The Forge Reference Project


Topic: about Brian's Damage Table Program
Started by: chade0
Started on: 12/21/2003
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 12/21/2003 at 3:53pm, chade0 wrote:
about Brian's Damage Table Program


Thanks for this very useful and handy program you've coded! It really makes Senechal's work easier (assuming you have a laptop).

Now, a question and suggestion, have you ever thought of adding animal damage tables into that program too? That'd be very cool! :-)

Thanks for the CharGen and CombatSim too, they rock!


Message 9072#94568

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On 12/21/2003 at 5:31pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: about Brian's Damage Table Program

Yeah, it's a great program.. But as I don't have a laptop or a tendency to play while sitting right next to my computer, it's not particularly useful for me. I'd definitely use it in any attempt to play TRoS online, though.

Message 9072#94576

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On 12/21/2003 at 8:32pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: about Brian's Damage Table Program

At some point I may try to add some animal damage tables. There's a lot of changes I want to make to all three programs actually, but never enough time to actually do it :-)


Message 9072#94597

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...started by Brian Leybourne which Brian Leybourne participated The Riddle of Steel
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