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Topic: Looking for an live-online game of TROS
Started by: sirogit
Started on: 12/19/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 12/19/2003 at 11:55am, sirogit wrote:
Looking for an live-online game of TROS

As my plans to gm a face-to-face game in the near future have been derailed, I was thinking that it would be a good expiereince to be a player in a TROS game, you know, see what works.

The medium I'd greatly prefer would be a live sort of online medium, like IRC or OpenRPG.

I don't really care how many other players there are, a one-on-one game would be fine. I'd be pretty agreeable to any other factors. I'd prefer a shorter lasting game to a longer one, shorter meaning something from 1 to 4, 5 months. But again, I'd be highly suggestable to any game that's open. One thing is that I do not have the game book at the moment, but I have read the quickstart rules a fair amount of times.


Message 9059#94407

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On 12/19/2003 at 2:01pm, Half-Baked wrote:
RE: Looking for an live-online game of TROS

I am currrently in the process of starting one up at htttp:// It is called TROS: Drenai Tales and is based upon David Gemmell's series of book based int he world of the Drenai. Some of the books are Legend, King Beyond the Gate and Waylander. It is heroic fantasy with the emphasis on the characters violent men who eventually do the right thing. A bit like Conan with morals and more emotional depth.

RPOL is a bulletin board style of online play and a very good one. We won't be starting until the New Year. I plan to run it as an open game, but it will start with a short prequel using pre-generated characters. Check it out here:

Message 9059#94413

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On 12/19/2003 at 4:28pm, sirogit wrote:
RE: Looking for an live-online game of TROS

More morals!?! I am intereasted in the game despite it's inexplicable nature.

I'll PM you with typical guy-who-wants-to-join RPG things.

I'd definately be in it if I can't find an IRC/openrpg game which I'd prefer by new years... I hope that somewhat-lacking commitent thing isn't a major bugabo.

Message 9059#94425

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