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Topic: an elf-fey archer/sorcerer
Started by: Poleaxe
Started on: 1/23/2004
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 1/23/2004 at 3:46am, Poleaxe wrote:
an elf-fey archer/sorcerer

How would you recommend making such a character?

My first problem, priorites:

A race/magic
B either Prof's/Vag's or Attributes
C either Attributes or Prof's/Vag's

My basic question is this, he's mainly an archer who dabbles in magic. First of all, what Vagaries would be used to create spells effects on my bow/arrows? I'm looking to magically enhace my archery with cool effects such as in D&D with Arcane Archer prestige class (for those familiar with it). Is this possible in TROS? Spell effects like altering an arrow (these effects would have limited duration, so he'd have to act fast) be guided toward your target, or phase through a single solid barrier to hit your target, or burst into flames for extra fire damage, or other nifty effects. I'm assuming a Vagary such as Summoning would be necessary, possibly Movement, maybe others. Any suggestions? Is there any precedent for this? or anyone tried to do it?

One obvious problem: making sure this character isn't ridiculously weak! It's tough to do, attribute and proficiency/vagary wise. I can get higher Proficiencies/Vagaries by giving them a B priority, and thereby getting higher MP and CP. In this case, my MP is 10 and CP 6 - I put 2 points into Sword&Shield as a melee backup. I've got 2 vag's in glamour for free, and put 1 each in summoning and movement to start me off. In this case though, I have worse attributes.

I would give skills a D or E, depending on how low a social class I want for this character. That's my next question: what exactly does peasant (E) or Slave (F) mean for an elf? I can visualize it for a human easily in medieval society, but elves have a different social structure, IMO anyway. Anyone have any "flavor text" ideas? This will help me determine some of this character's background/role playing aspects (which I haven't given much thought to, yet).

My skills I would assign to Woodsman/Ranger and Druid/Ritualist, with extras from MA - it's only 3 :( - going into the sneak skill (default 7 for elves). I guess my main method of solving physical conflicts would be: sneak first, shoot next, magic as last resort or for enhancement where possible/necessary. As I advance, I would pump most SA's into Archery and magical Archery effects, melee as a last ditch defense.

I know I have no role-playing concepts yet, I'm just wondering if this particular motif will work. Should I just put more into Attributes, pump my profs/vagaries into bow proficiency, and concentrate on learning more magic later?



Message 9435#98531

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On 1/23/2004 at 5:03am, Ingenious wrote:
RE: an elf-fey archer/sorcerer

(Sorry for the length of reply people)
This could work.. but will take some min/maxing to make it effective and not 'weak'. You still want a character that can handle his own melee, excel in ranged combat.. and amplify that with magic. I say this is possible. However, you might rethink things when I get done with them
First let's start with attributes.. as this will help to shape your character into fruition better than other things. When building a specific type of character using the stats first rather than background-forwards method.. take the basic desires you have and make those paramount.
Example: ranged combat + sorcery. =an Aim score of 5 or 6, and proficiencies to match.

Okay, since the chargen doesn't like stacking bonuses for race AND nationality....*shakes fist at Leybourne*
Race:+1 ag, wit, per. -2 MA Sneak SR 7 -3SA points +2 glamor vagary
Picti/Angharad bonuses:+1 ag wit soc, -1 TO -1 ST
(+2 ag wit, +1 soc and per -2ma -1 to and st total attributes wise, -3SA points also)


Sorcery Pool=11
Spells of one=11
Spells of three=13
Spells of many=16

Proficiencies = 9
1 or 2=sword and shield
4 or 5=vagaries

Combat pool=8
Missile Pool=10

4 or 5 vagaries to choose.
I advise not picking movement, it is not necessary to amplify missile attacks..unless you're wanting to speed up your arrows to supersonic speeds..which will make you burn 3 vagaries on movement to master it.(movement 2 only lets things go 100mph, slower than a longbow for sure... but it does let it change directions and so forth) So I advise stuff like summoning and imprisonment(to summon and imprison spirits/demons etc in your arrows) and stuff like growth.. to make your arrows bigger while in flight.. possibly finishing the spell the moment before impact for maximum effect..(imagine being hit by an arrow that grew to 10x its normal size like that..) and also the subvagary of growth: division will be cool for this character once mastered so that he can split his arrows in flight to multiple arrows.. like a multiple-warhead missile..or a cluster bomb. But I leave vagaries to be chosen by yourself, not me.

The above character is my interpretation of what you wanted.. someone who excelled in archery.. could handle himself in melee if he had to.. and whom dabbled in magic. Also, I geared your character to cast 'spells of one' more so than other kinds of spells due to their short casting times(useful for enhancing archery skills), though he still is capable at casting the others.(Also there will be very low target numbers for formalized spells of one)I also chose low initial starting proficiencies coupled with high Aim and Reflex to give you a good enough character combat wise.. which will be able to be upgraded faster because proficiencies cost less to upgrade than attributes..especially low level proficiencies. Vagaries also are the most costly.. so I tried to give you as many of those as possible. While he is not the best melee fighter(what archer is?), he can still hold his own.. and given the low DTN for shields.. should do good. Just remember not to put him in chain or plate.. otherwise suffer the CP and MP penalties.

I did all of this choosing only A: race/magic B: proficiencies and C: attributes.. so gifts/flaws, social, and skills can be chosen by yourself... rounding out my suggested setup.


Message 9435#98538

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On 1/23/2004 at 6:05am, Mantis wrote:
the difficulty

Okay I like the idea but I would also point out the difficulty involved in casting a spell. I would think that firing an arrow at the same time would give modifiers to both in a bad way. If I was to do a char similar to that I would first enchant the arrows to have there effects activate when launched saving the trouble of consintrating on casting, aiming, string pull, age resistance, and any desterbances in the area.

Just a suggestion though, good luck with the char.

Message 9435#98546

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On 1/23/2004 at 9:53am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: an elf-fey archer/sorcerer

Ingenious wrote: Okay, since the chargen doesn't like stacking bonuses for race AND nationality....*shakes fist at Leybourne*

Actually, that was straight from the source, so shake your fist that way if you have a problem with it.

As for magic and arrows... a simple movement 2 spell will punch an arrow through pretty much anything (especially if you use sculpture forst to make it diamond hard or whatever). A variant on the teleport-type spell could make an arrow phasing, etc. Anyhting's possible.


Message 9435#98557

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On 1/23/2004 at 5:23pm, toli wrote:
RE: an elf-fey archer/sorcerer

I think I would take A for race B for attributes and C for proficiencies. I would then put all my profs into a melee weapon and then developed ranged and magic abilities as the character advances. My reasoning is that you would be capable in a melee when you can't necessary get away from danger. In ranged combat, you could always hide or run or use glamor to hide.

Message 9435#98608

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On 1/23/2004 at 7:53pm, Poleaxe wrote:
RE: an elf-fey archer/sorcerer

Thanks for the suggestions, guys. Ingenious, I think the B approach to Prof's is the better way to go. I'll be weaker on Att's, true, but hey, after one single session I could increase two of them by one.

All the suggestions from you and Brian for the vagaries were great and informative. I feel dumb for not thinking of the teleport/phasing thing, Brian, thanks.

I'd also agree with Brian (and apparently) Jake, about not stacking race and nationality bonuses. The races seem to have their own distinct culture which you wouldn't just arbitrarily mix with human nationalities. I suppose you could easily make elf subsets though.

I'm still wondering about the Social Class affect on an elf. Any input?

Oh, and one rules question? I can't use multiple points of MA to reduce my Sneak SR by more than one can I? The rulebook seems to indicate a maximum of a single point reduction per skill.



Message 9435#98641

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On 1/23/2004 at 8:26pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: an elf-fey archer/sorcerer

I would then put all my profs into a melee weapon and then developed ranged and magic abilities as the character advances.
Wouldn't this make it hard for the character to be an "archer"? Just curious.

Message 9435#98652

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On 1/23/2004 at 8:46pm, toli wrote:
RE: an elf-fey archer/sorcerer

Lxndr wrote:
I would then put all my profs into a melee weapon and then developed ranged and magic abilities as the character advances.
Wouldn't this make it hard for the character to be an "archer"? Just curious.

Yes and no. I would view such a character as "young" and develop into a magic using archer. I suppose I would put one point into bow just to have the prof. I generally approach new characers with 0 insight as quite young and inexperienced. So I even if I had an image in my mind of what the PC would be, he might not be totally there yet.


Message 9435#98657

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On 1/23/2004 at 10:06pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
Re: an elf-fey archer/sorcerer

Poleaxe wrote: Oh, and one rules question? I can't use multiple points of MA to reduce my Sneak SR by more than one can I? The rulebook seems to indicate a maximum of a single point reduction per skill.

You can use as many points as you want on any skill. If you want to improve one skill to 3, at the cost of not improving any others (or whetever) then you can.


Message 9435#98676

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