The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Multiple opponents (what again?)
Started by: Hugin
Started on: 1/8/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 1/8/2004 at 1:39am, Hugin wrote:
Multiple opponents (what again?)

I apologise in advance if this has been addressed elsewhere but I've looked and can't find an answer.

If a character faces off against two protagonists and, dividing his CP, defeats one (without taking him out) but is parried by the other, how do I figure out who has initiative for the next exchange?

I could continue as if they were separate combats but it seems messy, or I might be inclined to give it to the pair on the basis that they still outnumber the lone hero, but that seems a bit unfair (besides when a pair of heroes gang up on my carefully crafted villain, I might prefer another options).

Any thoughts, suggestions, decisions, guidelines (or URLs) would be appreciated.



Message 9237#96251

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...started by Hugin which Hugin participated The Riddle of Steel
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...from around 1/8/2004

On 1/8/2004 at 3:24am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Multiple opponents (what again?)

If you really can't work it out, just have them throw red/white again. If one attacks and one defends then your problem is solved, ditto if both throw white (end of the round, throw again). If both throw red, it's time for the reflex roll off to see who goes first.

Note, when I say "have them throw" most folk around here just ask the player and don't actually use red and white dice, YMMV.


Message 9237#96268

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...started by Brian Leybourne which Brian Leybourne participated The Riddle of Steel
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On 1/8/2004 at 6:33am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Multiple opponents (what again?)

If a character chooses to split his CP between multiple opponents, then it's really multiple fights at once, meaning that he can throw white against one and red against the other all in the same exchange, and that initiative is tracked individually for each fight-within-the-fight.

That can get a little tricky, though.


Message 9237#96286

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...started by Jake Norwood which Jake Norwood participated The Riddle of Steel
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...from around 1/8/2004

On 1/9/2004 at 1:38am, Hugin wrote:
RE: Multiple opponents (what again?)

Got it now, thanks guys.


Message 9237#96428

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Hugin which Hugin participated The Riddle of Steel
...including keyword:

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...from around 1/9/2004