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Topic: The Basic System, thoughts and why
Started by: Dilly Green Bean Games
Started on: 12/23/2003
Board: Indie Game Design

On 12/23/2003 at 5:16pm, Dilly Green Bean Games wrote:
The Basic System, thoughts and why

Recently our company put to use a set of rules that originally was just supposed to be a gag. But we are finding people are taking to it. It was designed as a bridge system for game systems like D20, Fuzion, Palladium and Action! System. It really has made it simple. We made it like a benchmark system.

Stats of 10 being average. 20 being exellent and it goes up from there. I didn't realize it, but it is much like the old Marvel RPG.

There are basic skills in their own section, the ones that everyone gets and they are pre-set. So instead of looking through a list and looking for italics, or bold print, they are right on top in their own table.

Then the skills are broken into simple blocks.

We have Natural Abilities. They work much like feats, but less reading and a lot simplier.

The rules are simple. 1d20+MSB (Main Stat Bonus)+skill level.
The Main Stat Bonus is the number over ten. So a STR of 15 would have an MSB of 5.

The armor class (AC) works really easy. It also has a simple AC reduction rule for those who like some realistic style.

There are sample armor, weapons and vehicles lists too.

If people would take a look at the beta PDF I'd greatly appreciate it.

You can also check out our website for more info:

Message 9088#94734

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On 12/23/2003 at 7:14pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

And? What would you like to discuss?

I can't resist. Why not have the base stat be at zero instead of 10?


Message 9088#94742

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On 12/23/2003 at 7:52pm, Dilly Green Bean Games wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

I picked 10 because HERO system was at 10 and Palladium and D20 have the average human stat close to ten. I was trying to avoid major math. I figured ten would be a lot easier. From there you could go up or down. The idea of TBS was to make it so simple a little kid could figure it out or an advanced gamer could get the hang of it after reading the first 5 or six pages. I pu tit together after asking some shop owners and hobby gals and guys what they HATED about RPGs and what they liked. They all said they hate long drawn out advanced rules that take forever to learn. When they want to play they like to do character generation in 10 minutes and still get all the detail they want. Hence TBS.

What I am looking for. I am just curious if this appeals to any of my peers. Would you use it? I figure as a indi game company, this would be the place to really toss it out. That way I can improve the system as I go.

Message 9088#94747

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On 12/23/2003 at 8:10pm, Andrew Martin wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

Welcome to the Forge, Dilly Green Bean Games!

Dilly Green Bean Games wrote: They all said they hate long drawn out advanced rules that take forever to learn. When they want to play they like to do character generation in 10 minutes and still get all the detail they want. Hence TBS.

What I am looking for. I am just curious if this appeals to any of my peers. Would you use it? I figure as a indi game company, this would be the place to really toss it out. That way I can improve the system as I go.

Have you taken this system back to the people and tried it out with them?

TBS reminds me of early D&D from the 70's, and it looks like it will fall into the same area as AD&D and D&D D20, in gathering complexity and becoming harder and harder to play with each subsequent version.

Would I use TBS? No. I've been playing D&D D20 over the past few weeks with friends and have no need or desire for TBS.

Message 9088#94751

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On 12/23/2003 at 8:48pm, Dilly Green Bean Games wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

I have taken it back to those people. They were pleased with it. One person replaced SW D20 with it. I am not sure where it will go. Our main goal is to keep it basic. So unlike the many versions of D&D, it will not change into difficulty. We have plans for something else a little more complex, but it won't be TBS.

Right now it's still in the fetus stage. How people expand upon it for gaming products, well I don't know where that will lead. We have asked people to keep the system easy, but go ahead and use as much detail and other goodies as they see fit to expand upon it.

The main goal would to get it out there, but not as a rules set by itself. We want it to be unique to each PDF and book that it is used for. That's why we haven't just posted it for sale on RPGnow. Game systems are all too common after the whole D20 craze. We are just looking to make easy play games. Hope it works.

Message 9088#94763

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On 12/23/2003 at 9:09pm, Dregg wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

I'm actually pretty impressed. it takes some cool stuff from 2 systems and makes it work. Of course i now sit with the Txt. version on my laptop ready to work some magic... heh
Someday I'll focus and not try to do 7 projects at once.
anyway, it has promise, and it's free...

Anyway I wish DGBG good luck with it, and hope they don't hate me too much after I'm done disecting MUhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Message 9088#94766

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On 12/23/2003 at 9:22pm, Dilly Green Bean Games wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

I hope you weren't turning your head and coughing :)

I look forward to seing where you take TBS, Dregg. I'm like a little kid ready to unwrap the groovy gifts undder the tree.

I do have some Star Wars PDF I want to post, but I can't do it on the company site because it's not approved by WOtC or Lucas. I might put it on the TBS list group. Who knows.

Message 9088#94767

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On 12/23/2003 at 10:43pm, Dilly Green Bean Games wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

Check out the review page and read the review about TBS. Hopefully that will bring some light to what it is about.

Message 9088#94775

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On 12/30/2003 at 10:48pm, Dilly Green Bean Games wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

We have just updated the TBS (The Basic System) page. Now you can get:
-TBS rules PDF
-Action! System and Fuzion conversion PDF
-Marvel Superheroes Conversion PDF
-Character sheets
-TBS Super Powers expansion PDF.

Message 9088#95270

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On 1/5/2004 at 10:37pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

Dilly Green Bean Games wrote: I picked 10 because HERO system was at 10 and Palladium and D20 have the average human stat close to ten. I was trying to avoid major math. I figured ten would be a lot easier. From there you could go up or down.
Um, zero based is easier, mathwise, hence the suggestion. If your mods are based on stat -10, then you have to calculate each one (which leaves one wondering why you have the stat in the first place). With my system, the stat is the mod, no conversion required ever. Also, for a point based system, you just base the cost off of your total. Instead of having to add to 10.

People have been saying since 3E came out that this is what they should have done. You have the chance to do it now. Think about it.


Message 9088#95821

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On 1/6/2004 at 12:06am, Spooky Fanboy wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

I must also chime in.

I purchased GU: Kamikaze. The system seemed too 'crunchy' (unnecesary rules) for a Supers product, and the psionics/magic system seemed too "laundry-list." (My term for a powers system that doesn't include ways to produce related effects on the fly, but instead requires the player to purchase from a strict list of effects.)

In other words, why did you decide on a power-list format (which looks frighteningly close to D&D, instead of a more customizable system, like Hero or even something a touch more free-form? After all, it is a superhero game; and superheroes very rarely follow the laws of physics.

Message 9088#95833

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On 1/6/2004 at 12:47am, Dilly Green Bean Games wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

GU Kamikaze was taken from Gu Dragonfire (the Action! System) version and converted over. It was meant to be a preview of the upcoming Guardian Universe Core Fuzion RPG. TBS was just a quick way to do it without giving away the main plots and also give TBS a try in the open arena.

So the lists you see in GUK are actually from one book that was already in print and two other lists meant for the Action! System.

The supers list has been tweeked and posted up on the company site by itself. I will be fixing the spells and psionics as I get to it. TBS was supposed to be a side thing, but it became a priority this last month.

I have seen a TBS product in the works from another company, and I'll say this, I was damn impressed as to how it looked. It truly hit the mark of what we were looking to do with it.

We have begun to post little mini opener adventures on our company site to show people how to use the PDF rules as a rules set. American Aftermath really gives a better look at usage and so does Alien Files. While short they go into how TBS is a varient.

As for the Main Stat of 10 (being average). Today a writer, a rules geek and I sat down and went over the system. To make it all easy for conversions the stat of 10 stays. But when you use the MSB (Main Stat Bonus) and add one to it, they equal stats from both Fuzion and A!S. That was the simplicity we wanted.

TBS is still in the first trial stages. I have spent more time taking input and applying it than I have writing my next Fuzion book which is due out around the same time as the first one (both for print). So while we won't be changing the 10 stat, I will look into how my writer's for Magic and Psionics are doing.

The whole idea is to keep this thing basic. If someone wants to come along and write a massively detailed Powers, Psionics and Magic system for it, they are welcome to. I've got one guy writing mecha rules for me, but told someone if they wanted to do up some sci-fi rules to go right ahead.

On the note of the Guardian Universe. It's meant to be more realistic than far fetched supers. That's why players seem so weak, because they are. That was the whole point. The TBS, A!S and Fuzion version ALL are low level settings. Unless you know how to cheat the system, you'll be playing with a little more care. I am interested in what you thought of the setting, was it ok?

BUT, in the newer PDF for TBS (you will want to look at it) we have added a section for those that wanted a POWERHOUSE supers character creation set. It takes you right up into cosmic heroes.

I am currently writing anothr TBS mini game that brings even more focus into the rules, but still keeps them basic.

I understand that people in here are the cream of the cream when it comes to gaming. But we are trying to pitch this to those who have NEVER gamed and want something that they can jump into right from page one and get right into gameplay.

Phewwwwwwww long winded.

Message 9088#95839

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On 1/9/2004 at 1:32pm, Dilly Green Bean Games wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

Just to point people in the right direction for The Basic System Downloads:

We've just added the TBS SCI-FI PDF. Learn how to play TBS in a science fiction setting. Also includes scaling rules and a sneak peak at an upcoming book for print.

I would like to get some input on people's thoughts of the revamped material. I think I've adjusted the PDF 12 times since we put out the newer version last week, but it shows that we are listening.

Message 9088#96485

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On 1/9/2004 at 9:36pm, jeffjones wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

I haven't been able to open the link. Is there something wrong?

Message 9088#96602

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On 1/10/2004 at 4:22am, Dilly Green Bean Games wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

I have the link working now. I might have been doing site work at the time you tried to get to it.

If all else fails go to

I have added the sci-fi PDF and some other PDFs. The core TBS PDF tries to cover a lot of ground. The new Genre PDFs actually do a good job at fixing things. The TBS discussion list has really been working overtime fixing things as we go.

Message 9088#96657

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On 1/10/2004 at 5:25pm, jeffjones wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

It's still saying that the file is damaged. I just can't open it for love or money.

Message 9088#96702

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On 1/10/2004 at 8:39pm, Dilly Green Bean Games wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

Try it again........... I don't know what is wrong with it. The other files are working just fine. If you need to, download one of the genre PDFs. Those I haven't had any problems with.

Feel free to e-mail us if it doesn't work and we'll try to send you a copy.

Message 9088#96723

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On 1/12/2004 at 1:48am, steelcaress wrote:
Damaged File

What's actually going on is that you don't have the right version of Acrobat. That's what happens when you are using, say, Acrobat 5.0 instead of Adobe Reader 6.0.

If you upgrade to the latest version, it should fix the problem.

Another reason could be a corrupted download. A bad download manager could be the issue, or the lack of one. I'm on DSL, and I still use a download manager. Fresh Download from Fresh Devices is one of the best.

Also some firewalls cause issues. ZoneAlarm is the most noteworthy corrupter of downloads.

Hope this helps.


Message 9088#96833

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On 1/12/2004 at 1:18pm, Dilly Green Bean Games wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

Oh great. My Distiller is 5.0. I can't afford to buy an upgrade. Or does that matter?

Message 9088#96881

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On 1/12/2004 at 2:31pm, Jasper wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

It may not. Contrary to what Adobe would probably have everyone believing, they do not own the PDF format, and anyone can create a PDF "distiller."

A quick Google search yielded the following site, which seems to list a few free ones:

I don't know if any of them are any good of course, but there certainly are such things out there.

Message 9088#96891

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On 1/12/2004 at 2:47pm, Jack Aidley wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

OpenOffice can save to .pdf, and seems to do a pretty good job.

Message 9088#96892

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On 1/12/2004 at 4:00pm, Dilly Green Bean Games wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

I guess my question would be: What will be the difference if I use another PDF burner? Won't the problem still be the same?

Something I have noticed is that the files I have up when downloaded from another computer work fine. But somewhere there is a glitch. To be honest and this sounds wacked. Everytime I advertize the core Rules PDFs I have all of a sudden had downlod problems. Where they once worked fine before, all of a sudden they are getting messed up. Could I have a hacker issue? I mean people are not having any problems, then bam.........they are. Maybe I ought to put the files in a .zip file. Try to offer them some protection. Thoughts?

Message 9088#96902

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On 1/12/2004 at 9:12pm, Andrew Martin wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

Dilly Green Bean Games wrote: I guess my question would be: What will be the difference if I use another PDF burner? Won't the problem still be the same?

Something I have noticed is that the files I have up when downloaded from another computer work fine. But somewhere there is a glitch. To be honest and this sounds wacked. Everytime I advertize the core Rules PDFs I have all of a sudden had downlod problems. Where they once worked fine before, all of a sudden they are getting messed up. Could I have a hacker issue? I mean people are not having any problems, then bam.........they are. Maybe I ought to put the files in a .zip file. Try to offer them some protection. Thoughts?

I tried downloading the PDF and I had no problems. I'm using Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.x, though. Perhaps it might be best to email a copy to Jeff Jones? It may that he's got a downloader program that's got a bad copy in it's cache?

Message 9088#96939

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On 1/12/2004 at 9:22pm, Dilly Green Bean Games wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

Very good suggestion. And done! I think. I hope I e-mailed it to him. If anyone has problems I will gladly e-mail them a copy. I just finished TBS Cosmic.......a Cosmic Supers expansion to our TBS Powers PDF. I had so much fun working it that I wanted to go eat a planet.

We are also looking at possibly adding a .zip file with ALL the TBS downloads. This might help deal with bad downloads. Input is always welcome. I have tried to accomidate everyone's input. The expansions PDFs are getting pretty interesting.

The system looks like after another year of tweeking we could be releasing a mega sized book of The Basic System for print with ALL the PDFs and expansions. It's a thought.

Message 9088#96943

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On 1/13/2004 at 7:04am, jeffjones wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

Thanks for helping guys. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to look at it after my email decides it wants to work again.

Message 9088#97050

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On 1/13/2004 at 3:52pm, Dilly Green Bean Games wrote:
RE: The Basic System, thoughts and why

Jeff. If you want. Join the TBS discussion list. It has the fil posted on the group. And it e-mails it to you as well......but as I just read that might not do you any good.

Message 9088#97097

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