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Topic: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play
Started by: gobi
Started on: 1/23/2004
Board: RPG Theory

On 1/23/2004 at 7:23pm, gobi wrote:
Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

This is a spinoff from the Mysterious Magic thread.

Harlequin wrote: They're powerful, but I'm unsure about the heavy emphasis on emotion. To me, that's really not a strong identifier of the mythic, the fabulous, or especially of magic realism - the latter in fact seems to be driven by a certain laissez-faire attitude, in fact, the opposite of linking everything to emotion.

Quite right. I was confusing "mythic" with "magical realism." While both treat the fabulous matter-of-factly, I don't know if this leaves much room for players to feel a real connection to the fabulous nature of either genre. Sure, in One Hundred Years of Solitude, no one freaks out about the extra long blood smear moving of its own volition, but we do. Whereas most contemporary fantasy (I'm taking D&D style stuff here) treats as "something fabulous happens because of something you do," I'm keenly interested in changing it to "something fabulous happens because of something you feel." I'll explain why...

"Magic" in a mythic setting isn't so much a seperate dramatic entity, but rather it is the setting itself. The fabulous tends to happen not as a result of willful manipulation by the protagonist, but by more-powerful beings. Even when the fabulous events occur because of protagonistic actions, they're rarely a direct benefit or detriment, but rather used as an tangential explanation for the current state of the world.

"And that's why mosquitos buzz in people's ears." "And that's why the Grand Canyon is so big." "And that's why we sacrifice a goat every full moon." That's pretty much the gist of myth and oral storytelling, I think. A quasi-religious explanation for the natural world and traditional customs. If anyone knows more about the subject than I do, I most certainly defer to the experts.

Personally, I wouldn't have a lot of fun playing a game where everything is in the past tense, so I'd like to add a bit of contemporary game design to the concept of mythic storytelling (or, at least how I see mythic storytelling). I do like the idea that when the fabulous occurs, it is mechanically neutral. However, even if it is neutral, I still think it should have some symbolic relevance to the character. Otherwise, as a player, why do I care?

One method I had suggested in the previous thread, specifically for Gears & Spears, is that characters have a limited repetoire of unambiguous emotions available to them. Further, they can only act in accordance with one emotion. In other words, the characters can only feel one thing at a time and extremely intensely at that. I think connecting the fabulous to emotional responses provides enough distance between cause & effect to distinguish it from the "spell list" magic but not so much that the characters don't care about the fabulous things happening around them.

Do others have a different interpretation of the key characteristics of mythic storytelling and how to make them "playable"?

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Message 9445#98632

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On 1/23/2004 at 8:09pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

I actually was thinking about this exact same problem recently, for a germinating game concept called "Humble Mythologies." I wanted everything in the game to act in mythic ways, but also be very humble and normal-seeming. For instance, the rain might start falling in response to a certain character's emotional state, or another character might be able to always use pay phones without having any change. Simple, modern magics that wouldn't change the fact that the characters were, more or less, ordinary people. It would be a game about minor miracles and the lesser beauties and profanities of the world.

So I've been thinking a lot about what makes things mythic. One of the first things that came to mind is a trick that I've noticed Shreyas using in a lot of the flavor-text of Torchbearer: take one thing and describe it as if it were something else. The first time I noticed this was in the following passage:

Shreyas Sampat wrote: We were late, but we couldn’t run to the morning sanctum. We would be heard, and that is not done. Father walked across the lily petals. No one ever heard him. My brother and I had to wade in the waters. The waves followed us up the stairs tamely, as we climbed to the chamber overlooking the river.

Notice how he makes the metaphor real. He doesn't use a simile or other language to disguise what he wants to say. He describes the waves as if they were dogs following the boys up the stairs.

Also, look at how directly he says "Father walked across the lily petals." He doesn't describe it. He just treats it like the most normal thing in the world. THAT's mythic. Taking the extraordinary and making it normal. Nobilis does this by allowing characters to swallow the sun or move mountains as easily as they would blow their nose.

So, that doesn't tell you how to incorperate that kind of thing into your game, but I'm sure you could come up with mechanics that encouraged those sorts of things.

Message 9445#98647

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On 1/23/2004 at 8:22pm, gobi wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

Damn, I think you nailed something really nice there. If it's really just a matter of describing things in the form of literal metaphors, then I guess there ought to be mechanics that encourage players to not only describe things in such a way but to actually think in such a way. That's hard. Well, for me anyway, so there probably ought to be plenty of examples to go along with such a brain-tripping system.

Message 9445#98649

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On 1/23/2004 at 8:56pm, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

Examples do a lot of work for you. Use them to every advantage.

Neel posted something interesting in the other thread, regarding "establishing a symbolic language"; I thought this was such a blatantly powerful tool that I used explicitly in Torchbearer. The idea behind it was that, once you were entrenched in your symbolic language, you could say things like, "You encounter a woman in a garden; the butterflies will not go near her", and this conveys, "You encounter a woman in a garden; her beauty is proof against the vagaries of experience and age (depending on what concept you tie the butterfly symbol to)". The players are encouraged to narrate fabulous things, because the fabulous is inherently more meaningful than the prosaic, but only in very specific, narrow ways.

Hm. Upon taking a shower and thinking on this more thoroughly, I think what's useful about my system is that the symbolic language is a means, not an end. Making it a tool rather than an accomplishment takes the pressure off Wushu embellishments; it could work here as well.

Message 9445#98659

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On 1/23/2004 at 9:17pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

"The butterflies will not go near her."

Damn fricken' straight, Shreyas. That's a great example. Depending on the context of your symbolic language, "Father walks across the lily petals" could do something very similar, telling you a great deal about the character of "father" without having to use many words. It really is the case that everything is potentially a way of conveying Color in a mythic playing style, and almost needs to be.

What many people miss, I think, is something that Shreyas is hinting at: things need not be incredible effective to be mythic. This is the mistake of thinking all mythic stuff needs to be like Classical Greek or Wuxia heroics. In the context of the game, snuffing out the sun might just be something that people do, just like they would walk down the street. After all, father's ability to walk on lotus petals (as they are floating on the water's surface, presumably) doesn't render him especially effective. It's just another way of getting to the sanctum. It just looks damn cool.

As another example, consider the Matrix, which has killer mythic undertones. If everyone can bend the laws of reality, it doesn't end up meaning much in the game world, just to the audience (who can't bend those laws). In this way, the second two movies ended up being kind of, well, normal. Once Neo and Smith were both flying around and doing wonky stuff, it stopped mattering, because it became normal behavior. They began saving all their budget for effects that were supposed to blow your mind (and often didn't), instead of stuff that just looked really cool (the first movie was basically driven by a strong sense of "coolness").

In many ways, this is why Exalted really doesn't do much for me, in play. I love the setting and I love the concepts and mythology. But the Charm system, which provides the bulk of the coolness factor, mostly revolves around doing really flashy and effective stuff (in combat, in achieving your aims, in sneaking around, etc.). It provides virtually no support for doing mythic stuff just for sheer coolness (having thunder punctuate your threats or flowers blossom in your footsteps), which, to me, is the most exquisite part of the flavor-text.

Message 9445#98663

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On 1/23/2004 at 9:22pm, Calithena wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

This is just a comment based on the gobi/Harlequin interaction on the previous thread. Gobi suggested GG Marquez (not to be confused with Gigi Allen) as an example of what happens depending on feeling, which is a characteristic of the mythic. Then Harlequin disputed that. Superficially I tend to agree, based on my memories of LitToC and OHYoS many years ago, that there's something vaguely laissez-faire-y or 'it just happens'-y about the odd occurences in Garcia Marquez' novels.

However, lots of people think that the magical realist's use of these odd happenings does have a kind of mythic resonance, and read them through Borges' essay "Narrative Art and Magic", which explicitly connects feeling and wish-fulfillment and desire shaping reality to the magical in literature (and then dismisses the psychological novel as the harbinger of a 'false' causality into fiction, in a cute but not strictly necessary move). So I wonder: are we missing the emotional underpinnings of the strange happenings in Garcia Marquez, or are the literary critics wrong to see Marquez-style magical realism as a continuation of the kind of fantasizing we got in William Morris or Poe?

I'd suggest that answers to that question get related back to the RPG issues, but I thought it was worth bringing up even though it's semi-tangential. Since Jonathan Walton's post especially seemed to be leaning towards a magical/mythic world wherein the manifestations of that magic, at least, are quite consonant in scope and feel with the kind of thing we get in magic realism.

Message 9445#98666

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On 1/24/2004 at 12:46am, greyorm wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

Hrm...yes, but the original "Star Wars" is mythological in its scope, and it doesn't use this sort of symbolic language-as-reality (or rather, in the context of a movie, actual mythic actions). So, what's the bridge between these? How is Star Wars mythological? Why do we think it is?

Nonetheless, the above discussion is an incredible movement towards understanding the creation of mythological gameplay.

Message 9445#98697

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On 1/24/2004 at 2:07am, M. J. Young wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

Raven--there may be a confusion between mythic and mythological; I'm not sure, but I think the answer to your Star Wars question lies there: Star Wars is mythic, but not mythological.

Somehow, this thread has me thinking of Harry Potter books. Although there are a lot of magics in it that are rather typical of such ideas, it is also dotted with little things that are fascinating: a mirror that shows you your desires; an unlighter that snuffs out street lights; a bowl in which you can put your memories when your mind gets boggled. There are a lot of these little things that are interesting.

--M. J. Young

Message 9445#98706

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On 1/24/2004 at 5:24am, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

Mythic storytelling depends on multiple elements, including mythic story structure (displayed in Star Wars) and mythological symbolic language (as seem in The Blue Jackal, The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga, The Arabian Nights, et al.)

I think we've done a fairly good job discussing symbolic language (though some tool would be nice); how can we accomplish mythological story structure? How important is it? (It seems that we keep coming around to the topic of enforcing story structure in roleplaying.)

Heroquest got me wondering about the "variations on stories" pattern, as well... what could we do with that?

Message 9445#98721

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On 1/24/2004 at 5:38am, clehrich wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

Shreyas Sampat wrote: how can we accomplish mythological story structure? How important is it? (It seems that we keep coming around to the topic of enforcing story structure in roleplaying.)

One way is to have, either pre-determined or constructed over the course of a campaign, a number of general story-types or -themes. By means of some mechanic or other, such as writing these on cards and playing them, you have players opt to impose a structure temporarily or permanently on a story. So long as this isn't excessively competitive, it essentially amounts to someone "marking" that X story thus far seems more or less like the start of Y story, and that the parallel ought to be respected to some degree. Especially if the list of types and themes can expand over the course of a campaign, such that troubled-romance-B can be made to parallel the previously-worked-out troubled-romance-A, you have the development of a mythic sense of story in terms of a kind of vague destiny-formation: romances of this kind tend to go a certain way, as demonstrated by the first one we had, and now this one will go more or less that way too.

Chris Lehrich
[writing with excessive hyphens from the grave]

Message 9445#98722

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On 1/24/2004 at 5:45am, gobi wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

Shreyas Sampat wrote: I think we've done a fairly good job discussing symbolic language (though some tool would be nice)

What exactly do you mean by "tool"?

Message 9445#98723

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On 1/24/2004 at 4:37pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

M. J. Young wrote: Star Wars is mythic, but not mythological.

Personally, M.J, I always hate it when people make semantic distinctions like that in discussion and don't explain what they mean. It may make all the sense in the world in your head, but that statement doesn't mean anything to me. How are you dividing the mere "mythic" from the "mythological" here? Those words are almost synonymous to me.

Chris Lehrich wrote: One way is to have, either pre-determined or constructed over the course of a campaign, a number of general story-types or -themes. By means of some mechanic or other, such as writing these on cards and playing them, you have players opt to impose a structure temporarily or permanently on a story.

I actually did this recently in a fairy-tale centered freeform supernatural investigators-type game, using Once Upon a Time cards. It had only limited success, but, over the long term, would have worked beautifully.

Each player got 5 cards at the beginning of each game and could play them at any time to assume narrative control from me (I took a fairly traditional GM role) and narrate their card into the story. So they would add a "Wolf" or "King" or "Witch" or "People Fall in Love," etc. The coolest part was, in addition to giving the players more initiative and game-ownership, it also slowly began building a common symbolic language, because once the "Wolf" card had been narrated into the story, it ceased to be just "Wolf" and became "that Wolf we met in the woods one time who helped us rescue Emily's sister from the witch." So when the card came up again, the players already had all these connotations from earlier interactions with it.

Actually, I imagine that this would be what would happen with the Torches in Torchbearer, where certain themes would gain more and more powerful connotations as the game went on. Butterflies might start out being a symbol of "Ephemeral Beauty" say, but, through play, they would gain additional meanings, depending on in what context the butterflies consistently appeared.

Shreyas Sampat wrote: It seems that we keep coming around to the topic of enforcing story structure in roleplaying.

That must be the Simulationist in all of us, trying to create the feeling of myth in a medium where it's difficult to predict which direction things will go. There was no real story structure to my Once Upon a Time mod, and the stories were often not as fulfilling as real fairy tales, because nothing would ever wrap up in a nice little tight package, since it was completely improvised and not predetermined.

Then again, recently I've been wondering about the amount of freedom and leeway in all the roleplaying games that I know (with the possible exception, maybe, of the Pokemon Adventure Game, which I've been desparately trying to find a copy of). In some ways, I think the amount of player choice in setting up and executing an aesthetic experience leads to less controls that could potentially ensure that play would be fun. Experienced players who know what they like and how to make that happen are not a real danger, but if people are unfamiliar with the style of play you want them to perform, they're likely to botch early attempts at play, and may not be persistent enough to learn a new style of play, ditching your game for something they understand better. If you want an example of this, just look at "Continuum," which I love, but still don't feel like I could play effectively.

If you're trying to do some kind of mythic simulation, it seems to me that less player choice might actually be a reasonable place to go. Some players will scream and gnash their teeth, but I don't seen anything that strange about creating a game where players take on predetermined characters that are required to do certain things. That happens in the theater all the time. Even in improv, performers often have set characters who they know are going to do x, y, and z, but then improvize the rest.

Say, for example, you decide you're going to tell a story about the God of the Earth and the God of the Sun. You decide that the climax of the story will be the Sun gorging itself and growing dangerously powerful (turning into a Red Giant, basically, but in mythic terms), leading to the destruction of all life on Earth, and maybe the planet itself. If the players know for sure that this is going to happen, they can prepare for it. Maybe the Earth will decide to fall in love with the Sun, to set up a epic heartbreak and betrayal. Maybe the Sun's player will decide to play the character as oblivious to the dangers of his actions, or as full-knowing. The fun it then in deciding how to set up and play out certain scenes, instead of deciding what they will be about. You could even publish lists of plots, not as examples, but for people to actually play. Less player choice, but not a worse game setup, I think.

Gee that was a long post.

Message 9445#98782

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On 1/24/2004 at 5:17pm, Harlequin wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

That last, Johnathan, brings to mind a link I ran across a while ago - the Amor Fati site describing their Fateplay system, which I'm looking to partially emulate in my own game right now. Which centers on the idea that, if it's central to the engine (in their game it is the engine), players don't actually object to taking on "necessities" provided they're left with enough general scope outside of those, and in their interpretation/implementation.

However, I also think that we may be headed into a blind alley associating "trying for the mythic feel" with "need to achieve a given story structure." I think I disagree, overall, with this; that if the elements are appropriate, the mythic quality emerges regardless of structure. Or if there are structural constraints, they're no more difficult to achieve than other structural constraints - such as Story Now - that we're used to trying for.

Motifs and symbology certainly go a long way toward this feel. Including structural elements the same way as you include these, such as in the Once Upon a Time mod (where "people fall in love" is as common as "a beggar"), but with no special stress, seems IMO to put the right level of emphasis on them... and a good degree of player discretion.

Some use of predestination is probably not only a good element, but also a good tool for achieving some structure. I mind me of a Continuum game (which hit exactly the "not fully comfortable with the mindset" note mentioned earlier), where a PC was standing guard in a hotel lobby, keeping watch for the bad guys and, in particular, one woman who'd been described to him but he had never met. Then her voice, from behind his chair, hisses to him, "I thought we agreed you would stay out of this operation." In context, it's obvious that she has mistaken him for his future self. By the peculiar logic of the game, if true, her words entail a form of predestination... because by knowing that he will someday betray his friends, he knows that this cannot be bucked, and has to just start mentally preparing himself for that day. Wonderful stuff. (He did a fabulous job of BSing her, too, rather than dispel the mistake. Had the room in stitches.)

I wanted themes of betrayal, and that game - by having a predestination engine that works - gave them to me in one short sentence, spoken by a woman whose future self they had already killed.

Lacking time travel, one could nonetheless take a serious leaf from that book - or, rather, from the practical experience of running it - for any game wanting to play with fates as a structural tool. Elements of successful design there I'd pick out: (A) Ultimately, you must fulfill the destined act. (B) However, you have full discretion on when you do so. (C) Failing to do so before your death is, nonetheless, a serious problem (in this case inflicting large amounts of "Frag" aka paradox on everybody who both knows that you're dead and that you didn't accomplish X). (D) Some things become clear to the players before the characters, due to watching cross-table. I'd play this up more, in a fate-heavy mythic game.

In fact, riffing on point D, one thought (probably too art-house to be playable, but interesting as a talking point): A story modeled on The Princess Bride, The Neverending Story, and like tales...

Play proceeds in two phases.

Play in phase B will look pretty normal, with a GM and several players, playing protagonists in the narrative.

Play in phase A, however, is taken to be the "framing device" as used in those stories. The kid hearing a story from grandpa, or the boy reading a book, or what have you. The way I'd set this up would be for the GM to play the boy, and the others (collaboratively, or by turns) acting as the "grandpa" who already knows what is to come. "She does not get eaten by eels at this time." In this way, the players get to enforce limited amounts of predestination upon themselves, it's not coming from the GM at all. The GM, as the child, prompts (by asking questions of grandpa!) which elements are of interest, what he's "worried about" and which therefore needs some predestination applied.

We might have a brief Phase A period at the start of each session, or it might be a resource thing (spend a Plot Die to break to the framing device). Either way would be fine by me.

I suspect that any predestination scheme, done well (see A through D above), would produce some strong mythic quality simply by including that element, never mind its involvement as a tool toward guiding overall story structure.


- Eric

Message 9445#98786

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On 1/24/2004 at 6:01pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

Harlequin wrote: Si?

Totally. Lots of great stuff there, Eric. But we should probably take it to another thread, to keep from derailing the myth topic, since our concerns have drifted to something less specific.

The new, related thread is here:

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Topic 9464

Message 9445#98791

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On 1/24/2004 at 6:50pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

Jonathan Walton wrote: Personally, M.J, I always hate it when people make semantic distinctions like that in discussion and don't explain what they mean. It may make all the sense in the world in your head, but that statement doesn't mean anything to me. How are you dividing the mere "mythic" from the "mythological" here? Those words are almost synonymous to me.

I echo these comments -- I do not see the distinction at all, as the words are utterly synonymous to me. Could you expand upon what concretely seperates these two terms for you?

Note that I won't necessarily agree, but I'm interested in how something could be mythic and not mythological, and vice-versa; particularly what stories fall into the two categories, and how one would run a mythic game as opposed to a mythological game (again, presuming there is a difference)?

Message 9445#98798

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On 1/25/2004 at 12:07am, Bill_White wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

What's the difference between "mythic" and "mythological"? Here's the distinction that I would offer. It draws upon the already-raised distinction between myth-as-logic and myth-as-structure in a story.

I would use one of the terms ("mythic" or "mythological") to refer to the stylistic features associated with the causal logic common in myths, fairy tales, and legends: fabulous things happen because of their symbolic resonance with what has gone before, or what is to come. The snake crawls on the ground because it tempted the woman and was cursed; the spider spins because it was once a seamstress who excited the envy of a goddess; that mountain was once a giant who fell asleep after long labor. "Causation" in myth is less cause-and-effect than it is the deed-and-just-desserts. Things happen as a way of holding creatures responsible for their actions.

I would use the other term to refer to the narrative structures and plot elements common to myths: the Campbellian hero who is dispatched on a quest or who leaves the Fields We Know to avenge some villainy, the magical helpers, instruments, and other allies who appear to help the hero overcome the tests and challenges he faces (and as rewards for overcoming them), and so on and so forth. A Russian folklorist named Vladimir Propp identified a few dozen typical motifs of this sort. A professor of cultural studies named A.A. Berger argues that all genre fiction displays these narrative structures as well, with variations in the surface detail.

I think M.J. Young would label the first property "mythological" and the second "mythic"--my preference would be to reverse the labels, but in any event the distinction is the same.

I'm grappling with some of the same issues in a game I'm working on called Rune Saga. In my case, I'm interested in focusing attention on the "mythic" (as M.J. would have it). But the notion of layering meanings somehow within the mechanical elements of the game is I think common both approaches. Here's how I talk about the "Rune Deck" in my game:

[code]The Rune Deck comprises 32 cards, divided into four suits of eight cards. Each suit is marked by one of the four signs (sothas, taenas, luemas, or maegas) and contains one card of each of the eight sigils (ael, bes, cadh, din, eth, fel, ghot, and hin).

The four signs each have a number of meanings. At the literal level, the word sothas means swords (soth is singular), taenas means coins, luemas means stars, and maegas means staves (i.e., staffs). At a more metaphorical level, sothas implies bravery (i.e., physical courage or ability), taenas suggests cleverness (i.e., social and language skills), luemas connotes virtue (i.e., moral rectitude, ethical propriety, and religious piety), and maegas means wisdom (i.e., intellectual or cognitive ability and breadth and depth of obtained knowledge). Additionally, each sign implies the particular field or domain of activity in which its attribute is pre-eminent, i.e., (a) battle, strife, or physical conflict for sothas, (b) negotiation, communication, or social interaction for taenas; (c) moral decision-making and commitment to principle for luemas; and (d) cognition and intellectual inquiry, formal study or training, or logical reasoning for maegas.

Each of the eight sigils also has an associated meaning. At the literal level, ael means child, bes means lady (or woman), cadh means man, din means tree, eth means mount, fel means moon, ghot means sun, and hin means world. At a more metaphoric level, (1) ael (child) refers to (a) a novice or newcomer or (b) one who is subordinate to or guided by somone or something else, (2) bes (woman) refers to any stereotypically feminine property or principle, e.g., motherhood; (3) cadh (man) means a stereotypically masculine characteristic or pursuit, e.g., aggressiveness or aggression; (4) din (tree) makes reference to some more-or-less stable system of connections and relations: some sort of pattern or web; (5) eth (mount) describes any more-or-less compact edifice, body, structure, or aggregation of material; (6) fel (moon) means either (a) a lack, absence, or void or (b) self-serving or self-aggrandizing behavior; (7) ghot (sun) indicates a positive goal, aspiration, or ideal; and (8) hin (world) describes any varied expanse or encompassing terrain. In terms of the types of "characters" in the game, (1) ael refers to heroes, (2) bes refers to innocents, (3) cadh refers to elder, and (4) din refers to groups. Additionally, (5) eth refers to obstacles, (6) fel refers to spirits, (7) ghot refers to artifacts, and (8) hin refers to locations.

The 32 different combinations of sign and sigil — i.e., runes — thus each have a variety of potential interpretations depending upon whether the surface or metaphorical level of meanings is attended to. The rune "ael sothas" is thus read as the Child of Swords, and may be taken to mean many things, including a soldier's child, a raw recruit, an inxperienced swordsman, an athlete, an injury (the product or "child" of a physical encounter, i.e.), and so forth, depending upon the context in which the rune appears and the interpretation offered by the narrator.[/code]

Message 9445#98829

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On 1/26/2004 at 4:46am, M. J. Young wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

Reverend 'greyorm' Ravenscrye Daegmorgan wrote:
Jonathan Walton wrote: Personally, M.J, I always hate it when people make semantic distinctions like that in discussion and don't explain what they mean. It may make all the sense in the world in your head, but that statement doesn't mean anything to me. How are you dividing the mere "mythic" from the "mythological" here? Those words are almost synonymous to me.

I echo these comments -- I do not see the distinction at all, as the words are utterly synonymous to me. Could you expand upon what concretely seperates these two terms for you?
Bill White makes some excellent points worth examination, but I don't know that this is precisely what I was after.

I think that Star Wars is mythic, because it has fantastic elements that resemble mythologies and presents a sweeping story on a world stage. I don't think it's mythological. That is, it is like mythology but it is not mythology. Lord of the Rings, on the other hand, is mythological, to my mind, because it goes beyond this to engage mortal man with supernatural beings in a struggle that is itself supernatural, having to do with gods or demons or others who are not, strictly speaking, part of the mortal world.

Star Wars lacks this supernatural element, I think. Yes, the force seems paranormal or supernormal, but even in the original three films it always felt like it was a natural physical force within the universe that some people could tap, and the more the stories grew the more that seemed to be the case. In the first of the Star Wars novels, the author created an animal that used the force to hunt and another animal that created a null space in the force to be undetectable--the force was reduced to just another factor in the environment. In the prequels, we're suddenly given a completely natural/pseudo-scientific explanation for the ability of some people to use the force. It is fantasy, and it tells a story on mythic scale, but it avoids the supernatural elements that push it to actually being mythological.

Now, that may be a distinction I can't defend, but that is how I've seen the terms used. I have often heard people say that stories are mythic when they achieve world-shaking levels, but they don't call them mythological unless they have this connection between the natural and the supernatural.

I would also say that stories can be mythological without being mythic, by this understanding. Probably a lot of the episodes of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys would fall into this category, as they frequently involved the gods, but frankly weren't terribly important events in the history of the world.

--M. J. Young

Message 9445#98953

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On 1/26/2004 at 5:28am, clehrich wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play


I've been waiting to jump in here, but now that you've defined terms, my only question is this: do you lean on some source, or is this simply your way of looking at the terms? That is, are you drawing on scholarship on myth, mythology, etc., or are you working more or less by your "feel" for what mythology is about? I'm just wondering why you've brought this in.

Chris Lehrich

Message 9445#98955

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On 1/26/2004 at 5:43am, M. J. Young wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

By the way, welcome back, Chris. It's good to see you again.

Why did I bring up some difference between mythic and mythological?

Because Raven wrote: Hrm...yes, but the original "Star Wars" is mythological in its scope, and it doesn't use this sort of symbolic language-as-reality (or rather, in the context of a movie, actual mythic actions). So, what's the bridge between these? How is Star Wars mythological? Why do we think it is?
It seems to me that Star Wars is mythic, in that it deals with great themes and universe-shattering issues and with fantastic events, including a struggle between good and evil, but that it is not mythological, and I, at least, don't think it is.

A lot of what Daniel was suggesting was getting closer to mythological, in some ways more so than to mythic (the trail of blood, for example, really gets close to some sort of supernatural entity involvement, but it is not mythic, particularly "in scope"). I was thinking that a confusion between mythological content and mythic scope would probably derail the thread.

As to my source, Chris, I'm near fifty, haven't been a student for a quarter century nor a professor for a score of years, and often I have no idea where I got some of the things I've picked up. Years ago I read an authoritative statement that "O.K." should always be spelled exactly that way (it was an etymological argument), but a couple years back I had an argument with an editor who insisted that it should be "OK" in his e-zine, and cited some recent handbook on style. On this particular point, I already stated that I probably can't defend it--my efforts to find a source swiftly uncovered nothing--but although the words seem to be very similar in definition, they have not in my experience been interchangeable.

Of course, words change over time, usually losing distinction, so it may be usage that has fallen by the wayside.

--M. J. Young

Message 9445#98956

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On 1/26/2004 at 5:58am, clehrich wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play


Thanks for the re-welcome. Glad somebody noticed I was gone, much less back!

As to myth, I'm actually not trying to demand some authority or whatever. I drafted literally five versions of why, and none of them worked, and so I sent out the post without and hoped it wouldn't come up. Wouldn't you know it, that was the first thing. It's just that if you had someone, sort of like Ron leans on Egri and so forth, it would greatly simplify getting at what you had in mind. Anyway, that's not where you're at, so OK. Or O.K. Or okay. etc.

First of all, just to get this out of the way, my own definitions and what I see as currently "doing" in the disciplines that are big on myth these days would basically throw out just about all of this discussion anyway (and chuck babies, bathwater, and boopkus). I don't want to get into it, and I promise that most of you don't either (M.J., you might, actually, but it would belong in PM).

The reason I asked was that I genuinely do not understand, even after your definitions of terms, why this distinction challenges or alters interpretation of the concern at hand. It seems to me that the essential topic here is something about how one goes about creating a myth/ic/ological "feel", and that the main examples have come from things like fairy tales and magic realism. So I think that your insertion of a distinction between mythic and mythological intends to drive a wedge into this, to make some sort of division, either for analytical or synthetic purposes. Presumably, you think that creating one of these things is quite different from creating the other, and based on different principles, unless I am just lost. But at base, I do not understand (1) what the division is, or (2) why its insertion clarifies matters.

Speaking of clarifying matters, does this do so at all?

Chris Lehrich

Message 9445#98958

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On 1/26/2004 at 2:12pm, gobi wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

clehrich wrote: Speaking of clarifying matters, does this do so at all?

This is an intriguing discussion, but perhaps one better left to a seperate thread or PMs. Let's assume from this point forward that we're attempting to capture the feel of the more general, non-exclusive definition of mythic/mythological, and that some, like myself, will be using both terms interchangeabely. Let's move on from there, shall we?

In the "Bounded" thread spun off from this one, I had suggested a technique from improv comedy wherein characters can only speak lines of dialogue that the audience members have dropped into a hat. The RPG adaptation I had made to this technique was to have players write plot elements on the slips of paper and take turns integrating them into the story. As the story moves along, the players get a better sense of the direction of the story, get further ideas, and may drop their newly inspired plot elements into the hat with all the rest. In retrospect, this seems like a very customized version of Story Cards.

In any case, could this be used in a more mythic context? Instead of plot elements or lines of dialogue, the papers could have "fabulous things" written on them. When a task resolution roll determines that something fabulous happens, but that the player cannot choose, he must draw a slip of paper from the hat and incorporate it into the world/story. While it deprotagonizes the player a little bit, it also conveys the sudden, surprising nature of the fabulous in mythical stories. Also, because the fabulous things in the hat are written by the players themselves, it is less likely that whatever is drawn would be completely incongruous with the tone of the story thus far.

Message 9445#98984

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On 1/28/2004 at 4:45pm, Mernya wrote:
Capturing the Feel of the Mythic

My primary mythic readings have been Campbell (overdone), the Norse Eddas, Tolkien, and legends of the Pacific Northwest. I've also read some of the suggested books in the GWB at one time or another. And of course, mythologies themselves (although the tellings we receive now are hardly the -mythic- stories they might have been when they were alive).

I know the thread got a little messy with the whole mythic and mythological differences. I'm going to define them for me so you know whether my ideas are pertinent at all.

myth is, outside of Campbellian influence, pretty much just a fantasy story. The myth of the giant catfish in the pond is hardly as inspiring as, say Beowulf, but it is still a myth.

mythic becomes something special because it is profound. That depth is to me, and what I have gotten from your posts - to many of you as well, the true characteristic of mythic.

mythology is a group of myths (a study of myths) that contributes to a greater story, often in the guise of a history.

(so, from my definitions, I see the original Star Wars movies as a myth - even Campbellian but not a mythology. The books have made it that. I honestly don't think it is profound ergo mythic, in fact, I think it has lost some of its depth with the newer movies.)

So, with gobi's question at the beginning of this thread, I am focusing on storytelling the profound.

First, Educate Yourself. We are all (we like to think) fairly intelligent and well read people, but do yourself a favor and get into a culture outside of the classics. Look into Legends of the Pacific Northwest Native Americans, or Australian Aboriginal stories, or the Norse Eddas. One plus to the Pacific Northwest stories is that the writing style, even translated, is not overtly corrected to be modern. You get a different perception and scope on it versus another retelling of reading about Thor cracking someone's skull with Mjolnir. Might be beneficial for telling stories in an oral way.

Second, for something to be profound, it needs to be deep. Build the Onion of your cosmos so that you can peel layers away. I've found that you need to have something behind the scenes for nothing other than internal consistancy, but when glimpses of this Truth can peek out, the mythic shows too. Gandalf dying and returning is fantastic. Knowing what he is and why he came back is profound. You need this Cosmology to base cosmic implications on.

Make extensive use of figures of speech and make them literal. Here are some and their uses:
Metaphor, has been mentioned many times. One thing I want to note is that the story itself should be a metaphor, that gives it depth that we need to be profound. Remember, a metaphor is a direct replacement, not a comparison.

"My heart broke when she left me" is a metaphor

A synedoche is a term for interchanging a part with the whole:
"They clashed steel(sword)", "He's a hired hand(sailor)", "I tried to outrun the law(police car)"

A metonymy is a noun to noun substitution
"Washington(the government) stated that WMD in Iraq..."
"25 souls were lost in an accident..."

We all know what a Paradox is, play it up.
"The silence was deafening."

hyperbole is an exageration that is way out of line... heh.. it can be comical or disastrous.
"I overslept by a million years!" or "This book weighs a ton!"

In addition to making your speech profound, also consider using other forms of speech to provide emphasis or meaning changes where appropriate. See:

In many mythic traditions, the entirety of the story is a metaphor or figure of speech, which leads us to....

Make use of Lessons. A Metaphorical Lesson is a Fable. There is a reason these stories resonate with us. Tolkien staunchly refused that Lord of the Rings was not an Allegory, but it was a fable and there was a lot of meaning in it. There are lessons in it. Tolkien was a deeply moved man with a great sense of loss (childhood, friends, war) and joy (his wife). He was a very Christian man (which is ironic considering how religion has been opposed in fundamental aspects to RPGs which derive so much from him) who believed in the premise of Providence. Tolkien believed in God's Plan and his book shows that. Even if you've only seen the movie, the speech by Gandalf in Moria about Frodo getting the Ring and Gollum still having a part to play is an example of this. Everyone has a purpose, and that is the metaphor of his story. Use Archetypes and Allegories to convey the Metaphors, if you need a little help.

It doesn't need to be overt or for the players to go "Hmm! That's what that was!" but it will assist in you understanding what you want to come from the story on another level. "Slow and Steady wins the Race" for the Tortoise in the Hare can become a template for an antagonist to rush to an end. Once the players learn the lesson, they may be better prepared to deal with a Strategist who is meticulous on the planning stage.

Make your NPCs work for you. Make them easy to associate. Make them have a duty. If you are doing a Slow & Steady type campaign, have an individual associated with haste that screws up, that represents part of the lesson. Have someone representing deliberation or care who benefits from their archetype.

On a final note, magic and mythic tend to rely on correspondences (which I tied to one of my Roots of the World in my Nobilis Game). One of my roots of the world is Dimension, and I defined each of the roots in terms of spiritual/mythic/prosaic. Let me cut to that for a moment...

"Mythically, Dimension's attributes reflect the spiritual. Comparative relationships become a quantification of an attribute, leading to awareness of distance, volumes, time and other formula of measurements. Relationship itself becomes threads of correspondence and coincidence. Mythically, Correspondence is the spiritual relationship between two concepts that are generally directly unrelated on the Prosaic side (because it unites the spiritual, which is truer). When this Correspondence ties 'unrelated' events together, we perceive coincidence."

So, what I want to get at is that one way you can make things more magical and mythic is to tie things together via correspondences. For example, in the Hebrew alphabet, the letters are more than just a language. Flowers have meanings in Nobilis that are more than just their botanical name. A gemstone might have a color that means X while the composition means a certain month, time of day, constellation, etc Bridge things and their meanings and you will get mythic correspondences.

Message 9445#99348

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On 1/28/2004 at 7:16pm, Harlequin wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

A note on that last: As I understand it, Chinese myth in particular is a treasure-house of such correspondences. The Dragon of the North whose body is iron, whose house is the Yangtse, whose element is Air, mood is phlegmatic and whose jewel is amethyst, is wholly invented on my part but fits the typical form of such myth-structures exactly. So if you want to replicate that culture, this is probably the key construction.

In North American myth, you'd focus on different elements, such as personality and past acts of the mythological characters, and magical power ('medicine') invested in objects. The stress moves to a different aspect of myth-structure.

I suspect the tricky one is actually the ill-defined "European myth" form which includes everything from the Odyssey to Peer Gynt, and I would offer as insight that most of the really good "mythic roleplay" setups I have seen took a more narrow cultural focus than this. There may be some common feel there which is independent of culture, but I think the distinctions between Japanese myth and Mayan legend are in many ways stronger than the commonalities, apart from general concerns of (a) language structure and heavy use of symbolism, and (b) story structure, the explanatory myth or the cautionary tale and so on.

So if we want to proceed past "use and somehow promote/enforce story structures reminiscent of myth" and "increase your use of symbolic language and somehow promote/enfore players and GM doing the same," then I think more narrow study runs up against cultural lines pretty fast. So let us perhaps add "research the culture and myth-cycles you specifically wish to emulate" to that advice, and focus on the "somehows" in the above: how does one promote (a) story-structure and (b) appropriate language, not in the rulebook proper but in the playgroups and their actual play?

Some of the answers there (have them use appropriate metaphorical names instead of more modern adjectives for statistics, cf. Lord of the Five Rings) are obvious; some are presumably not. The draw-slips method for promoting story-structure I personally have a problem with, because I don't see that bringing about the explanatory myth, nor the cautionary, nor the coming-of-age story, directly; the scale feels wrong. [One could, however, perhaps run an interesting Gamist myth game where these are the hidden objectives of the players... make it into one of the above without ruining anyone else's form. Tricky to write, though.]

- Eric

Message 9445#99369

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On 1/28/2004 at 10:23pm, gobi wrote:
RE: Towards Mythic Storytelling and Mythic Role-play

Harlequin wrote: Some of the answers there (have them use appropriate metaphorical names instead of more modern adjectives for statistics, cf. Lord of the Five Rings) are obvious; some are presumably not. The draw-slips method for promoting story-structure I personally have a problem with, because I don't see that bringing about the explanatory myth, nor the cautionary, nor the coming-of-age story, directly; the scale feels wrong.

That was just a suggestion to get us back on topic, to be honest. :) It would be best for, obviously, the completely-out-of-nowhere weird things that happen in magical realism sometimes. The correspondence would come from playern interpretation.

However, I'm liking where this other idea so headed. Speaking for Gears & Spears (soon to be retitled), I could see the Chinese mythic correspondence structure actually being implemented in a mechanic for creating magical fetishes. The funky thing about fetishes is that they're more like jewelry than the traditional wands and rods from D&D's treasury of magic items. In G&S, fetishes house the "spirits" of nature and call upon their power in exchange for security from the harsh spirit world. For a fetish to be a proper container for a spirit, it must have attached to it numerous little trinkets and augmentations that make it compatible with the intended entity. The aforementioned gemstones, elements and so forth would be a great method to work out a simple fetish creation mechanic. Great idea!

Message 9445#99393

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