big bug demon

Alright...why wouldn't Inconspicuous work?
The demon, despite its giant size, is simply not seen. Think of the movie "Alien": you just don't see the damn thing. Like the xenomorph, demons aren't invisible, just unnoticed unless they're doing something horrible. Now think of nearly any horror-movie about a big, nasty, mutant often do you actually see it?

The giant alligator has lived in the sewers for fifteen years, but no one knows about it...sure there are rumors, but that's all they are...

Or why not Parasite?
A demonic presence infests a regular centipide, causing it to grow inhumanly large, vicious, and intelligent. Heck, a Possessor with the Big ability would work just as well in this.

Ultimately, we need a lot more information than "Its a big centipede!" in order to help you out. Where did this demon come from? Who summoned it and why? What are the themes of the game and how does a giant bug fit into those?

Message 8965#93440

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On 12/11/2003 at 4:09am, 6inTruder wrote:
RE: big bug demon

Calling it a Passing demon is where I'm leaning at the moment. Though I'm curious about this "imminent" thing you speak of? Any chance of getting a word on what's up with that? I've gotta wait until after my move to pick up Sorcerer & Sword <.>;;;;;;;; (or at least to check out the copy of the guy who got me into Sorcerer... Then get my own)

I'm trying to do up a Sword & Sorcery setting based on ancient China. (And I swear I came up with the Giant Centepede before I read the first volume of King of Hell!)

Message 8965#93441

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On 12/11/2003 at 4:19am, 6inTruder wrote:
RE: big bug demon

Ah, you jab me with your ingenuity ^_^

The giant centeped is supposed to be a mythic-beast type dealie. And I like your Parasite idea too. Thanks for the help! I'm still REALLY new at this.

Message 8965#93442

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On 12/11/2003 at 4:57am, Benjamin wrote:
RE: big bug demon

Raven has a good point; demons are really only what they are in relation to people; the types seem to answer the question "How does it interact with people?"
But I don't really think of types in categorical terms but as loose constellations of answers to various subquestions: "Can my character touch it? See it? Does it need my character to exist in this world? Or to use its powers?"
Also, "Immanent"means "actually present." So an Immanent demon is one that exists in this world without being bound to any sorcerer; they don't need sorcerers as much as other demons (IIRC, it's been a while since I read Sorcerer and Sword -- which sounds like just the book you need).
"Imminent" means "impending" or "just about to happen." Which is actually how I like to think of many of my Psyche demons (not quite existing in the same time as the sorcerer).

Message 8965#93447

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On 12/11/2003 at 1:22pm, Calithena wrote:
RE: big bug demon

Hey, 6" - you will LOVE Sorcery & Sword if you're doing a setting based on Ancient China, and it's exactly what you need. When you get it, check out Kaben12's mount (he's the hero with the Clicking Sands setting) - a big bear/cat/steed monster like something out of Heavy Metal magazine. It gets called a "Passer" (like that, in quotes) but it's basically just a big 'ol obvious monster, like your centipede.

Message 8965#93483

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On 12/11/2003 at 3:19pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: big bug demon


One technical addition from Sorcerer & Sword is that demons are not only classified by Type, but also according to this list:

Immanents: Beasts, Pagan Things, Old Ones

True demons

Undead: Animated corpses, Self-re-animated liches, Ghosts

So a given demon might be (ummm) an Inconspicuous Beast, or a Passing Ghost, or a Parasitic True demon.

The two lists (column A, column B) therefore gives a lot more play to the concept of "demon" in order to permit the diversity in the source literature.


Message 8965#93500

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On 12/12/2003 at 10:01am, 6inTruder wrote:
RE: big bug demon

ARGH!!!! I need to get S&S! But I have little cash, and less access to a place of purchase >.<!

Thanks everyone for you replies! And thanks Ron for the spoiler. I'm trying to get a One-Sheet for "the Middle Kingdom" written up.

Message 8965#93618

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On 12/12/2003 at 6:41pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: big bug demon

Note the spelling of he word Immanent. This is not a mispelling of the term Imminent. Look the word up, it means something that is present.

The question becomes what your background is like. The demon types in Sorcerer are based off the idea that demons hide their existance in this world. Therefore, all of them have some way to hide. They all either pass as something else, or they hide somehow. Passers, and Objects pass for other things. Possessors and Parasites hide inside of people. Inconspicuous demons have some other way of hiding.

Now, in the worlds that Sorcerer & Sword are trying to emulate, the fact is that everyone accepts that demons can be wandering around. They can still hide in some cases, but some do not. These are the Immanent types.

Or so I thought. Now Ron is saying that they cross-reference with the other types. Just to be clear, Ron, do they have to cross? Or are there some demons that just can't hide?


Message 8965#93666

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