The Forge Reference Project


Topic: WYRD (?)
Started by: archangel_2
Started on: 11/29/2001
Board: Wicked Press

On 11/29/2001 at 7:04pm, archangel_2 wrote:
WYRD (?)

I haven't been around in a while, but I see that there hasn't been too many updates either. Any news? (A more firm publication date, information on the game, ANYTHING?) Just curious, as I'm highly interested in this game!


Message 941#8765

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On 11/29/2001 at 8:18pm, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: WYRD (?)


Hey bro.

Well, I can't really speak for the publisher...I'm just the writer ya' know. My hopes are for a late summer release. Read into that what you will. :smile:

Take care,

Message 941#8769

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On 12/5/2001 at 3:14pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: WYRD (?)

Read into that what you will.

John Wick has stolen your manuscript and run away to Hawaii with it, where he is currently gathering hordes of young, nubile women to himself via its power?

Message 941#8958

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On 12/5/2001 at 8:26pm, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: WYRD (?)

John Wick has stolen your manuscript and run away to Hawaii with it, where he is currently gathering hordes of young, nubile women to himself via its power?

Damn it, not again.

- Moose
(who feels inclined to pad his posting stats with meaningless one-line replies)

[ This Message was edited by: hardcoremoose on 2001-12-05 17:16 ]

Message 941#8984

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On 12/5/2001 at 9:41pm, mahoux wrote:
RE: WYRD (?)

why not, moose?

Message 941#8993

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On 12/5/2001 at 10:22pm, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: WYRD (?)

why not, moose?

Whoops, I think I derailed this thread (such as it is) by being vague in my replies. My previously post was only a joking response to Raven's suggestion that John made off with my manuscript. I've corrected my previous post by properly annotating it with the quote I was referencing. :smile:

So let's get this back on track. Anyone got any questions about WYRD? I'm currently writing, and John's busy editing. Things look good.

- Moose

Message 941#9002

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On 12/13/2001 at 12:12pm, Balbinus wrote:
RE: WYRD (?)

What kind of things have changed from the internet version?

More rules? More setting details?

Different resolution techniques?

Other cool stuff?


Message 941#9420

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On 12/13/2001 at 9:34pm, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: WYRD (?)

Well, nothing's absolutely final yet, but...

The largest adddition to the full print version will be a sort of "Scandinavian Primer", which would introduce the setting, characters, creatures, and other assorted stuff from the literature to the reader. The format is going to be something easily digestible - maybe encyclopedic entries with illustrations (okay, I don't have last say on the illustrations thing, but I can hope, right?). I have a book of Norse mythology that's set up like that, and it's by far the easiest sourcebook to cull information from.

There should be a boat load of new rules. There's Nordic sorcery. There'll probably be some optional rules for runecasting, especially in the areas of distributing narrative power. There may be some stuff in there about optional reward systems the Ring-Giver can utilize - things like adding unique stones to a player's purse to encourage certain outcomes - but I'm not sure about that yet.

Of course, there should be lots of examples of play to help clarify how everything works together, and some practical advice for GMs and players.

Hmmm...I wonder if I've forgotten anything?

- Scott

Message 941#9474

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