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Topic: The Riddle of Lace & Steel
Started by: sidhe vicious
Started on: 1/1/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 1/1/2004 at 9:59pm, sidhe vicious wrote:
The Riddle of Lace & Steel

Hello everybody (first post here and everything).

I recently got TROS and am enjoying the read immensely and this forum is helping my understanding of the game a lot. One thing I've noticed is how much TROS has in common with the game Lace & Steel in terms of system and setting goals. The combat in L&S, while not stressing realism as much, does feel gritty, more dramatic and centers around a single hit deciding the outcome of a fight. The Ties and Antipathies rules and the Self Image system have much the same feel and purpose as Spiritual Attributes. Magic is rare and powerful in both games. It looks like these two games could be siblings :)

In terms of setting, both are distorted mirror images of real world history, a mix of the familiar and the fantastic. L&S is a lot more fantastic since it's various races are common but both games stress a more "fairy tale" atmosphere. Hell, both games even take the same approach to religion. There are no absolutes (gods walking the earth, divine magic) and religion is a matter of faith.

So, I guess what I'm saying is that TROS's system would port really well into L&S's setting. It's something I've been thinking of doing. I'm just not sure on how to handle the PC races like Harpies and Half Horses. The reason for this is that while I'm a huge fan of L&S's system, it doesn't gel with my gaming group as well as TROS does. Any help?

Message 9164#95459

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On 1/1/2004 at 10:18pm, sidhe vicious wrote:
RE: The Riddle of Lace & Steel

Oh and if anyone is unfamiliar with Lace & Steel and is interested, this site should tell you a lot:

Message 9164#95462

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On 1/2/2004 at 10:31pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: The Riddle of Lace & Steel

Welcome SV. L&S is often mentioned in the same breath in other fora here at the Forge as a very good combat system. For those here who've not seen it, I recommend checking it out.

What I'd do in terms "porting" things is to maybe see if they can be mixed rather than completely doing one or the other. That is, I wonder what can be kept from L&S on a port.


Message 9164#95543

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On 1/3/2004 at 8:48pm, sidhe vicious wrote:
RE: The Riddle of Lace & Steel

Yeah, I'd like to keep certain things like repartee combats and magic. I can see those done with TROS as is though. Half horses and harpies look like they need the most work. I don't have a copy of Of Beasts and Men (I mean to soon though). Would that be any help? I can see adding a couple special maneuvers for them to account for their physics.

Message 9164#95616

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