The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Announcing and Pormoting a License
Started by: Michael Hopcroft
Started on: 12/13/2003
Board: Publishing

On 12/13/2003 at 10:26am, Michael Hopcroft wrote:
Announcing and Pormoting a License

My company is in the process of pursuing three different licnesed properties to do roleplaying games on. One we have agreed to the property holder with on principle -- the agreement is only waiting on the approval and comment of his attorney. The other two are in somewhat more nebulous conditions.

Once things are agreed to on this one license, though, i am presented with a problem that i throroughly enjoy having -- that is, figuring out how first to announce the license and then let little bits of information about the licnesed game out at a time soi when the game is ready to be published there will be enough interest in it that it will generate sales from the proporty's very dedicated fanbase 9as well as introducing new fans to the property).

It really wouldn;t be proper to say what the proiperty is, beyond saying it's an online strip and its very popular 9as is the artist). The website for the comic get three million hits a month as people visit it every morning to catch up on the latest developments or get a chuckle out of the newest side gag.

That siad, though, this is a very exciting developent and I'm sure that when i announce to the Forge which license I've landed people are going to be very curious about how I managed it.

Message 8989#93731

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