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Topic: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC
Started by: chade0
Started on: 1/11/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 1/11/2004 at 6:35pm, chade0 wrote:
Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

Hi all,

Let's try to setup an IRC meeting. For those who do not remember how to use an IRC program (for example mIRC) and who do not know how to join #TRoS channel in MagicStar irc server, check this thread:

Now, I suggest the following time&date:

Saturday, January 17, 2004, at 9:00 PM (GMT).

I tried to figure out a good enough moment in time for all countries (ie time zones) in the USA, Europe and Australia.

I haven't thought about any particular subject for the meeting but just test it and talk about whatever we wish.

I'll have to spend the week in the army (Finnish, not US army :-)) but I'll be back on friday.

Comments, ideas? Shall we try it?


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Message 9283#96809

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On 1/11/2004 at 6:59pm, chade0 wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

How did this come "sticky"? I have no idea =)

Message 9283#96811

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On 1/11/2004 at 9:01pm, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

While that would certainly possible, let me be the first naysayer by asking just what the point would be.

What would the point be?

Anything specific you want to discuss in massed group format?

Message 9283#96816

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...started by Bob Richter which Bob Richter participated The Riddle of Steel
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On 1/12/2004 at 4:00am, Ingenious wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

Bob, the point most likely would be to have a discussion in real-time, rather than in messages. Also it would be much more possible to have a debate in such a format.. since trying on here would result in topics with hundreds of postings in them. In so trying that on here, one might run out of space on a server quickly...
Also, it is much easier to message someone in real-time in an IRC channel privately, without it being in message form.. responses are instant and you can be chatting at the same time.

The only disadvantage of IRC is that it is in real-time, hence some people will not be able to attend regularly due to time zones and schedules and such.. which is where message boards excel.

Just my two cents on that.

Message 9283#96844

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On 1/12/2004 at 4:33am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

Bob understands that, methinks.. But that doesn't make his question any less valid.

Yes, we can have a real-time discussion.. But about what? Are we going to get together and just BS about TRoS? Are we going to brainstorm about how to convert it to a new setting? Frankly, what's the point?

If it's simply to BS, that's fine. A lot of people like to BS back and forth, which is the reason for many of these threads. But a lot of people would prefer to discuss something specific, as this means more time in front of the computer, it may also mean scheduling.. and for some people, this isn't worthwhile simply to cuss and discuss.

I may be up for it even just to BS, but I'm thinking I have prior plans. I'll have to check to be sure.

Message 9283#96849

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On 1/12/2004 at 7:04am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
Re: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

chade0 wrote: Saturday, January 17, 2004, at 9:00 PM (GMT).

I tried to figure out a good enough moment in time for all countries (ie time zones) in the USA, Europe and Australia.

You thought that was a good time for Australia? That's anywhere from 2am Sunday in Western Australia to 6am Sunday in Eastern Australia... :-)

On the other hand, it's 9am in Auckland, which I can probably just handle :-)


Message 9283#96857

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On 1/12/2004 at 8:12am, Ingenious wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

Bah GMT. I'm at -6GMT so that'd be like 3pm for me I think. Is that correct?


Message 9283#96864

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On 1/12/2004 at 8:25am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

Yup, +/- an hour depending on daylight savings time or the lack of it in your locale.


Message 9283#96865

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On 1/12/2004 at 3:36pm, chade0 wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

You thought that was a good time for Australia? That's anywhere from 2am Sunday in Western Australia to 6am Sunday in Eastern Australia... :-)

On the other hand, it's 9am in Auckland, which I can probably just handle :-)

Ok, good to know =)...

Message 9283#96899

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On 1/12/2004 at 10:20pm, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

Dang it, Wolfen, stop answering for me. It's even worse when you're completely right. Leaves me with nothing to say in my own defense. :)

If we're to discuss something specific, I need to know ahead of time so I can collect my thoughts/notes/what-have-you on the subject.

If we're just going to be chatting, I might even show up, but I probably won't have much to say.

1PM usually isn't a problem for me.

Message 9283#96961

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On 1/12/2004 at 10:28pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

Bob Richter wrote: Dang it, Wolfen, stop answering for me. It's even worse when you're completely right. Leaves me with nothing to say in my own defense. :)

Sorry, bad habit of mine.. Being completely right, that is. ::grins:: Nah, seriously though.. I do have a tendency to answer for other people if I think I know what they'd say. If anyone is ever offended by this, let me know and I'll try to stop.

Hm. I just remembered what plans I have.. Um.. Duh, TRoS? I might be able to pop in for a brief bit before the game gets started, but I think it unlikely. Hope the conversation is a good one, and perhaps someone can summarize salient points here on the boards.

Message 9283#96963

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On 1/12/2004 at 10:30pm, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

Speaking of TROS, are you still running online games on OpenRPG?

Message 9283#96964

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...started by Bob Richter which Bob Richter participated The Riddle of Steel
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On 1/13/2004 at 3:23am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

Never actually managed to get one off the ground when I had time, and then I had no time. At current I'm running a game for my RL gaming group, though. I still have OpenRPG, but as I've changed computers, I don't have all the same functions and tools I'd built for TRoS. If I can ever catch Brandon or G online with some time, I can probably get 'em though.

Message 9283#97014

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On 1/17/2004 at 9:00am, chade0 wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC


It is now 9:00 AM (GMT), if I'm not mistaken. After 12 hours, join the #TRoS IRC channel.. :)

Message 9283#97717

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On 1/17/2004 at 7:29pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

So GMT -6 hours is 3pm where I'm at...

Okay, I'll try to be there.


Message 9283#97754

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On 1/17/2004 at 7:36pm, chade0 wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

To everyone:

if you're not sure of the time zone and time, check


Message 9283#97756

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On 1/18/2004 at 2:17am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

It's a shame more people didn't make it to the chat, but I recommend it for the next time, if Chade organises another one. We had a good gas, chatted about TROS in general, Weyrth specifically, differences in weaponry over the ages and between countries (real ones, I mean) and so on. Jake was there almost the whole time (except for an internet outage) and was able to answer any questions folk had, plus we also discused the various pieces of TROS software and their futures. next versions, etc.

Oh, and Jake and I gave everyone there free copies of TFOB, pity the rest of you couldn't make it.


(Just kidding on the TFOB copies, btw, but those who turned up did get offered a rare treat...)

Message 9283#97774

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On 1/18/2004 at 4:54am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

Hey now.. You know I'd have been there, but I was doing the most important thing a TRoS fan can do... I was playing (well, running, rather) TRoS!

Not a bad session precisely, as there was some high-tension stuff.. but very few SAs were given out, and Kory (he whose character killed the two sorcerers last session) wasn't able to play much at all, given his character's injuries. It'll be a little while before his pain (12) is sufficiently reduced that he'd be out and about.

Anyhow.. Good to know that the inaugural TRoS chat went well.

Message 9283#97781

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On 1/18/2004 at 11:43pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

Nobody happened to save a log of the inaugural TRoS chat, did they?

Message 9283#97832

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On 1/19/2004 at 8:58am, De profundis wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

i made one ... i can mail it to you as soon as i return to my home pc

Message 9283#97867

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On 1/19/2004 at 9:00am, Ingenious wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

I was going to ask the same exact question.
I was busy at the time sleeping. I slept for hmmmm 13 or so hours.. if not more.
Wolfen: I too had a TROS session to play in later that night however, and my name happens to be Cory also.. though with a C not with a K. Ironic.

Had I known that Jake and Brian were going to be there, as I did not check this thing here for responses the night before, I might have set my alarm clock.

Anyways, since the first one seemed to go so well... why not set-up another one and maybe have a weekly/bi-weekly sort of thing as Chade wanted awhile back in one of his previous posts?


Message 9283#97869

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On 1/19/2004 at 4:45pm, chade0 wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

A new meeting sounds good. Before it, a couple of things to consider:

1. At what time? Was 9:00pm GMT good enough for everyone? Which day? Suggestions?

2. Should we think about some discussion subjects beforehand (here in the forum..or so)?

Hmm.. that's all at the moment


Message 9283#97900

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On 1/19/2004 at 5:49pm, De profundis wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC


Everyone interested in the chat-log please send me a mail to .. you´ll get the log via attached text file in return.

Message 9283#97905

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On 1/20/2004 at 7:20am, Ingenious wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

Yo guys.. same time sounds good.. I should be awake this time. The weekend is clear for me btw.

Topics I would suggest:
New weapons, like repeating crossbows.. the rules for them.. etc.
Possible quick-fix house-rules for stuff that TFOB is supposed to cover.. so that players and GM's alike can run a more war-like game...
A more expanded rule-set for higher quality items for those that might be able to afford them.. hence: average, poor, good, fine, exquisite, exceptional, flawless, etc etc etc.. and the levels of benefits for the correlating quality of the item... or penalties in the case of shoddy workmanship/peasant level items..


Message 9283#97981

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On 1/20/2004 at 5:42pm, murazor wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

Ach! I'm sorry I missed this. My first attempt at a TRoS campaign sadly crashed and burned, but I'm planning to try again shortly and some input would be absolutely invaluable.
By all means keep this thread alive, and I'll do my best to attend the next meeting.

Message 9283#98029

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On 1/20/2004 at 7:26pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Let's try it: a meeting in IRC

Oh, sure.. Make it same time, same day, so that there's no chance I can attend, due to the prior engagement already mentioned.


Message 9283#98056

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