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Topic: Harn and Riddle of Steel
Started by: Sigurth
Started on: 1/6/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 1/6/2004 at 5:35am, Sigurth wrote:
Harn and Riddle of Steel

We are actually working on a hybrid of HMx (2 or G) and TROS.

In playtest it worked really well. CPs derived from skills...initiative using the TROS red/white die. Spiritual Attributes to advance and add to die pools. Magic with more of a low magic/Harn flavor--Magic Pools derived from skills as above. Skills as skill in HMx, although we got rid of that "divisible by 5" critical success idea.

We got rid of the comparison tables in HM since we have rates of success. Damage ala Harn with bonus for STR/Brawn. Random location chart instead of hit location determination (as a group we liked the "aim for location" and randomness aspect). Combat has been brutal but really dymanic, plus the character gen/ skill derivation was much broader and gave all the PCs a great backstory.

Message 9205#95892

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On 1/6/2004 at 5:51am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Harn and Riddle of Steel

Split from this topic.


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Message 9205#95894

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On 1/6/2004 at 3:38pm, Sigurth wrote:
RE: Harn and Riddle of Steel

Thanks for making this a new topic, Brian.

Didn't realize that you were from New Zealand. I'm still upset about the All-blacks losing to Australia in the World Cup. I still think Muliaina scored a try early in that game before that interception.

As an addendum to my post above. We are going for a hybrid so we can take advantage of all the options that TROS give in combat AND the Spiritual Attribute system.

When we actaully get started I'll probably post mechanics here and Story Hour on the Harn Forums. Over there I'm the Ivinian.

Message 9205#95930

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On 1/6/2004 at 8:25pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Harn and Riddle of Steel

Call me crazy, but...

Well, if you're using TROS combat, mechanics and Spiritual Attributes, then why are you using Harn at all? Or, more properly, WHAT are you using from Harn? Sounds pretty much like TROS through-and-through to me.


Message 9205#95967

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On 1/6/2004 at 8:33pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: Harn and Riddle of Steel

Sounds like they're using skills, magic, and setting from HARN. Maybe attributes - I'm not sure. Oh, and damage.

Message 9205#95969

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On 1/6/2004 at 8:44pm, Sigurth wrote:
RE: Harn and Riddle of Steel

To Clarify:

From Harn: Skills, Magic system (Chantries, Convocations, Spells as Skills), obviously setting and pre-game, attributes, armor and damage

From TROS: Combat (including initiative and with pools and TNs for weapons), Spritiual Attibutes

Maybe it will mutate to fully TROS. The players are familiar with CPs from World of Darkness and Shadowrun and it eliminates comparison charts (!!!).

Message 9205#95974

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On 1/9/2004 at 9:06am, Spartan wrote:
RE: Harn and Riddle of Steel

Sigurth wrote: To Clarify:

From Harn: Skills, Magic system (Chantries, Convocations, Spells as Skills), obviously setting and pre-game, attributes, armor and damage

From TROS: Combat (including initiative and with pools and TNs for weapons), Spritiual Attibutes

I kinda went the opposite way. I run one Hârn campaign using TROS and another using HârnMaster.

One of these days, I WILL polish up my quickie Hârn-TROS magic conversion. When I'm like, forced to. ;) TROS and Hârn are a match made in heaven, IMO... I think TROS is one of the more popular systems to run Hârn with these days.


Message 9205#96466

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On 1/9/2004 at 5:54pm, Sigurth wrote:
RE: Harn and Riddle of Steel

We had our first "campaign cannon" session last night. Up to now, we've been playtesting the TROS/Harn hybrid.

It worked marvelously well. Combat was dynamic & viscious with both PCs being nearly killed in the pre-game. One ended up with a nasty 6" gash across the thigh. Had he not had armor there, his leg would probably have been amputated.

SA's are VERY IMPORTANT! Once PC used both is Luck and Destiny to gain much needed breaks and CPs or he would have been a gonner right out of the gate.

Hopefully, I will have a write-up in the Actual Play forum soon!

Message 9205#96541

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On 1/20/2004 at 1:29am, Sigurth wrote:
RE: Harn and Riddle of Steel

Brian Leybourne wrote: Call me crazy, but...

Well, if you're using TROS combat, mechanics and Spiritual Attributes, then why are you using Harn at all? Or, more properly, WHAT are you using from Harn? Sounds pretty much like TROS through-and-through to me.


Hey Brian, you were right! We are using TROS mechanics for our Hârn game.

Amazing how elegant the system is in play! I'll be posting campaign tidbits in The Riddle of Hârn in the Actual Play Forum

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Message 9205#97959

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