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Topic: Some maneuver and weapon questions.
Started by: Mokkurkalfe
Started on: 1/7/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 1/7/2004 at 4:46pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
Some maneuver and weapon questions.

I got the chance to play a lot during the past week. During this time, I have come up with a few questions.
First, how should evasive attack be handled when you're facing multiple opponents? For that matter, how should any action be handled against multiple opponents?
Also, why is it that putting a spear point at the end of a quarter-staff makes it more difficult to parry with? Do you use a different technique?
And what is the cost for the new horse breeds in oBaM?
And given that most of my PC's are more or less typical adventurers, they are almost always homeless. That means that they usually have a *lot* of money on their hands, since thy don't have to buy a house. Suppose they buy any equipment they want, and it costs a total of 5 gold. If they're Low Freeman, they still have 10 gold to spare. If a Peasant, the they may not have that kind of money left, but they'll come with a longsword, chain shirt, leather for the extremites, pot helm, full travelling equipment, bow and quiver, three sets of clothing and a few silvers to spare!
In some cases it would work, i.e. if the Peasant has sold his house and everything to buy this equipment, but that is usually not the case.
One solution would be to enforce new costs that I haven't thought of. Any ideas?
Another is to simply lower the starting budget. But with how much?
Help is really appreciated.

Message 9227#96099

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On 1/7/2004 at 8:30pm, Ingenious wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

While you bring up some thoughts that I am not qualified to answer, my first experience with TROS was with a GM that stated that each character essentially cashed in their houses, life savings, nest-eggs.. etc... in order to fund their adventuring careers. This brings up the logical point of which why the different social classes start with such varying amounts of money. A peasant's life savings could amount to only 5 gold, because he IS a peasant after-all and worked for cheap, but yet lived cheaply. This gets scaled up a bit towards the upper classes too. And if you're seriously worried about the amount of gold each player has, maybe they bought their equipment from a country that instituted heavy taxation. This would take their remaining cash reserves down a bit.. but I always liked to carry around some money in an adventure as a precautionary measure.
I do know how to handle attacks against multiple opponents however, use terrain rolls.. keep the players moving about in the fighting.. it isn't like the old school vid-game of Mortal Kombat where it was all 2-dimensional fighting and such... I assume in your world there are trees to block some of the attackers, tables, chairs, horses, etc.
As to the other stuff, maybe Jake knows.. or someone more knowledgable in weaponry than I.


Message 9227#96160

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On 1/7/2004 at 9:01pm, Caz wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

"Also, why is it that putting a spear point at the end of a quarter-staff makes it more difficult to parry with? Do you use a different technique?"

Good question. Also, why is it harder to parry when holding a dagger than with bare hands? I think it's house rule time.

Message 9227#96177

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On 1/7/2004 at 9:08pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

I would say that if the character doesn't spend some of their funding on housing and such, that they don't have any means of additional income, as described in the book. They've severed ties to any one place, and as such, don't get paid. See page 202, Sources of Wealth for more information on this.

Also, in the case of peasants, this could anger the lord that they worked for, depending on the circumstances under which they severed ties. Even high freemen usually work for someone, so there are story hooks for why they're wandering free as well. Unless the PCs specifically state something about it in their background stories, make 'em pony up to the consequences of being unattached.

As for evasive attack.. Use common sense. Essentially you're going backward from the opponent you're attacking. If you've not managed to maneuver to be facing only one opponent at a time, then the others may, depending on their relative positions, have a free shot at you.. or if they're right next to the man you're moving away from, they may have the same penalties to attack as that opponent.

Have you ever handled a quarterstaff? Have you ever handled a spear? I can't speak with total authority as my experience involves mock-up weapons, but as spears are exceedingly unbalanced (much of the weight is centered at the very end) they're not good defensive weapons.

Horse costs (my take):

Destrier: same as listed, page 205
Courser: same as listed, page 205
Palfrey: same as Riding horse, page 205
Rouncy: same as Work or Cart Horse, page 205
Garron: same as Pony, page 205

Message 9227#96179

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On 1/7/2004 at 9:29pm, Mokkurkalfe wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

So a spear is more unbalanced than staves? Ok, it makes sense.
Good take on the horses, there.

On multiple opponents, I was refering to the cases where terrain rolls was not an option or if the terrain roll failed. In this case, it was in a street, which two PCs had to cover. That street was wide enough for four people to fight "side by side". After rolling a terrain roll to avoid being flanked, they *had* to fight two opponents each.

On the money subject, at what age is the character supposed to have the kind of money each social class recieves? I mean, a 19 year old is not going to have as much savings and property as someone in his thirties or forties, right?

Message 9227#96186

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On 1/7/2004 at 9:44pm, toli wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

Mokkurkalfe wrote: I mean, a 19 year old is not going to have as much savings and property as someone in his thirties or forties, right?

I interpret $$ as inheritance for young characters and savings for older ones.

Message 9227#96188

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On 1/7/2004 at 10:49pm, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

Caz wrote: "
Good question. Also, why is it harder to parry when holding a dagger than with bare hands? I think it's house rule time.

parrying with your bare hands means you simply need to redirect the blow using your hand or arm, you also take damage to the parrying limb if the blow is a swing not thrust. in other words, its easy but generally a dumb, dumb thing to do if the other guy has a weapon, a dagger though is going to survive said parry IF its used correctly, its smaller than your whole arm and the blade must catch the incoming weapon just right and you are actively trying to keep the incoming weapon from bouncing into your hand/ arm

now if you want to house rule anything, you might let the attacker lower the dagger dtn to that of a hand but dictate that under a certain number of succeses means the blow hits the hand/arm. or if the attack was a thrust, allow the use of the hand dtn as you can deflect the thrust with dagger, hand or arm without serious effects.

Message 9227#96207

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On 1/7/2004 at 11:13pm, toli wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

What do you think about parrying 'bare handed' when you are wearing plate armor? Would it really be much different from parrying with a buckler, in terms of effect at least? In both cases you would really be trying to redirect not block a swing.

Message 9227#96215

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On 1/8/2004 at 12:08am, Prince of Thieves wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

What do you think about parrying 'bare handed' when you are wearing plate armor? Would it really be much different from parrying with a buckler, in terms of effect at least? In both cases you would really be trying to redirect not block a swing.

Just my thoughts. I think you would much rather parry with a buckler because then (with success of corse) the blow would be deflected by the buckler instead of smashing into your armored limb. Still if you were facing a weak combatant who was attacking weakly (not alot of dice) and you didn't have a better option go for it. Worse case it would hit one of the weaker parts of your armor like the hand or elbow. I don't think armored gauntlets would give 6AV like a breastplate or helm but they should be good for 3-4 AVs.

Message 9227#96225

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On 1/8/2004 at 12:44am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

It would be notably less protection than parrying with a buckler.. Generally, the palm of the hand was covered by a leather glove; you can't really (and the more knowledgeable are free to correct me if I'm wrong) put plate into the palm of the hand and still expect to be able to flex the hand enough to grab things..

On the other hand, specially designed gloves (arming gloves) did have a light chain mesh in the hand.. but this was mostly to avoid being cut, I'd think, rather than offering full protection.

Message 9227#96236

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On 1/8/2004 at 1:33am, Caz wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

I can say with authority that a spear is no less balanced and no heavier than a staff, at least not noticable, so that theory is out the window.
If you have a dagger, it should be even easier than parrying with bare hands. When it's held underhand, you can use it just like your bare arm, but you can catch blows on the dagger instead of your flesh if you want. When overhand, it's just like a longer, sharp arm.
BTW, can anyone give me historical reference for arming gloves? Just curious.

Message 9227#96246

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On 1/8/2004 at 3:22am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

Caz wrote: I can say with authority that a spear is no less balanced and no heavier than a staff, at least not noticable, so that theory is out the window.

You hold a spear a lot differently than you hold a staff. The way a spear is held would make it harder to parry with than a staff, I would think.

(Not an expert; that's Jakes department).


Message 9227#96267

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On 1/8/2004 at 6:19am, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

toli wrote: What do you think about parrying 'bare handed' when you are wearing plate armor? Would it really be much different from parrying with a buckler, in terms of effect at least? In both cases you would really be trying to redirect not block a swing.

I would have the armor soak the damage and if it went past the AV then toughness, you are wounded sucker!

but thats my call based on how a buckler and armor were made for different purposes, a blade naturally is redirected by the buckler, not with the armor.

If you have a dagger, it should be even easier than parrying with bare hands. When it's held underhand, you can use it just like your bare arm, but you can catch blows on the dagger instead of your flesh if you want. When overhand, it's just like a longer, sharp arm.

No, not really, ARM= naturally attached part of body, likely you were born with it. Moving it into place, pretty damn natural, dont really need to learn too much there. If you did, man sorry to hear that but I think you can get disability pay for problems like that. DAGGER= held item, uniquely shaped, requires training, not hinged or completely instinctive in use.

And its NOT like a longer arm, unless you dont mind sword blades hitting you in the forearm and you have a cross guard on your elbow or a sharp/flat part of your arm. If you have any of the above, please take pictures, it would probably net you some cash on those neat tabloids, like the one I saw the other day that said "Bat Boy leads US troops to Saddam's spider hole" I hear they pay good for that kind of stuff.

seriously, having actually used both bare hands and a dagger in actual practice, there is a real difference. The modeling in the game via DTN is pretty appropriate. I prefer to parry with my sword (DTN 7) but will use a dagger in a pinch (dtn 8) but I like parrying with my hands the least as it hurts like hell to get hit with a waster on the arms. If you would like to try this for yourself, locate your nearest sca and have them smack you around. Also take pictures/video of this as we all would find it highly amusing.

and dont take any of this personally, I am being hyperbolic.

Message 9227#96283

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On 1/8/2004 at 6:45am, Jake Norwood wrote:
Re: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

Mokkurkalfe wrote: First, how should evasive attack be handled when you're facing multiple opponents? For that matter, how should any action be handled against multiple opponents?

Are you splitting your pool or using terrain rolls? If splitting the pool, then it's a separate roll for every combatant. If using terrain rolls, you're only fighting one guy in reality anyway.

Also, why is it that putting a spear point at the end of a quarter-staff makes it more difficult to parry with? Do you use a different technique?

Honestly? It's not that much different. I didn't know as much then as I know now. That being said, they are different tools to some extent. The balance will be different. The grip, however, is identical (ignoring the middle-grip in asian staff work and later european sport staff). Is it more than one higher? It probably shouldn't be if it is.

And what is the cost for the new horse breeds in oBaM?

Well, if the book is 144 pages and each breed takes up about half a page, and the book cost $25...the that's about 1/300th of $25, whatever that is.

Okay, sorry, just kidding. I have no idea of the costs.

And given that most of my PC's are more or less typical adventurers, they are almost always homeless. That means that they usually have a *lot* of money on their hands, since thy don't have to buy a house. Suppose they buy any equipment they want, and it costs a total of 5 gold. If they're Low Freeman, they still have 10 gold to spare. If a Peasant, the they may not have that kind of money left, but they'll come with a longsword, chain shirt, leather for the extremites, pot helm, full travelling equipment, bow and quiver, three sets of clothing and a few silvers to spare!
In some cases it would work, i.e. if the Peasant has sold his house and everything to buy this equipment, but that is usually not the case.
One solution would be to enforce new costs that I haven't thought of. Any ideas?

Beginning wealth is definitely life savings when liquidated. Therefore, ask where they got the money. Did they sell the farm? To whom? Did they get full price for it? Would it have gotten out that there's a few guys with their life savings in cash it little bags at their hips? People would kill for that now...imagine "then."

Lastly, with the dagger parry thing.

Parrying with a dagger against anything other than a thrust is nearly impossible if the guy really wants to kill you, unless you are quite skilled (in TROS terms, that means "higher DTN"). Historically the dagger was protection against thrusts and for closing in for the kill, meaning that the sword was actually the defense weapon and the dagger was the kill weapon. It's an issue of leverage, amongst other things.

Blocking or deflecting with an armored hand would work quite well I suppose, and you could treat it as a buckler if you liked. Bucklers are pretty swell things overall. The key is indeed deflection in all instances IRL. In TROS, the DTN is really a calculation (approximation and best guess, actually) of the speed and deflective capabilities of a tool. If it's higher, then it required greater skill to use in that capacity.

Hope that helps!


Message 9227#96288

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On 1/8/2004 at 8:22pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

On the spear thing, think of that DTN as the one handed DTN. Spears are used this way with shields, and when using a spear one handed, it's probably the worst parrying device in the world. Because no matter where you hold it, the length works against you. For two handed, I'd just assume that it's being handled like a quarterstaff for defense, and use that TN.

Why use a spear with a shield then? Sounds pretty lethal. Well, it's a mass formation weapon (and dirt cheap, too, especially if it's actually just a sharpened stick). So TFOB will cover that. Right Brian?


Message 9227#96370

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On 1/8/2004 at 8:35pm, Caz wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

I'm still a bit confused on the dagger issue. So, I understand that if you just stand there, and you put your dagger between you and an incoming sword, you're probably gonna die. But, in my experience, it's no harder to put the dagger there than it is to put your arm there. And who would defend by just standing there and interposing the dagger? Sounds like some people have trouble with that though. I think a dagger makes defense easier than bare hands, from practical experience, and I really don't think I'm unique.
For an untrained person, yes, but an untrained person wouldn't have the proficiency.
Try this. Get a training dagger, and just defend vs. an unrmed person. It should be easier if you have any skill.
For spears, if it's a purely thrusting spear, the head is too light to change the balance. If it's a cutting head, it's almost a polearm and the blance will be slightly different, but still I'd save tht for a more granular world.
Defending with a spear one handed is best done vertically, (if it's not too long) so it's not hard either, and won't work against you, and it's still easy to thrust with from that position. But hey, if you're doing that you probably have a shield anyway.
I don't say anything I haven't tried either, I'm no BS artist. I've tried all these, and I've handled enough replicas.

Message 9227#96375

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On 1/8/2004 at 8:44pm, toli wrote:
RE: Re: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

Jake Norwood wrote:
Blocking or deflecting with an armored hand would work quite well I suppose, and you could treat it as a buckler if you liked.

The reason I thought of this is that with the advent of full plate, knights (heavy cavalry) stopped using shields in many cases. (You certainly read this over and over again.) In many of the paintings for the mid 1400's (say Ucello), the knights are rarely carrying shields (except in tournaments). The armors from the time period also frequently have more developed defenses on the left side of the armor.

That and I always liked Thralls in full garde from Talislanta....ahem...

Message 9227#96380

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On 1/8/2004 at 8:52pm, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

Caz wrote: I'm still a bit confused on the dagger issue. So, I understand that if you just stand there, and you put your dagger between you and an incoming sword, you're probably gonna die. But, in my experience, it's no harder to put the dagger there than it is to put your arm there. And who would defend by just standing there and interposing the dagger? Sounds like some people have trouble with that though. I think a dagger makes defense easier than bare hands, from practical experience, and I really don't think I'm unique.
For an untrained person, yes, but an untrained person wouldn't have the proficiency.
Try this. Get a training dagger, and just defend vs. an unrmed person. It should be easier if you have any skill.
For spears, if it's a purely thrusting spear, the head is too light to change the balance. If it's a cutting head, it's almost a polearm and the blance will be slightly different, but still I'd save tht for a more granular world.
Defending with a spear one handed is best done vertically, (if it's not too long) so it's not hard either, and won't work against you, and it's still easy to thrust with from that position. But hey, if you're doing that you probably have a shield anyway.
I don't say anything I haven't tried either, I'm no BS artist. I've tried all these, and I've handled enough replicas.

I didnt realize this whole discussion was about parrying an UNARMED attack. in that case it would likely not be that much more difficult but nonetheless, your arm is 1: bigger, 2: wider, 3: not as specific as far as what part to parry with. A dagger must defend with a smaller area, a specific part (flat or cross unless a roundel and then you have the whole dagger to parry with but NO cross) and generally the entire motion of parrying with a dagger is different than with your arm. In otherwords, I think jakes DTN is justified and also for the reasons he gave.

Message 9227#96382

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On 1/8/2004 at 9:12pm, Caz wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

It's not about vs. unarmed, just an example. Maybe the reason so many people think it's harder to parry w/a dagger, is because, like you said, they're trying to use a different motion than that of their arm. If you're holding it underhand, you have the option of blocking w/your arm vs. something that won't hurt it, or blocking w/the dagger on your arm. Either way, it's no more difficult. If you interpose your dagger or your arm, you do it with the length, so it's width/thickness does not enter into the equation. And since it'l laying on your arm or at a strong angle, neither does the part, or leverage.
Same if you hold it overhand. But, if you hold it overhand, a larger weapons leverage will work against you in a strike, but it's no harder to interpose your dagger than your hand, and if you have a proficiency, you should be stifling it to help negate the leverage.
Maybe I'm thinking about it wrong. Is the high dtn not representing your ability to defend with it, but how hard it is to stop blows from heavier weapons? If that's the case, the dtn should fluctuate depending on the weapon it's facing, shouldn't it? It should be same as hand for putting by thrusts, (or better) and unarmed and dagger attacks, but high vs. swung long weapons? It's no harder to defend against a rapier with a rondel dagger than a main gauche, but a left hand daggers guard makes it easier to trap a thrusting blade.

Message 9227#96384

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On 1/8/2004 at 9:38pm, Caz wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

Here's something I whipped up I think I'll start using.
Dagger, atn 6 dtn 7

DTN + 1 per range increment of the weapn over the dagger, for defending vs. blows. (might try the same w/bare hands)
This works much like attacking vs. longer weapons, simulating the difficulty of closing the distance to stifle swung attacks of longer weapons, or for the untrained, the difficulty of stopping swung attacks by longer weapons in place.
It simply handles all the fluctuation in dtn. Thoughts?
A dagger designed to be used for parrying rapiers may have an abstract -1 dtn vs thrusts, or simply a lower activation cost for binding the opposing blade.

Here's another exercise. Spar unarmed vs. a sword. Then spar w/a dagger vs. the sword. Which one's easier to defend and attack with?

Message 9227#96392

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On 1/9/2004 at 5:26am, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

Here's another exercise. Spar unarmed vs. a sword. Then spar w/a dagger vs. the sword. Which one's easier to defend and attack with?

one is not EASIER to defend with in the sense you are thinking of. Its EASY to parry with my arm, my arm just happens to get FREAKING CHOPPED OFF. The Dagger is harder to parry with but leaves me with my arm intact. Its all part of the rule that one can parry a swing with their hands/arms if they want, but the limb takes the damage.

Can anyone else perhaps say it clearer than I have been?

Heres another stab while I am at it. The DTN represents catching the incoming object in a manner that allows you to either block or deflect (parry) the incoming attack. This doesnt take into account the common sense factor of what will happen to the interceding object. Thus the DTN for your hands/arms is lower because its easier to place them infront of the blow, that doesnt mean its a smart thing to do though.

so, in real life, if I want to stick my hand/arm in front of the swing of the longsword, thats damn easy. Getting the arm to stay attached is a different matter. Now trying to do the same with a dagger is more difficult.
But I would prefer the dagger.

So there's my trying to rephrase one last time, after which I will quit since if there still is no understanding between us we are simply speaking different languages and it will save us both many a headache if we just quit trying.

Message 9227#96448

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On 1/9/2004 at 6:01am, Ingenious wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

And then we all forget what parrying really is about. It's about re-directing attacks.. sending them off in a direction other than towards you. So instead of BLOCKING with aforementioned arm and it being 'FREAKING CHOPPED OFF'... you essentially swat at the thing in an attempt to send it in a different trajectory. It's also like palm-thrusting the thing out of the way... and if you're SMART about it when you're unarmed in the hand region, you'll be hitting the flat, non-razor sharp side of the sword. It's like the inverse of using a broadsword to break someone's clavicle... by hitting them with the flat side of the sword in order to have more surface area and force at the point of impact. Plus it's safer to do this way.. and most likely easier than with a dagger due to a dagger being shorter than an arm, not as easily articulated as a hand... etc etc etc.
Hell, even when parrying with a dagger it isn't like you're putting steel to steel in hopes of completely stopping the attack.. that would be outrageous to attempt. In rapier/dagger mode.. a parrying dagger such as a main gauche or other form of parrying dagger would be used to intersect the weapon.. and then you would 'turn' the parry and push the opponent's weapon away from you.. etc. etc.
Ash, you mention the common sense factor of the arm or other appendage taking damage that is doing the blocking... it depends on how you are parrying with the appendage.. if you're going to use sweeping moves to swat away the incoming weapon... or if you're going to be smart and try to take on the edged part with your arm/leg/whatever.
Hell, let's even talk about martial arts for a second. Anyone worth listening to in that field knows how to redirect punches, kicks.. etc.


Message 9227#96451

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On 1/9/2004 at 6:35am, Ashren Va'Hale wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

Ingenious wrote: And then we all forget what parrying really is about. It's about re-directing attacks.. sending them off in a direction other than towards you. So instead of BLOCKING with aforementioned arm and it being 'FREAKING CHOPPED OFF'... you essentially swat at the thing in an attempt to send it in a different trajectory. It's also like palm-thrusting the thing out of the way... and if you're SMART about it when you're unarmed in the hand region, you'll be hitting the flat, non-razor sharp side of the sword. It's like the inverse of using a broadsword to break someone's clavicle... by hitting them with the flat side of the sword in order to have more surface area and force at the point of impact. Plus it's safer to do this way.. and most likely easier than with a dagger due to a dagger being shorter than an arm, not as easily articulated as a hand... etc etc etc.
Hell, even when parrying with a dagger it isn't like you're putting steel to steel in hopes of completely stopping the attack.. that would be outrageous to attempt. In rapier/dagger mode.. a parrying dagger such as a main gauche or other form of parrying dagger would be used to intersect the weapon.. and then you would 'turn' the parry and push the opponent's weapon away from you.. etc. etc.
Ash, you mention the common sense factor of the arm or other appendage taking damage that is doing the blocking... it depends on how you are parrying with the appendage.. if you're going to use sweeping moves to swat away the incoming weapon... or if you're going to be smart and try to take on the edged part with your arm/leg/whatever.
Hell, let's even talk about martial arts for a second. Anyone worth listening to in that field knows how to redirect punches, kicks.. etc.



I quit.

Message 9227#96454

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On 1/9/2004 at 7:16am, Ingenious wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

I was merely pointing out that the factors in calculating DTN's was acceptable to me. The whole thing makes sense to me. You only have to use a little bit of effort to swat something out of the way with your hands.
Now then, parrying with a dagger... involves more motion than with hands.

Say someone did an overhand diagonal-swing to my zone 4(left shoulder)
All I do is push the sword away as I pivot to where I am perpendicular to him.. and he would then be facing my left shoulder. I hope you see my point with that... It would be far more effortless to do than to attempt to just stand there and hope to redirect a cut such as that with a parrying dagger.


Message 9227#96463

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On 1/9/2004 at 2:19pm, contracycle wrote:
RE: Re: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

Mokkurkalfe wrote: That means that they usually have a *lot* of money on their hands, since thy don't have to buy a house.

Then they look an awful lot like bandits, don't they? Dirty and unwashed (who's doing their laundry? no soap powder after all), paranoid and suspicious (they're rich, they know it, they have no Safe Place) and ready for violence.

If you were the county sheriff and a band of raggedy warriors who'd clearly not slept in a bed for weeks came into town and started flashing gold about, wouldn't you wonder if they were ill-gotten gains?

Message 9227#96492

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On 1/9/2004 at 4:53pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

Caz wrote:
Try this. Get a training dagger, and just defend vs. an unrmed person. It should be easier if you have any skill.
For spears, if it's a purely thrusting spear, the head is too light to change the balance. If it's a cutting head, it's almost a polearm and the blance will be slightly different, but still I'd save tht for a more granular world.
Defending with a spear one handed is best done vertically, (if it's not too long) so it's not hard either, and won't work against you, and it's still easy to thrust with from that position. But hey, if you're doing that you probably have a shield anyway.

Whoa. Big difference in parrying an unarmed attack with a knife in your hand, yeah. But why? Better to kill with the knife, yes?

As for the spear. If you're using a spear one-handed you have zero leverage for anything but the most "oh crap" of defenses. Hence the shield.


Message 9227#96520

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...started by Jake Norwood which Jake Norwood participated The Riddle of Steel
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On 1/9/2004 at 6:15pm, Caz wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

Lol nobody knows what I'm talking about!
As for the spear, try some of the one handed spear work in gladiatoria, w/the point down. It's excellent for defense, and still easy to thrust with.
As for the dagger, like it was said, it's common sense you'll get your arm chopped off it you put it in the way of a sword cut. Why I didn't bring that up. I'm talking about the ease of putting it there. And if someone is talking about going unarmed vs. a sword, what kind of retard would assume you'd block the blade w/your arm anyhow?
The DTN on daggers as is means it's extremely hard to move a dagger around. I'm saying it's not much harder to move a dagger than a hand. And there is a grand canyon of difference in the dtn in this very non-granular system. Some are saying they can't defend themselves with a dagger worth a darn because it doesn't have a wrist. Fine for them. I just don't see that it's that hard to put a dagger there instead of your arm. But thanks for the attempts anyhow hehe, been fun

Message 9227#96547

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On 1/9/2004 at 6:48pm, kidar wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

Parrying with a dagger against anything other than a thrust is nearly impossible if the guy really wants to kill you, unless you are quite skilled (in TROS terms, that means "higher DTN"). Historically the dagger was protection against thrusts and for closing in for the kill, meaning that the sword was actually the defense weapon and the dagger was the kill weapon. It's an issue of leverage, amongst other things.

Yeh, one of my players is using a dagger/rapier combination and he uses his dagger to parry blows. The DTN of 7 against any kind of attacks is too high (as there's no lenght penalties when parrying). My player nicely used his dagger nicely against a great sword.. and I actually realized that it is just as easy to parry great sword with an other great sword that it is with a dagger.
Do you use some house rules?

Message 9227#96554

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On 1/9/2004 at 9:23pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Some maneuver and weapon questions.

Caz, actually I, for one agree with you. But look at the DTN of the spear listed. Does it seem wrong to you? I'm just arguing that it should be worse than the DTN on a quarterstaff. Would you disagree?


Message 9227#96595

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