The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Atrophying Skills
Started by: Ian.Plumb
Started on: 1/13/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 1/13/2004 at 6:11am, Ian.Plumb wrote:
Atrophying Skills


What mechanic would you suggest using for indicating that a skill is getting worse through lack of practice? Over what period of time would you suggest the skill degrade? Should physical skills atrophy at a faster rate than mental skills, or vice versa?

I'm looking at incarcerating a character for an extended peiod of time, several years at least.


Message 9309#97041

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On 1/13/2004 at 7:36am, Ingenious wrote:
RE: Atrophying Skills

An interesting topic and I am glad it came up, as over the weekend I played a character that was a prisoner. Thought at creation his strength was only 3(signed that off on him being in the clink), as well as his low skill ratings where priorities were concerned.
However, throwing someone into the dungeons whilst at their prime is even that much more interesting.. as it involves alot more roleplaying than in my case. I would say a reasonable amount of time(in months), strength will decrease, unpracticed skills, endurance and toughness might improve as per being whipped, beaten, or chained up... but if the character is just locked away in a cell and is not restrained I do not see strength or any skill possibly going unpracticed(unless the means to practice these skills is not feasible). Only after a lengthy period of imprisonment would I start to lower the mental attributes... stating that this might be due to seperation from the world, going mad, etc. In any case, have the lowering of skills and attributes be slow... maybe -1 per 3 or 4 months... and then after a year or so start taking them down at -2 each time... Some attributes might improve as previously stated, and the mental ones might as well... i.e. will-power. That might also play a role in the atrophy of everything else.. and the 'going mad' bit. Say by rolling willpower each month demonstrates a characters will and hope of being released and not resigning himself ot his current fate. If a WP roll is failed, take down some skills... if it is botched, take them down more.. or have the character start to exibit some psychological problems. Make this every month, and add modifiers for the way he is treated.. if he is tortured severely, moderately, or lightly.. whipped, beaten, knocked out on a regular basis.. etc. Also, a character's diet while in prison also has is a variable in this particular equation.. if he isnt getting enough protein for example... strength penalties will be more severe... etc etc etc. And after awhile health will deteriorate and such...

More to follow as I think of this more.

Message 9309#97054

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On 1/13/2004 at 8:06pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Atrophying Skills

However you decide to work it, keep in mind that a skill that withers away isn't actually gone, and usually they come back very fast (based on MA, perhaps?)


Message 9309#97128

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On 1/13/2004 at 8:11pm, Bob Richter wrote:
RE: Atrophying Skills

Yep. Agree with Jake. You never completely lose it. (whatever it is...)

Suggest that increases up to the original level of the skill be automatic and perhaps half cost?

Message 9309#97129

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