The Forge Reference Project


Topic: vs. Monsters White Box Edition
Started by: philreed
Started on: 12/14/2003
Board: Publishing

On 12/14/2003 at 9:45pm, philreed wrote:
vs. Monsters White Box Edition

The 24-hour game I wrote, vs. Monsters, is in the middle of an expansion and revision and will be printed as a boxed set next month. It's a limited run (I'm still deciding between 50 and 100 . . . and leaning toward 100).

What's in the box? Three books, loose sheets, and (still working on) a deck of cards.

Why should you care?

Since it is a boxed set I can throw some materials in from other people. So if you have any marketing material you'd like me to add to the box contact me at

I'd also appreciate any comments or feedback on the free version (I used that as a base for this expanded version).

Message 8998#93831

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