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Topic: Group looking for pointers on what to try out.
Started by: Rich Stokes
Started on: 1/9/2004
Board: Actual Play

On 1/9/2004 at 11:22am, Rich Stokes wrote:
Group looking for pointers on what to try out.

Sorry if this post is innapropriate, I couldn't see anywhere better to post this. Maybe it ought to be in the Connections forum?

My current gaming group has hit a bit of a dead patch: Out of 4 members, nobody has anything prepped for the immediate future. I'm in writer's block hell with Urban Mythos too, so I'm taking (yet another) short break from it.

What I want are some reccomendations for RPGs suitable for small groups, GM + 2 players ideally and short (1 - 2 session) games. I'm happy to look at anything, but please bear the following in mind:

* I want something ideally as PDF for under $10. Free is good :) If you have something you want reviewed I'm more than happy to trade reviews for free PDFs or cheap hardcopy, or just to agree to short reviews for other things. Bear in mind that I'm in the UK though, so getting hardcopy to me gets expensive.

* I don't mind if a game isn't exactly finished. We'll playtest, but be prepared for me to point out any shortcomings I notice. And not in a very polite way if I don't think what you've given me is playable.

* We're looking for something easy to pick up and get to grips with. While we're all experienced (10 + years) roleplayers, we all work full time and only get together for one 3-4 hour session a week. Whatever games we end up with have to be pretty rules light. The last thing any of us want to see is 20 pages of critical hit tables.

* Interesting settings with neat simple mechanics are ideal. Anything elegant will get my attention.

Any and all recomendations greatfully recieved!



(RICH at TOTL dot NET)

Message 9253#96478

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On 1/9/2004 at 1:35pm, ethan_greer wrote:
RE: Group looking for pointers on what to try out.

Hi Rich,
Thugs & Thieves is a project of mine that's currently in playtest. If I may be so bold, it sounds like it'd be a perfect fit for what you're looking for.

If you're interested, shoot me an email and I'll send you the playtest files, which include the current version of the rules along with a sample scenario.

Message 9253#96486

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On 1/9/2004 at 3:15pm, Michael S. Miller wrote:
RE: Group looking for pointers on what to try out.

I'd suggest My Life With Master, from It is available as a PDF, the preparation for play is done right at the table, and starts up really quickly (assuming one person has previously read it thoroughly, and prods things along a bit, the group can go from "find a seat" to the first scene of play in about an hour).

Also, I believe Jared is still selling InSpectres as a PDF at If you've seen Ghostbusters, you can run this game. I think it's actually easier to run this game than to play it! Start up is even quicker than MLwM!

Message 9253#96498

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On 1/9/2004 at 4:33pm, C. Edwards wrote:
RE: Group looking for pointers on what to try out.

There are some really nice games, for free, on Vincent's site. One example being Otherkind.

The Questing Beast from James West's Random Order Comics and Games is also a must play.

I also second the recommendation for InSpectres.


Message 9253#96516

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On 1/9/2004 at 4:47pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Group looking for pointers on what to try out.


Here's a starting list which probably leaves some games out in the cold only because my brain isn't a very good hard drive:

InSpectres, The Questing Beast, kill puppies for satan, My Life with Master, Little Fears - all fully-developed games with a ton of play-experience backing them up, all notable for how fast the players get committed to the characters and situations of play for very little start-up effort.

ReCoil, Fastlane, the Versus System, Prime Time Adventures, Otherkind, Rise Again, Thugs & Thieves, Empire of the Dragon Lotus - all of these are in late-stage playtesting with a lot of excellent, fast-access features.

Again, I am probably missing about two dozen games which are equally suitable for each category, and I apologize in advance to their authors.


Message 9253#96518

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On 1/9/2004 at 5:03pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Group looking for pointers on what to try out.

* Interesting settings with neat simple mechanics are ideal. Anything elegant will get my attention.

Well, while I don't want to make this thread into a "Try my game!" thread, I do think that you might find Legends of Alyria to be up your alley. Plus it fits all your requirements.

If nothing else, I'd appreciate further feedback on it. I'm reaching the end of my major editing pass, and I'd like to see if the reorganization of the manuscript improves the clarity of presentation. And I'm willing to accept brutal feedback.

PM me if you're interested.

Seth Ben-Ezra
Great Wolf

Message 9253#96523

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On 1/9/2004 at 8:58pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: Group looking for pointers on what to try out.

As much as I'd love for your group to try Fastlane, if you're looking for "interesting settings" you've gone to the wrong place - it's got as much setting in the main book as Sorcerer - which is, enough to maybe get you started, but not enough to be a "setting" in its own right.

I second Alyria, or The Questing Beast, or My Life With Master, or ReCoil, or Thugs & Thieves, from the systems mentioned earlier. The others I either don't remember, or don't have a "setting" per se.

If the playtest document is still available, I'd also recommend Nine Worlds. I still haven't fully grasped the rules (it's rules light, but it uses cards and I haven't had a chance to sit down and actually play out a hand), but I absolutely adore the setting.

Message 9253#96578

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On 1/10/2004 at 4:43am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Group looking for pointers on what to try out.

Oh yes: Dust Devils.


Message 9253#96662

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On 1/10/2004 at 6:46am, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: Group looking for pointers on what to try out.

I'm going to have to third Alyria. It's hands-down the best game I've ever read. Seth's writing portrays a compelling setting brilliantly, and his system's elegant and strong. (MJ Young commented on this in the "What are your favorite RPGs and why?" thread in Theory)

For something lighter, I recommend OtherKind (linked above) or my OtherKind derivative, The Calligrapher's Sword. If you're interested in playing that, PM me and I'll give you a rundown of a few rules changes that I suggest you use. If you've seen The Neverending Story, you can play TCS.

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Message 9253#96668

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On 1/12/2004 at 9:42pm, Rich Stokes wrote:
Mad Props :)

Hello again!

Thanks to everyone for their input, all gratefully recieved.

Having just read through Thugs & Thieves it's perfect for what I had in mind. We'll probably play it on Tuesday night and I'll be sure to post here about it.

While The Questing Beast looks very interesting, I'm afraid it'll be a non-starter with my group. The subject matter (Anthropomorphic animals) just won't float their goat, if you'll excuse the pun.

InSpectres is a game I've managed to never get around to buying. I'll probably grab a copy in the next week or so. My only concern is that half the group (2 out of 4 players) won't play/enjoy anything which involves player narration rights. They just don't want/aren't comfortable with narating as a player. So that'll only fly when it's the other 3 of us there.

Same problem with Dust Devils, which I already have got around to buying some months ago.

I bought Little Fears when the dead tree edition came out. Great concept, nicely written, but I'm looking primarily for something with a little more levity right now. Actually I think it might have been Little Fears that first lead me here...

My Life with Master will be read and probably tried out once I've transferred some cash into the account my paypal comes out of and it's arrived at my door. Me want, and in Dead Tree. Only concern is that the concept appears to take a little more pre-game prep than would be ideal, but from what people are saying that probably won't be a problem. Won't know 'til I've tried.

I heared of kill puppies for satan some time ago and thought it might be good for a laugh. I'll have a proper look at it in the next week or so.

It occurs to me that I was wrong when I said I wanted an interesting setting. I think what we're really looking for is an interesting concept and theme for a game. Thugs & Thieves has a cool 'vibe' while not really having a setting as such, just a genre. I',ve also looked at Fastlane, and it's certainly interesting. Like I said, it's a cool 'vibe' so it'll go into the stack. I've also recieved the current Alyria draft from Seth, so far very impressed. This one's going to take a little more time to digest.

Other recomendations are also being looked into.

Thanks again,


Message 9253#96949

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On 1/12/2004 at 9:49pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: Group looking for pointers on what to try out.

Thanks for the kind words on Fastlane! The layout should be complete in 3-4 weeks, and then some time after that a nice, professional, expanded-rules version of the game will be available in pdf (and, if the funds hold out, POD) format. Sounds like you might have some issues with Fastlane and your group, since there's potential player narration rights involved (the same issues you face with InSpectres and Dust Devils), though.

Until then, you have quite a bevy of other good games on your plate.

Message 9253#96952

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