The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Ship and the Stars: Sol's Children ,a small ship series
Started by: b_bankhead
Started on: 12/25/2003
Board: Indie Game Design

On 12/25/2003 at 4:58am, b_bankhead wrote:
Ship and the Stars: Sol's Children ,a small ship series

To show that Ship and the Stars can deal with different space westerns I have developed this series background for a concept I develped long ago, a sciene fiction game set in a Golden age sf version of our Solar System and JUST our solar system. Never did it but here is the idea as a series for S&tS.
Note ,that the crew list still has a way to go but that's okay, this is a game of background creation as much as anything else.
By the way the original Ship and the Stars article is here:

The series 'Outreach was an example of a 'big ship' series rather like Star Trek, here is a series about a small ship:

Sol's Children
Metaphor-Adventure in a Golden age Solar system

The series deals with the Paycheck a small space vessel trading throughout the solar system.
Takes place in a version of our Solar System from Golden age science fiction, and the illustrations of Chesley Bonestel Mercury has a dark and light side, Venus is a supertropical hellhole, mars is that of Percival Lowell. Earth is an 'atomic utopia' golden age future
Humanity has just won a a war with the martians and has established colonies all over the solar system. There is no interstellar travel. Rockets are super efficient atomic engines, travel in the inner planets takes weeks, hours from earth to it's moon. There is no interstellar travel.

Golden age SF solar system
Interplanetary trade and travel
Life is common on other planets

Mercury has dark/lite sides
Venus is supertropical
Earth is 'atomic utopia'
Percival Lowell Mars
won war with martians
travel between planets takes weeks
Rockets are superefficient atomics
Chesley Bonestell visuals
No interstellar travel

Ship Premise-'Paycheck'

A light military surplus courier/transport vessell with a crew of 6 and space for 6 passengers. There is a reconfigurable cargo space. Vessel is streamlined designed to enter tmospheres and VTOL on planets. Can carry external cargo modules. Must remove to enter atmosphere. It is mortaged to the bank of Tycho

military surplus
6 crew
6 passengers
cargo space reconfigurable
enter atpmosphere
Planetary VTOL
External Modules
Remove modules to enter atmosphere
mortaged to Bank of Tycho

Character premises

Skipper Jerusalem Masters is a former Space Command Captain who left in protest of an injustice, he is an experienced spacer,pilot, and commander

Former SC Captain
Left in protest
experienced spacer

Medic Ashley Stone served with masters as a ship's surgeon but was later drummed out of the service for alcholism. He is on the wagon but sometime succumbs and is guilt ridden due to past failures.

served with masters
ship's surgeon
drummed out of service
recovering alchoholic

Cathy Vanderfeller is a scion of 'those'Vanderfellers from whom she is estranged, she learned spaceship mechanics racing the family space dinghy, and later racing spaceships with a reckless and daring style. After crashing a valuable prototype and finding racing seats scarce,she takes a job as second seat on the Paycheck

Wealthy Family
Estranged Family
Spaceship Mechanic
Spaceship Racer
bad reputation

Cynical Ex-Asteroid prospector

Kid Stowaway

Alien Pet

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