The Forge Reference Project


Topic: simple question about skill selection
Started by: kidar
Started on: 1/11/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 1/11/2004 at 12:18pm, kidar wrote:
simple question about skill selection

In character generation after choosing your skill packets you can lower (or pick up new) skills. My question is:

Can you lower one individual skill with more than one point?

Ie: can a skill at 7 be lowered to 3 if you have MA of 4, OR do you have to lower (or pick up) DIFFERENT skills (each by one point only)?

Message 9281#96793

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On 1/11/2004 at 2:22pm, Tywin Lannister wrote:
RE: simple question about skill selection

The way I read it ("...any combination thereof..."), you can do as you please (thus, if you want to be an expert in a given skill, say, 'Dancing', you can lower it with 5 points right at the outset. And why not, there are peasants who really can do a good tango.

Message 9281#96795

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On 1/11/2004 at 5:41pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: simple question about skill selection

As for the rules, you can do what you wish..

Your Seneschal may or may not have other ideas... But then, the point of Riddle chargen is not to create "Level 1" characters.. Each brand-new character generally excels in something, so if you wish to push that into a single skill that your character has mastered (at the expense of not being as good with others skills as he/she could be) then I personally see little gripe with it.

Message 9281#96806

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On 1/11/2004 at 6:35pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: simple question about skill selection

Go for it.


Message 9281#96810

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