The Forge Reference Project


Topic: A Call for A Gazebo of Games
Started by: Liz the RPG Chick
Started on: 1/23/2004
Board: Conventions

On 1/23/2004 at 7:44pm, Liz the RPG Chick wrote:
A Call for A Gazebo of Games

Liz the RPG CHick here, I have been reading the posts about Wild Gazebo's cons and you all have alot of insite. I am now in charge of running th RPG track, and will be cutting my teeth on A Gazebo of Games.

What I am interested in: I want GMS, of all kinds and levels. I want criticism and complaints, questions and comments. And most of all I want you all to come to our convention and have fun. I am interested in having people run short games, demos, tourneys, alternative games, and creative use of space. I will have the same two rooms with 8 tables again. (though this may be the last con at this location.) We will have better sinage and I will be helping get people organized and playing. Ask anyone that knows me, I always end up going around getting people together and playing at cons anyway. I have been concerned that not every game goes off. This time around I want everyone to bring someone. This time if you GM you will get a special collecter's GM prize for running 12 hours (free in for 8). If you voulunteer however you get a PRIZE ticket for every 4 hours (free in for 8 hrs still) That means you can win a couple and earn a couple and get a free copy of risk or axis and allies or something, we always have really nice high end items. And don't forget if you have any old prize tickets, bring them, they are still good.

We are moving things around, and you will be able to find where you are going. Hopefully we will have a much better turn out, mainly because we have already started our new ad campaign, and we are trying to go to every con and talk to people and soforth. We were concerned with everyones responce to the food at the hotel. We will be adding a local interest page to our con book that will include restaurant info. And you can always go to the front desk and ask if there are any delivery menus, that way people don't end up buying fifty hot dogs at $5 a pop, and they weren't even good hot dogs. Did no one pick up the yellow pages and look in them, they're in EVERY ROOM for cryin out loud. OK pet peeve...

If you belong to a gaming group, (lucky, you don't reallizes how lucky you are until you move far, far away, sniff..) then get a bunch of you together, run some, play some and share rooms and costs. We will bill your games as member's of that group. some one's birthday? Have all of your games run under happy bday bill gaming group. cheesy i know, but we are gaming nerds are we not?

Want to run a game and don't know how? or need some support? Email me and I will help by hooking you up with someone, myself even if time permits, (no, not that way) to help you out or give you some advice. The best advice I can give is to go for it with as much energy as you can give, if you don't know what to say, move around and act stuff out, If you're entertaining enough the gamers won't care what your saying because they are too busy trying to figure out what you're doing. Wearing shiny objects helps.

As always there is a ton of info at our website, and you can email me directly at, and post, discuss, figure out what you want at this con. I, and the rest of our con crew welcome comments from the peanut gallery. What can I say i'm new at this. THe point of all of this is, I want to have fun, and I want everyone to have fun. I want this con to be perfect, and I don't want any postings with any criticisms afterwards. yeah, right. So lob all your complaints now or forever hold your peace. Some things we can fix this time, some tings we can't at this hotel. Oh, one more thing. If anyone has a suggestion for where they would like the next con (in the central jersey area) let us know

PS I apologise in advance, my spelling is horrible

Message 9446#98638

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